2014-06-25 18:12:23 -07:00
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <utility>
2014-10-03 16:26:28 -07:00
#include <vector>
2014-06-25 18:12:23 -07:00
#include "util/list.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "library/expr_lt.h"
#include "library/unifier.h"
2014-12-10 12:43:32 -08:00
#include "library/local_context.h"
2015-05-07 18:02:51 -07:00
#include "library/tactic/tactic.h"
#include "library/tactic/elaborate.h"
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
#include "frontends/lean/elaborator_context.h"
#include "frontends/lean/coercion_elaborator.h"
#include "frontends/lean/util.h"
2014-10-31 09:39:20 -07:00
#include "frontends/lean/calc_proof_elaborator.h"
2015-05-05 18:17:43 -07:00
#include "frontends/lean/obtain_expr.h"
2014-06-25 18:12:23 -07:00
namespace lean {
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
/** \brief Mapping from metavariable names to metavariable applications (?M ...) */
typedef name_map<expr> mvar2meta;
/** \brief Helper class for implementing the \c elaborate functions. */
class elaborator : public coercion_info_manager {
typedef name_map<expr> local_tactic_hints;
typedef rb_map<expr, pair<expr, constraint_seq>, expr_quick_cmp> cache;
typedef std::vector<pair<expr, expr>> to_check_sorts;
elaborator_context & m_ctx;
name_generator m_ngen;
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
type_checker_ptr m_tc;
2015-05-20 16:06:20 -07:00
type_checker_ptr m_coercion_from_tc;
type_checker_ptr m_coercion_to_tc;
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
// mapping from metavariable ?m to the (?m l_1 ... l_n) where [l_1 ... l_n] are the local constants
// representing the context where ?m was created.
local_context m_context; // current local context: a list of local constants
local_context m_full_context; // superset of m_context, it also contains non-contextual locals.
mvar2meta m_mvar2meta;
cache m_cache;
// The following vector contains sorts that we should check
// whether the computed universe is too specific or not.
to_check_sorts m_to_check_sorts;
// mapping from metavariable name ?m to tactic expression that should be used to solve it.
// this mapping is populated by the 'by tactic-expr' expression.
local_tactic_hints m_local_tactic_hints;
2015-06-27 16:19:38 -07:00
name_set m_used_local_tactic_hints;
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
// set of metavariables that we already reported unsolved/unassigned
name_set m_displayed_errors;
// if m_no_info is true, we do not collect information when true,
// we set is to true whenever we find no_info annotation.
bool m_no_info;
2014-12-10 22:25:40 -08:00
// if m_in_equation_lhs is true, we are processing the left-hand-side of an equation
// and inaccessible expressions are allowed
bool m_in_equation_lhs;
// if m_equation_lhs is not none, we are processing the right-hand-side of an equation
// and decreasing expressions are allowed
optional<expr> m_equation_lhs;
// if m_equation_R is not none when elaborator is processing recursive equation using the well-founded relation R.
optional<expr> m_equation_R;
2014-10-14 17:12:57 -07:00
bool m_use_tactic_hints;
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
info_manager m_pre_info_data;
bool m_has_sorry;
unifier_config m_unifier_config;
2014-10-30 13:12:45 -07:00
// If m_nice_mvar_names is true, we append (when possible) a more informative name for a metavariable.
