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Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
The integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction. The representation of the integers is
chosen to compute efficiently.
To faciliate proving things about these operations, we show that the integers are a quotient of
× with the usual equivalence relation, ≡, and functions
abstr : ×
repr : ×
abstr_repr (a : ) : abstr (repr a) = a
repr_abstr (p : × ) : repr (abstr p) ≡ p
abstr_eq (p q : × ) : p ≡ q → abstr p = abstr q
For example, to "lift" statements about add to statements about padd, we need to prove the
repr_add (a b : ) : repr (a + b) = padd (repr a) (repr b)
padd_congr (p p' q q' : × ) (H1 : p ≡ p') (H2 : q ≡ q') : padd p q ≡ p' q'
import data.nat.basic data.nat.order data.nat.sub data.prod
import algebra.relation algebra.binary algebra.ordered_ring
open eq.ops
open prod relation nat
open decidable binary
/- the type of integers -/
inductive int : Type :=
| of_nat : nat → int
| neg_succ_of_nat : nat → int
notation `` := int
definition int.of_num [coercion] [reducible] [constructor] (n : num) : :=
int.of_nat (nat.of_num n)
namespace int
attribute int.of_nat [coercion]
2015-09-30 17:06:31 +02:00
notation `-[1+ ` n `]` := int.neg_succ_of_nat n -- for pretty-printing output
/- definitions of basic functions -/
definition neg_of_nat :
| 0 := 0
| (succ m) := -[1+ m]
definition sub_nat_nat (m n : ) : :=
match n - m with
| 0 := m - n -- m ≥ n
| (succ k) := -[1+ k] -- m < n, and n - m = succ k
definition neg (a : ) : :=
int.cases_on a neg_of_nat succ
definition add :
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := m + n
| (of_nat m) -[1+ n] := sub_nat_nat m (succ n)
| -[1+ m] (of_nat n) := sub_nat_nat n (succ m)
| -[1+ m] -[1+ n] := neg_of_nat (succ m + succ n)
definition mul :
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := m * n
| (of_nat m) -[1+ n] := neg_of_nat (m * succ n)
| -[1+ m] (of_nat n) := neg_of_nat (succ m * n)
| -[1+ m] -[1+ n] := succ m * succ n
/- notation -/
protected definition prio : num := num.pred std.priority.default
prefix [priority int.prio] - := int.neg
infix [priority int.prio] + := int.add
infix [priority int.prio] * := int.mul
/- some basic functions and properties -/
theorem of_nat.inj {m n : } (H : of_nat m = of_nat n) : m = n :=
int.no_confusion H imp.id
theorem eq_of_of_nat_eq_of_nat {m n : } (H : of_nat m = of_nat n) : m = n :=
of_nat.inj H
theorem of_nat_eq_of_nat_iff (m n : ) : of_nat m = of_nat n ↔ m = n :=
iff.intro of_nat.inj !congr_arg
theorem neg_succ_of_nat.inj {m n : } (H : neg_succ_of_nat m = neg_succ_of_nat n) : m = n :=
int.no_confusion H imp.id
theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq (n : ) : -[1+ n] = -(n + 1) := rfl
