2014-11-30 21:16:01 -08:00
2014-09-17 14:39:05 -07:00
definition bool : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
2014-06-16 15:04:29 -07:00
definition and (p q : bool) : bool
:= ∀ c : bool, (p → q → c) → c
2014-07-01 16:55:41 -07:00
infixl `∧`:25 := and
2014-06-16 15:04:29 -07:00
theorem and_intro (p q : bool) (H1 : p) (H2 : q) : p ∧ q
:= λ (c : bool) (H : p → q → c), H H1 H2
theorem and_elim_left (p q : bool) (H : p ∧ q) : p
:= H p (λ (H1 : p) (H2 : q), H1)
theorem and_elim_right (p q : bool) (H : p ∧ q) : q
:= H q (λ (H1 : p) (H2 : q), H2)
theorem and_comm (p q : bool) (H : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p
:= have H1 : p, from and_elim_left p q H,
have H2 : q, from and_elim_right p q H,
show q ∧ p, from and_intro q p H2 H1