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Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "util/flet.h"
#include "util/list_fn.h"
#include "util/lazy_list_fn.h"
#include "util/sstream.h"
#include "util/name_map.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "kernel/for_each_fn.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/kernel_exception.h"
#include "kernel/error_msgs.h"
#include "kernel/expr_maps.h"
#include "library/coercion.h"
#include "library/placeholder.h"
#include "library/choice.h"
#include "library/explicit.h"
#include "library/unifier.h"
#include "library/opaque_hints.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/deep_copy.h"
#include "library/tactic/tactic.h"
#include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h"
#include "library/error_handling/error_handling.h"
#include "frontends/lean/local_decls.h"
#include "frontends/lean/class.h"
#include "frontends/lean/tactic_hint.h"
#include "frontends/lean/info_manager.h"
namespace lean {
// ==========================================
// elaborator configuration options
static name g_elaborator_local_instances{"elaborator", "local_instances"};
RegisterBoolOption(g_elaborator_local_instances, LEAN_DEFAULT_ELABORATOR_LOCAL_INSTANCES, "(lean elaborator) use local declarates as class instances");
bool get_elaborator_local_instances(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_bool(g_elaborator_local_instances, LEAN_DEFAULT_ELABORATOR_LOCAL_INSTANCES);
// ==========================================
/** \brief Functional object for converting the universe metavariables in an expression in new universe parameters.
The substitution is updated with the mapping metavar -> new param.
The set of parameter names m_params and the buffer m_new_params are also updated.
class univ_metavars_to_params_fn {
environment const & m_env;
local_decls<level> const & m_lls;
substitution & m_subst;
name_set & m_params;
buffer<name> & m_new_params;
unsigned m_next_idx;
/** \brief Create a new universe parameter s.t. the new name does not occur in \c m_params, nor it is
a global universe in \e m_env or in the local_decls<level> m_lls.
The new name is added to \c m_params, and the new level parameter is returned.
The name is of the form "l_i" where \c i >= m_next_idx.
level mk_new_univ_param() {
name l("l");
name r = l.append_after(m_next_idx);
while (m_lls.contains(r) || m_params.contains(r) || m_env.is_universe(r)) {
r = l.append_after(m_next_idx);
return mk_param_univ(r);
univ_metavars_to_params_fn(environment const & env, local_decls<level> const & lls, substitution & s, name_set & ps, buffer<name> & new_ps):
m_env(env), m_lls(lls), m_subst(s), m_params(ps), m_new_params(new_ps), m_next_idx(1) {}
level apply(level const & l) {
return replace(l, [&](level const & l) {
if (!has_meta(l))
return some_level(l);
if (is_meta(l)) {
if (auto it = m_subst.get_level(meta_id(l))) {
return some_level(*it);
} else {
level new_p = mk_new_univ_param();
m_subst.assign(l, new_p);
return some_level(new_p);
return none_level();
expr apply(expr const & e) {
if (!has_univ_metavar(e)) {
return e;
} else {
return replace(e, [&](expr const & e) {
if (!has_univ_metavar(e)) {
return some_expr(e);
} else if (is_sort(e)) {
return some_expr(update_sort(e, apply(sort_level(e))));
} else if (is_constant(e)) {
levels ls = map(const_levels(e), [&](level const & l) { return apply(l); });
return some_expr(update_constant(e, ls));
} else {
return none_expr();
expr operator()(expr const & e) { return apply(e); }
/** \brief Return a list of instances of the class \c cls_name that occur in \c ctx */
list<expr> get_local_instances(list<expr> const & ctx, name const & cls_name) {
buffer<expr> buffer;
for (auto const & l : ctx) {
if (!is_local(l))
expr inst_type = mlocal_type(l);
if (!is_constant(get_app_fn(inst_type)) || const_name(get_app_fn(inst_type)) != cls_name)
return to_list(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
/** \brief Helper class for implementing the \c elaborate functions. */
class elaborator {
typedef name_map<expr> mvar2meta;
/** \brief Auxiliary data-structure for storing the local context, and creating metavariables in the scope of the local context efficiently */
class context {
name_generator & m_ngen;
mvar2meta & m_mvar2meta;
list<expr> m_ctx; // current local context: a list of local constants
buffer<expr> m_ctx_buffer; // m_ctx as a buffer
buffer<expr> m_ctx_domain_buffer; // m_ctx_domain_buffer[i] == abstract_locals(m_ctx_buffer[i], i, m_ctx_buffer.beg
context(name_generator & ngen, mvar2meta & m, list<expr> const & ctx):m_ngen(ngen), m_mvar2meta(m) { set_ctx(ctx); }
void set_ctx(list<expr> const & ctx) {
m_ctx = ctx;
to_buffer(ctx, m_ctx_buffer);
std::reverse(m_ctx_buffer.begin(), m_ctx_buffer.end());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ctx_buffer.size(); i++) {
m_ctx_domain_buffer.push_back(abstract_locals(m_ctx_buffer[i], i, m_ctx_buffer.data()));
/** \brief Given <tt>e[l_1, ..., l_n]</tt> and assuming \c m_ctx is
<tt>[l_n : A_n[l_1, ..., l_{n-1}], ..., l_1 : A_1 ]</tt>,
then the result is
<tt>(Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), e[x_1, ... x_n])</tt>.
expr pi_abstract_context(expr e, tag g) {
e = abstract_locals(e, m_ctx_buffer.size(), m_ctx_buffer.data());
unsigned i = m_ctx_domain_buffer.size();
while (i > 0) {
expr const & l = m_ctx_domain_buffer[i];
e = save_tag(mk_pi(local_pp_name(l), mlocal_type(l), e, local_info(l)), g);
return e;
/** \brief Assuming \c m_ctx is
<tt>[l_n : A_n[l_1, ..., l_{n-1}], ..., l_1 : A_1 ]</tt>,
return <tt>(f l_1 ... l_n)</tt>.
