chore(library/rewriter): remove lean-0.1 files
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 0 additions and 1719 deletions
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
add_library(rewriter rewriter.cpp fo_match.cpp)
target_link_libraries(rewriter ${LEAN_LIBS})
@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Soonho Kong
#include <utility>
#include "util/trace.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "library/printer.h"
#include "library/arith/nat.h"
#include "library/arith/arith.h"
#include "library/rewriter/fo_match.h"
#include "library/rewriter/rewriter.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
namespace lean {
bool fo_match::match_var(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_var : (" << p << ", " << t << ", " << o << ", " << s << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
unsigned idx = var_idx(p);
if (idx < o) {
// Current variable is the one created by lambda inside of pattern
// and it is *not* a target of pattern matching.
return p == t;
} else {
auto it = s.find(idx - o);
if (it != s.end()) {
// This variable already has an entry in the substitution
// map. We need to make sure that 't' and s[idx] are the
// same
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_var exist:" << idx - o << " |-> " << it->second << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return it->second == t;
// This variable has no entry in the substituition map. Let's
// add one.
s.insert(idx - o, t);
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_var MATCHED : " << s << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return true;
bool fo_match::match_constant(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned, subst_map &) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_constant : (" << p << ", " << t << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return p == t;
bool fo_match::match_value(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned, subst_map &) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_value : (" << p << ", " << t << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return p == t;
bool fo_match::match_app(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_app : (" << p << ", " << t << ", " << o << ", " << s << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (!is_app(t)) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_app : " << t << " is not app." << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return false;
unsigned num_p = num_args(p);
unsigned num_t = num_args(t);
if (num_p != num_t) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_app : number of arguments does not match"
<< "(" << num_p << " <> " << num_t << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_p; i++) {
if (!match_main(arg(p, i), arg(t, i), o, s))
return false;
return true;
bool fo_match::match_lambda(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_lambda : (" << p << ", " << t << ", " << o << ", " << s << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "fun (" << abst_name(p) << " : " << abst_domain(p) << "), " << abst_body(p) << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (!is_lambda(t)) {
return false;
} else {
// First match the domain part
auto p_domain = abst_domain(p);
auto t_domain = abst_domain(t);
if (!match_main(p_domain, t_domain, o, s))
return false;
// Then match the body part, increase offset by 1.
auto p_body = abst_body(p);
auto t_body = abst_body(t);
return match_main(p_body, t_body, o + 1, s);
bool fo_match::match_pi(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_pi : (" << p << ", " << t << ", " << o << ", " << s << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "Pi (" << abst_name(p) << " : " << abst_domain(p) << "), " << abst_body(p) << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (!is_pi(t)) {
return false;
} else {
// First match the domain part
auto p_domain = abst_domain(p);
auto t_domain = abst_domain(t);
if (!match_main(p_domain, t_domain, o, s))
return false;
// Then match the body part, increase offset by 1.
auto p_body = abst_body(p);
auto t_body = abst_body(t);
return match_main(p_body, t_body, o + 1, s);
bool fo_match::match_type(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned, subst_map &) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_type : (" << p << ", " << t << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return p == t;
bool fo_match::match_let(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_let : (" << p << ", " << t << ", " << o << ", " << s << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (!is_let(t)) {
return false;
} else {
// First match the type part
auto p_type = let_type(p);
auto t_type = let_type(t);
if (!match_main(p_type, t_type, o, s))
return false;
// then match the value part
auto p_value = let_value(p);
auto t_value = let_value(t);
if (!match_main(p_value, t_value, o, s))
return false;
// then match the value part
auto p_body = let_body(p);
auto t_body = let_body(t);
return match_main(p_body, t_body, o + 1, s);
bool fo_match::match_metavar(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned, subst_map &) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match_meta : (" << p << ", " << t << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return p == t;
bool fo_match::match_main(optional<expr> const & p, optional<expr> const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
if (p && t)
return match_main(*p, *t, o, s);
return !p && !t;
bool fo_match::match_main(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
lean_trace("fo_match", tout << "match : (" << p << ", " << t << ", " << o << ", " << s << ")" << endl;); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
switch (p.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var:
return match_var(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Constant:
return match_constant(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Value:
return match_value(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::App:
return match_app(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Lambda:
return match_lambda(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Pi:
return match_pi(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Type:
return match_type(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Let:
return match_let(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::MetaVar:
return match_metavar(p, t, o, s);
case expr_kind::Proj: case expr_kind::Pair: case expr_kind::Sigma: case expr_kind::HEq:
// TODO(Leo):
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
bool fo_match::match(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s) {
if (match_main(p, t, o, s)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Soonho Kong
#pragma once
#include "util/scoped_map.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/context.h"
#include "library/printer.h"
namespace lean {
using subst_map = scoped_map<unsigned, expr>;
class fo_match {
bool match_var(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_constant(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_value(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_app(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_lambda(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_pi(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_type(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_let(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_metavar(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_main(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match_main(optional<expr> const & p, optional<expr> const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
bool match(expr const & p, expr const & t, unsigned o, subst_map & s);
@ -1,968 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright (c) 2013 Carnegie Mellon University.
