2015-04-10 17:14:10 -07:00
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
2015-05-08 13:36:03 +10:00
Author: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
2015-04-10 17:14:10 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:36:03 +10:00
Combinators for finite sets.
2015-04-10 17:14:10 -07:00
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
import data.finset.basic logic.identities
2015-04-10 17:14:10 -07:00
open list quot subtype decidable perm function
namespace finset
2015-05-08 13:36:03 +10:00
/- map -/
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
section map
2015-04-10 17:14:10 -07:00
variables {A B : Type}
variable [h : decidable_eq B]
include h
definition map (f : A → B) (s : finset A) : finset B :=
quot.lift_on s
(λ l, to_finset (list.map f (elt_of l)))
(λ l₁ l₂ p, quot.sound (perm_erase_dup_of_perm (perm_map _ p)))
theorem map_empty (f : A → B) : map f ∅ = ∅ :=
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
end map
2015-05-08 13:36:03 +10:00
/- filter and set-builder notation -/
section filter
variables {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A]
include deceq
variables (p : A → Prop) [decp : decidable_pred p] (s : finset A) {x : A}
include decp
definition filter : finset A :=
quot.lift_on s
(λl, to_finset_of_nodup
(list.filter p (subtype.elt_of l))
(list.nodup_filter p (subtype.has_property l)))
(λ l₁ l₂ u, quot.sound (perm.perm_filter u))
notation `{` binders ∈ s `|` r:(scoped:1 p, filter p s) `}` := r
theorem filter_empty : filter p ∅ = ∅ := rfl
variables {p s}
theorem of_mem_filter : x ∈ filter p s → p x :=
quot.induction_on s (take l, list.of_mem_filter)
theorem mem_of_mem_filter : x ∈ filter p s → x ∈ s :=
quot.induction_on s (take l, list.mem_of_mem_filter)
theorem mem_filter_of_mem {x : A} : x ∈ s → p x → x ∈ filter p s :=
quot.induction_on s (take l, list.mem_filter_of_mem)
variables (p s)
theorem mem_filter_eq : x ∈ filter p s = (x ∈ s ∧ p x) :=
propext (iff.intro
(assume H, and.intro (mem_of_mem_filter H) (of_mem_filter H))
(assume H, mem_filter_of_mem (and.left H) (and.right H)))
end filter
/- set difference -/
section diff
variables {A : Type} [deceq : decidable_eq A]
include deceq
definition diff (s t : finset A) : finset A := {x ∈ s | x ∉ t}
infix `\`:70 := diff
theorem mem_of_mem_diff {s t : finset A} {x : A} (H : x ∈ s \ t) : x ∈ s :=
mem_of_mem_filter H
theorem not_mem_of_mem_diff {s t : finset A} {x : A} (H : x ∈ s \ t) : x ∉ t :=
of_mem_filter H
theorem mem_diff {s t : finset A} {x : A} (H1 : x ∈ s) (H2 : x ∉ t) : x ∈ s \ t :=
mem_filter_of_mem H1 H2
theorem mem_diff_iff (s t : finset A) (x : A) : x ∈ s \ t ↔ x ∈ s ∧ x ∉ t :=
(assume H, and.intro (mem_of_mem_diff H) (not_mem_of_mem_diff H))
(assume H, mem_diff (and.left H) (and.right H))
theorem mem_diff_eq (s t : finset A) (x : A) : x ∈ s \ t = (x ∈ s ∧ x ∉ t) :=
propext !mem_diff_iff
theorem union_diff_cancel {s t : finset A} (H : s ⊆ t) : s ∪ (t \ s) = t :=
ext (take x, iff.intro
(assume H1 : x ∈ s ∪ (t \ s),
or.elim (mem_or_mem_of_mem_union H1)
(assume H2 : x ∈ s, mem_of_subset_of_mem H H2)
(assume H2 : x ∈ t \ s, mem_of_mem_diff H2))
(assume H1 : x ∈ t,
(assume H2 : x ∈ s, mem_union_left _ H2)
(assume H2 : x ∉ s, mem_union_right _ (mem_diff H1 H2))))
theorem diff_union_cancel {s t : finset A} (H : s ⊆ t) : (t \ s) ∪ s = t :=
eq.subst !union.comm (!union_diff_cancel H)
end diff
/- all -/
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
section all
variables {A : Type}
definition all (s : finset A) (p : A → Prop) : Prop :=
quot.lift_on s
(λ l, all (elt_of l) p)
(λ l₁ l₂ p, foldr_eq_of_perm (λ a₁ a₂ q, propext !and.left_comm) p true)
2015-05-08 13:36:03 +10:00
-- notation for bounded quantifiers
notation `forallb` binders `∈` a `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := all a r
notation `∀₀` binders `∈` a `,` r:(scoped:1 P, P) := all a r
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
theorem all_empty (p : A → Prop) : all ∅ p = true :=
theorem of_mem_of_all {p : A → Prop} {a : A} {s : finset A} : a ∈ s → all s p → p a :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l i h, list.of_mem_of_all i h)
