fix(hott): notation spacing and markdown files
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 97 additions and 87 deletions
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace binary
variable {f : A → A → A}
variable H_comm : commutative f
variable H_assoc : associative f
local infixl `*` := f
local infixl * := f
theorem left_comm : left_commutative f :=
take a b c, calc
a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c : H_assoc
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace binary
variable {A : Type}
variable {f : A → A → A}
variable H_assoc : associative f
local infixl `*` := f
local infixl * := f
theorem assoc4helper (a b c d) : (a*b)*(c*d) = a*((b*c)*d) :=
(a*b)*(c*d) = a*(b*(c*d)) : H_assoc
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace category
(is_iso_counit : is_iso ε)
abbreviation inverse := @is_equivalence.G
postfix `⁻¹` := inverse
postfix ⁻¹ := inverse
--a second notation for the inverse, which is not overloaded
postfix [parsing-only] `⁻¹F`:std.prec.max_plus := inverse
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ namespace category
(struct : is_isomorphism to_functor)
-- infix `⊣`:55 := adjoint
infix `⋍`:25 := equivalence -- \backsimeq or \equiv
infix `≌`:25 := isomorphism -- \backcong or \iso
infix ` ⋍ `:25 := equivalence -- \backsimeq or \equiv
infix ` ≌ `:25 := isomorphism -- \backcong or \iso
definition is_equiv_of_fully_faithful [instance] [reducible] (F : C ⇒ D) [H : fully_faithful F]
(c c' : C) : is_equiv (@(to_fun_hom F) c c') :=
@ -11,5 +11,7 @@ Development of Category Theory. The following files are in this folder (sorted s
* [nat_trans](nat_trans.hlean) : Natural transformations
* [strict](strict.hlean) : Strict categories
* [constructions](constructions/ (subfolder) : basic constructions on categories and examples of categories
* [adjoint](adjoint.hlean) : Adjoint functors and Equivalences (TODO)
* [yoneda](yoneda.hlean) : Yoneda Embedding (TODO)
* [adjoint](adjoint.hlean) : Adjoint functors and Equivalences (WIP)
* [yoneda](yoneda.hlean) : Yoneda Embedding (WIP)
* [limits](limits.hlean) : Limits in a category, defined as terminal object in the cone category
* [colimits](colimits.hlean) : Colimits in a category, defined as the limit of the opposite functor
@ -3,7 +3,19 @@ algebra.category.constructions
Common categories and constructions on categories. The following files are in this folder.
* [opposite](opposite.hlean) : Opposite category
* [product](product.hlean) : Product category
* [hset](hset.hlean) : Category of sets
* [functor](functor.hlean) : Functor category
* [opposite](opposite.hlean) : Opposite category
* [hset](hset.hlean) : Category of sets
* [sum](sum.hlean) : Sum category
* [product](product.hlean) : Product category
* [comma](comma.hlean) : Comma category
* [cone](cone.hlean) : Cone category
Discrete, indiscrete or finite categories:
* [finite_cats](finite_cats.hlean) : Some finite categories, which are diagrams of common limits (the diagram for the pullback or the equalizer). Also contains a general construction of categories where you give some generators for the morphisms, with the condition that you cannot compose two of thosex
* [discrete](discrete.hlean)
* [indiscrete](indiscrete.hlean)
* [terminal](terminal.hlean)
* [initial](initial.hlean)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace category
definition Precategory_functor [reducible] [constructor] (D C : Precategory) : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (precategory_functor D C)
infixr `^c`:35 := Precategory_functor
infixr ` ^c `:35 := Precategory_functor
/- we prove that if a natural transformation is pointwise an iso, then it is an iso -/
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ namespace category
Category_functor D C
namespace ops
infixr `^c2`:35 := Category_functor
infixr ` ^c2 `:35 := Category_functor
end ops
namespace functor
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ structure functor (C D : Precategory) : Type :=
namespace functor
infixl `⇒`:25 := functor
infixl ` ⇒ `:25 := functor
variables {A B C D E : Precategory}
attribute to_fun_ob [coercion]
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace functor
