2015-04-01 12:36:33 -07:00
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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2015-04-05 10:11:53 -04:00
Module: init.funext
2015-04-01 12:36:33 -07:00
Author: Jeremy Avigad
2015-04-05 10:11:53 -04:00
Function extensionality follows from quotients.
2015-04-01 12:36:33 -07:00
2015-04-01 13:05:05 -07:00
import init.quot init.logic
2015-04-01 12:36:33 -07:00
open quot
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
private definition fun_eqv (f₁ f₂ : Πx : A, B x) : Prop := ∀x, f₁ x = f₂ x
2015-04-05 10:11:53 -04:00
infix `~` := fun_eqv
2015-04-01 12:36:33 -07:00
private theorem fun_eqv.refl (f : Πx : A, B x) : f ~ f := take x, rfl
private theorem fun_eqv.symm {f₁ f₂ : Πx: A, B x} : f₁ ~ f₂ → f₂ ~ f₁ :=
λH x, eq.symm (H x)
private theorem fun_eqv.trans {f₁ f₂ f₃ : Πx: A, B x} : f₁ ~ f₂ → f₂ ~ f₃ → f₁ ~ f₃ :=
λH₁ H₂ x, eq.trans (H₁ x) (H₂ x)
private theorem fun_eqv.is_equivalence (A : Type) (B : A → Type) : equivalence (@fun_eqv A B) :=
2015-04-01 17:30:20 -07:00
mk_equivalence (@fun_eqv A B) (@fun_eqv.refl A B) (@fun_eqv.symm A B) (@fun_eqv.trans A B)
2015-04-01 12:36:33 -07:00
definition fun_setoid [instance] (A : Type) (B : A → Type) : setoid (Πx : A, B x) :=
setoid.mk (@fun_eqv A B) (fun_eqv.is_equivalence A B)
definition extfun (A : Type) (B : A → Type) : Type :=
quot (fun_setoid A B)
definition fun_to_extfun (f : Πx : A, B x) : extfun A B :=
definition extfun_app (f : extfun A B) : Πx : A, B x :=
take x,
quot.lift_on f
(λf : Πx : A, B x, f x)
(λf₁ f₂ H, H x)
theorem funext {f₁ f₂ : Πx : A, B x} : (∀x, f₁ x = f₂ x) → f₁ = f₂ :=
assume H, calc
f₁ = extfun_app ⟦f₁⟧ : rfl
... = extfun_app ⟦f₂⟧ : {sound H}
... = f₂ : rfl
2015-04-01 13:05:05 -07:00
definition subsingleton_pi [instance] {A : Type} {B : A → Type} (H : ∀ a, subsingleton (B a)) : subsingleton (Π a, B a) :=
subsingleton.intro (take f₁ f₂,
have eqv : f₁ ~ f₂, from
take a, subsingleton.elim (f₁ a) (f₂ a),
funext eqv)