theorem all_implies {p q : A → Prop} {s : finset A} : all s p → (∀ x, p x → q x) → all s q :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l h₁ h₂, list.all_implies h₁ h₂)
variable [h : decidable_eq A]
include h
theorem all_union {p : A → Prop} {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : all s₁ p → all s₂ p → all (s₁ ∪ s₂) p :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ a₁ a₂, all_union a₁ a₂)
theorem all_of_all_union_left {p : A → Prop} {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : all (s₁ ∪ s₂) p → all s₁ p :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ a, list.all_of_all_union_left a)
theorem all_of_all_union_right {p : A → Prop} {s₁ s₂ : finset A} : all (s₁ ∪ s₂) p → all s₂ p :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ a, list.all_of_all_union_right a)
theorem all_insert_of_all {p : A → Prop} {a : A} {s : finset A} : p a → all s p → all (insert a s) p :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l h₁ h₂, list.all_insert_of_all h₁ h₂)
theorem all_erase_of_all {p : A → Prop} (a : A) {s : finset A}: all s p → all (erase a s) p :=
quot.induction_on s (λ l h, list.all_erase_of_all a h)
2015-05-05 08:53:31 -07:00
theorem all_inter_of_all_left {p : A → Prop} {s₁ : finset A} (s₂ : finset A) : all s₁ p → all (s₁ ∩ s₂) p :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ h, list.all_inter_of_all_left _ h)
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
2015-05-05 08:53:31 -07:00
theorem all_inter_of_all_right {p : A → Prop} {s₁ : finset A} (s₂ : finset A) : all s₂ p → all (s₁ ∩ s₂) p :=
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ h, list.all_inter_of_all_right _ h)
2015-04-11 09:28:27 -07:00
end all
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
section product
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
variables {A B : Type}
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
definition product (s₁ : finset A) (s₂ : finset B) : finset (A × B) :=
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
quot.lift_on₂ s₁ s₂
(λ l₁ l₂,
2015-05-08 14:00:55 +10:00
to_finset_of_nodup (product (elt_of l₁) (elt_of l₂))
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
(nodup_product (has_property l₁) (has_property l₂)))
(λ v₁ v₂ w₁ w₂ p₁ p₂, quot.sound (perm_product p₁ p₂))
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
infix * := product
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
theorem empty_product (s : finset B) : @empty A * s = ∅ :=
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
quot.induction_on s (λ l, rfl)
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
theorem mem_product {a : A} {b : B} {s₁ : finset A} {s₂ : finset B}
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
: a ∈ s₁ → b ∈ s₂ → (a, b) ∈ s₁ * s₂ :=
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ i₁ i₂, list.mem_product i₁ i₂)
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
theorem mem_of_mem_product_left {a : A} {b : B} {s₁ : finset A} {s₂ : finset B}
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
: (a, b) ∈ s₁ * s₂ → a ∈ s₁ :=
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ i, list.mem_of_mem_product_left i)
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
theorem mem_of_mem_product_right {a : A} {b : B} {s₁ : finset A} {s₂ : finset B}
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
: (a, b) ∈ s₁ * s₂ → b ∈ s₂ :=
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
quot.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ i, list.mem_of_mem_product_right i)
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
theorem product_empty (s : finset A) : s * @empty B = ∅ :=
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
ext (λ p,
match p with
| (a, b) := iff.intro
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
(λ i, absurd (mem_of_mem_product_right i) !not_mem_empty)
2015-04-11 19:46:04 -07:00
(λ i, absurd i !not_mem_empty)
2015-05-08 13:46:14 +10:00
end product
2015-04-10 17:14:10 -07:00
end finset