All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Soonho Kong
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/kernel.h"
#include "kernel/context.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "library/printer.h"
#include "library/rewriter/fo_match.h"
#include "library/rewriter/rewriter.h"
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/trace.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::initializer_list;
using std::make_pair;
using std::ostream;
namespace lean {
\brief For a lambda term v = \f$(\lambda n : ty. body)\f$ and the rewriting result
for ty, it constructs a new rewriting result for v' = \f$(\lambda n : ty'.
body)\f$ with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v \f$(\lambda n : ty. body)\f$
\param result_ty rewriting result of ty -- pair of ty'
rewritten type of ty and pf_ty the proof of (ty = ty')
\return pair of v' = \f$(\lambda n : ty'. body)\f$, and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_lambda_type(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty) {
type_inferer ti(env);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & new_ty = result_ty.first;
expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
if (ty == new_ty) {
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ty_v, v));
} else {
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
// expr const & pf_ty = result_ty.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_lambda(n, new_ty, body);
// expr const & ty_ty = ti(ty, ctx);
// lean_assert_eq(ty_ty, ti(new_ty, ctx)); // TODO(soonhok): generalize for hetreogeneous types
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): we don't have heterogeneous equality anymore
= mk_subst_th(ty_ty, ty, new_ty,
Fun({Const("T"), ty_ty},
mk_heq(v, mk_lambda(n, Const("T"), body))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v), pf_ty);
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
\brief For a lambda term v = \f$(\lambda n : ty. body)\f$ and the rewriting result
for body, it constructs a new rewriting result for v' = \f$(\lambda n : ty.
body')\f$ with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v \f$(\lambda n : ty. body)\f$
\param result_body rewriting result of body -- pair of \c body'
rewritten term of body and \c pf_body the proof of (body =
\return pair of v' = \f$(\lambda n : ty. body')\f$, and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_lambda_body(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_body) {
type_inferer ti(env);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
expr const & new_body = result_body.first;
expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
if (body == new_body) {
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ty_v, v));
} else {
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & pf_body = result_body.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_lambda(n, ty, new_body);
expr const & ty_body = ti(body, extend(ctx, n, ty));
lean_assert_eq(ty_body, ti(new_body, ctx)); // TODO(soonhok): generalize for hetreogeneous types
expr const & proof = mk_funext_th(ty, mk_lambda(n, ty, ty_body), v, new_v, mk_lambda(n, ty, pf_body));
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
\brief For a lambda term v = \f$(\lambda n : ty. body)\f$ and the rewriting
result for ty and body, it constructs a new rewriting result for v'
= \f$(\lambda n : ty'. body')\f$ with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v \f$(\lambda n : ty. body)\f$
\param result_ty rewriting result of ty -- pair of ty'
rewritten type of ty and pf_ty the proof of (ty = ty')
\param result_body rewriting result of body -- pair of body'
rewritten term of body and \c pf_body the proof of (body =
\return pair of v' = \f$(\lambda n : ty'. body')\f$, and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_lambda(environment const & env, context & /* ctx */, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty, pair<expr, expr> const & result_body) {
type_inferer ti(env);
name const & n = abst_name(v);
// expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
// expr const & body = abst_body(v);
expr const & new_ty = result_ty.first;
// expr const & pf_ty = result_ty.second;
expr const & new_body = result_body.first;
// expr const & pf_body = result_body.second;
// expr const & ty_ty = ti(ty, ctx);
// expr const & ty_body = ti(body, ctx);
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
// expr const & new_v1 = mk_lambda(n, new_ty, body);
// expr const & ty_new_v1 = ti(v, ctx);
expr const & new_v2 = mk_lambda(n, new_ty, new_body);
// proof1 : v = new_v1
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): we don't have heterogeneous equality anymore
expr proof1 = mk_subst_th(ty_ty, ty, new_ty,
Fun({Const("T"), ty_ty},
mk_heq(v, mk_lambda(n, Const("T"), body))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
expr proof2 = mk_subst_th(ty_body, body, new_body,
Fun({Const("e"), ty_body},
mk_heq(new_v1, mk_lambda(n, new_ty, Const("e")))),
mk_refl_th(ty_new_v1, new_v1),
expr const & proof = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, new_v1, new_v2, proof1, proof2);
return make_pair(new_v2, proof);
\brief For a Pi term v = \f$(\Pi n : ty. body)\f$ and the rewriting
result for ty, it constructs a new rewriting result for v'
= \f$(\Pi n : ty'. body)\f$ with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v \f$(\Pi n : ty. body)\f$
\param result_ty rewriting result of ty -- pair of ty'
rewritten type of ty and pf_ty the proof of (ty = ty')
\return pair of v' = \f$(\Pi n : ty'. body)\f$, and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_pi_type(environment const & env, context & /* ctx */, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty) {
type_inferer ti(env);
name const & n = abst_name(v);
// expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
expr const & new_ty = result_ty.first;
// expr const & pf = result_ty.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_pi(n, new_ty, body);
// expr const & ty_ty = ti(ty, ctx);
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): HEq is gone
= mk_subst_th(ty_ty, ty, new_ty,
Fun({Const("T"), ty_ty},
mk_heq(v, mk_pi(n, Const("T"), body))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
\brief For a Pi term v = \f$(\Pi n : ty. body)\f$ and the rewriting
result for body, it constructs a new rewriting result for v'
= \f$(\Pi n : ty. body')\f$ with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v \f$(\Pi n : ty. body)\f$
\param result_body rewriting result of body -- pair of body'