private definition has_decidable_eq₂ : Π (a b : ), decidable (a = b)
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := decidable_of_decidable_of_iff
(nat.has_decidable_eq m n) (iff.symm (of_nat_eq_of_nat_iff m n))
| (of_nat m) -[1+ n] := inr (by contradiction)
| -[1+ m] (of_nat n) := inr (by contradiction)
| -[1+ m] -[1+ n] := if H : m = n then
inl (congr_arg neg_succ_of_nat H) else inr (not.mto neg_succ_of_nat.inj H)
definition has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq := has_decidable_eq₂
theorem of_nat_add (n m : nat) : of_nat (n + m) = of_nat n + of_nat m := rfl
theorem of_nat_succ (n : ) : of_nat (succ n) = of_nat n + 1 := rfl
theorem of_nat_mul (n m : ) : of_nat (n * m) = of_nat n * of_nat m := rfl
theorem sub_nat_nat_of_ge {m n : } (H : m ≥ n) : sub_nat_nat m n = of_nat (m - n) :=
show sub_nat_nat m n = nat.cases_on 0 (m - n) _, from (sub_eq_zero_of_le H) ▸ rfl
local attribute sub_nat_nat [reducible]
theorem sub_nat_nat_of_lt {m n : } (H : m < n) :
sub_nat_nat m n = -[1+ pred (n - m)] :=
have H1 : n - m = succ (pred (n - m)), from (succ_pred_of_pos (sub_pos_of_lt H))⁻¹,
show sub_nat_nat m n = nat.cases_on (succ (pred (n - m))) (m - n) _, from H1 ▸ rfl
definition nat_abs (a : ) : := int.cases_on a function.id succ
theorem nat_abs_of_nat (n : ) : nat_abs n = n := rfl
theorem eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero : Π {a : }, nat_abs a = 0 → a = 0
| (of_nat m) H := congr_arg of_nat H
| -[1+ m'] H := absurd H !succ_ne_zero
/- int is a quotient of ordered pairs of natural numbers -/
protected definition equiv (p q : × ) : Prop := pr1 p + pr2 q = pr2 p + pr1 q
2015-09-30 17:06:31 +02:00
local infix ≡ := int.equiv
protected theorem equiv.refl [refl] {p : × } : p ≡ p := !add.comm
protected theorem equiv.symm [symm] {p q : × } (H : p ≡ q) : q ≡ p :=
pr1 q + pr2 p = pr2 p + pr1 q : add.comm
... = pr1 p + pr2 q : H⁻¹
... = pr2 q + pr1 p : add.comm
protected theorem equiv.trans [trans] {p q r : × } (H1 : p ≡ q) (H2 : q ≡ r) : p ≡ r :=
add.cancel_right (calc
pr1 p + pr2 r + pr2 q = pr1 p + pr2 q + pr2 r : add.right_comm
... = pr2 p + pr1 q + pr2 r : {H1}
2015-07-22 10:13:19 -07:00
... = pr2 p + (pr1 q + pr2 r) : add.assoc
... = pr2 p + (pr2 q + pr1 r) : {H2}
... = pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 r : add.assoc
... = pr2 p + pr1 r + pr2 q : add.right_comm)
protected theorem equiv_equiv : is_equivalence int.equiv :=
is_equivalence.mk @equiv.refl @equiv.symm @equiv.trans
protected theorem equiv_cases {p q : × } (H : p ≡ q) :
(pr1 p ≥ pr2 p ∧ pr1 q ≥ pr2 q) (pr1 p < pr2 p ∧ pr1 q < pr2 q) :=
or.elim (@le_or_gt (pr2 p) (pr1 p))
(suppose pr1 p ≥ pr2 p,
have pr2 p + pr1 q ≥ pr2 p + pr2 q, from H ▸ add_le_add_right this (pr2 q),
