feat(library/data/real): clean up proof of supremum property
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@ -406,7 +406,11 @@ theorem converges_of_cauchy {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) :
rewrite [-*pnat.mul.assoc, p_add_fractions],
apply rat.le.refl
-- archimedean property
-- int embedding theorems
-- archimedean properties, integer floor and ceiling
section ints
open int
@ -428,7 +432,6 @@ theorem archimedean (x : ℝ) : ∃ z : ℤ, x ≤ of_rat (of_int z) :=
apply H
set_option pp.coercions true
theorem archimedean_strict (x : ℝ) : ∃ z : ℤ, x < of_rat (of_int z) :=
cases archimedean x with [z, Hz],
@ -552,10 +555,10 @@ definition ex_floor (x : ℝ) :=
apply some_spec (archimedean' x)
noncomputable definition floor (x : ℝ) :=
noncomputable definition floor (x : ℝ) : ℤ :=
some (ex_floor x)
noncomputable definition ceil (x : ℝ) := - floor (-x)
noncomputable definition ceil (x : ℝ) : ℤ := - floor (-x)
theorem floor_spec (x : ℝ) : of_rat (of_int (floor x)) ≤ x :=
and.left (some_spec (ex_floor x))
@ -615,6 +618,8 @@ end ints
-- supremum property
-- this development roughly follows the proof of completeness done in Isabelle.
-- It does not depend on the previous proof of Cauchy completeness. Much of the same
-- machinery can be used to show that Cauchy completeness implies the supremum property.
section supremum
open prod nat
@ -659,8 +664,6 @@ noncomputable definition bisect (ab : ℚ × ℚ) :=
(avg (pr1 ab) (pr2 ab), pr2 ab)
set_option pp.coercions true
noncomputable definition under : ℚ := of_int (floor (elt - 1))
theorem under_spec1 : of_rat under < elt :=
@ -1039,7 +1042,7 @@ theorem under_over_equiv : p_under_seq ≡ p_over_seq :=
theorem under_over_eq : sup_under = sup_over := quot.sound under_over_equiv
theorem supremum_property : ∃ x : ℝ, sup x :=
theorem ex_sup_of_inh_of_bdd : ∃ x : ℝ, sup x :=
exists.intro sup_over (and.intro over_bound (under_over_eq ▸ under_lowest_bound))
end supremum
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