feat(hott): use pathovers in all the recursors of hits

move pathover file to the init folder
This commit is contained in:
Floris van Doorn 2015-05-22 04:35:38 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 54ed8a8e76
commit 0b12d51b25
19 changed files with 336 additions and 388 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
/- /-
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Comma category Comma category
-/ -/
import ..functor cubical.pathover ..strict ..category import ..functor ..strict ..category
open eq functor equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc cubical iso is_equiv open eq functor equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc iso is_equiv
namespace category namespace category

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@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Author: Floris van Doorn
Theorems about algebra specific to HoTT Theorems about algebra specific to HoTT
-/ -/
import .group arity types.pi types.hprop_trunc cubical.pathover import .group arity types.pi types.hprop_trunc
open equiv eq equiv.ops is_trunc cubical open equiv eq equiv.ops is_trunc
namespace algebra namespace algebra
open Group has_mul has_inv open Group has_mul has_inv
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace algebra
(resp_mul : Π(g h : G), f (g * h) = f g * f h) : G = H := (resp_mul : Π(g h : G), f (g * h) = f g * f h) : G = H :=
begin begin
cases G with Gc G, cases H with Hc H, cases G with Gc G, cases H with Hc H,
apply (apd011o mk (ua f)), apply (apo011 mk (ua f)),
apply group_pathover, exact resp_mul apply group_pathover, exact resp_mul
end end

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@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ The core of the HoTT library
-/ -/
import types import types
import cubical.pathover cubical.square import cubical.square
import hit.circle import hit.circle
import algebra.hott