or.inl (and.intro `pr1 p ≥ pr2 p` (le_of_add_le_add_left this)))
(suppose pr1 p < pr2 p,
have pr2 p + pr1 q < pr2 p + pr2 q, from H ▸ add_lt_add_right this (pr2 q),
or.inr (and.intro `pr1 p < pr2 p` (lt_of_add_lt_add_left this)))
protected theorem equiv_of_eq {p q : × } (H : p = q) : p ≡ q := H ▸ equiv.refl
/- the representation and abstraction functions -/
definition abstr (a : × ) : := sub_nat_nat (pr1 a) (pr2 a)
theorem abstr_of_ge {p : × } (H : pr1 p ≥ pr2 p) : abstr p = of_nat (pr1 p - pr2 p) :=
sub_nat_nat_of_ge H
theorem abstr_of_lt {p : × } (H : pr1 p < pr2 p) :
abstr p = -[1+ pred (pr2 p - pr1 p)] :=
sub_nat_nat_of_lt H
definition repr : ×
| (of_nat m) := (m, 0)
| -[1+ m] := (0, succ m)
theorem abstr_repr : Π (a : ), abstr (repr a) = a
| (of_nat m) := (sub_nat_nat_of_ge (zero_le m))
| -[1+ m] := rfl
theorem repr_sub_nat_nat (m n : ) : repr (sub_nat_nat m n) ≡ (m, n) :=
(take H : m < n,
have H1 : repr (sub_nat_nat m n) = (0, n - m), by
rewrite [sub_nat_nat_of_lt H, -(succ_pred_of_pos (sub_pos_of_lt H))],
H1⁻¹ ▸ (!zero_add ⬝ (sub_add_cancel (le_of_lt H))⁻¹))
(take H : m ≥ n,
have H1 : repr (sub_nat_nat m n) = (m - n, 0), from sub_nat_nat_of_ge H ▸ rfl,
H1⁻¹ ▸ ((sub_add_cancel H) ⬝ !zero_add⁻¹))
theorem repr_abstr (p : × ) : repr (abstr p) ≡ p :=
!prod.eta ▸ !repr_sub_nat_nat
theorem abstr_eq {p q : × } (Hequiv : p ≡ q) : abstr p = abstr q :=
or.elim (int.equiv_cases Hequiv)
(and.rec (assume (Hp : pr1 p ≥ pr2 p) (Hq : pr1 q ≥ pr2 q),
have H : pr1 p - pr2 p = pr1 q - pr2 q, from
calc pr1 p - pr2 p
= pr1 p + pr2 q - pr2 q - pr2 p : add_sub_cancel
... = pr2 p + pr1 q - pr2 q - pr2 p : Hequiv
... = pr2 p + (pr1 q - pr2 q) - pr2 p : add_sub_assoc Hq
... = pr1 q - pr2 q + pr2 p - pr2 p : add.comm
... = pr1 q - pr2 q : add_sub_cancel,
abstr_of_ge Hp ⬝ (H ▸ rfl) ⬝ (abstr_of_ge Hq)⁻¹))
(and.rec (assume (Hp : pr1 p < pr2 p) (Hq : pr1 q < pr2 q),
have H : pr2 p - pr1 p = pr2 q - pr1 q, from
calc pr2 p - pr1 p
= pr2 p + pr1 q - pr1 q - pr1 p : add_sub_cancel
... = pr1 p + pr2 q - pr1 q - pr1 p : Hequiv
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q - pr1 q) - pr1 p : add_sub_assoc (le_of_lt Hq)
... = pr2 q - pr1 q + pr1 p - pr1 p : add.comm
... = pr2 q - pr1 q : add_sub_cancel,
abstr_of_lt Hp ⬝ (H ▸ rfl) ⬝ (abstr_of_lt Hq)⁻¹))
theorem equiv_iff (p q : × ) : (p ≡ q) ↔ (abstr p = abstr q) :=
iff.intro abstr_eq (assume H, equiv.trans (H ▸ equiv.symm (repr_abstr p)) (repr_abstr q))
theorem equiv_iff3 (p q : × ) : (p ≡ q) ↔ ((p ≡ p) ∧ (q ≡ q) ∧ (abstr p = abstr q)) :=
iff.trans !equiv_iff (iff.symm
(iff.trans (and_iff_right !equiv.refl) (and_iff_right !equiv.refl)))
theorem eq_abstr_of_equiv_repr {a : } {p : × } (Hequiv : repr a ≡ p) : a = abstr p :=
!abstr_repr⁻¹ ⬝ abstr_eq Hequiv
