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2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
Author: Soonho Kong
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
#include "sexpr.h"
#include "format.h"
#include "sexpr_funcs.h"
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
namespace lean {
static int default_width = 78;
std::ostream & layout(std::ostream & out, sexpr const & s) {
switch (format::sexpr_kind(s)) {
case format::format_kind::NEST:
case format::format_kind::CHOICE:
case format::format_kind::COMPOSE:
case format::format_kind::NIL:
out << "";
case format::format_kind::LINE:
out << std::endl;
case format::format_kind::TEXT:
sexpr const & v = cdr(s);
if(is_string(v)) {
out << to_string(v);
} else {
out << v;
case format::format_kind::COLOR_BEGIN:
format::format_color c = static_cast<format::format_color>(to_int(cdr(s)));
out << "\e[" << (31 + c % 7) << "m";
case format::format_kind::COLOR_END:
out << "\e[0m";
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
return out;
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
std::ostream & layout_list(std::ostream & out, sexpr const & s) {
foreach(s, [&out](sexpr const & s) {
layout(out, s);
return out;
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
format compose(format const & f1, format const & f2) {
return format(format::sexpr_compose({f1.m_value, f2.m_value}));
format nest(int i, format const & f) {
return format(format::sexpr_nest(i, f.m_value));
format highlight(format const & f, format::format_color const c) {
return format(format::sexpr_highlight(f.m_value, c));
format line() {
return format(format::sexpr_line());
sexpr format::flatten(sexpr const & s) {
switch (sexpr_kind(s)) {
case format_kind::NIL:
/* flatten NIL = NIL */
return s;
case format_kind::NEST:
/* flatten (NEST i x) = flatten x */
return flatten(sexpr_nest_s(s));
case format_kind::COMPOSE:
/* flatten (s_1 <> ... <> s_n ) = flatten s_1 <> ... <> flatten s_n */
return sexpr_compose(map(sexpr_compose_list(s),
[](sexpr const & s) {
return flatten(s);
case format_kind::CHOICE:
/* flatten (x <|> y) = flatten x */
return flatten(sexpr_choice_1(s));
case format_kind::LINE:
return sexpr_text(sexpr(""));
case format_kind::TEXT:
case format_kind::COLOR_BEGIN:
case format_kind::COLOR_END:
return s;
return s;
format format::flatten(format const & f){
return format(flatten(f.m_value));
format group(format const & f) {
return choice(format::flatten(f), f);
format above(format const & f1, format const & f2) {
return format{f1, line(), f2};
format bracket(std::string const l, format const & x, std::string const r) {
return group(format{format(l),
nest(2, format(line(), x)),
format paren(format const & x) {
return bracket("(", x, ")");
// wrap = <+/>
// wrap x y = x <> (text " " :<|> line) <> y
format wrap(format const & f1, format const & f2) {
return format{f1,
choice(format(" "), line()),
bool format::fits(int w, sexpr const & s) {
if (is_nil(s))
return true;
if (w < 0) {
return false;
sexpr const & x = car(s);
switch (sexpr_kind(x)) {
case format_kind::NIL:
case format_kind::COLOR_BEGIN:
case format_kind::COLOR_END:
return fits(w, cdr(s));
case format_kind::TEXT:
size_t l = sexpr_text_length(x);
if(w - static_cast<int>(l) < 0) {
return false;
else {
return fits(w - static_cast<int>(l), cdr(s));
case format_kind::LINE:
return true;
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
case format_kind::COMPOSE:
case format_kind::NEST:
case format_kind::CHOICE:
return false;
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
sexpr format::be(unsigned w, unsigned k, sexpr const & s, sexpr const & r) {
/* be w k [] = Nil */
if(is_nil(s)) {
if(is_nil(r)) {
// s == Nil && r == Nil
return sexpr();
} else {
// s == Nil && r != Nil
return be(w, k, car(r), cdr(r));
/* s = (i, v) :: z, where h has the type int x format */
sexpr const & h = car(s);
sexpr const & z = cdr(s);
int i = to_int(car(h));
sexpr const & v = cdr(h);
switch (sexpr_kind(v)) {
case format_kind::NIL:
return be(w, k, z, r);
case format_kind::COLOR_BEGIN:
case format_kind::COLOR_END:
return sexpr(v, be(w, k, z, r));
case format_kind::COMPOSE:
sexpr const & list = sexpr_compose_list(v);
sexpr const & list_ = map(list,
[i](sexpr const & s) {
return sexpr(i, s);
return be(w, k, list_, sexpr(z, r));
case format_kind::NEST:
int j = sexpr_nest_i(v);
sexpr const & x = sexpr_nest_s(v);
return be(w, k, sexpr(sexpr(i + j, x), z), r);
case format_kind::TEXT:
return sexpr(v, be(w, k + sexpr_text_length(v), z, r));
case format_kind::LINE:
return sexpr(v, sexpr(sexpr_text(std::string(i, ' ')), be(w, i, z, r)));
case format_kind::CHOICE:
sexpr const & x = sexpr_choice_1(v);
sexpr const & y = sexpr_choice_2(v);;
int d = static_cast<int>(w) - static_cast<int>(k);
if(d >= 0) {
sexpr const & s1 = be(w, k, sexpr(sexpr(i, x), z), r);
if (fits(d, s1))
return s1;
sexpr const & s2 = be(w, k, sexpr(sexpr(i, y), z), r);
return s2;
return sexpr();
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
sexpr format::best(unsigned w, unsigned k, sexpr const & s) {
return be(w, k, sexpr{sexpr(0, s)}, sexpr());
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, format const & f)
return pretty(out, default_width, f);
2013-07-23 01:30:25 +00:00
format operator+(format const & f1, format const & f2) {
return format{f1, f2};
std::ostream & pretty(std::ostream & out, unsigned w, format const & f) {
sexpr const & b = format::best(w, 0, f.m_value);
return layout_list(out, b);