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@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Floris van Doorn
Theorems about pathovers
import types.sigma arity
open eq equiv is_equiv equiv.ops
namespace cubical
variables {A A' : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type}
{a a₂ a₃ a₄ : A} {p : a = a₂} {p₂ : a₂ = a₃} {p₃ : a₃ = a₄}
{b : B a} {b₂ : B a₂} {b₃ : B a₃} {b₄ : B a₄}
{c : C a b} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂}
{u v w : Σa, B a}
inductive pathover (B : A → Type) (b : B a) : Π{a₂ : A} (p : a = a₂) (b₂ : B a₂), Type :=
idpatho : pathover B b (refl a) b
notation b `=[`:50 p:0 `]`:0 b₂:50 := pathover _ b p b₂
definition idpo [reducible] [constructor] {b : B a} : b =[refl a] b :=
pathover.idpatho b
/- equivalences with equality using transport -/
definition pathover_of_transport_eq (r : p ▸ b = b₂) : b =[p] b₂ :=
by cases p; cases r; exact idpo
definition pathover_of_eq_transport (r : b = p⁻¹ ▸ b₂) : b =[p] b₂ :=
by cases p; cases r; exact idpo
definition transport_eq_of_pathover (r : b =[p] b₂) : p ▸ b = b₂ :=
by cases r; exact idp
definition eq_transport_of_pathover (r : b =[p] b₂) : b = p⁻¹ ▸ b₂ :=
by cases r; exact idp
definition pathover_equiv_transport_eq (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂)
: (b =[p] b₂) ≃ (p ▸ b = b₂) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact transport_eq_of_pathover},
{ exact pathover_of_transport_eq},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, apply idp},
{ intro r, cases r, apply idp},
definition pathover_equiv_eq_transport (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂)
: (b =[p] b₂) ≃ (b = p⁻¹ ▸ b₂) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact eq_transport_of_pathover},
{ exact pathover_of_eq_transport},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, apply idp},
{ intro r, cases r, apply idp},
definition pathover_transport (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) : b =[p] p ▸ b :=
pathover_of_transport_eq idp
definition transport_pathover (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) : p⁻¹ ▸ b =[p] b :=
pathover_of_eq_transport idp
definition concato (r : b =[p] b₂) (r₂ : b₂ =[p₂] b₃) : b =[p ⬝ p₂] b₃ :=
pathover.rec_on r₂ (pathover.rec_on r idpo)
definition inverseo (r : b =[p] b₂) : b₂ =[p⁻¹] b :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
definition apdo (f : Πa, B a) (p : a = a₂) : f a =[p] f a₂ :=
eq.rec_on p idpo
infix `⬝o`:75 := concato
postfix `⁻¹ᵒ`:(max+10) := inverseo
/- Some of the theorems analogous to theorems for = in init.path -/
definition cono_idpo (r : b =[p] b₂) : r ⬝o idpo =[con_idp p] r :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
definition idpo_cono (r : b =[p] b₂) : idpo ⬝o r =[idp_con p] r :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
definition cono.assoc' (r : b =[p] b₂) (r₂ : b₂ =[p₂] b₃) (r₃ : b₃ =[p₃] b₄) :
r ⬝o (r₂ ⬝o r₃) =[!con.assoc'] (r ⬝o r₂) ⬝o r₃ :=
pathover.rec_on r₃ (pathover.rec_on r₂ (pathover.rec_on r idpo))
definition cono.assoc (r : b =[p] b₂) (r₂ : b₂ =[p₂] b₃) (r₃ : b₃ =[p₃] b₄) :
(r ⬝o r₂) ⬝o r₃ =[!con.assoc] r ⬝o (r₂ ⬝o r₃) :=
pathover.rec_on r₃ (pathover.rec_on r₂ (pathover.rec_on r idpo))
-- the left inverse law.
definition cono.right_inv (r : b =[p] b₂) : r ⬝o r⁻¹ᵒ =[!con.right_inv] idpo :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
-- the right inverse law.
definition cono.left_inv (r : b =[p] b₂) : r⁻¹ᵒ ⬝o r =[!con.left_inv] idpo :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
/- Some of the theorems analogous to theorems for transport in init.path -/
--set_option pp.notation false
definition pathover_constant (p : a = a₂) (a' a₂' : A') : a' =[p] a₂' ≃ a' = a₂' :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro r, cases r, exact idp},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, exact idpo},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, exact idp},
{ intro r, cases r, exact idp},
definition pathover_idp (b : B a) (b' : B a) : b =[idpath a] b' ≃ b = b' :=
pathover_equiv_transport_eq idp b b'
definition eq_of_pathover_idp {b' : B a} (q : b =[idpath a] b') : b = b' :=
transport_eq_of_pathover q
definition pathover_idp_of_eq {b' : B a} (q : b = b') : b =[idpath a] b' :=
pathover_of_transport_eq q
definition idp_rec_on [recursor] {P : Π⦃b₂ : B a⦄, b =[idpath a] b₂ → Type}
{b₂ : B a} (r : b =[idpath a] b₂) (H : P idpo) : P r :=
have H2 : P (pathover_idp_of_eq (eq_of_pathover_idp r)),
from eq.rec_on (eq_of_pathover_idp r) H,
left_inv !pathover_idp r ▸ H2
--pathover with fibration B' ∘ f
definition pathover_compose (B' : A' → Type) (f : A → A') (p : a = a₂)
(b : B' (f a)) (b₂ : B' (f a₂)) : b =[p] b₂ ≃ b =[ap f p] b₂ :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro r, cases r, exact idpo},
{ intro r, cases p, apply (idp_rec_on r), apply idpo},
{ intro r, cases p, esimp [function.compose,function.id], apply (idp_rec_on r), apply idp},
{ intro r, cases r, exact idp},
definition apdo_con (f : Πa, B a) (p : a = a₂) (q : a₂ = a₃)
: apdo f (p ⬝ q) = apdo f p ⬝o apdo f q :=
by cases p; cases q; exact idp
open sigma sigma.ops
namespace sigma
/- pathovers used for sigma types -/
definition dpair_eq_dpair (p : a = a₂) (q : b =[p] b₂) : ⟨a, b⟩ = ⟨a₂, b₂⟩ :=
by cases q; apply idp
definition sigma_eq (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : u.2 =[p] v.2) : u = v :=
by cases u; cases v; apply (dpair_eq_dpair p q)
/- Projections of paths from a total space -/
definition pathover_pr2 (p : u = v) : u.2 =[p..1] v.2 :=
by cases p; apply idpo
postfix `..2o`:(max+1) := pathover_pr2
--superfluous notation, but useful if you want an 'o' on both projections
postfix [parsing-only] `..1o`:(max+1) := eq_pr1
private definition dpair_sigma_eq (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : u.2 =[p] v.2)
: ⟨(sigma_eq p q)..1, (sigma_eq p q)..2o⟩ = ⟨p, q⟩ :=
by cases u; cases v; cases q; apply idp
definition sigma_eq_pr1 (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : u.2 =[p] v.2) : (sigma_eq p q)..1 = p :=
(dpair_sigma_eq p q)..1
definition sigma_eq_pr2 (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : u.2 =[p] v.2)
: (sigma_eq p q)..2o =[sigma_eq_pr1 p q] q :=
(dpair_sigma_eq p q)..2o
definition sigma_eq_eta (p : u = v) : sigma_eq (p..1) (p..2o) = p :=
by cases p; cases u; apply idp
/- the uncurried version of sigma_eq. We will prove that this is an equivalence -/
definition sigma_eq_uncurried : Π (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), u.2 =[p] v.2), u = v
| sigma_eq_uncurried ⟨pq₁, pq₂⟩ := sigma_eq pq₁ pq₂
definition dpair_sigma_eq_uncurried : Π (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), u.2 =[p] v.2),
⟨(sigma_eq_uncurried pq)..1, (sigma_eq_uncurried pq)..2o⟩ = pq
| dpair_sigma_eq_uncurried ⟨pq₁, pq₂⟩ := dpair_sigma_eq pq₁ pq₂
definition sigma_eq_pr1_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), u.2 =[p] v.2)
: (sigma_eq_uncurried pq)..1 = pq.1 :=
(dpair_sigma_eq_uncurried pq)..1
definition sigma_eq_pr2_uncurried (pq : Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), u.2 =[p] v.2)
: (sigma_eq_uncurried pq)..2o =[sigma_eq_pr1_uncurried pq] pq.2 :=
(dpair_sigma_eq_uncurried pq)..2o
definition sigma_eq_eta_uncurried (p : u = v) : sigma_eq_uncurried (sigma.mk p..1 p..2o) = p :=
sigma_eq_eta p
definition is_equiv_sigma_eq [instance] (u v : Σa, B a)
: is_equiv (@sigma_eq_uncurried A B u v) :=
adjointify sigma_eq_uncurried
(λp, ⟨p..1, p..2o⟩)
definition equiv_sigma_eq (u v : Σa, B a) : (Σ(p : u.1 = v.1), u.2 =[p] v.2) ≃ (u = v) :=
equiv.mk sigma_eq_uncurried !is_equiv_sigma_eq
end sigma
definition apd011o (f : Πa, B a → A') (Ha : a = a₂) (Hb : b =[Ha] b₂)
: f a b = f a₂ b₂ :=
by cases Hb; exact idp
definition apd0111o (f : Πa b, C a b → A') (Ha : a = a₂) (Hb : b =[Ha] b₂)
(Hc : c =[apd011o C Ha Hb] c₂) : f a b c = f a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
by cases Hb; apply (idp_rec_on Hc); apply idp
namespace pi
--the most 'natural' version here needs a notion of "path over a pathover"
definition pi_pathover {f : Πb, C a b} {g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂}
(r : Π(b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂) (q : b =[p] b₂), f b =[apd011o C p q] g b₂) : f =[p] g :=
cases p, apply pathover_idp_of_eq,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b,
apply eq_of_pathover_idp, apply r
definition pi_pathover' {C : (Σa, B a) → Type} {f : Πb, C ⟨a, b⟩} {g : Πb₂, C ⟨a₂, b₂⟩}
(r : Π(b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂) (q : b =[p] b₂), f b =[sigma.dpair_eq_dpair p q] g b₂)
: f =[p] g :=
cases p, apply pathover_idp_of_eq,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b,
apply (@eq_of_pathover_idp _ C), exact (r b b (pathover.idpatho b)),
definition ap11o {f : Πb, C a b} {g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂} (r : f =[p] g)
{b : B a} {b₂ : B a₂} (q : b =[p] b₂) : f b =[apd011o C p q] g b₂ :=
by cases r; apply (idp_rec_on q); exact idpo
definition ap10o {f : Πb, C a b} {g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂} (r : f =[p] g)
{b : B a} : f b =[apd011o C p !pathover_transport] g (p ▸ b) :=
by cases r; exact idpo
-- definition equiv_pi_pathover' (f : Πb, C a b) (g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂) :
-- (f =[p] g) ≃ (Π(b : B a), f b =[apd011o C p !pathover_transport] g (p ▸ b)) :=
-- begin
-- fapply equiv.MK,
-- { exact ap10o},
-- { exact pi_pathover'},
-- { cases p, exact sorry},
-- { intro r, cases r, },
-- end
-- definition equiv_pi_pathover (f : Πb, C a b) (g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂) :
-- (f =[p] g) ≃ (Π(b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂) (q : b =[p] b₂), f b =[apd011o C p q] g b₂) :=
-- begin
-- fapply equiv.MK,
-- { exact ap11o},
-- { exact pi_pathover},
-- { cases p, exact sorry},
-- { intro r, cases r, },
-- end
end pi
end cubical