expr apply_context(expr const & f, tag g) {
expr r = f;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ctx_buffer.size(); i++)
r = save_tag(::lean::mk_app(r, m_ctx_buffer[i]), g);
return r;
/** \brief Assuming \c m_ctx is
<tt>[l_n : A_n[l_1, ..., l_{n-1}], ..., l_1 : A_1 ]</tt>,
return a fresh metavariable \c ?m with type
<tt>(Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), Type.{?u})</tt>,
where \c ?u is a fresh universe metavariable.
expr mk_type_metavar(tag g) {
name n = m_ngen.next();
expr s = save_tag(mk_sort(mk_meta_univ(m_ngen.next())), g);
expr t = pi_abstract_context(s, g);
return save_tag(::lean::mk_metavar(n, t), g);
/** \brief Assuming \c m_ctx is
<tt>[l_n : A_n[l_1, ..., l_{n-1}], ..., l_1 : A_1 ]</tt>,
return <tt>(?m l_1 ... l_n)</tt> where \c ?m is a fresh metavariable with type
<tt>(Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), Type.{?u})</tt>,
and \c ?u is a fresh universe metavariable.
\remark The type of the resulting expression is <tt>Type.{?u}</tt>
expr mk_type_meta(tag g) {
return apply_context(mk_type_metavar(g), g);
/** \brief Given <tt>type[l_1, ..., l_n]</tt> and assuming \c m_ctx is
<tt>[l_n : A_n[l_1, ..., l_{n-1}], ..., l_1 : A_1 ]</tt>,
then the result is a fresh metavariable \c ?m with type
<tt>(Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), type[x_1, ... x_n])</tt>.
If <tt>type</tt> is none, then the result is a fresh metavariable \c ?m1 with type
<tt>(Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), ?m2 x1 .... xn)</tt>,
where ?m2 is another fresh metavariable with type
<tt>(Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n[x_1, ..., x_{n-1}]), Type.{?u})</tt>,
and \c ?u is a fresh universe metavariable.
expr mk_metavar(optional<expr> const & type, tag g) {
name n = m_ngen.next();
expr r_type = type ? *type : mk_type_meta(g);
expr t = pi_abstract_context(r_type, g);
return save_tag(::lean::mk_metavar(n, t), g);
/** \brief Given <tt>type[l_1, ..., l_n]</tt> and assuming \c m_ctx is
<tt>[l_n : A_n[l_1, ..., l_{n-1}], ..., l_1 : A_1 ]</tt>,
return (?m l_1 ... l_n), where ?m is a fresh metavariable
created using \c mk_metavar.
\see mk_metavar
expr mk_meta(optional<expr> const & type, tag g) {
expr mvar = mk_metavar(type, g);
expr meta = apply_context(mvar, g);
m_mvar2meta.insert(mlocal_name(mvar), meta);
return meta;
void add_local(expr const & l) {
m_ctx = cons(l, m_ctx);
m_ctx_domain_buffer.push_back(abstract_locals(l, m_ctx_buffer.size(), m_ctx_buffer.data()));
list<expr> const & get_data() const {
return m_ctx;
/** \brief Scope object for restoring the content of the context */
class scope {
context & m_main;
list<expr> m_old_ctx;
unsigned m_old_sz;
scope(context & main):m_main(main), m_old_ctx(main.m_ctx), m_old_sz(main.m_ctx_buffer.size()) {}
~scope() {
m_main.m_ctx = m_old_ctx;
/** \brief Scope object for temporarily replacing the content of the context */
class scope_replace {
context & m_main;
list<expr> m_saved;
scope_replace(context & main, list<expr> const & new_ctx):m_main(main), m_saved(m_main.m_ctx) {
~scope_replace() {
typedef std::vector<constraint> constraint_vect;
typedef name_map<expr> local_tactic_hints;
typedef std::unique_ptr<type_checker> type_checker_ptr;
environment m_env;
local_decls<level> m_lls;
io_state m_ios;
name_generator m_ngen;
type_checker_ptr m_tc[2];
mvar2meta m_mvar2meta; // mapping from metavariable ?m to the (?m l_1 ... l_n) where [l_1 ... l_n] are the local constants
// representing the context where ?m was created.
context m_context; // current local context: a list of local constants
context m_full_context; // superset of m_context, it also contains non-contextual locals.
pos_info_provider * m_pos_provider; // optional expression position information used when reporting errors.
constraint_vect m_constraints; // constraints that must be solved for the elaborated term to be type correct.
local_tactic_hints m_local_tactic_hints; // mapping from metavariable name ?m to tactic expression that should be used to solve it.
// this mapping is populated by the 'by tactic-expr' expression.
name_set m_displayed_errors; // set of metavariables that we already reported unsolved/unassigned
bool m_check_unassigned; // if true if display error messages if elaborated term still contains metavariables
bool m_use_local_instances; // if true class-instance resolution will use the local context
bool m_relax_main_opaque; // if true, then treat opaque definitions from the main module as transparent
info_manager * m_info_manager;
std::vector<type_info_data> m_pre_info_data;
struct scope_ctx {
context::scope m_scope1;
context::scope m_scope2;
scope_ctx(elaborator & e):m_scope1(e.m_context), m_scope2(e.m_full_context) {}
/** \brief Auxiliary object for creating backtracking points, and replacing the local scopes.
