refactor(kernel/object): remove 'null' object, and operator bool for kernel objects
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 81 additions and 102 deletions
@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ operator_info frontend::find_op_for(expr const & n, bool unicode) const {
if (r || !is_constant(n)) {
return r;
} else {
object const & obj = find_object(const_name(n));
if (obj && obj.is_builtin() && obj.get_name() == const_name(n))
return to_ext(m_env).find_op_for(obj.get_value(), unicode);
optional<object> obj = find_object(const_name(n));
if (obj && obj->is_builtin() && obj->get_name() == const_name(n))
return to_ext(m_env).find_op_for(obj->get_value(), unicode);
return r;
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ public:
void add_definition(name const & n, expr const & v, bool opaque = false) { m_env.add_definition(n, v, opaque); }
void add_axiom(name const & n, expr const & t) { m_env.add_axiom(n, t); }
void add_var(name const & n, expr const & t) { m_env.add_var(n, t); }
object const & get_object(name const & n) const { return m_env.get_object(n); }
object const & find_object(name const & n) const { return m_env.find_object(n); }
object get_object(name const & n) const { return m_env.get_object(n); }
optional<object> find_object(name const & n) const { return m_env.find_object(n); }
bool has_object(name const & n) const { return m_env.has_object(n); }
typedef environment::object_iterator object_iterator;
object_iterator begin_objects() const { return m_env.begin_objects(); }
@ -755,15 +755,15 @@ class parser::imp {
to check if \c id is a builtin symbol. If it is not throws an error.
expr get_name_ref(name const & id, pos_info const & p) {
object const & obj = m_frontend.find_object(id);
optional<object> obj = m_frontend.find_object(id);
if (obj) {
object_kind k = obj.kind();
object_kind k = obj->kind();
if (k == object_kind::Definition || k == object_kind::Postulate || k == object_kind::Builtin) {
if (m_frontend.has_implicit_arguments(obj.get_name())) {
std::vector<bool> const & imp_args = m_frontend.get_implicit_arguments(obj.get_name());
if (m_frontend.has_implicit_arguments(obj->get_name())) {
std::vector<bool> const & imp_args = m_frontend.get_implicit_arguments(obj->get_name());
buffer<expr> args;
pos_info p = pos();
expr f = (k == object_kind::Builtin) ? obj.get_value() : mk_constant(obj.get_name());
expr f = (k == object_kind::Builtin) ? obj->get_value() : mk_constant(obj->get_name());
args.push_back(save(f, p));
// We parse all the arguments to make sure we
// get all explicit arguments.
@ -776,9 +776,9 @@ class parser::imp {
return mk_app(args);
} else if (k == object_kind::Builtin) {
return obj.get_value();
return obj->get_value();
} else {
return mk_constant(obj.get_name());
return mk_constant(obj->get_name());
} else {
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid object reference, object '" << id << "' is not an expression.", p);
@ -1160,8 +1160,8 @@ class parser::imp {
t = ::lean::apply_tactic(pr, pr_type);
} else {
name n = check_identifier_next("invalid apply command, identifier, '(' expr ')', or 'script-block' expected");
object const & o = m_frontend.find_object(n);
if (o && (o.is_theorem() || o.is_axiom())) {
optional<object> o = m_frontend.find_object(n);
if (o && (o->is_theorem() || o->is_axiom())) {
t = ::lean::apply_tactic(n);
} else {
using_script([&](lua_State * L) {
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ struct environment::imp {
unsigned w = 0;
auto proc = [&](expr const & c, unsigned) {
if (is_constant(c)) {
object const & obj = get_object_core(const_name(c));
optional<object> obj = get_object_core(const_name(c));
if (obj)
w = std::max(w, obj.get_weight());
w = std::max(w, obj->get_weight());
return true;
@ -145,22 +145,22 @@ struct environment::imp {
ancestors. Return null object if there is no object with the
given name.
object const & get_object_core(name const & n) const {
optional<object> get_object_core(name const & n) const {
auto it = m_object_dictionary.find(n);
if (it == m_object_dictionary.end()) {
if (has_parent())
return m_parent->get_object_core(n);
return object::null();
return none_object();
} else {
return it->second;
return some_object(it->second);
object const & get_object(name const & n, environment const & env) const {
object const & obj = get_object_core(n);
object get_object(name const & n, environment const & env) const {
optional<object> obj = get_object_core(n);
if (obj) {
return obj;
return *obj;
} else {
throw unknown_object_exception(env, n);
@ -559,11 +559,11 @@ void environment::add_neutral_object(neutral_object_cell * o) {
object const & environment::get_object(name const & n) const {
object environment::get_object(name const & n) const {
return m_ptr->get_object(n, *this);
object const & environment::find_object(name const & n) const {
optional<object> environment::find_object(name const & n) const {
return m_ptr->get_object_core(n);
@ -137,15 +137,13 @@ public:
\brief Return the object with the given name.