rewritten term of body and \c pf_body the proof of (body =
\return pair of v' = \f$(\Pi n : ty. body')\f$, and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_pi_body(environment const & env, context & /* ctx */, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_body) {
type_inferer ti(env);
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
// expr const & body = abst_body(v);
expr const & new_body = result_body.first;
// expr const & pf = result_body.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_pi(n, ty, new_body);
// expr const & ty_body = ti(body, extend(ctx, n, ty));
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): HEq is gone
expr const & proof = mk_subst_th(ty_body, body, new_body,
Fun({Const("e"), ty_body},
mk_heq(v, mk_pi(n, ty, Const("e")))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
\brief For a Pi term v = \f$(\Pi n : ty. body)\f$ and the rewriting
result for ty and body, it constructs a new rewriting result for v'
= \f$(\Pi n : ty'. body')\f$ with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v \f$(\Pi n : ty. body)\f$
\param result_ty rewriting result of ty -- pair of ty'
rewritten type of ty and pf_ty the proof of (ty = ty')
\param result_body rewriting result of body -- pair of body'
rewritten term of body and \c pf_body the proof of (body =
\return pair of v' = \f$(\Pi n : ty'. body')\f$, and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_pi(environment const & env, context & /*ctx*/, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty, pair<expr, expr> const & result_body) {
type_inferer ti(env);
name const & n = abst_name(v);
// expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
// expr const & body = abst_body(v);
expr const & new_ty = result_ty.first;
// expr const & pf_ty = result_ty.second;
expr const & new_body = result_body.first;
// expr const & pf_body = result_body.second;
// expr const & ty_ty = ti(ty, ctx);
// expr const & ty_body = ti(body, ctx);
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
// expr const & new_v1 = mk_pi(n, new_ty, body);
// expr const & ty_new_v1 = ti(v, ctx);
expr const & new_v2 = mk_pi(n, new_ty, new_body);
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): HEq is gone
expr const & proof1 = mk_subst_th(ty_ty, ty, new_ty,
Fun({Const("T"), ty_ty},
mk_heq(v, mk_pi(n, Const("T"), body))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
expr const & proof2 = mk_subst_th(ty_body, body, new_body,
Fun({Const("e"), ty_body},
mk_heq(new_v1, mk_pi(n, new_ty, Const("e")))),
mk_refl_th(ty_new_v1, new_v1),
expr const & proof = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, new_v1, new_v2, proof1, proof2);
return make_pair(new_v2, proof);
\brief For a lambda term v = (let n : ty = val in body) and the rewriting result
for ty, it constructs a new rewriting result for v' = (let n : ty'
= val in body) with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v (let n : ty = val in body)
\param result_ty rewriting result of ty -- pair of ty'
rewritten type of ty and \c pf_ty the proof of (ty = ty')
\return pair of v' = (let n : ty' = val in body), and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_let_type(environment const & env, context & /* ctx */, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty) {
type_inferer ti(env);
if (!let_type(v)) {
name const & n = let_name(v);
// expr const & ty = *let_type(v);
expr const & val = let_value(v);
expr const & body = let_body(v);
expr const & new_ty = result_ty.first;
// expr const & pf = result_ty.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_let(n, new_ty, val, body);
// expr const & ty_ty = ti(ty, ctx);
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): HEq is gone
expr const & proof = mk_subst_th(ty_ty, ty, new_ty,
Fun({Const("x"), ty_ty},
mk_heq(v, mk_let(n, Const("x"), val, body))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
} else {
throw rewriter_exception();
\brief For a lambda term v = (let n : ty = val in body) and the rewriting result
for val, it constructs a new rewriting result for v' = (let n : ty
= val' in body) with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v (let n : ty = val in body)
\param result_value rewriting result of val -- pair of val'
rewritten term of val and \c pf_val the proof of (val = val')
\return pair of v' = (let n : ty = val' in body), and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_let_value(environment const & env, context & /* ctx */, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_value) {
type_inferer ti(env);
name const & n = let_name(v);
optional<expr> const & ty = let_type(v);
// expr const & val = let_value(v);
expr const & body = let_body(v);
expr const & new_val = result_value.first;
// expr const & pf = result_value.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_let(n, ty, new_val, body);
// expr const & ty_val = ti(val, ctx);
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): HEq is gone
expr const & proof = mk_subst_th(ty_val, val, new_val,
Fun({Const("x"), ty_val},
mk_heq(v, mk_let(n, ty, Const("x"), body))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
\brief For a lambda term v = (let n : ty = val in body) and the rewriting result
for body, it constructs a new rewriting result for v' = (let n : ty
= val in body') with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v (let n : ty = val in body)
\param result_body rewriting result of body -- pair of \c body'
rewritten term of body and \c pf_body the proof of (body =
\return pair of v' = (let n : ty = val in body'), and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_let_body(environment const & env, context & /* ctx */, expr const & v, pair<expr, expr> const & result_body) {
type_inferer ti(env);
name const & n = let_name(v);
optional<expr> const & ty = let_type(v);
expr const & val = let_value(v);
// expr const & body = let_body(v);
expr const & new_body = result_body.first;
// expr const & pf = result_body.second;
expr const & new_v = mk_let(n, ty, val, new_body);
// expr const & ty_body = ti(body, extend(ctx, n, ty, body));
// expr const & ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
expr proof;
#if 0 // TODO(Leo): HEq is gone
expr const & proof = mk_subst_th(ty_body, body, new_body,
Fun({Const("e"), ty_body},
mk_heq(v, mk_let(n, ty, val, Const("e")))),
mk_refl_th(ty_v, v),
return make_pair(new_v, proof);
\brief For a lambda term v = (e_0 e_1 ... e_n) and the rewriting results
for each e_i, it constructs a new rewriting result for v' = (e'_0
e'_1 ... e'_n) with the proof of v = v'.
