Grub =============== Grub is a real-time synced grocery list. Mainly it's a way for me to play around with Clojure[Script] and core.async. Install dependencies ------------ - Java - Datomic - Set environment variables: `DATOMIC_HOME=<Datomic directory>` `DATOMIC_TRANSACTOR_PROPERTIES_DIR=<directory with file>` - Add Datomic credentials to `~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg` per Datomic instructions. - Leiningen Build for development ------- ``` $ ./scripts/start_datomic $ lein cljsbuild auto dev $ lein run dev ``` Navigate to http://localhost:3000. Run unit tests with `lein midje` and end-to-end tests with `lein run e2e`. Build for production ------- ``` $ lein cljsbuild once prod $ lein run prod ``` Or you can run the `scripts/` script to get a deployment JAR.