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@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ namespace circle
definition seg2 : base1 = base2 := merid !south definition seg2 : base1 = base2 := merid !south
definition base : circle := base1 definition base : circle := base1
definition loop : base = base := seg1 ⬝ seg2⁻¹ definition loop : base = base := seg2 ⬝ seg1⁻¹
definition rec2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2) definition rec2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (x : circle) : P x := (Ps1 : Pb1 =[seg1] Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 =[seg2] Pb2) (x : circle) : P x :=
begin begin
induction x with b, induction x with b,
{ exact Pb1}, { exact Pb1},
@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ namespace circle
end end
definition rec2_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2) definition rec2_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) : P x := (Ps1 : Pb1 =[seg1] Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 =[seg2] Pb2) : P x :=
circle.rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 x circle.rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 x
theorem rec2_seg1 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2) theorem rec2_seg1 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps1 : Pb1 =[seg1] Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 =[seg2] Pb2)
: apd (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 := : apdo (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 :=
!rec_merid !rec_merid
theorem rec2_seg2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2) theorem rec2_seg2 {P : circle → Type} (Pb1 : P base1) (Pb2 : P base2)
(Ps1 : seg1 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : seg2 ▸ Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps1 : Pb1 =[seg1] Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 =[seg2] Pb2)
: apd (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 := : apdo (rec2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
!rec_merid !rec_merid
definition elim2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) (x : circle) : P := definition elim2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) (x : circle) : P :=
rec2 Pb1 Pb2 (!tr_constant ⬝ Ps1) (!tr_constant ⬝ Ps2) x rec2 Pb1 Pb2 (pathover_of_eq Ps1) (pathover_of_eq Ps2) x
definition elim2_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 Pb2 : P) definition elim2_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pb1 Pb2 : P)
(Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) : P := (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) : P :=
@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ namespace circle
theorem elim2_seg1 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) theorem elim2_seg1 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2)
: ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 := : ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg1 = Ps1 :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant seg1 (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 base1))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant seg1),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg1], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg1],
end end
theorem elim2_seg2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2) theorem elim2_seg2 {P : Type} (Pb1 Pb2 : P) (Ps1 : Pb1 = Pb2) (Ps2 : Pb1 = Pb2)
: ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 := : ap (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant seg2 (elim2 Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2 base1))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant seg2),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg2], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim2,rec2_seg2],
end end
definition elim2_type (Pb1 Pb2 : Type) (Ps1 Ps2 : Pb1 ≃ Pb2) (x : circle) : Type := definition elim2_type (Pb1 Pb2 : Type) (Ps1 Ps2 : Pb1 ≃ Pb2) (x : circle) : Type :=
@ -84,41 +84,38 @@ namespace circle
: transport (elim2_type Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 := : transport (elim2_type Pb1 Pb2 Ps1 Ps2) seg2 = Ps2 :=
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn,↑elim2_type,elim2_seg2];apply cast_ua_fn by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn,↑elim2_type,elim2_seg2];apply cast_ua_fn
protected definition rec {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▸ Pbase = Pbase) protected definition rec {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : Pbase =[loop] Pbase)
(x : circle) : P x := (x : circle) : P x :=
begin begin
fapply (rec2_on x), fapply (rec2_on x),
{ exact Pbase}, { exact Pbase},
{ exact (transport P seg1 Pbase)}, { exact (transport P seg1 Pbase)},
{ apply idp}, { apply pathover_tr},
{ apply tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr, exact (Ploop⁻¹ ⬝ !con_tr)}, { apply pathover_tr_of_pathover, exact Ploop}
end end
--rewrite -tr_con, exact Ploop⁻¹
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P base) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P base)
(Ploop : loop ▸ Pbase = Pbase) : P x := (Ploop : Pbase =[loop] Pbase) : P x :=
circle.rec Pbase Ploop x circle.rec Pbase Ploop x
theorem rec_loop_helper {A : Type} (P : A → Type) theorem rec_loop_helper {A : Type} (P : A → Type)
{x y : A} {p : x = y} {u : P x} {v : P y} (q : u = p⁻¹ ▸ v) : {x y z : A} {p : x = y} {p' : z = y} {u : P x} {v : P z} (q : u =[p ⬝ p'⁻¹] v) :
eq_inv_tr_of_tr_eq (tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr q) = q := pathover_tr_of_pathover q ⬝o !pathover_tr⁻¹ᵒ = q :=
by cases p; exact idp by cases p'; cases q; exact idp
definition con_refl {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) : p ⬝ refl _ = p := definition con_refl {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) : p ⬝ refl _ = p :=
eq.rec_on p idp eq.rec_on p idp
theorem rec_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▸ Pbase = Pbase) : theorem rec_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : Pbase =[loop] Pbase) :
apd (circle.rec Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop := apdo (circle.rec Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
begin begin
rewrite [↑loop,apd_con,↑circle.rec,↑circle.rec2_on,↑base,rec2_seg1,apd_inv,rec2_seg2,↑ap], --con_idp should work here rewrite [↑loop,apdo_con,↑circle.rec,↑circle.rec2_on,↑base,rec2_seg2,apdo_inv,rec2_seg1],
apply concat, apply (ap (λx, x ⬝ _)), apply con_idp, esimp, apply rec_loop_helper
rewrite [rec_loop_helper,inv_con_inv_left],
apply con_inv_cancel_left
end end
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase) protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase)
(x : circle) : P := (x : circle) : P :=
circle.rec Pbase (tr_constant loop Pbase ⬝ Ploop) x circle.rec Pbase (pathover_of_eq Ploop) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P)
(Ploop : Pbase = Pbase) : P := (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase) : P :=
@ -127,8 +124,8 @@ namespace circle
theorem elim_loop {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase) : theorem elim_loop {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase) :
ap (circle.elim Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop := ap (circle.elim Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant loop (circle.elim Pbase Ploop base))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant loop),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑circle.elim,rec_loop], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑circle.elim,rec_loop],
end end
protected definition elim_type (Pbase : Type) (Ploop : Pbase ≃ Pbase) protected definition elim_type (Pbase : Type) (Ploop : Pbase ≃ Pbase)
@ -149,7 +146,7 @@ namespace circle
end circle end circle
attribute circle.base1 circle.base2 circle.base [constructor] attribute circle.base1 circle.base2 circle.base [constructor]
attribute circle.rec2 circle.elim2 [unfold-c 6] [recursor 6] attribute circle.elim2 circle.rec2 [unfold-c 6] [recursor 6]
attribute circle.elim2_type [unfold-c 5] attribute circle.elim2_type [unfold-c 5]
attribute circle.rec2_on circle.elim2_on [unfold-c 2] attribute circle.rec2_on circle.elim2_on [unfold-c 2]
attribute circle.elim2_type [unfold-c 1] attribute circle.elim2_type [unfold-c 1]
@ -164,17 +161,22 @@ namespace circle
definition loop_neq_idp : loop ≠ idp := definition loop_neq_idp : loop ≠ idp :=
assume H : loop = idp, assume H : loop = idp,
have H2 : Π{A : Type₁} {a : A} (p : a = a), p = idp, have H2 : Π{A : Type₁} {a : A} {p : a = a}, p = idp,
from λA a p, calc from λA a p, calc
p = ap (circle.elim a p) loop : elim_loop p = ap (circle.elim a p) loop : elim_loop
... = ap (circle.elim a p) (refl base) : by rewrite H, ... = ap (circle.elim a p) (refl base) : by rewrite H,
absurd !H2 eq_bnot_ne_idp absurd H2 eq_bnot_ne_idp
definition nonidp (x : circle) : x = x := definition nonidp (x : circle) : x = x :=
circle.rec_on x loop begin
(calc induction x,
loop ▸ loop = loop⁻¹ ⬝ loop ⬝ loop : transport_eq_lr { exact loop},
... = loop : by rewrite [con.left_inv, idp_con]) { exact sorry}
-- circle.rec_on x loop
-- (calc
-- loop ▸ loop = loop⁻¹ ⬝ loop ⬝ loop : transport_eq_lr
-- ... = loop : by rewrite [con.left_inv, idp_con])
definition nonidp_neq_idp : nonidp ≠ (λx, idp) := definition nonidp_neq_idp : nonidp ≠ (λx, idp) :=
assume H : nonidp = λx, idp, assume H : nonidp = λx, idp,
@ -200,9 +202,10 @@ namespace circle
begin begin
induction x, induction x,
{ exact power loop}, { exact power loop},
{ apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, { apply sorry}
refine !arrow.arrow_transport ⬝ !transport_eq_r ⬝ _, -- apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
rewrite [transport_code_loop_inv,power_con,succ_pred]} -- refine !arrow.arrow_transport ⬝ !transport_eq_r ⬝ _,
-- rewrite [transport_code_loop_inv,power_con,succ_pred]}
end end
--remove this theorem after #484 --remove this theorem after #484
@ -219,11 +222,11 @@ namespace circle
apply transport (λ(y : base = base), transport circle.code y _ = _), apply transport (λ(y : base = base), transport circle.code y _ = _),
{ exact !power_con_inv ⬝ ap (power loop) !neg_succ⁻¹}, { exact !power_con_inv ⬝ ap (power loop) !neg_succ⁻¹},
rewrite [▸*,@con_tr _ circle.code,transport_code_loop_inv, ↑[circle.encode] at p, p, -neg_succ]}}, rewrite [▸*,@con_tr _ circle.code,transport_code_loop_inv, ↑[circle.encode] at p, p, -neg_succ]}},
{ apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply @is_hset.elim, esimp [circle.code,base,base1], exact _} --{ apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply @is_hset.elim, esimp [circle.code,base,base1], exact _}
{ apply sorry}
--simplify after #587 --simplify after #587
end end
definition circle_eq_equiv (x : circle) : (base = x) ≃ circle.code x := definition circle_eq_equiv (x : circle) : (base = x) ≃ circle.code x :=
begin begin
fapply equiv.MK, fapply equiv.MK,

