2014-01-02 10:53:14 -08:00
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/builtin.h"
#include "library/placeholder.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_calc.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_imp.h"
#include "frontends/lean/operator_info.h"
#include "frontends/lean/frontend.h"
namespace lean {
bool calc_proof_parser::supports(expr const & op1) const {
std::find_if(m_supported_operators.begin(), m_supported_operators.end(), [&](op_data const & op2) { return op1 == op2.m_fn; })
!= m_supported_operators.end();
void calc_proof_parser::add_supported_operator(op_data const & op1) {
if (supports(op1.m_fn))
throw exception("operator already supported in the calculational proof manager");
m_supported_operators = cons(op1, m_supported_operators);
optional<trans_data> calc_proof_parser::find_trans_data(expr const & op1, expr const & op2) const {
auto it = std::find_if(m_trans_ops.begin(), m_trans_ops.end(),
[&](std::tuple<expr, expr, trans_data> const & entry) { return std::get<0>(entry) == op1 && std::get<1>(entry) == op2; });
if (it == m_trans_ops.end())
return optional<trans_data>();
return optional<trans_data>(std::get<2>(*it));
void calc_proof_parser::add_trans_step(expr const & op1, expr const & op2, trans_data const & d) {
if (!supports(op1) || !supports(op2) || !supports(d.m_rop))
throw exception("invalid transitivity step in calculational proof manager, operator not supported");
if (find_trans_data(op1, op2))
throw exception("transitivity step is already supported in the calculational proof manager");
if (d.m_num_args < 5)
throw exception("transitivity step must have at least 5 arguments");
m_trans_ops.emplace_front(op1, op2, d);
calc_proof_parser::calc_proof_parser() {
expr imp = mk_implies_fn();
expr eq = mk_homo_eq_fn();
expr iff = mk_iff_fn();
add_supported_operator(op_data(imp, 2));
add_supported_operator(op_data(eq, 3));
add_supported_operator(op_data(iff, 2));
add_trans_step(eq, eq, trans_data(mk_trans_fn(), 6, eq));
add_trans_step(eq, imp, trans_data(mk_constant("EqImpTrans"), 5, imp));
add_trans_step(imp, eq, trans_data(mk_constant("ImpEqTrans"), 5, imp));
add_trans_step(imp, imp, trans_data(mk_constant("ImpTrans"), 5, imp));
add_trans_step(iff, iff, trans_data(mk_trans_fn(), 6, iff));
add_trans_step(iff, imp, trans_data(mk_constant("EqImpTrans"), 5, imp));
add_trans_step(imp, iff, trans_data(mk_constant("ImpEqTrans"), 5, imp));
add_trans_step(eq, iff, trans_data(mk_trans_fn(), 6, iff));
add_trans_step(iff, eq, trans_data(mk_trans_fn(), 6, iff));
optional<expr> calc_proof_parser::find_op(operator_info const & op, pos_info const & p) const {
if (!op)
return none_expr();
for (auto d : op.get_denotations()) {
// TODO(Leo): I'm ignoring overloading.
if (supports(d))
return some_expr(d);
throw parser_error("invalid calculational proof, operator is not supported", p);
return none_expr();
expr calc_proof_parser::parse_op(parser_imp & imp) const {
environment const & env = imp.get_environment();
auto p = imp.pos();
name id = imp.check_identifier_next("invalid calculational proof, identifier expected");
if (auto r = find_op(find_led(env, id), p))
return *r;
if (auto r = find_op(find_nud(env, id), p))
return *r;
expr e = imp.get_name_ref(id, p, false /* do not process implicit args */);
if (!supports(e))
throw parser_error("invalid calculational proof, operator is not supported", p);
return e;
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static expr parse_step_pr(parser_imp & imp, expr const & lhs) {
auto p = imp.pos();
imp.check_colon_next("invalid calculational proof, ':' expected");
if (imp.curr_is_lcurly()) {
expr eq_pr = imp.parse_expr();
imp.check_rcurly_next("invalid calculational proof, '}' expected");
// Using axiom Subst {A : TypeU} {a b : A} {P : A → Bool} (H1 : P a) (H2 : a == b) : P b.
return Subst(imp.save(mk_placeholder(), p),
imp.save(mk_placeholder(), p),
imp.save(mk_placeholder(), p),
imp.save(mk_placeholder(), p), // let elaborator compute the first four arguments
Refl(imp.save(mk_placeholder(), p), lhs),
} else {
return imp.parse_expr();
2014-01-02 10:53:14 -08:00
\brief Parse
calc expr op expr : proof1
... op expr : proof2
... op expr : proofn
expr calc_proof_parser::parse(parser_imp & imp) const {
auto p = imp.pos();
expr first = imp.parse_expr();
if (!is_app(first))
throw parser_error("invalid calculational proof, first expression must be an application", p);
expr op = arg(first, 0);
if (!supports(op))
throw parser_error("invalid calculational proof, first expression is not an application of a supported operator", p);
if (num_args(first) < 3)
throw parser_error("invalid calculational proof, first expression must be an application of a binary operator (modulo implicit arguments)", p);
unsigned num = num_args(first);
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expr lhs = arg(first, num - 2);
expr rhs = arg(first, num - 1);
expr result = parse_step_pr(imp, lhs);
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while (imp.curr() == scanner::token::Ellipsis) {
p = imp.pos();
expr new_op = parse_op(imp);
auto tdata = find_trans_data(op, new_op);
if (!tdata)
throw parser_error("invalid calculational proof, operators cannot be combined", p);
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expr new_rhs = imp.parse_expr();
expr step_pr = parse_step_pr(imp, rhs);
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buffer<expr> args;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < tdata->m_num_args - 5; i++) {
// transitivity step has implicit arguments
args.push_back(imp.save(mk_placeholder(), p));
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2014-01-02 10:53:14 -08:00
result = mk_app(args);
op = tdata->m_rop;
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rhs = new_rhs;
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return result;