feat(library/data): add type equivalence lemmas for subtype and vector
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@ -9,17 +9,22 @@ We say two types are equivalent if they are isomorphic.
import data.sum data.nat
open function
structure equiv (A B : Type) :=
structure equiv [class] (A B : Type) :=
(to_fun : A → B)
(inv : B → A)
(left_inv : left_inverse inv to_fun)
(right_inv : right_inverse inv to_fun)
namespace equiv
attribute equiv.to_fun [coercion]
infix `≃`:50 := equiv
namespace ops
attribute equiv.to_fun [coercion]
definition inverse [reducible] {A B : Type} [h : A ≃ B] : B → A :=
λ b, @equiv.inv A B h b
postfix `⁻¹` := inverse
end ops
protected theorem refl [refl] (A : Type) : A ≃ A :=
mk (@id A) (@id A) (λ x, rfl) (λ x, rfl)
@ -236,4 +241,15 @@ end
definition inhabited_of_equiv {A B : Type} [h : inhabited A] : A ≃ B → inhabited B
| (mk f g l r) := inhabited.mk (f (inhabited.value h))
open subtype
override equiv.ops
definition subtype_equiv_of_subtype {A B : Type} {p : A → Prop} : A ≃ B → {a : A | p a} ≃ {b : B | p (b⁻¹)}
| (mk f g l r) :=
mk (λ s, match s with tag v h := tag (f v) (eq.rec_on (eq.symm (l v)) h) end)
(λ s, match s with tag v h := tag (g v) (eq.rec_on (eq.symm (r v)) h) end)
(λ s, begin cases s, esimp, congruence, rewrite l, reflexivity end)
(λ s, begin cases s, esimp, congruence, rewrite r, reflexivity end)
end equiv
@ -100,6 +100,19 @@ namespace vector
| (succ n) (a :: t) (mk 0 h) := by reflexivity
| (succ n) (a :: t) (mk (succ i) h) := by rewrite [map_cons, *nth_succ, nth_map]
open function
theorem map_id : ∀ {n : nat} (v : vector A n), map id v = v
| 0 [] := rfl
| (succ n) (x::xs) := by rewrite [map_cons, map_id]
theorem map_map (g : B → C) (f : A → B) : ∀ {n :nat} (v : vector A n), map g (map f v) = map (g ∘ f) v
| 0 [] := rfl
| (succ n) (a :: l) :=
show (g ∘ f) a :: map g (map f l) = map (g ∘ f) (a :: l),
by rewrite (map_map l)
definition map2 (f : A → B → C) : Π {n : nat}, vector A n → vector B n → vector C n
| map2 [] [] := []
| map2 (a::va) (b::vb) := f a b :: map2 va vb
@ -273,4 +286,13 @@ namespace vector
| inr Hnab := by right; intro h; injection h; contradiction
open equiv function
definition vector_equiv_of_equiv {A B : Type} : A ≃ B → ∀ n, vector A n ≃ vector B n
| (mk f g l r) n :=
mk (map f) (map g)
begin intros, rewrite [map_map, id_of_left_inverse l, map_id], reflexivity end
begin intros, rewrite [map_map, id_of_righ_inverse r, map_id], reflexivity end
end vector
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