theorem eq_of_repr_equiv_repr {a b : } (H : repr a ≡ repr b) : a = b :=
eq_abstr_of_equiv_repr H ⬝ !abstr_repr
local attribute abstr [reducible]
local attribute dist [reducible]
theorem nat_abs_abstr : Π (p : × ), nat_abs (abstr p) = dist (pr1 p) (pr2 p)
| (m, n) := lt_ge_by_cases
(assume H : m < n,
nat_abs (abstr (m, n)) = nat_abs (-[1+ pred (n - m)]) : int.abstr_of_lt H
... = n - m : succ_pred_of_pos (sub_pos_of_lt H)
... = dist m n : dist_eq_sub_of_le (le_of_lt H))
(assume H : m ≥ n, (abstr_of_ge H)⁻¹ ▸ (dist_eq_sub_of_ge H)⁻¹)
theorem cases_of_nat_succ (a : ) : (∃n : , a = of_nat n) (∃n : , a = - (of_nat (succ n))) :=
int.cases_on a (take m, or.inl (exists.intro _ rfl)) (take m, or.inr (exists.intro _ rfl))
theorem cases_of_nat (a : ) : (∃n : , a = of_nat n) (∃n : , a = - of_nat n) :=
or.imp_right (Exists.rec (take n, (exists.intro _))) !cases_of_nat_succ
theorem by_cases_of_nat {P : → Prop} (a : )
(H1 : ∀n : , P (of_nat n)) (H2 : ∀n : , P (- of_nat n)) :
P a :=
or.elim (cases_of_nat a)
(assume H, obtain (n : ) (H3 : a = n), from H, H3⁻¹ ▸ H1 n)
(assume H, obtain (n : ) (H3 : a = -n), from H, H3⁻¹ ▸ H2 n)
theorem by_cases_of_nat_succ {P : → Prop} (a : )
(H1 : ∀n : , P (of_nat n)) (H2 : ∀n : , P (- of_nat (succ n))) :
P a :=
or.elim (cases_of_nat_succ a)
(assume H, obtain (n : ) (H3 : a = n), from H, H3⁻¹ ▸ H1 n)
(assume H, obtain (n : ) (H3 : a = -(succ n)), from H, H3⁻¹ ▸ H2 n)
int is a ring
/- addition -/
definition padd (p q : × ) : × := (pr1 p + pr1 q, pr2 p + pr2 q)
theorem repr_add : Π (a b : ), repr (add a b) ≡ padd (repr a) (repr b)
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := !equiv.refl
| (of_nat m) -[1+ n] := (!zero_add ▸ rfl)⁻¹ ▸ !repr_sub_nat_nat
| -[1+ m] (of_nat n) := (!zero_add ▸ rfl)⁻¹ ▸ !repr_sub_nat_nat
| -[1+ m] -[1+ n] := !repr_sub_nat_nat
theorem padd_congr {p p' q q' : × } (Ha : p ≡ p') (Hb : q ≡ q') : padd p q ≡ padd p' q' :=
calc pr1 p + pr1 q + (pr2 p' + pr2 q')
= pr1 p + pr2 p' + (pr1 q + pr2 q') : add.comm4
... = pr2 p + pr1 p' + (pr1 q + pr2 q') : {Ha}
... = pr2 p + pr1 p' + (pr2 q + pr1 q') : {Hb}
... = pr2 p + pr2 q + (pr1 p' + pr1 q') : add.comm4
theorem padd_comm (p q : × ) : padd p q = padd q p :=
calc (pr1 p + pr1 q, pr2 p + pr2 q)
= (pr1 q + pr1 p, pr2 p + pr2 q) : add.comm
... = (pr1 q + pr1 p, pr2 q + pr2 p) : add.comm
theorem padd_assoc (p q r : × ) : padd (padd p q) r = padd p (padd q r) :=
calc (pr1 p + pr1 q + pr1 r, pr2 p + pr2 q + pr2 r)
= (pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr1 r), pr2 p + pr2 q + pr2 r) : add.assoc
... = (pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr1 r), pr2 p + (pr2 q + pr2 r)) : add.assoc
theorem add.comm (a b : ) : a + b = b + a :=
eq_of_repr_equiv_repr (equiv.trans !repr_add