\param env environment
\param ctx context
\param v (e_0 e_1 ... e_n)
\param results rewriting result foe each e_i -- pair of e'_i
rewritten term of e_i and \c pf_e_i the proof of (e_i = e'_i)
\return pair of v' = (e'_0 e'_1 ... e'_n), and proof of v = v'
pair<expr, expr> rewrite_app(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, buffer<pair<expr, expr>> const & results ) {
type_inferer ti(env);
expr f = arg(v, 0);
expr new_f = results[0].first;
expr pf = results[0].second;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < results.size(); i++) {
expr const & f_ty = ti(f, ctx);
expr const & f_ty_domain = abst_domain(f_ty); // A
expr f_ty_body = mk_lambda(abst_name(f_ty), f_ty_domain, abst_body(f_ty)); // B
expr const & e_i = arg(v, i);
expr const & new_e_i = results[i].first;
expr const & pf_e_i = results[i].second;
bool f_changed = f != new_f;
if (f_changed) {
if (arg(v, i) != results[i].first) {
// congr : Pi (A : Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (f g : Pi
// (x : A) B x) (a b : A) (H1 : f = g) (H2 : a = b), f
// a = g b
pf = mk_congr_th(f_ty_domain, f_ty_body, f, new_f, e_i, new_e_i, pf, pf_e_i);
} else {
// congr1 : Pi (A : Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (f g: Pi
// (x : A) B x) (a : A) (H : f = g), f a = g a
pf = mk_congr1_th(f_ty_domain, f_ty_body, f, new_f, e_i, pf);
} else {
if (arg(v, i) != results[i].first) {
// congr2 : Pi (A : Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (a b : A) (f : Pi (x : A) B x) (H : a = b), f a = f b
pf = mk_congr2_th(f_ty_domain, f_ty_body, e_i, new_e_i, f, pf_e_i);
} else {
// refl
pf = mk_refl_th(ti(f(e_i), ctx), f(e_i));
f = f (e_i);
new_f = new_f (new_e_i);
return make_pair(new_f, pf);
void rewriter_cell::dealloc() {
delete this;
rewriter_cell::rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind k):m_kind(k), m_rc(1) { }
rewriter_cell::~rewriter_cell() {
// Theorem Rewriter
theorem_rewriter_cell::theorem_rewriter_cell(expr const & type, expr const & body)
: rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Theorem), m_type(type), m_body(body), m_num_args(0) {
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Type = " << m_type << endl;);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Body = " << m_body << endl;);
// We expect the theorem is in the form of
// Pi (x_1 : t_1 ... x_n : t_n), pattern = rhs
m_pattern = m_type;
while (is_pi(m_pattern)) {
m_pattern = abst_body(m_pattern);
#if 0 // HEq is gone
if (!is_heq(m_pattern)) {
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Theorem " << m_type << " is not in the form of "
<< "Pi (x_1 : t_1 ... x_n : t_n), pattern = rhs" << endl;);
m_rhs = heq_rhs(m_pattern);
m_pattern = heq_lhs(m_pattern);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Number of Arg = " << m_num_args << endl;);
theorem_rewriter_cell::~theorem_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> theorem_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const &, context &, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
// lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Context = " << ctx << endl;);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Term = " << v << endl;);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Pattern = " << m_pattern << endl;);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Num Args = " << m_num_args << endl;);
fo_match fm;
subst_map s;
if (!fm.match(m_pattern, v, 0, s)) {
throw rewriter_exception();
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Subst = " << s << endl;);
// apply s to rhs
auto f = [&s](expr const & e, unsigned offset) -> expr {
if (!is_var(e)) {
return e;
unsigned idx = var_idx(e);
if (idx < offset) {
return e;
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Inside of apply : offset = " << offset
<< ", e = " << e
<< ", idx = " << var_idx(e) << endl;);
auto it = s.find(idx);
if (it != s.end()) {
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Inside of apply : s[" << idx << "] = " << it->second << endl;);
return it->second;
return e;
expr new_rhs = replace_fn<decltype(f)>(f)(m_rhs);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "New RHS = " << new_rhs << endl;);
expr proof = m_body;
for (int i = m_num_args -1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
auto it = s.find(i);
lean_assert(it != s.end());
proof = proof(it->second);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "proof: " << i << "\t" << it->second << "\t" << proof << endl;);
lean_trace("rewriter", tout << "Proof = " << proof << endl;);
return make_pair(new_rhs, proof);
ostream & theorem_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Thm_RW(" << m_type << ", " << m_body << ")";
return out;
// OrElse Rewriter
orelse_rewriter_cell::orelse_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::OrElse), m_rwlist({rw1, rw2}) { }
orelse_rewriter_cell::orelse_rewriter_cell(initializer_list<rewriter> const & l)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::OrElse), m_rwlist(l) {
lean_assert(l.size() >= 2);
orelse_rewriter_cell::~orelse_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> orelse_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
for (rewriter const & rw : m_rwlist) {
try {
return rw(env, ctx, v);
} catch (rewriter_exception & ) {
// Do nothing
// If the execution reaches here, it means every rewriter failed.