\remark A new scope can only be created when m_constraints is empty.
struct new_scope {
elaborator & m_main;
context::scope_replace m_context_scope;
context::scope_replace m_full_context_scope;
new_scope(elaborator & e, list<expr> const & ctx, list<expr> const & full_ctx):
m_main(e), m_context_scope(e.m_context, ctx), m_full_context_scope(e.m_full_context, full_ctx) {
~new_scope() {
/* \brief Move all constraints generated by the type checker to the buffer m_constraints. */
void consume_tc_cnstrs() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
while (auto c = m_tc[i]->next_cnstr())
struct choice_elaborator {
bool m_ignore_failure;
choice_elaborator(bool ignore_failure = false):m_ignore_failure(ignore_failure) {}
virtual optional<constraints> next() = 0;
/** \brief 'Choice' expressions <tt>(choice e_1 ... e_n)</tt> are mapped into a metavariable \c ?m
and a choice constraints <tt>(?m in fn)</tt> where \c fn is a choice function.
The choice function produces a stream of alternatives. In this case, it produces a stream of
size \c n, one alternative for each \c e_i.
This is a helper class for implementing this choice functions.
struct choice_expr_elaborator : public choice_elaborator {
elaborator & m_elab;
expr m_mvar;
expr m_choice;
list<expr> m_ctx;
list<expr> m_full_ctx;
unsigned m_idx;
bool m_relax_main_opaque;
choice_expr_elaborator(elaborator & elab, expr const & mvar, expr const & c,
list<expr> const & ctx, list<expr> const & full_ctx,
bool relax):
m_elab(elab), m_mvar(mvar), m_choice(c), m_ctx(ctx), m_full_ctx(full_ctx),
m_idx(0), m_relax_main_opaque(relax) {
virtual optional<constraints> next() {
while (m_idx < get_num_choices(m_choice)) {
expr const & c = get_choice(m_choice, m_idx);
try {
new_scope s(m_elab, m_ctx, m_full_ctx);
expr r = m_elab.visit(c);
list<constraint> cs = to_list(m_elab.m_constraints.begin(), m_elab.m_constraints.end());
cs = cons(mk_eq_cnstr(m_mvar, r, justification(), m_relax_main_opaque), cs);
return optional<constraints>(cs);
} catch (exception &) {}
return optional<constraints>();
/** \brief Whenever the elaborator finds a placeholder '_' or introduces an implicit argument, it creates
a metavariable \c ?m. It also creates a delayed choice constraint (?m in fn).
The function \c fn produces a stream of alternative solutions for ?m.
In this case, \c fn will do the following:
1) if the elaborated type of ?m is a 'class' C, then the stream will start with
a) all local instances of class C (if elaborator.local_instances == true)
b) solutions produced by tactic_hints for class C
2) if the elaborated type of ?m is not a class, then the stream will only contain
the solutions produced by tactic_hints.
The unifier only process delayed choice constraints when there are no other kind of constraint to be
This is a helper class for implementing this choice function.
struct placeholder_elaborator : public choice_elaborator {
elaborator & m_elab;
expr m_meta;
expr m_meta_type; // elaborated type of the metavariable
list<expr> m_local_instances; // local instances that should also be included in the class-instance resolution.
list<name> m_instances; // global declaration names that are class instances.
// This information is retrieved using #get_class_instances.
list<tactic_hint_entry> m_tactics;
proof_state_seq m_tactic_result; // result produce by last executed tactic.
buffer<expr> m_mvars_in_meta_type; // metavariables that occur in m_meta_type, the tactics may instantiate some of them
list<expr> m_ctx; // local context for m_meta
list<expr> m_full_ctx;
justification m_jst;
bool m_relax_main_opaque;
placeholder_elaborator(elaborator & elab, expr const & meta, expr const & meta_type,
list<expr> const & local_insts, list<name> const & instances, list<tactic_hint_entry> const & tacs,
list<expr> const & ctx, list<expr> const & full_ctx,
justification const & j, bool ignore_failure, bool relax):
m_elab(elab), m_meta(meta), m_meta_type(meta_type), m_local_instances(local_insts), m_instances(instances),
m_tactics(tacs), m_ctx(ctx), m_full_ctx(full_ctx), m_jst(j), m_relax_main_opaque(relax) {
collect_metavars(meta_type, m_mvars_in_meta_type);
optional<constraints> try_instance(name const & inst) {
auto decl = m_elab.m_env.find(inst);
if (!decl)
return optional<constraints>();
expr type = decl->get_type();
// create the term pre (inst _ ... _)
expr pre = copy_tag(m_meta, mk_explicit(copy_tag(m_meta, mk_constant(inst))));
while (is_pi(type)) {
type = binding_body(type);
pre = copy_tag(m_meta, ::lean::mk_app(pre, copy_tag(m_meta, mk_strict_expr_placeholder())));
try {
new_scope s(m_elab, m_ctx, m_full_ctx);
expr r = m_elab.visit(pre); // use elaborator to create metavariables, levels, etc.
for (auto & c : m_elab.m_constraints)
c = update_justification(c, mk_composite1(m_jst, c.get_justification()));
list<constraint> cs = to_list(m_elab.m_constraints.begin(), m_elab.m_constraints.end());
cs = cons(mk_eq_cnstr(m_meta, r, m_jst, m_relax_main_opaque), cs);
return optional<constraints>(cs);
} catch (exception &) {
return optional<constraints>();
optional<constraints> get_next_tactic_result() {
while (auto next = m_tactic_result.pull()) {
m_tactic_result = next->second;
if (!empty(next->first.get_goals()))
continue; // has unsolved goals
substitution subst = next->first.get_subst();
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr const & mvar = get_app_fn(m_meta);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mvar, subst.instantiate(mvar), m_jst, m_relax_main_opaque));
for (auto const & mvar : m_mvars_in_meta_type)
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mvar, subst.instantiate(mvar), m_jst, m_relax_main_opaque));
return optional<constraints>(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
return optional<constraints>();
virtual optional<constraints> next() {
while (!empty(m_local_instances)) {
expr inst = head(m_local_instances);
m_local_instances = tail(m_local_instances);
constraints cs(mk_eq_cnstr(m_meta, inst, m_jst, m_relax_main_opaque));
return optional<constraints>(cs);
while (!empty(m_instances)) {
name inst = head(m_instances);
m_instances = tail(m_instances);
if (auto cs = try_instance(inst))
return cs;
if (auto cs = get_next_tactic_result())
return cs;
while (!empty(m_tactics)) {
tactic const & tac = head(m_tactics).get_tactic();
m_tactics = tail(m_tactics);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(m_meta, m_meta_type)), substitution(), m_elab.m_ngen.mk_child());
try {
m_tactic_result = tac(m_elab.m_env, m_elab.m_ios, ps);
if (auto cs = get_next_tactic_result())
return cs;
} catch (exception &) {}
return optional<constraints>();
lazy_list<constraints> choose(std::shared_ptr<choice_elaborator> c) {
return mk_lazy_list<constraints>([=]() {
auto s = c->next();
if (s) {
return some(mk_pair(*s, choose(c)));
} else if (c->m_ignore_failure) {
// return singleton empty list of constraints, and let tactic hints try to instantiate the metavariable.