(equiv.symm (!padd_comm ▸ !repr_add)))
theorem add.assoc (a b c : ) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) :=
eq_of_repr_equiv_repr (calc
repr (a + b + c)
≡ padd (repr (a + b)) (repr c) : repr_add
... ≡ padd (padd (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : padd_congr !repr_add !equiv.refl
... = padd (repr a) (padd (repr b) (repr c)) : !padd_assoc
... ≡ padd (repr a) (repr (b + c)) : padd_congr !equiv.refl !repr_add
... ≡ repr (a + (b + c)) : repr_add)
theorem add_zero : Π (a : ), a + 0 = a := int.rec (λm, rfl) (λm, rfl)
theorem zero_add (a : ) : 0 + a = a := !add.comm ▸ !add_zero
/- negation -/
definition pneg (p : × ) : × := (pr2 p, pr1 p)
-- note: this is =, not just ≡
theorem repr_neg : Π (a : ), repr (- a) = pneg (repr a)
| 0 := rfl
| (succ m) := rfl
| -[1+ m] := rfl
theorem pneg_congr {p p' : × } (H : p ≡ p') : pneg p ≡ pneg p' := eq.symm H
theorem pneg_pneg (p : × ) : pneg (pneg p) = p := !prod.eta
theorem nat_abs_neg (a : ) : nat_abs (-a) = nat_abs a :=
nat_abs (-a) = nat_abs (abstr (repr (-a))) : abstr_repr
... = nat_abs (abstr (pneg (repr a))) : repr_neg
... = dist (pr1 (pneg (repr a))) (pr2 (pneg (repr a))) : nat_abs_abstr
... = dist (pr2 (pneg (repr a))) (pr1 (pneg (repr a))) : dist.comm
... = nat_abs (abstr (repr a)) : nat_abs_abstr
... = nat_abs a : abstr_repr
theorem padd_pneg (p : × ) : padd p (pneg p) ≡ (0, 0) :=
show pr1 p + pr2 p + 0 = pr2 p + pr1 p + 0, from !nat.add.comm ▸ rfl
theorem padd_padd_pneg (p q : × ) : padd (padd p q) (pneg q) ≡ p :=
calc pr1 p + pr1 q + pr2 q + pr2 p
= pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr2 q) + pr2 p : nat.add.assoc
... = pr1 p + (pr1 q + pr2 q + pr2 p) : nat.add.assoc
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q + pr1 q + pr2 p) : nat.add.comm
... = pr1 p + (pr2 q + pr2 p + pr1 q) : add.right_comm
... = pr1 p + (pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 q) : nat.add.comm
... = pr2 p + pr2 q + pr1 q + pr1 p : nat.add.comm
theorem add.left_inv (a : ) : -a + a = 0 :=
have H : repr (-a + a) ≡ repr 0, from
repr (-a + a) ≡ padd (repr (neg a)) (repr a) : repr_add
... = padd (pneg (repr a)) (repr a) : repr_neg
... ≡ repr 0 : padd_pneg,
eq_of_repr_equiv_repr H
/- nat abs -/
definition pabs (p : × ) : := dist (pr1 p) (pr2 p)
theorem pabs_congr {p q : × } (H : p ≡ q) : pabs p = pabs q :=
pabs p = nat_abs (abstr p) : nat_abs_abstr
... = nat_abs (abstr q) : abstr_eq H
... = pabs q : nat_abs_abstr
theorem nat_abs_eq_pabs_repr (a : ) : nat_abs a = pabs (repr a) :=
nat_abs a = nat_abs (abstr (repr a)) : abstr_repr
... = pabs (repr a) : nat_abs_abstr
theorem nat_abs_add_le (a b : ) : nat_abs (a + b) ≤ nat_abs a + nat_abs b :=
nat_abs (a + b) = pabs (repr (a + b)) : nat_abs_eq_pabs_repr