throw rewriter_exception();
ostream & orelse_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Or_RW({";
for (rewriter const & rw : m_rwlist) { out << rw << "; "; }
out << "})";
return out;
// Then Rewriter
then_rewriter_cell::then_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Then), m_rwlist({rw1, rw2}) { }
then_rewriter_cell::then_rewriter_cell(initializer_list<rewriter> const & l)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Then), m_rwlist(l) {
lean_assert(l.size() >= 2);
then_rewriter_cell::~then_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> then_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
pair<expr, expr> result = car(m_rwlist)(env, ctx, v);
pair<expr, expr> new_result = result;
for (rewriter const & rw : cdr(m_rwlist)) {
new_result = rw(env, ctx, result.first);
expr const & ty = type_inferer(env)(v, ctx);
if (v != new_result.first) {
result = make_pair(new_result.first,
mk_trans_th(ty, v, result.first, new_result.first, result.second, new_result.second));
return result;
ostream & then_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Then_RW({";
for (rewriter const & rw : m_rwlist) { out << rw << "; "; }
out << "})";
return out;
// Try Rewriter
try_rewriter_cell::try_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Try), m_rwlist({rw1, rw2}) { }
try_rewriter_cell::try_rewriter_cell(initializer_list<rewriter> const & l)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Try), m_rwlist(l) {
lean_assert(l.size() >= 1);
try_rewriter_cell::~try_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> try_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
for (rewriter const & rw : m_rwlist) {
try {
return rw(env, ctx, v);
} catch (rewriter_exception & ) {
// Do nothing
// If the execution reaches here, it means every rewriter failed.
expr const & t = type_inferer(env)(v, ctx);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(t, v));
ostream & try_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Try_RW({";
for (rewriter const & rw : m_rwlist) { out << rw << "; "; }
out << "})";
return out;
// App Rewriter
app_rewriter_cell::app_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::App), m_rw(rw) { }
app_rewriter_cell::~app_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> app_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_app(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
buffer<pair<expr, expr>> results;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args(v); i++) {
results.push_back(m_rw(env, ctx, arg(v, i)));
return rewrite_app(env, ctx, v, results);
ostream & app_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "App_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Lambda Type Rewriter
lambda_type_rewriter_cell::lambda_type_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::LambdaType), m_rw(rw) { }
lambda_type_rewriter_cell::~lambda_type_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> lambda_type_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_lambda(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
type_inferer ti(env);
pair<expr, expr> result_ty = m_rw(env, ctx, ty);
if (ty != result_ty.first) {
return rewrite_lambda_type(env, ctx, v, result_ty);
} else {
// nothing changed
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & lambda_type_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Lambda_Type_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Lambda Body Rewriter
lambda_body_rewriter_cell::lambda_body_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::LambdaBody), m_rw(rw) { }
lambda_body_rewriter_cell::~lambda_body_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> lambda_body_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_lambda(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, n, ty);
pair<expr, expr> result_body = m_rw(env, new_ctx, body);
if (body != result_body.first) {
// body changed
return rewrite_lambda_body(env, ctx, v, result_body);
} else {
// nothing changed
type_inferer ti(env);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & lambda_body_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Lambda_Body_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Lambda Rewriter
lambda_rewriter_cell::lambda_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Lambda), m_rw(rw) { }
lambda_rewriter_cell::~lambda_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> lambda_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_lambda(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
rewriter rw = mk_then_rewriter(mk_lambda_type_rewriter(m_rw),
return rw(env, ctx, v);
ostream & lambda_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Lambda_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Pi Type Rewriter
pi_type_rewriter_cell::pi_type_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::PiType), m_rw(rw) { }
pi_type_rewriter_cell::~pi_type_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> pi_type_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_pi(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
pair<expr, expr> result_ty = m_rw(env, ctx, ty);
if (ty != result_ty.first) {
return rewrite_pi_type(env, ctx, v, result_ty);
} else {
// nothing changed
type_inferer ti(env);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & pi_type_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Pi_Type_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Pi Body Rewriter
pi_body_rewriter_cell::pi_body_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::PiBody), m_rw(rw) { }
pi_body_rewriter_cell::~pi_body_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> pi_body_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_pi(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, n, ty);
pair<expr, expr> result_body = m_rw(env, new_ctx, body);
if (body != result_body.first) {
// body changed
return rewrite_pi_body(env, ctx, v, result_body);
} else {
// nothing changed
type_inferer ti(env);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & pi_body_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Pi_Body_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Pi Rewriter
pi_rewriter_cell::pi_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Pi), m_rw(rw) { }
pi_rewriter_cell::~pi_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> pi_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_pi(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
rewriter rw = mk_then_rewriter(mk_pi_type_rewriter(m_rw),
return rw(env, ctx, v);
ostream & pi_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Pi_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Let Type rewriter
let_type_rewriter_cell::let_type_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::LetType), m_rw(rw) { }
let_type_rewriter_cell::~let_type_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> let_type_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_let(v) || !let_type(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
expr const & ty = *let_type(v);
pair<expr, expr> result_ty = m_rw(env, ctx, ty);
if (ty != result_ty.first) {
// ty changed
return rewrite_let_type(env, ctx, v, result_ty);
} else {
type_inferer ti(env);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & let_type_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Let_Type_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Let Value rewriter
