
378 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/flet.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/free_vars.h"
#include "library/aliases.h"
#include "library/scoped_ext.h"
#include "library/coercion.h"
#include "library/expr_pair.h"
#include "frontends/lean/pp.h"
#include "frontends/lean/pp_options.h"
#include "frontends/lean/token_table.h"
namespace lean {
static format g_ellipsis_n_fmt= highlight(format("\u2026"));
static format g_ellipsis_fmt = highlight(format("..."));
static format g_lambda_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u03BB"));
static format g_lambda_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("fun"));
static format g_forall_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2200"));
static format g_forall_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("forall"));
static format g_pi_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("Π"));
static format g_pi_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("Pi"));
static format g_arrow_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2192"));
static format g_arrow_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("->"));
static format g_let_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("let"));
static format g_in_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("in"));
static format g_assign_fmt = highlight_keyword(format(":="));
name pretty_fn::mk_metavar_name(name const & m) {
if (auto it = m_purify_meta_table.find(m))
return *it;
name new_m = m_meta_prefix.append_after(m_next_meta_idx);
m_purify_meta_table.insert(m, new_m);
return new_m;
name pretty_fn::mk_local_name(name const & n, name const & suggested) {
if (auto it = m_purify_local_table.find(n))
return *it;
unsigned i = 1;
name r = suggested;
while (m_purify_used_locals.contains(r)) {
r = suggested.append_after(i);
m_purify_local_table.insert(n, r);
return r;
level pretty_fn::purify(level const & l) {
if (!m_universes || !has_meta(l))
return l;
return replace(l, [&](level const & l) {
if (!has_meta(l))
return some_level(l);
if (is_meta(l))
return some_level(mk_meta_univ(mk_metavar_name(meta_id(l))));
return none_level();
/** \brief Make sure that all metavariables have reasonable names,
and for all local constants l1 l2, local_pp_name(l1) != local_pp_name(l2).
\remark pretty_fn will create new local constants when pretty printing,
but it will make sure that the new constants will not produce collisions.
expr pretty_fn::purify(expr const & e) {
if (!has_expr_metavar(e) && !has_local(e) && (!m_universes || !has_univ_metavar(e)))
return e;
return replace(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (!has_expr_metavar(e) && !has_local(e) && (!m_universes || !has_univ_metavar(e)))
return some_expr(e);
else if (is_metavar(e))
return some_expr(mk_metavar(mk_metavar_name(mlocal_name(e)), mlocal_type(e)));
else if (is_local(e))
return some_expr(mk_local(mlocal_name(e), mk_local_name(mlocal_name(e), local_pp_name(e)), mlocal_type(e), local_info(e)));
else if (is_constant(e))
return some_expr(update_constant(e, map(const_levels(e), [&](level const & l) { return purify(l); })));
else if (is_sort(e))
return some_expr(update_sort(e, purify(sort_level(e))));
return none_expr();
void pretty_fn::set_options(options const & o) {
m_indent = get_pp_indent(o);
m_max_depth = get_pp_max_depth(o);
m_max_steps = get_pp_max_steps(o);
m_implict = get_pp_implicit(o);
m_unicode = get_pp_unicode(o);
m_coercion = get_pp_coercion(o);
m_notation = get_pp_notation(o);
m_universes = get_pp_universes(o);
m_full_names = get_pp_full_names(o);
format pretty_fn::pp_level(level const & l) {
return ::lean::pp(l, m_unicode, m_indent);
bool pretty_fn::is_implicit(expr const & f) {