... = pabs (padd (repr a) (repr b)) : pabs_congr !repr_add
... ≤ pabs (repr a) + pabs (repr b) : dist_add_add_le_add_dist_dist
... = pabs (repr a) + nat_abs b : nat_abs_eq_pabs_repr
... = nat_abs a + nat_abs b : nat_abs_eq_pabs_repr
local attribute nat_abs [reducible]
theorem nat_abs_mul : Π (a b : ), nat_abs (a * b) = (nat_abs a) * (nat_abs b)
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := rfl
| (of_nat m) -[1+ n] := !nat_abs_neg ▸ rfl
| -[1+ m] (of_nat n) := !nat_abs_neg ▸ rfl
| -[1+ m] -[1+ n] := rfl
/- multiplication -/
definition pmul (p q : × ) : × :=
(pr1 p * pr1 q + pr2 p * pr2 q, pr1 p * pr2 q + pr2 p * pr1 q)
theorem repr_neg_of_nat (m : ) : repr (neg_of_nat m) = (0, m) :=
nat.cases_on m rfl (take m', rfl)
-- note: we have =, not just ≡
theorem repr_mul : Π (a b : ), repr (a * b) = pmul (repr a) (repr b)
| (of_nat m) (of_nat n) := calc
(m * n + 0 * 0, m * 0 + 0) = (m * n + 0 * 0, m * 0 + 0 * n) : zero_mul
| (of_nat m) -[1+ n] := calc
repr (m * -[1+ n]) = (m * 0 + 0, m * succ n + 0 * 0) : repr_neg_of_nat
... = (m * 0 + 0 * succ n, m * succ n + 0 * 0) : zero_mul
| -[1+ m] (of_nat n) := calc
repr (-[1+ m] * n) = (0 + succ m * 0, succ m * n) : repr_neg_of_nat
... = (0 + succ m * 0, 0 + succ m * n) : nat.zero_add
... = (0 * n + succ m * 0, 0 + succ m * n) : zero_mul
| -[1+ m] -[1+ n] := calc
(succ m * succ n, 0) = (succ m * succ n, 0 * succ n) : zero_mul
... = (0 + succ m * succ n, 0 * succ n) : nat.zero_add
theorem equiv_mul_prep {xa ya xb yb xn yn xm ym : }
(H1 : xa + yb = ya + xb) (H2 : xn + ym = yn + xm)
: xa*xn+ya*yn+(xb*ym+yb*xm) = xa*yn+ya*xn+(xb*xm+yb*ym) :=
nat.add.cancel_right (calc
xa*xn+ya*yn + (xb*ym+yb*xm) + (yb*xn+xb*yn + (xb*xn+yb*yn))
= xa*xn+ya*yn + (yb*xn+xb*yn) + (xb*ym+yb*xm + (xb*xn+yb*yn)) : add.comm4
... = xa*xn+ya*yn + (yb*xn+xb*yn) + (xb*xn+yb*yn + (xb*ym+yb*xm)) : nat.add.comm
... = xa*xn+yb*xn + (ya*yn+xb*yn) + (xb*xn+xb*ym + (yb*yn+yb*xm)) : !congr_arg2 add.comm4 add.comm4
... = ya*xn+xb*xn + (xa*yn+yb*yn) + (xb*yn+xb*xm + (yb*xn+yb*ym))
: by rewrite[-+mul.left_distrib,-+mul.right_distrib]; exact H1 ▸ H2 ▸ rfl
... = ya*xn+xa*yn + (xb*xn+yb*yn) + (xb*yn+yb*xn + (xb*xm+yb*ym)) : !congr_arg2 add.comm4 add.comm4
... = xa*yn+ya*xn + (xb*xn+yb*yn) + (yb*xn+xb*yn + (xb*xm+yb*ym)) : !nat.add.comm ▸ !nat.add.comm ▸ rfl
... = xa*yn+ya*xn + (yb*xn+xb*yn) + (xb*xn+yb*yn + (xb*xm+yb*ym)) : add.comm4
... = xa*yn+ya*xn + (yb*xn+xb*yn) + (xb*xm+yb*ym + (xb*xn+yb*yn)) : nat.add.comm
... = xa*yn+ya*xn + (xb*xm+yb*ym) + (yb*xn+xb*yn + (xb*xn+yb*yn)) : add.comm4)
theorem pmul_congr {p p' q q' : × } : p ≡ p' → q ≡ q' → pmul p q ≡ pmul p' q' := equiv_mul_prep
theorem pmul_comm (p q : × ) : pmul p q = pmul q p :=
show (_,_) = (_,_), from !congr_arg2