let_value_rewriter_cell::let_value_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::LetValue), m_rw(rw) { }
let_value_rewriter_cell::~let_value_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> let_value_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_let(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
expr const & val = let_value(v);
pair<expr, expr> result_val = m_rw(env, ctx, val);
if (val != result_val.first) {
// ty changed
return rewrite_let_value(env, ctx, v, result_val);
} else {
type_inferer ti(env);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & let_value_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Let_Value_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Let Body rewriter
let_body_rewriter_cell::let_body_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::LetBody), m_rw(rw) { }
let_body_rewriter_cell::~let_body_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> let_body_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_let(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
name const & n = let_name(v);
optional<expr> const & ty = let_type(v);
expr const & body = let_body(v);
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, n, ty, let_value(v));
pair<expr, expr> result_body = m_rw(env, new_ctx, body);
if (body != result_body.first) {
return rewrite_let_body(env, ctx, v, result_body);
} else {
type_inferer ti(env);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
ostream & let_body_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Let_Body_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Let rewriter
let_rewriter_cell::let_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw)
:rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Let), m_rw(rw) { }
let_rewriter_cell::~let_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> let_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
if (!is_let(v))
throw rewriter_exception();
rewriter rw = mk_then_rewriter({mk_let_type_rewriter(m_rw),
return rw(env, ctx, v);
ostream & let_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Let_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Fail rewriter
fail_rewriter_cell::fail_rewriter_cell():rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Fail) { }
fail_rewriter_cell::~fail_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> fail_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const &, context &, expr const &) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
throw rewriter_exception();
ostream & fail_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Fail_RW()";
return out;
// Success rewriter (trivial)
success_rewriter_cell::success_rewriter_cell():rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Success) { }
success_rewriter_cell::~success_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> success_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
expr const & t = type_inferer(env)(v, ctx);
return make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(t, v));
ostream & success_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Success_RW()";
return out;
// Repeat rewriter
repeat_rewriter_cell::repeat_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw):rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Repeat), m_rw(rw) { }
repeat_rewriter_cell::~repeat_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> repeat_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
pair<expr, expr> result = mk_success_rewriter()(env, ctx, v);
type_inferer ti(env);
try {
while (true) {
pair<expr, expr> new_result = m_rw(env, ctx, result.first);
if (result.first == new_result.first)
expr const & ty = ti(v, ctx);
result = make_pair(new_result.first,
mk_trans_th(ty, v, result.first, new_result.first, result.second, new_result.second));
} catch (rewriter_exception &) {
return result;
return result;
ostream & repeat_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Repeat_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
// Depth rewriter
depth_rewriter_cell::depth_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw):rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind::Depth), m_rw(rw) { }
depth_rewriter_cell::~depth_rewriter_cell() { }
pair<expr, expr> depth_rewriter_cell::operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) {
return apply_rewriter_fn<decltype(m_rw)>(m_rw)(env, ctx, v);
ostream & depth_rewriter_cell::display(ostream & out) const {
out << "Depth_RW(" << m_rw << ")";
return out;
rewriter mk_theorem_rewriter(expr const & type, expr const & body) {
return rewriter(new theorem_rewriter_cell(type, body));
rewriter mk_then_rewriter(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2) {
return rewriter(new then_rewriter_cell(rw1, rw2));
rewriter mk_then_rewriter(initializer_list<rewriter> const & l) {
return rewriter(new then_rewriter_cell(l));
rewriter mk_try_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new try_rewriter_cell({rw}));
rewriter mk_try_rewriter(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2) {
return rewriter(new try_rewriter_cell(rw1, rw2));
rewriter mk_try_rewriter(initializer_list<rewriter> const & l) {
return rewriter(new try_rewriter_cell(l));
rewriter mk_orelse_rewriter(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2) {
return rewriter(new orelse_rewriter_cell(rw1, rw2));
rewriter mk_orelse_rewriter(initializer_list<rewriter> const & l) {
return rewriter(new orelse_rewriter_cell(l));
rewriter mk_app_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new app_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_lambda_type_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new lambda_type_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_lambda_body_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new lambda_body_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_lambda_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new lambda_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_pi_type_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new pi_type_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_pi_body_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new pi_body_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_pi_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new pi_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_let_type_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new let_type_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_let_value_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new let_value_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_let_body_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new let_body_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_let_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new let_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_fail_rewriter() {
return rewriter(new fail_rewriter_cell());
rewriter mk_success_rewriter() {
return rewriter(new success_rewriter_cell());
rewriter mk_repeat_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new repeat_rewriter_cell(rw));
rewriter mk_depth_rewriter(rewriter const & rw) {
return rewriter(new depth_rewriter_cell(rw));
@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright (c) 2013 Carnegie Mellon University.