if (m_implict)
return false; // showing implicit arguments
try {
binder_info bi = binding_info(m_tc.ensure_pi(m_tc.infer(f)));
return bi.is_implicit() || bi.is_strict_implicit();
} catch (...) {
return false;
bool pretty_fn::is_prop(expr const & e) {
try {
return m_env.impredicative() && m_tc.is_prop(e);
} catch (...) {
return false;
auto pretty_fn::pp_child(expr const & e, unsigned bp) -> result {
if (is_app(e) && is_implicit(app_fn(e))) {
return pp_child(app_fn(e), bp);
} else if (is_app(e) && !m_coercion && is_coercion(m_env, get_app_fn(e))) {
return pp_child(app_arg(e), bp); // TODO(Fix): this is not correct for coercions to function-class
} else {
result r = pp(e);
if (r.second < bp) {
return mk_result(paren(r.first));
} else {
return r;
auto pretty_fn::pp_var(expr const & e) -> result {
unsigned vidx = var_idx(e);
return mk_result(compose(format("#"), format(vidx)));
auto pretty_fn::pp_sort(expr const & e) -> result {
if (m_env.impredicative() && e == Prop) {
return mk_result(format("Prop"));
} else if (m_universes) {
return mk_result(group(format({format("Type.{"), nest(6, pp_level(sort_level(e))), format("}")})));
} else {
return mk_result(format("Type"));
auto pretty_fn::pp_const(expr const & e) -> result {
name n = const_name(e);
if (!m_full_names) {
if (auto it = is_aliased(m_env, mk_constant(n))) { // TODO(Leo): fix is_aliased should get a name as argument
n = *it;
} else {
for (name const & ns : get_namespaces(m_env)) {
name new_n = n.replace_prefix(ns, name());
if (new_n != n) {
n = new_n;
if (m_universes && !empty(const_levels(e))) {
format r = compose(format(n), format(".{"));
bool first = true;
for (auto const & l : const_levels(e)) {
format l_fmt = pp_level(l);
if (is_max(l) || is_imax(l))
l_fmt = paren(l_fmt);
if (first)
r += nest(m_indent, l_fmt);
r += nest(m_indent, compose(line(), l_fmt));
first = false;
r += format("}");
return mk_result(group(r));
} else {
return mk_result(format(n));
auto pretty_fn::pp_meta(expr const & e) -> result {
return mk_result(compose(format("?"), format(mlocal_name(e))));
auto pretty_fn::pp_local(expr const & e) -> result {
return mk_result(format(local_pp_name(e)));
auto pretty_fn::pp_app(expr const & e) -> result {
result res_fn = pp_child(app_fn(e), max_bp()-1);
result res_arg = pp_child(app_arg(e), max_bp());
return mk_result(group(compose(res_fn.first, nest(m_indent, compose(line(), res_arg.first)))), max_bp()-1);
format pretty_fn::pp_binder_block(buffer<name> const & names, expr const & type, binder_info const & bi) {
format r;
if (bi.is_implicit()) r += format("{");
else if (bi.is_cast()) r += format("[");
else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && m_unicode) r += format("");
else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && !m_unicode) r += format("{{");
else r += format("(");
for (name const & n : names) {
r += format(n);
r += space();
r += compose(colon(), nest(m_indent, compose(line(), pp_child(type, 0).first)));
if (bi.is_implicit()) r += format("}");
else if (bi.is_cast()) r += format("]");
else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && m_unicode) r += format("");
else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && !m_unicode) r += format("}}");
else r += format(")");
return group(r);
format pretty_fn::pp_binders(buffer<expr> const & locals) {
unsigned num = locals.size();
buffer<name> names;
expr local = locals[0];
expr type = mlocal_type(local);
binder_info bi = local_info(local);
format r;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num; i++) {
expr local = locals[i];
if (mlocal_type(local) == type && local_info(local) == bi) {
} else {
r += group(compose(line(), pp_binder_block(names, type, bi)));