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f g : A → B)
eq_of_rel coeq_rel (Rmk f g x) eq_of_rel coeq_rel (Rmk f g x)
protected definition rec {P : coeq → Type} (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x)) protected definition rec {P : coeq → Type} (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x))
(Pcp : Π(x : A), cp x ▸ P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) (y : coeq) : P y := (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) =[cp x] P_i (g x)) (y : coeq) : P y :=
begin begin
induction y, induction y,
{ apply P_i}, { apply P_i},
@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f g : A → B)
end end
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : coeq → Type} (y : coeq) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : coeq → Type} (y : coeq)
(P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x)) (Pcp : Π(x : A), cp x ▸ P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) : P y := (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x)) (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) =[cp x] P_i (g x)) : P y :=
rec P_i Pcp y rec P_i Pcp y
theorem rec_cp {P : coeq → Type} (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x)) theorem rec_cp {P : coeq → Type} (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x))
(Pcp : Π(x : A), cp x ▸ P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) =[cp x] P_i (g x))
(x : A) : apd (rec P_i Pcp) (cp x) = Pcp x := (x : A) : apdo (rec P_i Pcp) (cp x) = Pcp x :=
!rec_eq_of_rel !rec_eq_of_rel
protected definition elim {P : Type} (P_i : B → P) protected definition elim {P : Type} (P_i : B → P)
(Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) (y : coeq) : P := (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) (y : coeq) : P :=
rec P_i (λx, !tr_constant ⬝ Pcp x) y rec P_i (λx, pathover_of_eq (Pcp x)) y
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : coeq) (P_i : B → P) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : coeq) (P_i : B → P)
(Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) : P := (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) : P :=
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f g : A → B)
theorem elim_cp {P : Type} (P_i : B → P) (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) theorem elim_cp {P : Type} (P_i : B → P) (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x))
(x : A) : ap (elim P_i Pcp) (cp x) = Pcp x := (x : A) : ap (elim P_i Pcp) (cp x) = Pcp x :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (cp x) (elim P_i Pcp (coeq_i (f x))))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (cp x)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim,rec_cp], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim,rec_cp],
end end
protected definition elim_type (P_i : B → Type) protected definition elim_type (P_i : B → Type)

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ section
protected definition rec {P : colimit → Type} protected definition rec {P : colimit → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P (ι x)) (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x) (Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) =[cglue j x] Pincl x)
(y : colimit) : P y := (y : colimit) : P y :=
begin begin
fapply (type_quotient.rec_on y), fapply (type_quotient.rec_on y),
@ -44,18 +44,18 @@ section
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : colimit → Type} (y : colimit) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : colimit → Type} (y : colimit)
(Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P (ι x)) (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x) : P y := (Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) =[cglue j x] Pincl x) : P y :=
rec Pincl Pglue y rec Pincl Pglue y
theorem rec_cglue {P : colimit → Type} theorem rec_cglue {P : colimit → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P (ι x)) (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P (ι x))
(Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), cglue j x ▸ Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x) (Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) =[cglue j x] Pincl x)
{j : J} (x : A (dom j)) : apd (rec Pincl Pglue) (cglue j x) = Pglue j x := {j : J} (x : A (dom j)) : apdo (rec Pincl Pglue) (cglue j x) = Pglue j x :=
!rec_eq_of_rel !rec_eq_of_rel
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P) protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P)
(Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x) (y : colimit) : P := (Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x) (y : colimit) : P :=
rec Pincl (λj a, !tr_constant ⬝ Pglue j a) y rec Pincl (λj a, pathover_of_eq (Pglue j a)) y
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : colimit) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : colimit)
(Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P) (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), P)
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ section
(Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x) (Pglue : Π(j : J) (x : A (dom j)), Pincl (f j x) = Pincl x)
{j : J} (x : A (dom j)) : ap (elim Pincl Pglue) (cglue j x) = Pglue j x := {j : J} (x : A (dom j)) : ap (elim Pincl Pglue) (cglue j x) = Pglue j x :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (cglue j x) (elim Pincl Pglue (ι (f j x))))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (cglue j x)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim,rec_cglue], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim,rec_cglue],
end end
protected definition elim_type (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), Type) protected definition elim_type (Pincl : Π⦃i : I⦄ (x : A i), Type)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ section
protected definition rec {P : seq_colim → Type} protected definition rec {P : seq_colim → Type}
(Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (sι a)) (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (sι a))
(Pglue : Π(n : ) (a : A n), glue a ▸ Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) (aa : seq_colim) : P aa := (Pglue : Π(n : ) (a : A n), Pincl (f a) =[glue a] Pincl a) (aa : seq_colim) : P aa :=
begin begin
fapply (type_quotient.rec_on aa), fapply (type_quotient.rec_on aa),
{ intro a, cases a, apply Pincl}, { intro a, cases a, apply Pincl},
@ -127,18 +127,18 @@ section
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : seq_colim → Type} (aa : seq_colim) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : seq_colim → Type} (aa : seq_colim)
(Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (sι a)) (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (sι a))
(Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), glue a ▸ Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) (Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) =[glue a] Pincl a)
: P aa := : P aa :=
rec Pincl Pglue aa rec Pincl Pglue aa
theorem rec_glue {P : seq_colim → Type} (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (sι a)) theorem rec_glue {P : seq_colim → Type} (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (sι a))
(Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), glue a ▸ Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) {n : } (a : A n) (Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) =[glue a] Pincl a) {n : } (a : A n)
: apd (rec Pincl Pglue) (glue a) = Pglue a := : apdo (rec Pincl Pglue) (glue a) = Pglue a :=
!rec_eq_of_rel !rec_eq_of_rel
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P) protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P)
(Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) : seq_colim → P := (Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) : seq_colim → P :=
rec Pincl (λn a, !tr_constant ⬝ Pglue a) rec Pincl (λn a, pathover_of_eq (Pglue a))
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (aa : seq_colim) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (aa : seq_colim)
(Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P) (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P)
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ section
(Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) {n : } (a : A n) (Pglue : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) = Pincl a) {n : } (a : A n)
: ap (elim Pincl Pglue) (glue a) = Pglue a := : ap (elim Pincl Pglue) (glue a) = Pglue a :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (glue a) (elim Pincl Pglue (sι (f a))))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (glue a)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim,rec_glue], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim,rec_glue],
end end
protected definition elim_type (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Type) protected definition elim_type (Pincl : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Type)