return lazy_list<constraints>::maybe_pair(constraints(), lazy_list<constraints>());
} else {
return lazy_list<constraints>::maybe_pair();
elaborator(environment const & env, local_decls<level> const & lls, list<expr> const & ctx, io_state const & ios, name_generator const & ngen,
pos_info_provider * pp, bool check_unassigned, info_manager * info):
m_env(env), m_lls(lls), m_ios(ios),
m_context(m_ngen, m_mvar2meta, ctx),
m_full_context(m_ngen, m_mvar2meta, ctx),
m_info_manager(info) {
m_relax_main_opaque = false;
m_tc[0] = mk_type_checker_with_hints(env, m_ngen.mk_child(), false);
m_tc[1] = mk_type_checker_with_hints(env, m_ngen.mk_child(), true);
m_check_unassigned = check_unassigned;
m_use_local_instances = get_elaborator_local_instances(ios.get_options());
expr mk_local(name const & n, expr const & t, binder_info const & bi) {
return ::lean::mk_local(m_ngen.next(), n, t, bi);
expr infer_type(expr const & e) {
return m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]->infer(e);
expr whnf(expr const & e) {
return m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]->whnf(e);
/** \brief Clear constraint buffer \c m_constraints */
void clear_constraints() {
void add_cnstr(constraint const & c) {
static expr save_tag(expr && e, tag g) {
return e;
expr mk_app(expr const & f, expr const & a, tag g) {
return save_tag(::lean::mk_app(f, a), g);
list<name> get_class_instances(expr const & type) {
if (is_constant(get_app_fn(type))) {
name const & c = const_name(get_app_fn(type));
return ::lean::get_class_instances(m_env, c);
} else {
return list<name>();
bool is_class(expr const & type) {
expr f = get_app_fn(type);
if (!is_constant(f))
return false;
name const & cls_name = const_name(f);
return ::lean::is_class(m_env, cls_name) || !empty(get_tactic_hints(m_env, cls_name));
static expr instantiate_meta(expr const & meta, substitution & subst) {
buffer<expr> locals;
expr mvar = get_app_args(meta, locals);
mvar = update_mlocal(mvar, subst.instantiate_all(mlocal_type(mvar)));
for (auto & local : locals) local = subst.instantiate_all(local);
return ::lean::mk_app(mvar, locals);
/** \brief Return a 'failed to synthesize placholder' justification for the given
metavariable application \c m of the form (?m l_1 ... l_k) */
justification mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(expr const & m) {
environment env = m_env;
return mk_justification(m, [=](formatter const & fmt, substitution const & subst) {
substitution tmp(subst);
expr new_m = instantiate_meta(m, tmp);
expr new_type = type_checker(env).infer(new_m);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(new_m, new_type)), substitution(), name_generator("dontcare"));
return format({format("failed to synthesize placeholder"), line(), ps.pp(fmt)});
/** \brief Create a metavariable, and attach choice constraint for generating
solutions using class-instances and tactic-hints.
expr mk_placeholder_meta(optional<expr> const & type, tag g, bool is_strict = false) {
expr m = m_context.mk_meta(type, g);
list<expr> ctx = m_context.get_data();
list<expr> full_ctx = m_full_context.get_data();
justification j = mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(m);
auto choice_fn = [=](expr const & meta, expr const & meta_type, substitution const & s, name_generator const & /* ngen */) {
expr const & mvar = get_app_fn(meta);
if (is_class(meta_type)) {
name const & cls_name = const_name(get_app_fn(meta_type));
list<expr> local_insts;
if (m_use_local_instances)
local_insts = get_local_instances(ctx, cls_name);
list<name> insts = get_class_instances(meta_type);
list<tactic_hint_entry> tacs;
if (!s.is_assigned(mvar))
tacs = get_tactic_hints(m_env, cls_name);
if (empty(local_insts) && empty(insts) && empty(tacs))
return lazy_list<constraints>(); // nothing to be done
bool ignore_failure = false; // we are always strict with placeholders associated with classes
return choose(std::make_shared<placeholder_elaborator>(*this, meta, meta_type, local_insts, insts, tacs, ctx, full_ctx,
j, ignore_failure, m_relax_main_opaque));
} else if (s.is_assigned(mvar)) {
// if the metavariable is assigned and it is not a class, then we just ignore it, and return
// the an empty set of constraints.