// That is, whenever a metavariables comes from a binding, we add the binding name as a suffix
bool m_nice_mvar_names;
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
struct choice_expr_elaborator;
environment const & env() const { return m_ctx.m_env; }
io_state const & ios() const { return m_ctx.m_ios; }
local_decls<level> const & lls() const { return m_ctx.m_lls; }
bool use_local_instances() const { return m_ctx.m_use_local_instances; }
info_manager * infom() const { return m_ctx.m_info_manager; }
pos_info_provider const * pip() const { return m_ctx.m_pos_provider; }
bool check_unassigned() const { return m_ctx.m_check_unassigned; }
expr mk_local(name const & n, expr const & t, binder_info const & bi);
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
pair<expr, constraint_seq> infer_type(expr const & e) { return m_tc->infer(e); }
pair<expr, constraint_seq> whnf(expr const & e) { return m_tc->whnf(e); }
expr infer_type(expr const & e, constraint_seq & s) { return m_tc->infer(e, s); }
expr whnf(expr const & e, constraint_seq & s) { return m_tc->whnf(e, s); }
2015-05-05 18:17:43 -07:00
bool is_def_eq(expr const & e1, expr const & e2, justification const & j, constraint_seq & cs) {
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
return m_tc->is_def_eq(e1, e2, j, cs);
2015-05-05 18:17:43 -07:00
2014-10-15 13:17:09 -07:00
expr mk_app(expr const & f, expr const & a, tag g) { return ::lean::mk_app(f, a, g); }
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
void register_meta(expr const & meta);
optional<expr> mvar_to_meta(expr const & mvar);
void save_type_data(expr const & e, expr const & r);
2014-10-08 22:54:10 -07:00
void save_binder_type(expr const & e, expr const & r);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
void save_extra_type_data(expr const & e, expr const & r);
2014-10-23 13:18:30 -07:00
void save_proof_state_info(proof_state const & ps, expr const & e);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
void save_identifier_info(expr const & f);
void save_synth_data(expr const & e, expr const & r);
void save_placeholder_info(expr const & e, expr const & r);
virtual void save_coercion_info(expr const & e, expr const & c);
virtual void erase_coercion_info(expr const & e);
void copy_info_to_manager(substitution s);
2014-10-30 12:45:41 -07:00
/** \brief If info manager is being used, then create a metavariable suffix based on binding_name(b) */
optional<name> mk_mvar_suffix(expr const & b);
expr mk_placeholder_meta(optional<name> const & suffix, optional<expr> const & type,
tag g, bool is_strict, bool inst_implicit, constraint_seq & cs);
expr mk_placeholder_meta(optional<expr> const & type, tag g, bool is_strict, bool inst_implicit, constraint_seq & cs) {
return mk_placeholder_meta(optional<name>(), type, g, is_strict, inst_implicit, cs);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
expr visit_expecting_type(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_expecting_type_of(expr const & e, expr const & t, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_choice(expr const & e, optional<expr> const & t, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_by(expr const & e, optional<expr> const & t, constraint_seq & cs);
2015-05-05 18:17:43 -07:00
expr visit_by_plus(expr const & e, optional<expr> const & t, constraint_seq & cs);
2014-10-30 22:22:04 -07:00
expr visit_calc_proof(expr const & e, optional<expr> const & t, constraint_seq & cs);
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
expr add_implict_args(expr e, constraint_seq & cs);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
pair<expr, expr> ensure_fun(expr f, constraint_seq & cs);
2015-05-30 16:44:26 -07:00
bool has_coercions_from(expr const & a_type, bool & lifted_coe);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
bool has_coercions_to(expr d_type);
expr apply_coercion(expr const & a, expr a_type, expr d_type);
pair<expr, constraint_seq> mk_delayed_coercion(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type,
justification const & j);
2015-06-28 19:58:57 -07:00
pair<expr, constraint_seq> ensure_has_type_core(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type,
bool use_expensive_coercions, justification const & j);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
pair<expr, constraint_seq> ensure_has_type(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type,
2015-06-28 19:58:57 -07:00
justification const & j) {
return ensure_has_type_core(a, a_type, expected_type, true, j);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
bool is_choice_app(expr const & e);
expr visit_choice_app(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_app(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_placeholder(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
level replace_univ_placeholder(level const & l);
expr visit_sort(expr const & e);