It throws an exception if the environment does not have an object with the given name.
object const & get_object(name const & n) const;
object get_object(name const & n) const;
\brief Find a given object in the environment. Return the null
object if there is no object with the given name.
\remark Object implements operator bool(), and the null object returns false.
object const & find_object(name const & n) const;
optional<object> find_object(name const & n) const;
/** \brief Return true iff the environment has an object with the given name */
bool has_object(name const & n) const { return static_cast<bool>(find_object(n)); }
@ -164,12 +164,4 @@ object mk_axiom(name const & n, expr const & t) { return object(new axiom_object
object mk_var_decl(name const & n, expr const & t) { return object(new variable_decl_object_cell(n, t)); }
object mk_builtin(expr const & v) { return object(new builtin_object_cell(v)); }
object mk_builtin_set(expr const & r) { return object(new builtin_set_object_cell(r)); }
static object g_null_object;
object const & object::null() {
return g_null_object;
@ -84,22 +84,15 @@ class object {
object_cell * m_ptr;
explicit object(object_cell * ptr):m_ptr(ptr) {}
object():m_ptr(nullptr) {}
object(object const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
object(object && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
~object() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
static object const & null();
friend void swap(object & a, object & b) { std::swap(a.m_ptr, b.m_ptr); }
void release() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); m_ptr = nullptr; }
object & operator=(object const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(object, s); }
object & operator=(object && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(object, s); }
explicit operator bool() const { return m_ptr != nullptr; }
object_kind kind() const { return m_ptr->kind(); }
friend object mk_uvar_decl(name const & n, level const & l);
@ -132,6 +125,11 @@ public:
object_cell const * cell() const { return m_ptr; }
inline optional<object> none_object() { return optional<object>(); }
inline optional<object> some_object(object const & o) { return optional<object>(o); }
inline optional<object> some_object(object && o) { return optional<object>(std::forward<object>(o)); }
object mk_uvar_decl(name const & n, level const & l);
object mk_builtin(expr const & v);
object mk_builtin_set(expr const & r);
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ class type_checker::imp {
case expr_kind::Value: {
// Check if the builtin value (or its set) is declared in the environment.
name const & n = to_value(e).get_name();
object const & obj = env().get_object(n);
if (obj && ((obj.is_builtin() && obj.get_value() == e) || (obj.is_builtin_set() && obj.in_builtin_set(e)))) {
object obj = env().get_object(n);
if ((obj.is_builtin() && obj.get_value() == e) || (obj.is_builtin_set() && obj.in_builtin_set(e))) {
return save_result(e, to_value(e).get_type(), shared);
} else {
throw invalid_builtin_value_reference(env(), e);
@ -590,9 +590,9 @@ class elaborator::imp {
int get_const_weight(expr const & a) {
object const & obj = m_env.find_object(const_name(a));
if (obj && obj.is_definition() && !obj.is_opaque())
return obj.get_weight();
optional<object> obj = m_env.find_object(const_name(a));
if (obj && obj->is_definition() && !obj->is_opaque())
return obj->get_weight();
return -1;
@ -613,9 +613,11 @@ class elaborator::imp {
expr unfold(expr const & a) {
lean_assert(is_constant(a) || (is_app(a) && is_constant(arg(a, 0))));
if (is_constant(a)) {
return m_env.find_object(const_name(a)).get_value();
return m_env.find_object(const_name(a))->get_value();
} else {
return update_app(a, 0, m_env.find_object(const_name(arg(a, 0))).get_value());
lean_assert(m_env.find_object(const_name(arg(a, 0))));
return update_app(a, 0, m_env.find_object(const_name(arg(a, 0)))->get_value());
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ static int environment_add_axiom(lua_State * L) {
static int environment_find_object(lua_State * L) {
ro_environment env(L, 1);