type = mlocal_type(local);
bi = local_info(local);
r += group(compose(line(), pp_binder_block(names, type, bi)));
return r;
auto pretty_fn::pp_lambda(expr const & e) -> result {
expr b = e;
buffer<expr> locals;
while (is_lambda(b)) {
auto p = binding_body_fresh(b, true);
b = p.first;
format r = m_unicode ? g_lambda_n_fmt : g_lambda_fmt;
r += pp_binders(locals);
r += compose(comma(), nest(m_indent, compose(line(), pp_child(b, 0).first)));
return mk_result(r, 0);
auto pretty_fn::pp_pi(expr const & e) -> result {
if (is_arrow(e)) {
result lhs = pp_child(binding_domain(e), get_arrow_prec());
result rhs = pp_child(lift_free_vars(binding_body(e), 1), get_arrow_prec()-1);
format r = group(format{lhs.first, space(), m_unicode ? g_arrow_n_fmt : g_arrow_fmt, line(), rhs.first});
return mk_result(r, get_arrow_prec()-1);
} else {
expr b = e;
buffer<expr> locals;
while (is_pi(b) && !is_arrow(b)) {
auto p = binding_body_fresh(b, true);
b = p.first;
format r;
if (is_prop(b))
r = m_unicode ? g_forall_n_fmt : g_forall_fmt;
r = m_unicode ? g_pi_n_fmt : g_pi_fmt;
r += pp_binders(locals);
r += compose(comma(), nest(m_indent, compose(line(), pp_child(b, 0).first)));
return mk_result(r, 0);
auto pretty_fn::pp_let(expr e) -> result {
buffer<expr_pair> decls;
while (true) {
if (!is_let_macro(e))
e = let_macro_arg(e);
if (!is_app(e) || !is_lambda(app_fn(e)))
expr v = app_arg(e);
auto p = binding_body_fresh(app_fn(e), true);
decls.emplace_back(p.second, v);
e = p.first;
if (decls.empty())
return pp(e);
format r = g_let_fmt;
unsigned sz = decls.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
auto const & d = decls[i];
format beg = i == 0 ? space() : line();
format sep = i < sz - 1 ? comma() : format();
name const & n = local_pp_name(d.first);
format t = pp_child(mlocal_type(d.first), 0).first;
format v = pp_child(d.second, 0).first;
r += nest(3 + 1, compose(beg, group(format{format(n), space(),
colon(), nest(n.size() + 1 + 1 + 1, compose(space(), t)), space(), g_assign_fmt,
nest(m_indent, format{line(), v, sep})})));
format b = pp_child(e, 0).first;
r += format{line(), g_in_fmt, space(), nest(2 + 1, b)};
return mk_result(r, 0);
auto pretty_fn::pp_macro(expr const & e) -> result {
if (is_let_macro(e)) {
return pp_let(e);
} else {
// TODO(Leo): have macro annotations
// fix macro<->pp interface
format r = compose(format("["), format(macro_def(e).get_name()));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(e); i++)
r += nest(m_indent, compose(line(), pp_child(macro_arg(e, i), max_bp()).first));
r += format("]");
return mk_result(group(r));
auto pretty_fn::pp(expr const & e) -> result {
if (m_depth > m_max_depth || m_num_steps > m_max_steps)
return mk_result(m_unicode ? g_ellipsis_n_fmt : g_ellipsis_fmt);
flet<unsigned> let_d(m_depth, m_depth+1);
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: return pp_var(e);
case expr_kind::Sort: return pp_sort(e);
case expr_kind::Constant: return pp_const(e);
case expr_kind::Meta: return pp_meta(e);
case expr_kind::Local: return pp_local(e);
case expr_kind::App: return pp_app(e);
case expr_kind::Lambda: return pp_lambda(e);
case expr_kind::Pi: return pp_pi(e);
case expr_kind::Macro: return pp_macro(e);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
pretty_fn::pretty_fn(environment const & env, options const & o):
m_env(env), m_tc(env) {
m_meta_prefix = "M";
m_next_meta_idx = 1;
format pretty_fn::operator()(expr const & e) {
m_depth = 0; m_num_steps = 0;
return pp_child(purify(e), 0).first;
formatter_factory mk_pretty_formatter_factory() {
return [](environment const & env, options const & o) { // NOLINT
auto fn_ptr = std::make_shared<pretty_fn>(env, o);
return formatter(o, [=](expr const & e) {
return (*fn_ptr)(e);