
310 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "util/debug.h"
#include "util/buffer.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Left-leaning Red-Black Trees
It uses a O(1) copy operation. Different trees can share nodes.
The sharing is thread-safe.
\c CMP is a functional object for comparing values of type T.
It must have a method
int operator()(T const & v1, T const & v2) const;
The method must return
- -1 if <tt>v1 < v2</tt>,
- 0 if <tt>v1 == v2</tt>,
- 1 if <tt>v1 > v2</tt>
template<typename T, typename CMP>
class rb_tree : public CMP {
struct node_cell;
struct node {
node_cell * m_ptr;
node():m_ptr(nullptr) {}
node(node_cell * ptr):m_ptr(ptr) { if (m_ptr) ptr->inc_ref(); }
node(node const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
node(node && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
~node() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
node & operator=(node const & n) { LEAN_COPY_REF(n); }
node & operator=(node&& n) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(n); }
operator bool() const { return m_ptr != nullptr; }
bool is_shared() const { return m_ptr && m_ptr->get_rc() > 1; }
bool is_red() const { return m_ptr && m_ptr->m_red; }
bool is_black() const { return !is_red(); }
node_cell * operator->() const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr; }
friend bool is_eqp(node const & n1, node const & n2) { return n1.m_ptr == n2.m_ptr; }
friend void swap(node & n1, node & n2) { std::swap(n1.m_ptr, n2.m_ptr); }
node steal() { node r; swap(r, *this); return r; }
struct node_cell {
node m_left;
node m_right;
T m_value;
bool m_red;
void dealloc() { delete this; }
node_cell(T const & v):m_value(v), m_red(true), m_rc(0) {}
node_cell(node_cell const & s):m_left(s.m_left), m_right(s.m_right), m_value(s.m_value), m_red(s.m_red), m_rc(0) {}
int cmp(T const & v1, T const & v2) const {
return CMP::operator()(v1, v2);
static node ensure_unshared(node && n) {
if (n.is_shared()) {
// std::cout << "SHARED\n";
return node(new node_cell(*n.m_ptr));
} else
return n;
static node set_black(node && n) {
if (n.is_black())
return n;
node r = ensure_unshared(n.steal());
r->m_red = false;
return r;
static node rotate_left(node && h) {
node x = ensure_unshared(h->m_right.steal());
lean_assert(!h->m_right); // x stole the ownership of h->m_right
h->m_right = x->m_left;
x->m_left = h;
x->m_red = h->m_red;
h->m_red = true;
return x;
static node rotate_right(node && h) {
node x = ensure_unshared(h->m_left.steal());
lean_assert(!h->m_left); // x stole the ownership of h->m_left
h->m_left = x->m_right;
x->m_right = h;
x->m_red = h->m_red;
h->m_red = true;
return x;
static node flip_colors(node && h) {
h->m_red = !h->m_red;
h->m_left = ensure_unshared(h->m_left.steal());
h->m_right = ensure_unshared(h->m_right.steal());
h->m_left->m_red = !h->m_left->m_red;
h->m_right->m_red = !h->m_right->m_red;
return h;
static node fixup(node && h) {
if (h->m_right.is_red() && !h->m_left.is_red())
h = rotate_left(h.steal());
if (h->m_left.is_red() && h->m_left->m_left.is_red())
h = rotate_right(h.steal());
if (h->m_left.is_red() && h->m_right.is_red())
h = flip_colors(h.steal());
return h;
node insert(node && n, T const & v) {
if (!n)
return node(new node_cell(v));
node h = ensure_unshared(n.steal());
int c = cmp(v, h->m_value);
if (c == 0)
h->m_value = v;
else if (c < 0)
h->m_left = insert(h->m_left.steal(), v);
h->m_right = insert(h->m_right.steal(), v);
return fixup(h.steal());
static node move_red_left(node && h) {
h = flip_colors(h.steal());
if (h->m_right && h->m_right->m_left.is_red()) {
h->m_right = rotate_right(h->m_right.steal());