All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Soonho Kong
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "kernel/context.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/replace_fn.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
#include "kernel/kernel.h"
#include "library/rewriter/rewriter.h"
#include "util/exception.h"
#include "util/scoped_map.h"
// TODO(soonhok)
namespace lean {
class rewriter_exception : public exception {
virtual exception * clone() const { return new rewriter_exception(); }
virtual void rethrow() const { throw *this; }
enum class rewriter_kind { Theorem, OrElse, Then, Try, App,
LambdaType, LambdaBody, Lambda,
PiType, PiBody, Pi,
LetType, LetValue, LetBody, Let,
Fail, Success, Repeat, Depth };
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_lambda_type(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_lambda_body(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_body);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_lambda(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_body);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_pi_type(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_pi_body(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_body);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_pi(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_body);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_let_type(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_let_value(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_value);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_let_body(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, std::pair<expr, expr> const & result_body);
std::pair<expr, expr> rewrite_app(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v, buffer<std::pair<expr, expr>> const & results );
class rewriter;
class rewriter_cell {
rewriter_kind m_kind;
void dealloc();
virtual std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const = 0;
rewriter_cell(rewriter_kind k);
virtual ~rewriter_cell();
rewriter_kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
// unsigned hash() const { return m_hash; }
virtual std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception) = 0;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, rewriter_cell const & rw);
class rewriter {
rewriter_cell * m_ptr;
explicit rewriter(rewriter_cell * ptr):m_ptr(ptr) {}
rewriter():m_ptr(nullptr) {}
rewriter(rewriter const & r):m_ptr(r.m_ptr) {
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref();
rewriter(rewriter && r):m_ptr(r.m_ptr) { r.m_ptr = nullptr; }
~rewriter() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
void release() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); m_ptr = nullptr; }
friend void swap(rewriter & a, rewriter & b) { std::swap(a.m_ptr, b.m_ptr); }
rewriter_kind kind() const { return m_ptr->kind(); }
rewriter & operator=(rewriter const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(s); }
rewriter & operator=(rewriter && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(s); }
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const {
return (*m_ptr)(env, ctx, v);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, rewriter const & rw);
class theorem_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
expr const & m_type;
expr const & m_body;
expr m_pattern;
expr m_rhs;
unsigned m_num_args;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
theorem_rewriter_cell(expr const & type, expr const & body);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class orelse_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
list<rewriter> m_rwlist;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
orelse_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2);
orelse_rewriter_cell(std::initializer_list<rewriter> const & l);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class then_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
list<rewriter> m_rwlist;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
then_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2);
then_rewriter_cell(std::initializer_list<rewriter> const & l);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class try_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
list<rewriter> m_rwlist;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
try_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2);
try_rewriter_cell(std::initializer_list<rewriter> const & l);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class app_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
app_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class lambda_type_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
lambda_type_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class lambda_body_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
lambda_body_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class lambda_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
lambda_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class pi_type_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
pi_type_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class pi_body_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
pi_body_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class pi_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
pi_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class let_type_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
let_type_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class let_value_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
let_value_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class let_body_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
let_body_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class let_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
let_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class fail_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class success_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class repeat_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
repeat_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
class depth_rewriter_cell : public rewriter_cell {
rewriter m_rw;
std::ostream & display(std::ostream & out) const;
depth_rewriter_cell(rewriter const & rw);
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) const throw(rewriter_exception);
/** \brief (For debugging) Display the content of this rewriter */
inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, rewriter_cell const & rc) { rc.display(out); return out; }
inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, rewriter const & rw) { out << *(rw.m_ptr); return out; }
rewriter mk_theorem_rewriter(expr const & type, expr const & body);
rewriter mk_then_rewriter(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2);
rewriter mk_then_rewriter(std::initializer_list<rewriter> const & l);
rewriter mk_try_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_try_rewriter(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2);
rewriter mk_try_rewriter(std::initializer_list<rewriter> const & l);
rewriter mk_orelse_rewriter(rewriter const & rw1, rewriter const & rw2);
rewriter mk_orelse_rewriter(std::initializer_list<rewriter> const & l);
rewriter mk_app_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_lambda_type_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_lambda_body_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_lambda_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_pi_type_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_pi_body_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_pi_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_let_type_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_let_value_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_let_body_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_let_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_fail_rewriter();
rewriter mk_success_rewriter();
rewriter mk_repeat_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
rewriter mk_depth_rewriter(rewriter const & rw);
\brief Functional for applying <tt>F</tt> to the subexpressions of a given expression.
The signature of \c F is
expr const &, context const & ctx, unsigned n -> expr
F is invoked for each subexpression \c s of the input expression e.
In a call <tt>F(s, c, n)</tt>, \c c is the context where \c s occurs,
and \c n is the size of \c c.