(!congr_arg2 !mul.comm !mul.comm) (!nat.add.comm ⬝ (!congr_arg2 !mul.comm !mul.comm))
theorem mul.comm (a b : ) : a * b = b * a :=
repr (a * b) = pmul (repr a) (repr b) : repr_mul
... = pmul (repr b) (repr a) : pmul_comm
... = repr (b * a) : repr_mul) ▸ !equiv.refl)
private theorem pmul_assoc_prep {p1 p2 q1 q2 r1 r2 : } :
((p1*q1+p2*q2)*r1+(p1*q2+p2*q1)*r2, (p1*q1+p2*q2)*r2+(p1*q2+p2*q1)*r1) =
(p1*(q1*r1+q2*r2)+p2*(q1*r2+q2*r1), p1*(q1*r2+q2*r1)+p2*(q1*r1+q2*r2)) :=
by rewrite[+mul.left_distrib,+mul.right_distrib,*mul.assoc];
exact (congr_arg2 pair (!add.comm4 ⬝ (!congr_arg !nat.add.comm))
(!add.comm4 ⬝ (!congr_arg !nat.add.comm)))
theorem pmul_assoc (p q r: × ) : pmul (pmul p q) r = pmul p (pmul q r) := pmul_assoc_prep
theorem mul.assoc (a b c : ) : (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) :=
repr (a * b * c) = pmul (repr (a * b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... = pmul (pmul (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... = pmul (repr a) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : pmul_assoc
... = pmul (repr a) (repr (b * c)) : repr_mul
... = repr (a * (b * c)) : repr_mul) ▸ !equiv.refl)
theorem mul_one : Π (a : ), a * 1 = a
| (of_nat m) := !zero_add -- zero_add happens to be def. = to this thm
| -[1+ m] := !nat.zero_add ▸ rfl
2015-07-22 10:13:19 -07:00
theorem one_mul (a : ) : 1 * a = a :=
mul.comm a 1 ▸ mul_one a
private theorem mul_distrib_prep {a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 : } :
((a1+b1)*c1+(a2+b2)*c2, (a1+b1)*c2+(a2+b2)*c1) =
(a1*c1+a2*c2+(b1*c1+b2*c2), a1*c2+a2*c1+(b1*c2+b2*c1)) :=
by rewrite[+mul.right_distrib] ⬝ (!congr_arg2 !add.comm4 !add.comm4)
theorem mul.right_distrib (a b c : ) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c :=
repr ((a + b) * c) = pmul (repr (a + b)) (repr c) : repr_mul
... ≡ pmul (padd (repr a) (repr b)) (repr c) : pmul_congr !repr_add equiv.refl
... = padd (pmul (repr a) (repr c)) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : mul_distrib_prep
... = padd (repr (a * c)) (pmul (repr b) (repr c)) : repr_mul
... = padd (repr (a * c)) (repr (b * c)) : repr_mul
... ≡ repr (a * c + b * c) : repr_add)
theorem mul.left_distrib (a b c : ) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c :=
a * (b + c) = (b + c) * a : mul.comm
... = b * a + c * a : mul.right_distrib
... = a * b + c * a : mul.comm
... = a * b + a * c : mul.comm
theorem zero_ne_one : (0 : int) ≠ 1 :=
assume H : 0 = 1, !succ_ne_zero (of_nat.inj H)⁻¹
theorem eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero {a b : } (H : a * b = 0) : a = 0 b = 0 :=
or.imp eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero eq_zero_of_nat_abs_eq_zero
(eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero (H ▸ (nat_abs_mul a b)⁻¹))