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f : A → B)
protected definition rec {P : cylinder → Type} protected definition rec {P : cylinder → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a)) (Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg a ▸ Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (x : cylinder) : P x := (Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) =[seg a] Ptop a) (x : cylinder) : P x :=
begin begin
induction x, induction x,
{ cases a, { cases a,
@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f : A → B)
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : cylinder → Type} (x : cylinder) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : cylinder → Type} (x : cylinder)
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a)) (Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg a ▸ Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) : P x := (Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) =[seg a] Ptop a) : P x :=
rec Pbase Ptop Pseg x rec Pbase Ptop Pseg x
theorem rec_seg {P : cylinder → Type} theorem rec_seg {P : cylinder → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a)) (Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg a ▸ Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) =[seg a] Ptop a)
(a : A) : apd (rec Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg a) = Pseg a := (a : A) : apdo (rec Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg a) = Pseg a :=
!rec_eq_of_rel !rec_eq_of_rel
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P) protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (x : cylinder) : P := (Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (x : cylinder) : P :=
rec Pbase Ptop (λa, !tr_constant ⬝ Pseg a) x rec Pbase Ptop (λa, pathover_of_eq (Pseg a)) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : cylinder) (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : cylinder) (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) : P := (Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) : P :=
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f : A → B)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a)
(a : A) : ap (elim Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg a) = Pseg a := (a : A) : ap (elim Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg a) = Pseg a :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (seg a) (elim Pbase Ptop Pseg (base (f a))))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (seg a)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim,rec_seg], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim,rec_seg],
end end
protected definition elim_type (Pbase : B → Type) (Ptop : A → Type) protected definition elim_type (Pbase : B → Type) (Ptop : A → Type)

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
eq_of_rel pushout_rel (Rmk f g x) eq_of_rel pushout_rel (Rmk f g x)
protected definition rec {P : pushout → Type} (Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x)) protected definition rec {P : pushout → Type} (Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x))
(Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x)) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▸ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) (Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x)) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) =[glue x] Pinr (g x))
(y : pushout) : P y := (y : pushout) : P y :=
begin begin
induction y, induction y,
@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : pushout → Type} (y : pushout) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : pushout → Type} (y : pushout)
(Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x)) (Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x)) (Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x)) (Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x))
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▸ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) : P y := (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) =[glue x] Pinr (g x)) : P y :=
rec Pinl Pinr Pglue y rec Pinl Pinr Pglue y
theorem rec_glue {P : pushout → Type} (Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x)) theorem rec_glue {P : pushout → Type} (Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x))
(Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x)) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▸ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) (Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x)) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) =[glue x] Pinr (g x))
(x : TL) : apd (rec Pinl Pinr Pglue) (glue x) = Pglue x := (x : TL) : apdo (rec Pinl Pinr Pglue) (glue x) = Pglue x :=
!rec_eq_of_rel !rec_eq_of_rel
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pinl : BL → P) (Pinr : TR → P) protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pinl : BL → P) (Pinr : TR → P)
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) (y : pushout) : P := (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) (y : pushout) : P :=
rec Pinl Pinr (λx, !tr_constant ⬝ Pglue x) y rec Pinl Pinr (λx, pathover_of_eq (Pglue x)) y
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : pushout) (Pinl : BL → P) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : pushout) (Pinl : BL → P)
(Pinr : TR → P) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) : P := (Pinr : TR → P) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) : P :=
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) (x : TL) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) (x : TL)
: ap (elim Pinl Pinr Pglue) (glue x) = Pglue x := : ap (elim Pinl Pinr Pglue) (glue x) = Pglue x :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (glue x) (elim Pinl Pinr Pglue (inl (f x))))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (glue x)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim,rec_glue], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑pushout.elim,rec_glue],
end end
protected definition elim_type (Pinl : BL → Type) (Pinr : TR → Type) protected definition elim_type (Pinl : BL → Type) (Pinr : TR → Type)

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Declaration of set-quotients
import .type_quotient .trunc import .type_quotient .trunc
open eq is_trunc trunc type_quotient open eq is_trunc trunc type_quotient equiv
namespace quotient namespace quotient
section section
@ -26,30 +26,29 @@ parameters {A : Type} (R : A → A → hprop)
begin unfold quotient, exact _ end begin unfold quotient, exact _ end
protected definition rec {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_hset (P aa)] protected definition rec {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_hset (P aa)]
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel H] Pc a')
(x : quotient) : P x := (x : quotient) : P x :=
begin begin
apply (@trunc.rec_on _ _ P x), apply (@trunc.rec_on _ _ P x),
{ intro x', apply Pt}, { intro x', apply Pt},
{ intro y, fapply (type_quotient.rec_on y), { intro y, fapply (type_quotient.rec_on y),
{ exact Pc}, { exact Pc},
{ intros, { intros, apply equiv.to_inv !(pathover_compose _ tr), apply Pp}}
apply concat, apply transport_compose; apply Pp}}
end end
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : quotient → Type} (x : quotient) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : quotient → Type} (x : quotient)
[Pt : Πaa, is_hset (P aa)] (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) [Pt : Πaa, is_hset (P aa)] (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a))
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') : P x := (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel H] Pc a') : P x :=
rec Pc Pp x rec Pc Pp x
theorem rec_eq_of_rel {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_hset (P aa)] theorem rec_eq_of_rel {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_hset (P aa)]
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel H] Pc a')
{a a' : A} (H : R a a') : apd (rec Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = Pp H := {a a' : A} (H : R a a') : apdo (rec Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = Pp H :=
!is_hset.elim !is_hset.elimo
protected definition elim {P : Type} [Pt : is_hset P] (Pc : A → P) protected definition elim {P : Type} [Pt : is_hset P] (Pc : A → P)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') (x : quotient) : P := (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') (x : quotient) : P :=
rec Pc (λa a' H, !tr_constant ⬝ Pp H) x rec Pc (λa a' H, pathover_of_eq (Pp H)) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : quotient) [Pt : is_hset P] protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : quotient) [Pt : is_hset P]
(Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') : P := (Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') : P :=
@ -59,8 +58,8 @@ parameters {A : Type} (R : A → A → hprop)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a') (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a')
: ap (elim Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = Pp H := : ap (elim Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = Pp H :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (eq_of_rel H) (elim Pc Pp (class_of a)))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (eq_of_rel H)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑elim,rec_eq_of_rel], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑elim,rec_eq_of_rel],
end end
/- /-

