
125 lines
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;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Soonho Kong
2014-08-14 00:02:49 +00:00
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'f)
(require 's)
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash-functional)
2014-08-14 00:02:49 +00:00
(defun lean-concat-paths (&rest seq)
"Concatenate paths"
(cl-reduce (lambda (p1 p2) (concat (file-name-as-directory p1) p2))
(defun lean-find-file-upward (file-name &optional dir-name)
"Try to find a file in a (current) directory or its parent directories."
(let* ((dir-name (or dir-name (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))
(parent-dir-name (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir-name)))
(full-name (lean-concat-paths dir-name file-name)))
(cond ((file-exists-p full-name) full-name)
((string= dir-name parent-dir-name) nil)
(t (lean-find-file-upward file-name parent-dir-name)))))
2014-08-14 00:02:49 +00:00
(defun lean-grab-line (n)
"Return the contents of n-th line at the current buffer"
2014-08-14 00:02:49 +00:00
(let* ((cur-line-number (line-number-at-pos))
(rel-line-number (1+ (- n cur-line-number)))
(p1 (line-beginning-position rel-line-number))
(p2 (line-end-position rel-line-number)))
(buffer-substring-no-properties p1 p2)))
(defun lean-get-rootdir ()
2014-08-14 00:02:49 +00:00
(concat "'lean-rootdir' is not defined."
"Please have (customize-set-variable 'lean-rootdir \"~/work/lean\") "
"in your emacs configuration. "
"Also make sure that your (custom-set-variable ...) "
" comes before (require 'lean-mode)"))))
(defun lean-get-executable (exe-name)
"Return fullpath of lean executable"
2014-08-14 00:02:49 +00:00
(let ((lean-bin-dir-name "bin"))
(lean-concat-paths (lean-get-rootdir) lean-bin-dir-name exe-name)))
(defun lean-path-list ()
(let* ((lean-path-env-list
(parse-colon-path (getenv "LEAN_PATH")))
(car (process-lines (lean-get-executable lean-executable-name)
(project-dir (f--traverse-upwards (f-exists? (f-expand ".project" it))
(f-dirname (buffer-file-name))))
(path-list (append lean-path-env-list lean--path-list)))
(when project-dir
(setq path-list
(--map-when (f-relative? it)
(f-canonical (f-join project-dir it))
(-uniq (-map (-compose 'f-slash 'f-canonical)
(defun lean-letter-like-unicode-p (u)
(when u
(cond ((and (<= #x3b1 u) (<= u #x3c9) (not (= u #x3bb))) t)
((and (<= #x3ca u) (<= u #x3fb)) t)
((and (<= #x1f00 u) (<= u #x1ffe)) t)
((and (<= #x2100 u) (<= u #x214f)) t))))
(defun lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p (u)
(when u
(cond ((and (<= #x2070 u) (<= u #x2078)) t)
((and (<= #x207f u) (<= u #x2089)) t)
((and (<= #x2090 u) (<= u #x209c)) t))))
(defun lean-isalpha (c)
(when c
(cond ((and (<= ?a c) (<= c ?z)) t)
((and (<= ?A c) (<= c ?Z)) t))))
(defun lean-isnum (c)
(when c
(if (and (<= ?0 c) (<= c ?9)) t)))
(defun lean-isalnum (c)
(when c
(or (lean-isalpha c)
(lean-isnum c))))
(defun lean-id-rest-p (c)
(when c
(or (lean-isalnum c)
(= c ?_)
(= c ?\')
(lean-letter-like-unicode-p c)
(lean-super-sub-script-alnum-unicode-p c))))
(defun lean-id-first-p (c)
(when c
(or (lean-isalnum c)
(= c ?_)
(lean-letter-like-unicode-p c))))
(defun lean-grab-id ()
(when (and (or (eolp)
(looking-at (rx white))
(not (bolp)))
(backward-char 1))
(let ((cur-pos (point))
(id-beg (lean-find-id-beg)))
(when id-beg
(buffer-substring id-beg (1+ (point)))))))
(provide 'lean-util)