section migrate_algebra
open [classes] algebra
protected definition integral_domain [reducible] : algebra.integral_domain int :=
add := add,
add_assoc := add.assoc,
zero := zero,
zero_add := zero_add,
add_zero := add_zero,
neg := neg,
add_left_inv := add.left_inv,
add_comm := add.comm,
mul := mul,
mul_assoc := mul.assoc,
one := 1,
one_mul := one_mul,
mul_one := mul_one,
left_distrib := mul.left_distrib,
right_distrib := mul.right_distrib,
mul_comm := mul.comm,
zero_ne_one := zero_ne_one,
eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero := @eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero⦄
local attribute int.integral_domain [instance]
definition sub (a b : ) : := algebra.sub a b
infix [priority int.prio] - := int.sub
definition dvd (a b : ) : Prop := algebra.dvd a b
notation [priority int.prio] a b := dvd a b
migrate from algebra with int
replacing sub → sub, dvd → dvd
end migrate_algebra
/- additional properties -/
theorem of_nat_sub {m n : } (H : m ≥ n) : m - n = sub m n :=
assert m - n + n = m, from nat.sub_add_cancel H,
apply sub_eq_of_eq_add,
rewrite [-of_nat_add, this]
-- (sub_eq_of_eq_add (!congr_arg (nat.sub_add_cancel H)⁻¹))⁻¹
theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq' (m : ) : -[1+ m] = -m - 1 :=
by rewrite [neg_succ_of_nat_eq, of_nat_add, neg_add]
definition succ (a : ) := a + (succ zero)
definition pred (a : ) := a - (succ zero)
theorem pred_succ (a : ) : pred (succ a) = a := !sub_add_cancel
theorem succ_pred (a : ) : succ (pred a) = a := !add_sub_cancel
theorem neg_succ (a : ) : -succ a = pred (-a) :=
by rewrite [↑succ,neg_add]
theorem succ_neg_succ (a : ) : succ (-succ a) = -a :=
by rewrite [neg_succ,succ_pred]
theorem neg_pred (a : ) : -pred a = succ (-a) :=
by rewrite [↑pred,neg_sub,sub_eq_add_neg,add.comm]
theorem pred_neg_pred (a : ) : pred (-pred a) = -a :=
by rewrite [neg_pred,pred_succ]
theorem pred_nat_succ (n : ) : pred (nat.succ n) = n := pred_succ n
theorem neg_nat_succ (n : ) : -nat.succ n = pred (-n) := !neg_succ
theorem succ_neg_nat_succ (n : ) : succ (-nat.succ n) = -n := !succ_neg_succ
definition rec_nat_on [unfold 2] {P : → Type} (z : ) (H0 : P 0)
(Hsucc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P n → P (succ n)) (Hpred : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P (-n) → P (-nat.succ n)) : P z :=
int.rec (nat.rec H0 Hsucc) (λn, nat.rec H0 Hpred (nat.succ n)) z
--the only computation rule of rec_nat_on which is not definitional
theorem rec_nat_on_neg {P : → Type} (n : nat) (H0 : P zero)
(Hsucc : Π⦃n : nat⦄, P n → P (succ n)) (Hpred : Π⦃n : nat⦄, P (-n) → P (-nat.succ n))
: rec_nat_on (-nat.succ n) H0 Hsucc Hpred = Hpred (rec_nat_on (-n) H0 Hsucc Hpred) :=
nat.rec rfl (λn H, rfl) n
end int