return push_object(L, env->find_object(to_name_ext(L, 2)));
return push_optional_object(L, env->find_object(to_name_ext(L, 2)));
static int environment_has_object(lua_State * L) {
@ -1163,68 +1163,64 @@ static void open_environment(lua_State * L) {
object & to_nonnull_object(lua_State * L, int idx) {
object & r = to_object(L, idx);
if (!r)
throw exception("non-null kernel object expected");
return r;
static int object_is_null(lua_State * L) {
lua_pushboolean(L, !to_object(L, 1));
int push_optional_object(lua_State * L, optional<object> const & o) {
if (o)
push_object(L, *o);
return 1;
static int object_keyword(lua_State * L) {
lua_pushstring(L, to_nonnull_object(L, 1).keyword());
lua_pushstring(L, to_object(L, 1).keyword());
return 1;
static int object_has_name(lua_State * L) {
lua_pushboolean(L, to_nonnull_object(L, 1).has_name());
lua_pushboolean(L, to_object(L, 1).has_name());
return 1;
static int object_get_name(lua_State * L) {
object const & o = to_nonnull_object(L, 1);
object const & o = to_object(L, 1);
if (!o.has_name())
throw exception("kernel object does not have a name");
return push_name(L, o.get_name());
static int object_has_type(lua_State * L) {
lua_pushboolean(L, to_nonnull_object(L, 1).has_type());
lua_pushboolean(L, to_object(L, 1).has_type());
return 1;
static int object_get_type(lua_State * L) {
object const & o = to_nonnull_object(L, 1);
object const & o = to_object(L, 1);
if (!o.has_type())
throw exception("kernel object does not have a type");
return push_expr(L, o.get_type());
static int object_has_cnstr_level(lua_State * L) {
lua_pushboolean(L, to_nonnull_object(L, 1).has_cnstr_level());
lua_pushboolean(L, to_object(L, 1).has_cnstr_level());
return 1;
static int object_get_cnstr_level(lua_State * L) {
object const & o = to_nonnull_object(L, 1);
object const & o = to_object(L, 1);
if (!o.has_cnstr_level())
throw exception("kernel object does not have a constraint level");
return push_level(L, o.get_cnstr_level());
static int object_get_value(lua_State * L) {
object const & o = to_nonnull_object(L, 1);
object const & o = to_object(L, 1);
if (!o.is_definition() && !o.is_builtin())
throw exception("kernel object is not a definition/theorem/builtin");
return push_expr(L, o.get_value());
static int object_get_weight(lua_State * L) {
object const & o = to_nonnull_object(L, 1);
object const & o = to_object(L, 1);
if (!o.is_definition())
throw exception("kernel object is not a definition");
lua_pushinteger(L, o.get_weight());
@ -1233,7 +1229,7 @@ static int object_get_weight(lua_State * L) {
#define OBJECT_PRED(P) \
static int object_ ## P(lua_State * L) { \
lua_pushboolean(L, to_nonnull_object(L, 1).P()); \
lua_pushboolean(L, to_object(L, 1).P()); \
return 1; \
@ -1246,7 +1242,7 @@ OBJECT_PRED(is_builtin)
static int object_in_builtin_set(lua_State * L) {
lua_pushboolean(L, to_nonnull_object(L, 1).in_builtin_set(to_expr(L, 2)));
lua_pushboolean(L, to_object(L, 1).in_builtin_set(to_expr(L, 2)));
return 1;
@ -1254,11 +1250,7 @@ static int object_tostring(lua_State * L) {
std::ostringstream out;
formatter fmt = get_global_formatter(L);
options opts = get_global_options(L);
object & obj = to_object(L, 1);
if (obj)
out << mk_pair(fmt(to_object(L, 1), opts), opts);
out << "<null-kernel-object>";
out << mk_pair(fmt(to_object(L, 1), opts), opts);
lua_pushstring(L, out.str().c_str());
return 1;
@ -1266,7 +1258,6 @@ static int object_tostring(lua_State * L) {
static const struct luaL_Reg object_m[] = {
{"__gc", object_gc}, // never throws
{"__tostring", safe_function<object_tostring>},
{"is_null", safe_function<object_is_null>},
{"keyword", safe_function<object_keyword>},
{"has_name", safe_function<object_has_name>},
{"get_name", safe_function<object_get_name>},
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ UDATA_DEFS(justification)
int push_optional_expr(lua_State * L, optional<expr> const & e);
int push_optional_justification(lua_State * L, optional<justification> const & j);
int push_optional_object(lua_State * L, optional<object> const & o);
\brief Return the formatter object associated with the given Lua State.
