2013-11-03 12:16:23 -08:00
2014-05-08 13:20:37 -07:00
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
2013-11-03 12:16:23 -08:00
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
2013-11-08 11:59:47 -08:00
#pragma once
2013-11-03 12:16:23 -08:00
#include <lua.hpp>
2013-11-08 11:59:47 -08:00
2013-11-03 12:16:23 -08:00
namespace lean {
2013-11-26 19:15:49 -08:00
// =======================================
// Lua 5.1 and 5.2 compatibility
// The following helper functions make sure
// we can compile using Lua 5.1 or 5.2
2013-11-03 12:16:23 -08:00
void setfuncs(lua_State * L, luaL_Reg const * l, int nup);
2013-11-05 11:35:09 -08:00
bool testudata(lua_State * L, int idx, char const * mt);
2013-11-12 12:54:34 -08:00
int load(lua_State * L, lua_Reader reader, void * data, char const * source);
2013-11-08 08:26:04 -08:00
size_t objlen(lua_State * L, int idx);
2013-11-08 11:59:47 -08:00
void dofile(lua_State * L, char const * fname);
void dostring(lua_State * L, char const * str);
2013-11-13 16:30:59 -08:00
void pcall(lua_State * L, int nargs, int nresults, int errorfun);
2014-07-09 11:13:17 -07:00
char const * tostring (lua_State * L, int idx);
2013-11-28 13:09:30 -08:00
\brief Return true iff coroutine is done, false if it has yielded,
and throws an exception if error.
bool resume(lua_State * L, int nargs);
2013-11-14 13:32:33 -08:00
int lessthan(lua_State * L, int idx1, int idx2);
int equal(lua_State * L, int idx1, int idx2);
2013-11-19 15:56:44 -08:00
int get_nonnil_top(lua_State * L);
2013-11-26 19:15:49 -08:00
// =======================================
// =======================================
// Goodies/Macros for automating Lua binding
// generation.
2013-11-03 14:42:54 -08:00
\brief Wrapper for invoking function f, and catching Lean exceptions.
2013-11-27 12:19:54 -08:00
int safe_function_wrapper(lua_State * L, lua_CFunction f);
2013-11-04 15:05:04 -08:00
template<lua_CFunction F> int safe_function(lua_State * L) {
2013-11-27 12:19:54 -08:00
return safe_function_wrapper(L, F);
2013-11-03 14:42:54 -08:00
2013-11-07 20:48:49 -08:00
template<lua_CFunction F> void set_global_function(lua_State * L, char const * name) {
lua_pushcfunction(L, safe_function<F>);
lua_setglobal(L, name);
2013-11-13 11:46:09 -08:00
#define SET_GLOBAL_FUN(F, N) set_global_function<F>(L, N)
2014-06-18 08:03:17 -07:00
#define SET_FUN(F, N) lua_pushstring(L, N); lua_pushcfunction(L, safe_function<F>); lua_settable(L, -3)
2013-11-13 11:46:09 -08:00
// Auxiliary macro for creating a Lua table that stores enumeration values
#define SET_ENUM(N, V) lua_pushstring(L, N); lua_pushinteger(L, static_cast<int>(V)); lua_settable(L, -3)
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
2013-11-26 19:15:49 -08:00
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
int push_ ## NAME(lua_State * L, TREF val) { \
void * mem = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(T)); \
new (mem) T(val); \
luaL_getmetatable(L, NAME ## _mt); \
lua_setmetatable(L, -2); \
return 1; \
#define DECL_PUSH(T) \
DECL_PUSH_CORE(T, T, T const &) \
#define DECL_GC(T) static int T ## _gc(lua_State * L) { static_cast<T*>(lua_touserdata(L, 1))->~T(); return 0; }
2014-06-03 10:16:27 -07:00
#define DECL_PRED(T) \
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
bool is_ ## T(lua_State * L, int idx) { return testudata(L, idx, T ## _mt); } \
2014-06-03 10:16:27 -07:00
static int T ## _pred(lua_State * L) { check_num_args(L, 1); return push_boolean(L, is_ ## T(L, 1)); }
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
2014-02-04 15:16:23 -08:00
void throw_bad_arg_error(lua_State * L, int i, char const * expected_type);
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
\brief Create basic declarations for adding a new kind of userdata in Lua
T is a Lean object type.
For example, if T == expr, it produces an implementation for the
following declarations
constexpr char const * expr_mt = "expr";
expr & to_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
bool is_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
static int expr_pred(lua_State * L);
static int expr_gc(lua_State * L);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr const & e);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr && e);
2014-02-04 15:16:23 -08:00
#define DECL_UDATA(T) \
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
constexpr char const * T ## _mt = #T; \
2014-02-04 15:16:23 -08:00
T & to_ ## T(lua_State * L, int i) { if (!is_ ## T(L, i)) throw_bad_arg_error(L, i, T ## _mt); return *static_cast<T*>(luaL_checkudata(L, i, T ## _mt)); } \
2013-11-14 17:19:51 -08:00
\brief Similar to DECL_UDATA, but it only declares the functions.
For example, if T == expr, it produces the following declarations:
class expr;
expr & to_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
bool is_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr const & e);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr && e);
#define UDATA_DEFS_CORE(T) \
T & to_ ## T(lua_State * L, int i); \
bool is_ ## T(lua_State * L, int i); \
int push_ ## T(lua_State * L, T const & e); \
int push_ ## T(lua_State * L, T && e);
#define UDATA_DEFS(T) \
class T; \
2013-11-26 19:15:49 -08:00
// =======================================
2013-11-27 10:32:15 -08:00
2014-04-29 14:37:16 -07:00
// =======================================
// Useful macros
2014-05-01 18:40:18 -07:00
inline int push_boolean(lua_State * L, bool b) { lua_pushboolean(L, b); return 1; }
inline int push_string(lua_State * L, char const * s) { lua_pushstring(L, s); return 1; }
inline int push_integer(lua_State * L, lua_Integer v) { lua_pushinteger(L, v); return 1; }
inline int push_number(lua_State * L, lua_Number v) { lua_pushnumber(L, v); return 1; }
inline int push_nil(lua_State * L) { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; }
2014-04-29 14:37:16 -07:00
// =======================================
2014-06-03 10:16:27 -07:00
// =======================================
// Extra validation functions
/** \brief Throw an exception if lua_gettop(L) != num */
void check_num_args(lua_State * L, int num);
/** \brief Throw an exception if lua_gettop(L) > high */
void check_atmost_num_args(lua_State * L, int high);
2014-06-11 13:18:35 -07:00
/** \brief Throw an exception if lua_gettop(L) < low */
void check_atleast_num_args(lua_State * L, int low);
2014-06-03 10:16:27 -07:00
// =======================================
2013-11-03 12:16:23 -08:00