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace suspension
glue _ _ a glue _ _ a
protected definition rec {P : suspension A → Type} (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south) protected definition rec {P : suspension A → Type} (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south)
(Pm : Π(a : A), merid a ▸ PN = PS) (x : suspension A) : P x := (Pm : Π(a : A), PN =[merid a] PS) (x : suspension A) : P x :=
begin begin
fapply (pushout.rec_on _ _ x), fapply (pushout.rec_on _ _ x),
{ intro u, cases u, exact PN}, { intro u, cases u, exact PN},
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ namespace suspension
end end
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : suspension A → Type} (y : suspension A) protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : suspension A → Type} (y : suspension A)
(PN : P !north) (PS : P !south) (Pm : Π(a : A), merid a ▸ PN = PS) : P y := (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south) (Pm : Π(a : A), PN =[merid a] PS) : P y :=
suspension.rec PN PS Pm y suspension.rec PN PS Pm y
theorem rec_merid {P : suspension A → Type} (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south) theorem rec_merid {P : suspension A → Type} (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south)
(Pm : Π(a : A), merid a ▸ PN = PS) (a : A) (Pm : Π(a : A), PN =[merid a] PS) (a : A)
: apd (suspension.rec PN PS Pm) (merid a) = Pm a := : apdo (suspension.rec PN PS Pm) (merid a) = Pm a :=
!rec_glue !rec_glue
protected definition elim {P : Type} (PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS) protected definition elim {P : Type} (PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS)
(x : suspension A) : P := (x : suspension A) : P :=
suspension.rec PN PS (λa, !tr_constant ⬝ Pm a) x suspension.rec PN PS (λa, pathover_of_eq (Pm a)) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : suspension A) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : suspension A)
(PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS) : P := (PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS) : P :=
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ namespace suspension
theorem elim_merid {P : Type} (PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS) (a : A) theorem elim_merid {P : Type} (PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS) (a : A)
: ap (suspension.elim PN PS Pm) (merid a) = Pm a := : ap (suspension.elim PN PS Pm) (merid a) = Pm a :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (merid a) (suspension.elim PN PS Pm !north))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (merid a)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑suspension.elim,rec_merid], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑suspension.elim,rec_merid],
end end
protected definition elim_type (PN : Type) (PS : Type) (Pm : A → PN ≃ PS) protected definition elim_type (PN : Type) (PS : Type) (Pm : A → PN ≃ PS)

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace type_quotient
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a')
(x : type_quotient R) : P := (x : type_quotient R) : P :=
type_quotient.rec Pc (λa a' H, !tr_constant ⬝ Pp H) x type_quotient.rec Pc (λa a' H, pathover_of_eq (Pp H)) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : type_quotient R) protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : type_quotient R)
(Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') : P := (Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') : P :=
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ namespace type_quotient
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a') (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a')
: ap (type_quotient.elim Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) = Pp H := : ap (type_quotient.elim Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) = Pp H :=
begin begin
apply (@cancel_left _ _ _ _ (tr_constant (eq_of_rel R H) (type_quotient.elim Pc Pp (class_of R a)))), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv !(pathover_constant (eq_of_rel R H)),
rewrite [-apd_eq_tr_constant_con_ap,↑type_quotient.elim,rec_eq_of_rel], rewrite [▸*,-apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap,↑type_quotient.elim,rec_eq_of_rel],
end end
protected definition elim_type (Pc : A → Type) protected definition elim_type (Pc : A → Type)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import init.bool init.num init.priority init.relation init.wf
import init.types import init.types
import init.trunc init.path init.equiv init.util import init.trunc init.path init.equiv init.util
import init.ua init.funext import init.ua init.funext
import init.hedberg init.nat init.hit import init.hedberg init.nat init.hit init.pathover
namespace core namespace core
export bool empty unit sum export bool empty unit sum