This procedure checks for options at:
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ tactic apply_tactic(expr const & th, expr const & th_type, bool all) {
tactic apply_tactic(name const & th_name, bool all) {
return mk_tactic01([=](environment const & env, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
object const & obj = env.find_object(th_name);
if (obj && (obj.is_theorem() || obj.is_axiom()))
return apply_tactic(env, s, mk_constant(th_name), obj.get_type(), all);
optional<object> obj = env.find_object(th_name);
if (obj && (obj->is_theorem() || obj->is_axiom()))
return apply_tactic(env, s, mk_constant(th_name), obj->get_type(), all);
return none_proof_state();
@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ protected:
environment m_env;
virtual expr visit_constant(expr const & c, context const &) {
object const & obj = m_env.find_object(const_name(c));
if (obj && obj.is_definition() && !obj.is_opaque() && !is_hidden(m_env, const_name(c))) {
optional<object> obj = m_env.find_object(const_name(c));
if (obj && obj->is_definition() && !obj->is_opaque() && !is_hidden(m_env, const_name(c))) {
m_unfolded = true;
return obj.get_value();
return obj->get_value();
} else {
return c;
@ -424,10 +424,10 @@ optional<proof_state> unfold_tactic_core(unfold_core_fn & fn, proof_state const
tactic unfold_tactic(name const & n) {
return mk_tactic01([=](environment const & env, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) -> optional<proof_state> {
object const & obj = env.find_object(n);
if (!obj || !obj.is_definition())
optional<object> obj = env.find_object(n);
if (!obj || !obj->is_definition())
return none_proof_state(); // tactic failed
unfold_fn fn(n, obj.get_value());
unfold_fn fn(n, obj->get_value());
return unfold_tactic_core(fn, s);
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ static void tst5() {
formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(f);
f.add_var("A", Type());
f.add_var("x", Const("A"));
object const & obj = f.find_object("x");
optional<object> obj = f.find_object("x");
lean_assert(obj.get_name() == "x");
std::cout << fmt(obj) << "\n";
object const & obj2 = f.find_object("y");
lean_assert(obj->get_name() == "x");
std::cout << fmt(*obj) << "\n";
optional<object> obj2 = f.find_object("y");
try {
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static void tst8() {
frontend fe;
formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(fe);
fe.add_infixl("<-$->", 10, mk_refl_fn());
std::cout << fmt(fe.find_object("Trivial")) << "\n";
std::cout << fmt(*(fe.find_object("Trivial"))) << "\n";
static void tst9() {
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static void tst9() {
catch (exception &) {}
f.add_definition("y", False);
bool found = false;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ static void tst11() {
name gexp = f.get_explicit_version("g");
lean_assert(f.find_object("g").get_type() == f.find_object(gexp).get_type());
lean_assert(f.find_object("g")->get_type() == f.find_object(gexp)->get_type());
lean_assert(f.get_implicit_arguments("g") == std::vector<bool>({true, false, false}));
try {
f.mark_implicit_arguments("g", {true, false, false});
@ -2,17 +2,14 @@
local env = get_environment()
local o1 = env:find_object(name("Int", "add"))
local o2 = env:find_object("xyz31213")
assert(not o1:is_null())
assert(o1:keyword() == "Builtin")
assert(o1:get_name() == name("Int", "add"))
assert(not pcall(function() o2:get_name() end))
assert(not pcall(function() o2:keyword() end))
local o2 = env:find_object("xyz31213")
assert(not o2)
local found1 = false
local found2 = false
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
x : ℤ,
y : ℤ
Variable x : ℤ
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ for v in env:objects() do
assert(not env:find_object("Z"))
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ for o in child:local_objects() do
local eenv = empty_environment()
print(not eenv:find_object("Int"))
assert(not pcall(function() env:parent() end))
local p = child:parent()
Add table
Reference in a new issue