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints());
} else {
list<tactic_hint_entry> tacs = get_tactic_hints(m_env);
bool ignore_failure = !is_strict;
return choose(std::make_shared<placeholder_elaborator>(*this, meta, meta_type, list<expr>(), list<name>(), tacs, ctx, full_ctx,
j, ignore_failure, m_relax_main_opaque));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::DelayedChoice2), false, j, m_relax_main_opaque));
return m;
/** \brief Convert the metavariable to the metavariable application that captures
the context where it was defined.
optional<expr> mvar_to_meta(expr mvar) {
if (auto it = m_mvar2meta.find(mlocal_name(mvar)))
return some_expr(*it);
return none_expr();
expr visit_expecting_type(expr const & e) {
if (is_placeholder(e) && !placeholder_type(e))
return m_context.mk_type_meta(e.get_tag());
return visit(e);
expr visit_expecting_type_of(expr const & e, expr const & t) {
if (is_placeholder(e) && !placeholder_type(e))
return mk_placeholder_meta(some_expr(t), e.get_tag(), is_strict_placeholder(e));
else if (is_choice(e))
return visit_choice(e, some_expr(t));
else if (is_by(e))
return visit_by(e, some_expr(t));
return visit(e);
expr visit_choice(expr const & e, optional<expr> const & t) {
// Possible optimization: try to lookahead and discard some of the alternatives.
expr m = m_full_context.mk_meta(t, e.get_tag());
list<expr> ctx = m_context.get_data();
list<expr> full_ctx = m_full_context.get_data();
bool relax = m_relax_main_opaque;
auto fn = [=](expr const & mvar, expr const & /* type */, substitution const & /* s */, name_generator const & /* ngen */) {
return choose(std::make_shared<choice_expr_elaborator>(*this, mvar, e, ctx, full_ctx, relax));
justification j = mk_justification("none of the overloads is applicable", some_expr(e));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::Basic), true, j, m_relax_main_opaque));
return m;
expr visit_by(expr const & e, optional<expr> const & t) {
expr tac = visit(get_by_arg(e));
expr m = m_context.mk_meta(t, e.get_tag());
m_local_tactic_hints.insert(mlocal_name(get_app_fn(m)), tac);
return m;
/** \brief Make sure \c f is really a function, if it is not, try to apply coercions.
The result is a pair <tt>new_f, f_type</tt>, where new_f is the new value for \c f,
and \c f_type is its type (and a Pi-expression)
std::pair<expr, expr> ensure_fun(expr f) {
expr f_type = infer_type(f);
if (!is_pi(f_type))
f_type = whnf(f_type);
if (!is_pi(f_type) && has_metavar(f_type)) {
f_type = whnf(f_type);
if (!is_pi(f_type) && is_meta(f_type)) {
// let type checker add constraint
f_type = m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]->ensure_pi(f_type, f);
if (!is_pi(f_type)) {
// try coercion to function-class
optional<expr> c = get_coercion_to_fun(m_env, f_type);
if (c) {
f = mk_app(*c, f, f.get_tag());
f_type = infer_type(f);
} else {
throw_kernel_exception(m_env, f, [=](formatter const & fmt) { return pp_function_expected(fmt, f); });
return mk_pair(f, f_type);
bool has_coercions_from(expr const & a_type) {
expr const & a_cls = get_app_fn(whnf(a_type));
return is_constant(a_cls) && ::lean::has_coercions_from(m_env, const_name(a_cls));
bool has_coercions_to(expr const & d_type) {
expr const & d_cls = get_app_fn(whnf(d_type));
return is_constant(d_cls) && ::lean::has_coercions_to(m_env, const_name(d_cls));
expr apply_coercion(expr const & a, expr a_type, expr d_type) {
a_type = whnf(a_type);
d_type = whnf(d_type);
expr const & d_cls = get_app_fn(d_type);
if (is_constant(d_cls)) {
if (auto c = get_coercion(m_env, a_type, const_name(d_cls)))
return mk_app(*c, a, a.get_tag());
return a;
constraint mk_delayed_coercion_cnstr(expr const & m, expr const & a, expr const & a_type,
justification const & j, unsigned delay_factor) {
bool relax = m_relax_main_opaque;
auto choice_fn = [=](expr const & mvar, expr const & new_d_type, substitution const & /* s */, name_generator const & /* ngen */) {
// Remark: we want the coercions solved before we start discarding FlexFlex constraints. So, we use PreFlexFlex as a max cap
// for delaying coercions.
if (is_meta(new_d_type) && delay_factor < to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::DelayedChoice1)) {
// The type is still unknown, delay the constraint even more.
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_delayed_coercion_cnstr(m, a, a_type, justification(), delay_factor+1)));
} else {
expr r = apply_coercion(a, a_type, new_d_type);
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_eq_cnstr(mvar, r, justification(), relax)));
return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, delay_factor, true, j, m_relax_main_opaque);
/** \brief Given a term <tt>a : a_type</tt>, and an expected type generate a metavariable with a delayed coercion. */
expr mk_delayed_coercion(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type, justification const & j) {
expr m = m_full_context.mk_meta(some_expr(expected_type), a.get_tag());
add_cnstr(mk_delayed_coercion_cnstr(m, a, a_type, j, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::Basic)));
return m;
/** \brief Given a term <tt>a : a_type</tt>, ensure it has type \c expected_type. Apply coercions if needed
\remark relax == true affects how opaque definitions in the main module are treated.