expr visit_macro(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_constant(expr const & e);
expr ensure_type(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr instantiate_rev_locals(expr const & a, unsigned n, expr const * subst);
expr visit_binding(expr e, expr_kind k, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_pi(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_lambda(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_typed_expr(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_let_value(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
bool is_sorry(expr const & e) const;
expr visit_sorry(expr const & e);
expr visit_core(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
pair<expr, constraint_seq> visit(expr const & e);
expr visit(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
unify_result_seq solve(constraint_seq const & cs);
2014-10-28 22:15:38 -07:00
void display_unsolved_proof_state(expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, char const * msg, expr const & pos);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
void display_unsolved_proof_state(expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, char const * msg);
2015-03-27 14:47:13 -07:00
void display_unsolved_subgoals(expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, expr const & pos);
void display_unsolved_subgoals(expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps);
2015-02-16 16:56:42 -08:00
void display_tactic_exception(tactic_exception const & ex, proof_state const & ps, expr const & pre_tac);
2014-10-29 16:49:42 -07:00
optional<expr> get_pre_tactic_for(expr const & mvar);
2014-10-23 09:45:16 -07:00
optional<tactic> pre_tactic_to_tactic(expr const & pre_tac);
2015-02-16 16:56:42 -08:00
bool try_using(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps,
expr const & pre_tac, tactic const & tac, bool show_failure);
2015-02-24 11:59:27 -08:00
bool try_using_begin_end(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, proof_state ps, expr const & pre_tac);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
void solve_unassigned_mvar(substitution & subst, expr mvar, name_set & visited);
expr solve_unassigned_mvars(substitution & subst, expr e, name_set & visited);
expr solve_unassigned_mvars(substitution & subst, expr const & e);
2015-04-02 23:34:06 -07:00
bool display_unassigned_mvars(expr const & e, substitution const & s);
2014-10-03 16:10:36 -07:00
void check_sort_assignments(substitution const & s);
expr apply(substitution & s, expr const & e, name_set & univ_params, buffer<name> & new_params);
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> apply(substitution & s, expr const & e);
2015-05-07 18:02:51 -07:00
elaborate_result elaborate_nested(list<expr> const & ctx, optional<expr> const & expected_type, expr const & e,
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
bool use_tactic_hints, substitution const &, bool report_unassigned);
2014-12-10 22:25:40 -08:00
expr const & get_equation_fn(expr const & eq) const;
expr visit_equations(expr const & eqns, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_equation(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_inaccessible(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
expr visit_decreasing(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
2015-01-10 09:13:50 -08:00
constraint mk_equations_cnstr(expr const & m, expr const & eqns);
2014-12-10 22:25:40 -08:00
2015-05-26 22:19:42 -07:00
bool is_structure_like(expr const & S);
2015-01-16 17:08:48 -08:00
expr visit_structure_instance(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
2015-05-05 18:17:43 -07:00
expr process_obtain_expr(list<obtain_struct> const & s_list, list<expr> const & from_list,
expr const & goal, bool first, constraint_seq & cs, expr const & src);
expr visit_obtain_expr(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
2015-06-27 16:19:38 -07:00
void check_used_local_tactic_hints();
2014-08-12 18:43:56 -07:00
2015-05-21 14:32:36 -07:00
elaborator(elaborator_context & ctx, name_generator && ngen, bool nice_mvar_names = false);
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> operator()(list<expr> const & ctx, expr const & e, bool _ensure_type);
std::tuple<expr, expr, level_param_names> operator()(expr const & t, expr const & v, name const & n);
2014-08-12 18:43:56 -07:00
2014-08-13 12:45:57 -07:00
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> elaborate(elaborator_context & env, list<expr> const & ctx, expr const & e,
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
bool ensure_type = false, bool nice_mvar_names = false);
2014-08-12 18:43:56 -07:00
2015-05-08 14:36:38 -07:00
std::tuple<expr, expr, level_param_names> elaborate(elaborator_context & env, name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v);
2014-09-22 10:27:48 -07:00
void initialize_elaborator();
void finalize_elaborator();
2014-06-25 18:12:23 -07:00