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Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: hit.quotient
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Declaration of set-quotients
We aim to model
HIT quotient : Type :=
| class_of : A -> quotient
| eq_of_rel : Πa a', R a a' → class_of a = class_of a'
| is_hset_quotient : is_hset quotient
import .coeq .trunc
open coeq eq is_trunc trunc
namespace quotient
universe u
parameters {A : Type.{u}} (R : A → A → hprop.{u})
structure total : Type := {pt1 : A} {pt2 : A} (rel : R pt1 pt2)
open total
definition quotient : Type :=
trunc 0 (coeq (pt1 : total → A) (pt2 : total → A))
definition class_of (a : A) : quotient :=
tr (coeq_i _ _ a)
definition eq_of_rel {a a' : A} (H : R a a') : class_of a = class_of a' :=
ap tr (cp _ _ (total.mk H))
definition is_hset_quotient : is_hset quotient :=
by unfold quotient; exact _
protected definition rec {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_trunc 0 (P aa)]
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▹ Pc a = Pc a')
(x : quotient) : P x :=
apply (@trunc.rec_on _ _ P x),
{ intro x', apply Pt},
{ intro y, fapply (coeq.rec_on _ _ y),
{ exact Pc},
{ intro H, cases H with [a, a', H], esimp [is_typeof],
--rewrite (transport_compose P tr (cp pt1 pt2 (total.mk H)) (Pc a))
apply concat, apply transport_compose;apply Pp}}
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : quotient → Type} (x : quotient)
[Pt : Πaa, is_trunc 0 (P aa)] (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a))
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▹ Pc a = Pc a') : P x :=
rec Pc Pp x
definition rec_eq_of_rel {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_trunc 0 (P aa)]
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▹ Pc a = Pc a')
{a a' : A} (H : R a a') : apD (rec Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = sorry ⬝ Pp H ⬝ sorry :=
protected definition elim {P : Type} [Pt : is_trunc 0 P] (Pc : A → P)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') (x : quotient) : P :=
rec Pc (λa a' H, !tr_constant ⬝ Pp H) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : quotient) [Pt : is_trunc 0 P]
(Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') : P :=
elim Pc Pp x
protected definition elim_eq_of_rel {P : Type} [Pt : is_trunc 0 P] (Pc : A → P)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a')
: ap (elim Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = sorry ⬝ Pp H ⬝ sorry :=
end quotient