expr ensure_type(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type, justification const & j, bool relax) {
if (is_meta(expected_type) && has_coercions_from(a_type)) {
return mk_delayed_coercion(a, a_type, expected_type, j);
} else if (is_meta(a_type) && has_coercions_to(expected_type)) {
return mk_delayed_coercion(a, a_type, expected_type, j);
} else if (m_tc[relax]->is_def_eq(a_type, expected_type, j)) {
return a;
} else {
expr new_a = apply_coercion(a, a_type, expected_type);
bool coercion_worked = false;
if (!is_eqp(a, new_a)) {
expr new_a_type = infer_type(new_a);
coercion_worked = m_tc[relax]->is_def_eq(new_a_type, expected_type, j);
if (coercion_worked) {
return new_a;
} else if (has_metavar(a_type) || has_metavar(expected_type)) {
// rely on unification hints to solve this constraint
add_cnstr(mk_eq_cnstr(a_type, expected_type, j, relax));
return a;
} else {
throw unifier_exception(j, substitution());
bool is_choice_app(expr const & e) {
expr const & f = get_app_fn(e);
return is_choice(f) || (is_explicit(f) && is_choice(get_explicit_arg(f)));
/** \brief Process ((choice f_1 ... f_n) a_1 ... a_k) as
(choice (f_1 a_1 ... a_k) ... (f_n a_1 ... a_k))
expr visit_choice_app(expr const & e) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr f = get_app_rev_args(e, args);
bool expl = is_explicit(f);
if (expl)
f = get_explicit_arg(f);
buffer<expr> new_choices;
unsigned num = get_num_choices(f);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) {
expr f_i = get_choice(f, i);
if (expl)
f_i = copy_tag(f_i, mk_explicit(f_i));
new_choices.push_back(mk_rev_app(f_i, args));
return visit_choice(copy_tag(e, mk_choice(new_choices.size(), new_choices.data())), none_expr());
expr visit_app(expr const & e) {
if (is_choice_app(e))
return visit_choice_app(e);
bool expl = is_explicit(get_app_fn(e));
expr f = visit(app_fn(e));
auto f_t = ensure_fun(f);
f = f_t.first;
expr f_type = f_t.second;
if (!expl) {
bool first = true;
while (binding_info(f_type).is_strict_implicit() || (!first && binding_info(f_type).is_implicit())) {
tag g = f.get_tag();
expr imp_arg = mk_placeholder_meta(some_expr(binding_domain(f_type)), g);
f = mk_app(f, imp_arg, g);
auto f_t = ensure_fun(f);
f = f_t.first;
f_type = f_t.second;
first = false;
if (!first) {
// we save the info data again for application of functions with strict implicit arguments
replace_info_data(get_app_fn(e), f);
expr d_type = binding_domain(f_type);
expr a = visit_expecting_type_of(app_arg(e), d_type);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
expr r = mk_app(f, a, e.get_tag());
justification j = mk_app_justification(r, a, d_type, a_type);
expr new_a = ensure_type(a, a_type, d_type, j, m_relax_main_opaque);
return update_app(r, app_fn(r), new_a);
expr visit_placeholder(expr const & e) {
return mk_placeholder_meta(placeholder_type(e), e.get_tag(), is_strict_placeholder(e));
level replace_univ_placeholder(level const & l) {
return replace(l, [&](level const & l) {
if (is_placeholder(l))
return some_level(mk_meta_univ(m_ngen.next()));
return none_level();
expr visit_sort(expr const & e) {
return update_sort(e, replace_univ_placeholder(sort_level(e)));
expr visit_macro(expr const & e) {
if (is_as_is(e)) {
return get_as_is_arg(e);
} else {
// Remark: Macros are not meant to be used in the front end.
// Perhaps, we should throw error.
buffer<expr> args;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(e); i++)
args.push_back(visit(macro_arg(e, i)));
return update_macro(e, args.size(), args.data());
/** \brief Store the pair (pos(e), type(r)) in the info_data if m_info_manager is available. */
void save_info_data_core(expr const & e, expr const & r, bool replace) {
if (m_info_manager && m_pos_provider && (is_constant(e) || is_local(e) || is_placeholder(e))) {
if (auto p = m_pos_provider->get_pos_info(e)) {
type_checker::scope scope(*m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]);
expr t = m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]->infer(r);
if (replace) {
while (!m_pre_info_data.empty() && m_pre_info_data.back().eq_pos(p->first, p->second))
m_pre_info_data.push_back(type_info_data(p->first, p->second, t));
void save_info_data(expr const & e, expr const & r) {
save_info_data_core(e, r, false);
void replace_info_data(expr const & e, expr const & r) {
save_info_data_core(e, r, true);
expr visit_constant(expr const & e) {
declaration d = m_env.get(const_name(e));
buffer<level> ls;
for (level const & l : const_levels(e))
unsigned num_univ_params = length(d.get_univ_params());
if (num_univ_params < ls.size())
throw_kernel_exception(m_env, sstream() << "incorrect number of universe levels parameters for '"
<< const_name(e) << "', #" << num_univ_params
<< " expected, #" << ls.size() << " provided");
// "fill" with meta universe parameters
for (unsigned i = ls.size(); i < num_univ_params; i++)
lean_assert(num_univ_params == ls.size());
return update_constant(e, to_list(ls.begin(), ls.end()));
/** \brief Make sure \c e is a type. If it is not, then try to apply coercions. */
expr ensure_type(expr const & e) {
expr t = infer_type(e);
if (is_sort(t))
return e;
t = whnf(t);
if (is_sort(t))
return e;
if (has_metavar(t)) {
t = whnf(t);
if (is_sort(t))
return e;
if (is_meta(t)) {
// let type checker add constraint
m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]->ensure_sort(t, e);
return e;
optional<expr> c = get_coercion_to_sort(m_env, t);
if (c)
return mk_app(*c, e, e.get_tag());
throw_kernel_exception(m_env, e, [=](formatter const & fmt) { return pp_type_expected(fmt, e); });
/** \brief Similar to instantiate_rev, but assumes that subst contains only local constants.