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@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ structure equiv (A B : Type) :=
(to_fun : A → B) (to_fun : A → B)
(to_is_equiv : is_equiv to_fun) (to_is_equiv : is_equiv to_fun)
namespace is_equiv namespace is_equiv
/- Some instances and closure properties of equivalences -/ /- Some instances and closure properties of equivalences -/
postfix `⁻¹` := inv postfix `⁻¹` := inv
@ -157,9 +156,13 @@ namespace is_equiv
have Hfinv [visible] : is_equiv f⁻¹, from is_equiv_inv f, have Hfinv [visible] : is_equiv f⁻¹, from is_equiv_inv f,
@homotopy_closed _ _ _ _ (is_equiv_compose (f ∘ g) f⁻¹) (λa, left_inv f (g a)) @homotopy_closed _ _ _ _ (is_equiv_compose (f ∘ g) f⁻¹) (λa, left_inv f (g a))
definition is_equiv_ap [instance] (x y : A) : is_equiv (ap f) := definition eq_of_fn_eq_fn' {x y : A} (q : f x = f y) : x = y :=
adjointify (ap f) (left_inv f x)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f⁻¹ q ⬝ left_inv f y
(λq, (inverse (left_inv f x)) ⬝ ap f⁻¹ q ⬝ left_inv f y)
definition is_equiv_ap [instance] (x y : A) : is_equiv (ap f : x = y → f x = f y) :=
(ap f)
(eq_of_fn_eq_fn' f)
(λq, !ap_con (λq, !ap_con
⬝ whisker_right !ap_con _ ⬝ whisker_right !ap_con _
⬝ ((!ap_inv ⬝ inverse2 (adj f _)⁻¹) ⬝ ((!ap_inv ⬝ inverse2 (adj f _)⁻¹)
@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ namespace equiv
protected definition refl [refl] [constructor] : A ≃ A := protected definition refl [refl] [constructor] : A ≃ A :=
equiv.mk id !is_equiv_id equiv.mk id !is_equiv_id
protected definition symm [symm] (f : A ≃ B) : B ≃ A := protected definition symm [symm] [unfold-c 3] (f : A ≃ B) : B ≃ A :=
equiv.mk f⁻¹ !is_equiv_inv equiv.mk f⁻¹ !is_equiv_inv
protected definition trans [trans] (f : A ≃ B) (g: B ≃ C) : A ≃ C := protected definition trans [trans] (f : A ≃ B) (g: B ≃ C) : A ≃ C :=
@ -270,6 +273,12 @@ namespace equiv
definition equiv_ap (P : A → Type) {a b : A} (p : a = b) : (P a) ≃ (P b) := definition equiv_ap (P : A → Type) {a b : A} (p : a = b) : (P a) ≃ (P b) :=
equiv.mk (transport P p) !is_equiv_tr equiv.mk (transport P p) !is_equiv_tr
definition eq_of_fn_eq_fn (f : A ≃ B) {x y : A} (q : f x = f y) : x = y :=
(left_inv f x)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f⁻¹ q ⬝ left_inv f y
definition eq_of_fn_eq_fn_inv (f : A ≃ B) {x y : B} (q : f⁻¹ x = f⁻¹ y) : x = y :=
(right_inv f x)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f q ⬝ right_inv f y
--we need this theorem for the funext_of_ua proof --we need this theorem for the funext_of_ua proof
theorem inv_eq {A B : Type} (eqf eqg : A ≃ B) (p : eqf = eqg) : (to_fun eqf)⁻¹ = (to_fun eqg)⁻¹ := theorem inv_eq {A B : Type} (eqf eqg : A ≃ B) (p : eqf = eqg) : (to_fun eqf)⁻¹ = (to_fun eqg)⁻¹ :=
eq.rec_on p idp eq.rec_on p idp
@ -280,7 +289,10 @@ namespace equiv
namespace ops namespace ops
infixl `⬝e`:75 := equiv.trans infixl `⬝e`:75 := equiv.trans
postfix `⁻¹` := equiv.symm -- overloaded notation for inverse postfix `⁻¹` := equiv.symm -- overloaded notation for inverse
postfix `⁻¹ᵉ`:(max + 1) := equiv.symm -- notation for inverse which is not overloaded postfix [parsing-only] `⁻¹ᵉ`:(max + 1) := equiv.symm
-- notation for inverse which is not overloaded
abbreviation erfl [constructor] := @equiv.refl abbreviation erfl [constructor] := @equiv.refl
end ops end ops
end equiv end equiv
export [unfold-hints] equiv [unfold-hints] is_equiv

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Declaration of the primitive hits in Lean
prelude prelude
import .trunc import .trunc .pathover
open is_trunc eq open is_trunc eq
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ namespace type_quotient
: class_of R a = class_of R a' : class_of R a = class_of R a'
protected constant rec {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type} protected constant rec {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type}
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel R H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel R H] Pc a')
(x : type_quotient R) : P x (x : type_quotient R) : P x
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type} protected definition rec_on [reducible] {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type}
(x : type_quotient R) (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (x : type_quotient R) (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a))
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel R H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') : P x := (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel R H] Pc a') : P x :=
type_quotient.rec Pc Pp x type_quotient.rec Pc Pp x
end type_quotient end type_quotient
@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ end trunc
namespace type_quotient namespace type_quotient
definition rec_class_of {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type} definition rec_class_of {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type}
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel R H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel R H] Pc a')
(a : A) : type_quotient.rec Pc Pp (class_of R a) = Pc a := (a : A) : type_quotient.rec Pc Pp (class_of R a) = Pc a :=
idp idp
constant rec_eq_of_rel {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type} constant rec_eq_of_rel {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {P : type_quotient R → Type}
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel R H ▸ Pc a = Pc a') (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of R a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a =[eq_of_rel R H] Pc a')
{a a' : A} (H : R a a') : apd (type_quotient.rec Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) = Pp H {a a' : A} (H : R a a') : apdo (type_quotient.rec Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel R H) = Pp H
end type_quotient end type_quotient
attribute type_quotient.class_of trunc.tr [constructor] attribute type_quotient.class_of trunc.tr [constructor]

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Datatypes and logic:
HoTT basics: HoTT basics:
* [path](path.hlean) * [path](path.hlean)
* [pathover](pathover.hlean)
* [hedberg](hedberg.hlean) * [hedberg](hedberg.hlean)
* [trunc](trunc.hlean) * [trunc](trunc.hlean)
* [equiv](equiv.hlean) * [equiv](equiv.hlean)