h = rotate_left(h.steal());
return flip_colors(h.steal());
} else {
return h;
static node move_red_right(node && h) {
h = flip_colors(h.steal());
if (h->m_left && h->m_left->m_left.is_red()) {
h = rotate_right(h.steal());
return flip_colors(h.steal());
} else {
return h;
static node erase_min(node && n) {
if (!n->m_left)
return node();
node h = ensure_unshared(n.steal());
if (!h->m_left.is_red() && !h->m_left->m_left.is_red())
h = move_red_left(h.steal());
h->m_left = erase_min(h->m_left.steal());
return fixup(h.steal());
static T const * min(node const & n) {
node_cell const * it = n.m_ptr;
if (!it)
return nullptr;
while (it->m_left)
it = it->m_left.m_ptr;
return &it->m_value;
node erase(node && n, T const & v) {
node h = ensure_unshared(n.steal());
if (cmp(v, h->m_value) < 0) {
lean_assert(h->m_left); // the tree contains v
if (!h->m_left.is_red() && !h->m_left->m_left.is_red())
h = move_red_left(h.steal());
h->m_left = erase(h->m_left.steal(), v);
} else {
if (h->m_left.is_red())
h = rotate_right(h.steal());
if (cmp(v, h->m_value) == 0 && !h->m_right)
return node();
if (!h->m_right.is_red() && !h->m_right->m_left.is_red())
h = move_red_right(h.steal());
if (cmp(v, h->m_value) == 0) {
h->m_value = *min(h->m_right);
h->m_right = erase_min(h->m_right.steal());
} else {
h->m_right = erase(h->m_right.steal(), v);
return fixup(h.steal());
template<typename F>
static void for_each(F && f, node_cell const * n) {
if (n) {
for_each(f, n->m_left.m_ptr);
for_each(f, n->m_right.m_ptr);
static void display(std::ostream & out, node_cell const * n) {
if (n) {
out << "(";
if (n->m_red)
out << "*";
out << n->m_value << " ";
display(out, n->m_left.m_ptr);
out << " ";
display(out, n->m_right.m_ptr);
out << ")";
} else {
out << "nil";
static unsigned get_depth(node_cell const * n) {
if (n)
return std::max(get_depth(n->m_left.m_ptr), get_depth(n->m_right.m_ptr)) + 1;
return 0;
static void to_buffer(node_cell const * n, buffer<T> & r) {
if (n) {
to_buffer(n->m_left.m_ptr, r);
to_buffer(n->m_right.m_ptr, r);
node m_root;
void insert(T const & v) { m_root = set_black(insert(m_root.steal(), v)); }
void erase_min(T const & v) { m_root = set_black(erase_min(m_root.steal())); }
void erase_core(T const & v) { lean_assert(contains(v)); m_root = set_black(erase(m_root.steal(), v)); }
void erase(T const & v) { if (contains(v)) erase_core(v); }
T const * find(T const & v) const {
node_cell const * h = m_root.m_ptr;
while (h) {
int c = cmp(v, h->m_value);
if (c == 0)
return &(h->m_value);
else if (c < 0)
h = h->m_left.m_ptr;
h = h->m_right.m_ptr;
return nullptr;
T const * min() const { return min(m_root); }
bool contains(T const & v) const { return find(v) != nullptr; }
template<typename F>
void for_each(F && f) const { for_each(f, m_root.m_ptr); }
// For debugging purposes
void display(std::ostream & out) const { display(out, m_root.m_ptr); }
unsigned get_depth() const { return get_depth(m_root.m_ptr); }
unsigned size() const {
unsigned r = 0;
for_each([&](T const & ){ r = r + 1; });
return r;
bool empty() const { return m_root.m_ptr == nullptr; }
void clear() { m_root = node(); }
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, rb_tree const & t) {
return out;
\brief Copy the contents of this tree to the given buffer.
The elements will be stored in increasing order.
void to_buffer(buffer<T> & r) const {
to_buffer(m_root.m_ptr, r);
template<typename T, typename CMP>
rb_tree<T, CMP> insert(rb_tree<T, CMP> & t, T const & v) { rb_tree<T, CMP> r(t); r.insert(v); return r; }
template<typename T, typename CMP>
rb_tree<T, CMP> erase(rb_tree<T, CMP> & t, T const & v) { rb_tree<T, CMP> r(t); r.erase(v); return r; }