When replacing a variable with a local, we copy the local constant and inherit the tag
associated with the variable. This is a trick for getter better error messages */
expr instantiate_rev_locals(expr const & a, unsigned n, expr const * subst) {
if (closed(a))
return a;
return replace(a, [=](expr const & m, unsigned offset) -> optional<expr> {
if (offset >= get_free_var_range(m))
return some_expr(m); // expression m does not contain free variables with idx >= offset
if (is_var(m)) {
unsigned vidx = var_idx(m);
if (vidx >= offset) {
unsigned h = offset + n;
if (h < offset /* overflow, h is bigger than any vidx */ || vidx < h) {
expr local = subst[n - (vidx - offset) - 1];
return some_expr(copy_tag(m, copy(local)));
} else {
return some_expr(copy_tag(m, mk_var(vidx - n)));
return none_expr();
expr visit_binding(expr e, expr_kind k) {
scope_ctx scope(*this);
buffer<expr> ds, ls, es;
while (e.kind() == k) {
expr d = binding_domain(e);
d = instantiate_rev_locals(d, ls.size(), ls.data());
d = ensure_type(visit_expecting_type(d));
expr l = mk_local(binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
if (binding_info(e).is_contextual())
e = binding_body(e);
lean_assert(ls.size() == es.size() && ls.size() == ds.size());
e = instantiate_rev_locals(e, ls.size(), ls.data());
e = (k == expr_kind::Pi) ? ensure_type(visit_expecting_type(e)) : visit(e);
e = abstract_locals(e, ls.size(), ls.data());
unsigned i = ls.size();
while (i > 0) {
e = update_binding(es[i], abstract_locals(ds[i], i, ls.data()), e);
return e;
expr visit_pi(expr const & e) { return visit_binding(e, expr_kind::Pi); }
expr visit_lambda(expr const & e) { return visit_binding(e, expr_kind::Lambda); }
expr visit_core(expr const & e) {
if (is_placeholder(e)) {
return visit_placeholder(e);
} else if (is_choice(e)) {
return visit_choice(e, none_expr());
} else if (is_by(e)) {
return visit_by(e, none_expr());
} else {
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Local: return e;
case expr_kind::Meta: return e;
case expr_kind::Sort: return visit_sort(e);
case expr_kind::Var: lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Constant: return visit_constant(e);
case expr_kind::Macro: return visit_macro(e);
case expr_kind::Lambda: return visit_lambda(e);
case expr_kind::Pi: return visit_pi(e);
case expr_kind::App: return visit_app(e);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
expr visit(expr const & e) {
expr r;
expr b = e;
if (is_explicit(e)) {
b = get_explicit_arg(e);
r = visit_core(get_explicit_arg(e));
} else if (is_explicit(get_app_fn(e))) {
r = visit_core(e);
} else {
if (is_implicit(e)) {
r = get_implicit_arg(e);
if (is_explicit(r)) r = get_explicit_arg(r);
b = r;
r = visit_core(r);
} else {
r = visit_core(e);
if (!is_lambda(r)) {
tag g = e.get_tag();
expr r_type = whnf(infer_type(r));
expr imp_arg;
while (is_pi(r_type) && binding_info(r_type).is_implicit()) {
imp_arg = mk_placeholder_meta(some_expr(binding_domain(r_type)), g);
r = mk_app(r, imp_arg, g);
r_type = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(r_type), imp_arg));
save_info_data(b, r);
return r;
lazy_list<substitution> solve() {
buffer<constraint> cs;
return unify(m_env, cs.size(), cs.data(), m_ngen.mk_child(), true, m_ios.get_options());
static void collect_metavars(expr const & e, buffer<expr> & mvars) {
for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (is_metavar(e)) {
return false; /* do not visit its type */
return has_metavar(e);
void display_unsolved_proof_state(expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, char const * msg) {
if (!m_displayed_errors.contains(mlocal_name(mvar))) {
auto out = regular(m_env, m_ios);
flycheck_error err(out);
display_error_pos(out, m_pos_provider, mvar);
out << " unsolved placeholder, " << msg << "\n" << ps << endl;
// For each occurrence of \c exact_tac in \c pre_tac, display its unassigned metavariables.
// This is a trick to improve the quality of the error messages.
void check_exact_tacs(expr const & pre_tac, substitution const & s) {
for_each(pre_tac, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
expr const & f = get_app_fn(e);
if (is_constant(f) && const_name(f) == const_name(get_exact_tac_fn())) {
display_unassigned_mvars(e, s);
return false;
} else {
return true;
optional<expr> get_pre_tactic_for(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, name_set & visited) {
if (auto it = m_local_tactic_hints.find(mlocal_name(mvar))) {
expr pre_tac = subst.instantiate(*it);
pre_tac = solve_unassigned_mvars(subst, pre_tac, visited);
check_exact_tacs(pre_tac, subst);
return some_expr(pre_tac);
} else {
return none_expr();
optional<tactic> pre_tactic_to_tactic(expr const & pre_tac, expr const & mvar) {
try {
return optional<tactic>(expr_to_tactic(m_env, pre_tac, m_pos_provider));
} catch (expr_to_tactic_exception & ex) {
auto out = regular(m_env, m_ios);
display_error_pos(out, m_pos_provider, mvar);
out << " " << ex.what();
out << pp_indent_expr(out.get_formatter(), pre_tac) << endl << "failed at:"
<< pp_indent_expr(out.get_formatter(), ex.get_expr()) << endl;
return optional<tactic>();
optional<tactic> get_local_tactic_hint(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, name_set & visited) {
if (auto pre_tac = get_pre_tactic_for(subst, mvar, visited)) {
return pre_tactic_to_tactic(*pre_tac, mvar);
} else {
return optional<tactic>();
/** \brief Try to instantiate meta-variable \c mvar (modulo its state ps) using the given tactic.
If it succeeds, then update subst with the solution.
