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2015-12-19 18:13:02 -05:00
Copyright (c) 2015 Ulrik Buchholtz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz
Functoriality of quotients and a condition for when an equivalence is induced.
import types.sigma .quotient
open eq is_equiv equiv prod prod.ops sigma sigma.ops
namespace quotient
variables {A : Type} (R : A → A → Type)
{B : Type} (Q : B → B → Type)
(f : A → B) (k : Πa a' : A, R a a' → Q (f a) (f a'))
include f k
protected definition functor [reducible] : quotient R → quotient Q :=
quotient.elim (λa, class_of Q (f a)) (λa a' r, eq_of_rel Q (k a a' r))
variables [F : is_equiv f] [K : Πa a', is_equiv (k a a')]
include F K
protected definition functor_inv [reducible] : quotient Q → quotient R :=
quotient.elim (λb, class_of R (f⁻¹ b))
(λb b' q, eq_of_rel R ((k (f⁻¹ b) (f⁻¹ b'))⁻¹
((right_inv f b)⁻¹ ▸ (right_inv f b')⁻¹ ▸ q)))
protected definition is_equiv [instance]
: is_equiv (quotient.functor R Q f k):=
fapply adjointify _ (quotient.functor_inv R Q f k),
{ intro qb, induction qb with b b b' q,
{ apply ap (class_of Q), apply right_inv },
{ apply eq_pathover, rewrite [ap_id,ap_compose' (quotient.elim _ _)],
do 2 krewrite elim_eq_of_rel, rewrite (right_inv (k (f⁻¹ b) (f⁻¹ b'))),
assert H1 : pathover (λz : B × B, Q z.1 z.2)
((right_inv f b)⁻¹ ▸ (right_inv f b')⁻¹ ▸ q)
(prod_eq (right_inv f b) (right_inv f b')) q,
{ apply pathover_of_eq_tr, krewrite [prod_eq_inv,prod_eq_transport] },
assert H2 : square
(ap (λx : (Σz : B × B, Q z.1 z.2), class_of Q x.1.1)
(sigma_eq (prod_eq (right_inv f b) (right_inv f b')) H1))
(ap (λx : (Σz : B × B, Q z.1 z.2), class_of Q x.1.2)
(sigma_eq (prod_eq (right_inv f b) (right_inv f b')) H1))
(eq_of_rel Q ((right_inv f b)⁻¹ ▸ (right_inv f b')⁻¹ ▸ q))
(eq_of_rel Q q),
{ exact
natural_square (λw : (Σz : B × B, Q z.1 z.2), eq_of_rel Q w.2)
(sigma_eq (prod_eq (right_inv f b) (right_inv f b')) H1) },
krewrite (ap_compose' (class_of Q)) at H2,
krewrite (ap_compose' (λz : B × B, z.1)) at H2,
rewrite sigma.ap_pr1 at H2, rewrite sigma_eq_pr1 at H2,
krewrite prod.ap_pr1 at H2, krewrite prod_eq_pr1 at H2,
krewrite (ap_compose' (class_of Q) (λx : (Σz : B × B, Q z.1 z.2), x.1.2)) at H2,
krewrite (ap_compose' (λz : B × B, z.2)) at H2,
rewrite sigma.ap_pr1 at H2, rewrite sigma_eq_pr1 at H2,
krewrite prod.ap_pr2 at H2, krewrite prod_eq_pr2 at H2,
apply H2 } },
{ intro qa, induction qa with a a a' r,
{ apply ap (class_of R), apply left_inv },
{ apply eq_pathover, rewrite [ap_id,(ap_compose' (quotient.elim _ _))],
do 2 krewrite elim_eq_of_rel,
assert H1 : pathover (λz : A × A, R z.1 z.2)
((left_inv f a)⁻¹ ▸ (left_inv f a')⁻¹ ▸ r)
(prod_eq (left_inv f a) (left_inv f a')) r,
{ apply pathover_of_eq_tr, krewrite [prod_eq_inv,prod_eq_transport] },
assert H2 : square
(ap (λx : (Σz : A × A, R z.1 z.2), class_of R x.1.1)
(sigma_eq (prod_eq (left_inv f a) (left_inv f a')) H1))
(ap (λx : (Σz : A × A, R z.1 z.2), class_of R x.1.2)
(sigma_eq (prod_eq (left_inv f a) (left_inv f a')) H1))
(eq_of_rel R ((left_inv f a)⁻¹ ▸ (left_inv f a')⁻¹ ▸ r))
(eq_of_rel R r),
{ exact
natural_square (λw : (Σz : A × A, R z.1 z.2), eq_of_rel R w.2)
(sigma_eq (prod_eq (left_inv f a) (left_inv f a')) H1) },
krewrite (ap_compose' (class_of R)) at H2,
krewrite (ap_compose' (λz : A × A, z.1)) at H2,
rewrite sigma.ap_pr1 at H2, rewrite sigma_eq_pr1 at H2,
krewrite prod.ap_pr1 at H2, krewrite prod_eq_pr1 at H2,
krewrite (ap_compose' (class_of R) (λx : (Σz : A × A, R z.1 z.2), x.1.2)) at H2,
krewrite (ap_compose' (λz : A × A, z.2)) at H2,
rewrite sigma.ap_pr1 at H2, rewrite sigma_eq_pr1 at H2,
krewrite prod.ap_pr2 at H2, krewrite prod_eq_pr2 at H2,
assert H3 :
(k (f⁻¹ (f a)) (f⁻¹ (f a')))⁻¹
((right_inv f (f a))⁻¹ ▸ (right_inv f (f a'))⁻¹ ▸ k a a' r)
= (left_inv f a)⁻¹ ▸ (left_inv f a')⁻¹ ▸ r,
{ rewrite [adj f a,adj f a',ap_inv',ap_inv'],
rewrite [-(tr_compose _ f (left_inv f a')⁻¹ (k a a' r)),
-(tr_compose _ f (left_inv f a)⁻¹)],
rewrite [-(fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (left_inv f a')⁻¹ (λx, k a x) r),
-(fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (left_inv f a)⁻¹
(λx, k x (f⁻¹ (f a')))),
left_inv (k _ _)] },
rewrite H3, apply H2 } }
open equiv.ops
variables {A : Type} (R : A → A → Type)
{B : Type} (Q : B → B → Type)
(f : A ≃ B) (k : Πa a' : A, R a a' ≃ Q (f a) (f a'))
include f k
/- This could also be proved using ua, but then it wouldn't compute -/
protected definition equiv : quotient R ≃ quotient Q :=
equiv.mk (quotient.functor R Q f k) _
end quotient