hott/init/pathover.hlean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Floris van Doorn
Basic theorems about pathovers
import .path .equiv
open equiv is_equiv equiv.ops
variables {A A' : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type}
{a a₂ a₃ a₄ : A} {p : a = a₂} {p₂ : a₂ = a₃} {p₃ : a₃ = a₄}
{b : B a} {b₂ : B a₂} {b₃ : B a₃} {b₄ : B a₄}
{c : C a b} {c₂ : C a₂ b₂}
namespace eq
inductive pathover.{l} (B : A → Type.{l}) (b : B a) : Π{a₂ : A}, a = a₂ → B a₂ → Type.{l} :=
idpatho : pathover B b (refl a) b
notation b `=[`:50 p:0 `]`:0 b₂:50 := pathover _ b p b₂
definition idpo [reducible] [constructor] : b =[refl a] b :=
pathover.idpatho b
/- equivalences with equality using transport -/
definition pathover_of_tr_eq (r : p ▸ b = b₂) : b =[p] b₂ :=
by cases p; cases r; exact idpo
definition pathover_of_eq_tr (r : b = p⁻¹ ▸ b₂) : b =[p] b₂ :=
by cases p; cases r; exact idpo
definition tr_eq_of_pathover (r : b =[p] b₂) : p ▸ b = b₂ :=
by cases r; exact idp
definition eq_tr_of_pathover (r : b =[p] b₂) : b = p⁻¹ ▸ b₂ :=
by cases r; exact idp
definition pathover_equiv_tr_eq (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂)
: (b =[p] b₂) ≃ (p ▸ b = b₂) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact tr_eq_of_pathover},
{ exact pathover_of_tr_eq},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, apply idp},
{ intro r, cases r, apply idp},
definition pathover_equiv_eq_tr (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) (b₂ : B a₂)
: (b =[p] b₂) ≃ (b = p⁻¹ ▸ b₂) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact eq_tr_of_pathover},
{ exact pathover_of_eq_tr},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, apply idp},
{ intro r, cases r, apply idp},
definition pathover_tr (p : a = a₂) (b : B a) : b =[p] p ▸ b :=
pathover_of_tr_eq idp
definition tr_pathover (p : a = a₂) (b : B a₂) : p⁻¹ ▸ b =[p] b :=
pathover_of_eq_tr idp
definition concato (r : b =[p] b₂) (r₂ : b₂ =[p₂] b₃) : b =[p ⬝ p₂] b₃ :=
pathover.rec_on r₂ (pathover.rec_on r idpo)
definition inverseo (r : b =[p] b₂) : b₂ =[p⁻¹] b :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
definition apdo (f : Πa, B a) (p : a = a₂) : f a =[p] f a₂ :=
eq.rec_on p idpo
-- infix `⬝` := concato
infix `⬝o`:75 := concato
-- postfix `⁻¹` := inverseo
postfix `⁻¹ᵒ`:(max+10) := inverseo
/- Some of the theorems analogous to theorems for = in init.path -/
definition cono_idpo (r : b =[p] b₂) : r ⬝o idpo =[con_idp p] r :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
definition idpo_cono (r : b =[p] b₂) : idpo ⬝o r =[idp_con p] r :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
definition cono.assoc' (r : b =[p] b₂) (r₂ : b₂ =[p₂] b₃) (r₃ : b₃ =[p₃] b₄) :
r ⬝o (r₂ ⬝o r₃) =[!con.assoc'] (r ⬝o r₂) ⬝o r₃ :=
pathover.rec_on r₃ (pathover.rec_on r₂ (pathover.rec_on r idpo))
definition cono.assoc (r : b =[p] b₂) (r₂ : b₂ =[p₂] b₃) (r₃ : b₃ =[p₃] b₄) :
(r ⬝o r₂) ⬝o r₃ =[!con.assoc] r ⬝o (r₂ ⬝o r₃) :=
pathover.rec_on r₃ (pathover.rec_on r₂ (pathover.rec_on r idpo))
-- the left inverse law.
definition cono.right_inv (r : b =[p] b₂) : r ⬝o r⁻¹ᵒ =[!con.right_inv] idpo :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
-- the right inverse law.
definition cono.left_inv (r : b =[p] b₂) : r⁻¹ᵒ ⬝o r =[!con.left_inv] idpo :=
pathover.rec_on r idpo
/- Some of the theorems analogous to theorems for transport in init.path -/
definition eq_of_pathover {a' a₂' : A'} (q : a' =[p] a₂') : a' = a₂' :=
by cases q;reflexivity
definition pathover_of_eq {a' a₂' : A'} (q : a' = a₂') : a' =[p] a₂' :=
by cases p;cases q;exact idpo
definition pathover_constant [constructor] (p : a = a₂) (a' a₂' : A') : a' =[p] a₂' ≃ a' = a₂' :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact eq_of_pathover},
{ exact pathover_of_eq},
{ intro r, cases p, cases r, exact idp},
{ intro r, cases r, exact idp},
definition pathover_idp (b : B a) (b' : B a) : b =[idpath a] b' ≃ b = b' :=
pathover_equiv_tr_eq idp b b'
definition eq_of_pathover_idp {b' : B a} (q : b =[idpath a] b') : b = b' :=
tr_eq_of_pathover q
definition pathover_idp_of_eq {b' : B a} (q : b = b') : b =[idpath a] b' :=
pathover_of_tr_eq q
definition idp_rec_on [recursor] {P : Π⦃b₂ : B a⦄, b =[idpath a] b₂ → Type}
{b₂ : B a} (r : b =[idpath a] b₂) (H : P idpo) : P r :=
have H2 : P (pathover_idp_of_eq (eq_of_pathover_idp r)),
from eq.rec_on (eq_of_pathover_idp r) H,
left_inv !pathover_idp r ▸ H2
--pathover with fibration B' ∘ f
definition pathover_compose (B' : A' → Type) (f : A → A') (p : a = a₂)
(b : B' (f a)) (b₂ : B' (f a₂)) : b =[p] b₂ ≃ b =[ap f p] b₂ :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro r, cases r, exact idpo},
{ intro r, cases p, apply (idp_rec_on r), apply idpo},
{ intro r, cases p, esimp [function.compose,function.id], apply (idp_rec_on r), apply idp},
{ intro r, cases r, exact idp},
definition apdo_con (f : Πa, B a) (p : a = a₂) (q : a₂ = a₃)
: apdo f (p ⬝ q) = apdo f p ⬝o apdo f q :=
by cases p; cases q; exact idp
definition apdo_inv (f : Πa, B a) (p : a = a₂) : apdo f p⁻¹ = (apdo f p)⁻¹ᵒ :=
by cases p; exact idp
definition apdo_eq_pathover_of_eq_ap (f : A → A') (p : a = a₂) :
apdo f p = pathover_of_eq (ap f p) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition pathover_of_pathover_tr (q : b =[p ⬝ p₂] p₂ ▸ b₂) : b =[p] b₂ :=
by cases p₂;exact q
definition pathover_tr_of_pathover {p : a = a₃} (q : b =[p ⬝ p₂⁻¹] b₂) : b =[p] p₂ ▸ b₂ :=
by cases p₂;exact q
definition apo011 (f : Πa, B a → A') (Ha : a = a₂) (Hb : b =[Ha] b₂)
: f a b = f a₂ b₂ :=
by cases Hb; exact idp
definition apo0111 (f : Πa b, C a b → A') (Ha : a = a₂) (Hb : b =[Ha] b₂)
(Hc : c =[apo011 C Ha Hb] c₂) : f a b c = f a₂ b₂ c₂ :=
by cases Hb; apply (idp_rec_on Hc); apply idp
definition apo11 {f : Πb, C a b} {g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂} (r : f =[p] g)
{b : B a} {b₂ : B a₂} (q : b =[p] b₂) : f b =[apo011 C p q] g b₂ :=
by cases r; apply (idp_rec_on q); exact idpo
definition apo10 {f : Πb, C a b} {g : Πb₂, C a₂ b₂} (r : f =[p] g)
{b : B a} : f b =[apo011 C p !pathover_tr] g (p ▸ b) :=
by cases r; exact idpo
end eq

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Ported from Coq HoTT.
--TODO: can we replace some definitions with a hprop as codomain by theorems? --TODO: can we replace some definitions with a hprop as codomain by theorems?
prelude prelude
import .logic .equiv .types import .logic .equiv .types .pathover
open eq nat sigma unit open eq nat sigma unit
namespace is_trunc namespace is_trunc
@ -270,6 +270,22 @@ namespace is_trunc
(λ (u : unit), unit.rec_on u idp) (λ (u : unit), unit.rec_on u idp)
(λ (x : A), center_eq x) (λ (x : A), center_eq x)
/- interaction with pathovers -/
variables {C : A → Type}
{a a₂ : A} (p : a = a₂)
(c : C a) (c₂ : C a₂)
definition is_hprop.elimo [H : is_hprop (C a)] : c =[p] c₂ :=
pathover_of_eq_tr !is_hprop.elim
definition is_trunc_pathover [instance]
(n : trunc_index) [H : is_trunc (n.+1) (C a)] : is_trunc n (c =[p] c₂) :=
is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev n !pathover_equiv_eq_tr
variables {p c c₂}
theorem is_hset.elimo (q q' : c =[p] c₂) [H : is_hset (C a)] : q = q' :=
-- TODO: port "Truncated morphisms" -- TODO: port "Truncated morphisms"
end is_trunc end is_trunc

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@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn Authors: Floris van Doorn
-/ -/
import .basic import .basic .hott