Return true iff the metavariable \c mvar has been assigned.
bool try_using(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, tactic const & tac) {
lean_assert(length(ps.get_goals()) == 1);
// make sure ps is a really a proof state for mvar.
lean_assert(mlocal_name(get_app_fn(head(ps.get_goals()).get_meta())) == mlocal_name(mvar));
try {
proof_state_seq seq = tac(m_env, m_ios, ps);
auto r = seq.pull();
if (!r) {
// tactic failed to produce any result
display_unsolved_proof_state(mvar, ps, "tactic failed");
return false;
} else if (!empty(r->first.get_goals())) {
// tactic contains unsolved subgoals
display_unsolved_proof_state(mvar, r->first, "unsolved subgoals");
return false;
} else {
subst = r->first.get_subst();
expr v = subst.instantiate(mvar);
subst.assign(mlocal_name(mvar), v);
return true;
} catch (tactic_exception & ex) {
auto out = regular(m_env, m_ios);
display_error_pos(out, m_pos_provider, ex.get_expr());
out << " tactic failed: " << ex.what() << "\n";
return false;
void solve_unassigned_mvar(substitution & subst, expr mvar, name_set & visited) {
if (visited.contains(mlocal_name(mvar)))
if (auto local_hint = get_local_tactic_hint(subst, mvar, visited)) {
auto meta = mvar_to_meta(mvar);
if (!meta)
meta = instantiate_meta(*meta, subst);
expr type = m_tc[m_relax_main_opaque]->infer(*meta);
// first solve unassigned metavariables in type
type = solve_unassigned_mvars(subst, type, visited);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(*meta, type)), subst, m_ngen.mk_child());
try_using(subst, mvar, ps, *local_hint);
expr solve_unassigned_mvars(substitution & subst, expr e, name_set & visited) {
e = subst.instantiate(e);
buffer<expr> mvars;
collect_metavars(e, mvars);
if (mvars.empty())
return e;
for (auto mvar : mvars) {
solve_unassigned_mvar(subst, mvar, visited);
return subst.instantiate(e);
expr solve_unassigned_mvars(substitution & subst, expr const & e) {
name_set visited;
return solve_unassigned_mvars(subst, e, visited);
void display_unassigned_mvars(expr const & e, substitution const & s) {
if (m_check_unassigned && has_metavar(e)) {
substitution tmp_s(s);
for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (!is_metavar(e))
return has_metavar(e);
if (auto it = m_mvar2meta.find(mlocal_name(e))) {
expr meta = tmp_s.instantiate(*it);
expr meta_type = tmp_s.instantiate(type_checker(m_env).infer(meta));
goal g(meta, meta_type);
display_unsolved_proof_state(e, proof_state(goals(g), substitution(), m_ngen),
"don't know how to synthesize it");
return false;
/** \brief Apply substitution and solve remaining metavariables using tactics. */
expr apply(substitution & s, expr const & e, name_set & univ_params, buffer<name> & new_params) {
expr r = s.instantiate(e);
if (has_univ_metavar(r))
r = univ_metavars_to_params_fn(m_env, m_lls, s, univ_params, new_params)(r);
r = solve_unassigned_mvars(s, r);
display_unassigned_mvars(r, s);
return r;
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> apply(substitution & s, expr const & e) {
auto ps = collect_univ_params(e);
buffer<name> new_ps;
expr r = apply(s, e, ps, new_ps);
return std::make_tuple(r, to_list(new_ps.begin(), new_ps.end()));
void copy_info_to_manager(substitution s) {
if (!m_info_manager)
for (auto & p : m_pre_info_data)
p = type_info_data(p.get_line(), p.get_column(), s.instantiate(p.get_type()));
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> operator()(expr const & e, bool _ensure_type, bool relax_main_opaque) {
flet<bool> set_relax(m_relax_main_opaque, relax_main_opaque && !get_hide_main_opaque(m_env));
expr r = visit(e);
if (_ensure_type)
r = ensure_type(r);
auto p = solve().pull();
substitution s = p->first;
auto result = apply(s, r);
return result;
std::tuple<expr, expr, level_param_names> operator()(expr const & t, expr const & v, name const & n, bool is_opaque) {
lean_assert(!has_local(t)); lean_assert(!has_local(v));
expr r_t = ensure_type(visit(t));
// Opaque definitions in the main module may treat other opaque definitions (in the main module) as transparent.
flet<bool> set_relax(m_relax_main_opaque, is_opaque && !get_hide_main_opaque(m_env));
expr r_v = visit(v);
expr r_v_type = infer_type(r_v);
justification j = mk_justification(r_v, [=](formatter const & fmt, substitution const & subst) {
substitution s(subst);
return pp_def_type_mismatch(fmt, n, s.instantiate(r_t), s.instantiate(r_v_type));
r_v = ensure_type(r_v, r_v_type, r_t, j, is_opaque);
auto p = solve().pull();
substitution s = p->first;
name_set univ_params = collect_univ_params(r_v, collect_univ_params(r_t));
buffer<name> new_params;
expr new_r_t = apply(s, r_t, univ_params, new_params);
expr new_r_v = apply(s, r_v, univ_params, new_params);
return std::make_tuple(new_r_t, new_r_v, to_list(new_params.begin(), new_params.end()));
static name g_tmp_prefix = name::mk_internal_unique_name();
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> elaborate(environment const & env, local_decls<level> const & lls, list<expr> const & ctx,
io_state const & ios, expr const & e, bool relax_main_opaque,
pos_info_provider * pp, bool check_unassigned, bool ensure_type,
info_manager * info) {
return elaborator(env, lls, ctx, ios, name_generator(g_tmp_prefix), pp, check_unassigned, info)(e, ensure_type, relax_main_opaque);
std::tuple<expr, expr, level_param_names> elaborate(environment const & env, local_decls<level> const & lls, io_state const & ios,
name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, bool is_opaque, pos_info_provider * pp,
info_manager * info) {
return elaborator(env, lls, list<expr>(), ios, name_generator(g_tmp_prefix), pp, true, info)(t, v, n, is_opaque);