P is a "post-processing" functional object that is applied to each
pair (old, new)
template<typename RW, typename P = default_replace_postprocessor>
class apply_rewriter_fn {
// the return type of RW()(env, ctx, e) should be std::pair<expr, expr>
static_assert(std::is_same<typename std::result_of<decltype(std::declval<RW>())(environment const &, context &, expr const &)>::type,
std::pair<expr, expr>>::value,
"apply_rewriter_fn: the return type of RW()(env, ctx, e) should be std::pair<expr, expr>");
// the return type of P()(e1, e2) should be void
static_assert(std::is_same<typename std::result_of<decltype(std::declval<P>())(expr const &, expr const &)>::type,
"apply_rewriter_fn: the return type of P()(e1, e2) is not void");
typedef scoped_map<expr, std::pair<expr, expr>, expr_hash, expr_eqp> cache;
cache m_cache;
RW m_rw;
P m_post;
std::pair<expr, expr> apply(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) {
bool shared = false;
if (is_shared(v)) {
shared = true;
auto it = m_cache.find(v);
if (it != m_cache.end())
return it->second;
std::pair<expr, expr> result; // m_rw(env, ctx, v);
// if (is_eqp(v, result.first))
type_inferer ti(env);
expr ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
switch (v.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Type:
result = m_rw(env, ctx, v);
case expr_kind::Value:
result = m_rw(env, ctx, v);
case expr_kind::Constant:
result = m_rw(env, ctx, v);
case expr_kind::Var:
result = m_rw(env, ctx, v);
case expr_kind::MetaVar:
result = m_rw(env, ctx, v);
case expr_kind::App: {
buffer<std::pair<expr, expr>> results;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args(v); i++) {
results.push_back(apply(env, ctx, arg(v, i)));
result = rewrite_app(env, ctx, v, results);
std::pair<expr, expr> tmp = m_rw(env, ctx, result.first);
if (result.first != tmp.first) {
tmp.second = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, result.first, tmp.first, result.second, tmp.second);
result = tmp;
case expr_kind::HEq: case expr_kind::Proj: case expr_kind::Pair: case expr_kind::Sigma:
// TODO(Leo):
case expr_kind::Lambda: {
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, n, ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> result_ty = apply(env, ctx, ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> result_body = apply(env, new_ctx, body);
if (ty != result_ty.first) {
if (body != result_body.first) {
// ty and body changed
result = rewrite_lambda(env, ctx, v, result_ty, result_body);
} else {
// ty changed
result = rewrite_lambda_type(env, ctx, v, result_ty);
} else {
if (body != result_body.first) {
// body changed
result = rewrite_lambda_body(env, ctx, v, result_body);
} else {
// nothing changed
result = std::make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
std::pair<expr, expr> tmp = m_rw(env, ctx, result.first);
if (result.first != tmp.first) {
tmp.second = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, result.first, tmp.first, result.second, tmp.second);
result = tmp;
case expr_kind::Pi: {
name const & n = abst_name(v);
expr const & ty = abst_domain(v);
expr const & body = abst_body(v);
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, n, ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> result_ty = apply(env, ctx, ty);
std::pair<expr, expr> result_body = apply(env, new_ctx, body);
if (ty != result_ty.first) {
if (body != result_body.first) {
// ty and body changed
result = rewrite_pi(env, ctx, v, result_ty, result_body);
} else {
// ty changed
result = rewrite_pi_type(env, ctx, v, result_ty);
} else {
if (body != result_body.first) {
// body changed
result = rewrite_pi_body(env, ctx, v, result_body);
} else {
// nothing changed
result = std::make_pair(v, mk_refl_th(ti(v, ctx), v));
std::pair<expr, expr> tmp = m_rw(env, ctx, result.first);
if (result.first != tmp.first) {
tmp.second = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, result.first, tmp.first, result.second, tmp.second);
result = tmp;
case expr_kind::Let: {
name const & n = let_name(v);
optional<expr> const & ty = let_type(v);
expr const & val = let_value(v);
expr const & body = let_body(v);
expr new_v = v;
expr ty_v = ti(v, ctx);
expr pf = mk_refl_th(ty_v, v);
bool changed = false;
if (ty) {
std::pair<expr, expr> result_ty = apply(env, ctx, *ty);
if (*ty != result_ty.first) {
// ty changed
result = rewrite_let_type(env, ctx, new_v, result_ty);
new_v = result.first;
pf = result.second;
changed = true;
std::pair<expr, expr> result_val = apply(env, ctx, val);
if (val != result_val.first) {
result = rewrite_let_value(env, ctx, new_v, result_val);
if (changed) {
pf = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, new_v, result.first, pf, result.second);
} else {
pf = result.second;
new_v = result.first;
changed = true;
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, n, ty, val);
std::pair<expr, expr> result_body = apply(env, new_ctx, body);
if (body != result_body.first) {
result = rewrite_let_body(env, ctx, new_v, result_body);
if (changed) {
pf = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, new_v, result.first, pf, result.second);
} else {
pf = result.second;
new_v = result.first;
changed = true;
result = std::make_pair(new_v, pf);
std::pair<expr, expr> tmp = m_rw(env, ctx, result.first);
if (result.first != tmp.first) {
tmp.second = mk_trans_th(ty_v, v, result.first, tmp.first, result.second, tmp.second);
result = tmp;
if (shared)
m_cache.insert(std::make_pair(v, result));
return result;
apply_rewriter_fn(RW const & rw, P const & p = P()):
m_post(p) {
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(environment const & env, context & ctx, expr const & v) {
return apply(env, ctx, v);
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