G (F (g ∘ f)) = G (F g ∘ F f) : by rewrite respect_comp
... = G (F g) ∘ G (F f) : by rewrite respect_comp end)
infixr `∘f`:60 := functor.compose
infixr ` ∘f `:60 := functor.compose
protected definition id [reducible] [constructor] {C : Precategory} : functor C C :=
mk (λa, a) (λ a b f, f) (λ a, idp) (λ a b c f g, idp)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jakob von Raumer
Authors: Jakob von Raumer, Floris van Doorn
Ported from Coq HoTT
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace iso
abbreviation inverse [unfold 6] := @is_iso.inverse
abbreviation left_inverse [unfold 6] := @is_iso.left_inverse
abbreviation right_inverse [unfold 6] := @is_iso.right_inverse
postfix `⁻¹` := inverse
postfix ⁻¹ := inverse
--a second notation for the inverse, which is not overloaded
postfix [parsing-only] `⁻¹ʰ`:std.prec.max_plus := inverse -- input using \-1h
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ structure iso {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] (a b : ob) :=
(to_hom : hom a b)
[struct : is_iso to_hom]
infix `≅`:50 := iso
infix ` ≅ `:50 := iso
attribute iso.struct [instance] [priority 4000]
namespace iso
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ namespace iso
protected definition trans [constructor] ⦃a b c : ob⦄ (H1 : a ≅ b) (H2 : b ≅ c) : a ≅ c :=
mk (to_hom H2 ∘ to_hom H1)
infixl `⬝i`:75 := iso.trans
infixl ` ⬝i `:75 := iso.trans
postfix [parsing-only] `⁻¹ⁱ`:(max + 1) := iso.symm
definition iso_mk_eq {f f' : a ⟶ b} [H : is_iso f] [H' : is_iso f'] (p : f = f')
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ structure nat_trans {C : Precategory} {D : Precategory} (F G : C ⇒ D)
namespace nat_trans
infixl `⟹`:25 := nat_trans -- \==>
infixl ` ⟹ `:25 := nat_trans -- \==>
variables {B C D E : Precategory} {F G H I : C ⇒ D} {F' G' : D ⇒ E} {F'' G'' : E ⇒ B} {J : C ⇒ C}
attribute natural_map [coercion]
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace nat_trans
... = (η b ∘ θ b) ∘ F f : by rewrite assoc
infixr `∘n`:60 := nat_trans.compose
infixr ` ∘n `:60 := nat_trans.compose
protected definition id [reducible] [constructor] {F : C ⇒ D} : nat_trans F F :=
mk (λa, id) (λa b f, !id_right ⬝ !id_left⁻¹)
@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ namespace nat_trans
... = F (η b ∘ f) : by rewrite (naturality η f)
... = F (η b) ∘ F f : by rewrite respect_comp)
infixr `∘nf`:62 := nat_trans_functor_compose
infixr `∘fn`:62 := functor_nat_trans_compose
infixr `∘n1f`:62 := nat_trans_id_functor_compose
infixr `∘1nf`:62 := id_nat_trans_functor_compose
infixr `∘f1n`:62 := functor_id_nat_trans_compose
infixr `∘fn1`:62 := functor_nat_trans_id_compose
infixr ` ∘nf ` :62 := nat_trans_functor_compose
infixr ` ∘fn ` :62 := functor_nat_trans_compose
infixr ` ∘n1f `:62 := nat_trans_id_functor_compose
infixr ` ∘1nf `:62 := id_nat_trans_functor_compose
infixr ` ∘f1n `:62 := functor_id_nat_trans_compose
infixr ` ∘fn1 `:62 := functor_nat_trans_id_compose
definition nf_fn_eq_fn_nf_pt (η : F ⟹ G) (θ : F' ⟹ G') (c : C)
: (θ (G c)) ∘ (F' (η c)) = (G' (η c)) ∘ (θ (F c)) :=
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ namespace category
attribute precategory [multiple-instances]
attribute precategory.is_hset_hom [instance]
infixr `∘` := precategory.comp
infixr ∘ := precategory.comp
-- input ⟶ using \--> (this is a different arrow than \-> (→))
infixl [parsing-only] `⟶`:25 := precategory.hom
infixl [parsing-only] ` ⟶ `:25 := precategory.hom
namespace hom
infixl `⟶`:25 := precategory.hom -- if you open this namespace, hom a b is printed as a ⟶ b
infixl ` ⟶ `:25 := precategory.hom -- if you open this namespace, hom a b is printed as a ⟶ b
end hom
abbreviation hom [unfold 2] := @precategory.hom
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ namespace category
end basic_lemmas
section squares
parameters {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob]
local infixl `⟶`:25 := @precategory.hom ob C
local infixr `∘` := @precategory.comp ob C _ _ _
local infixl ` ⟶ `:25 := @precategory.hom ob C
local infixr ∘ := @precategory.comp ob C _ _ _
definition compose_squares {xa xb xc ya yb yc : ob}
{xg : xb ⟶ xc} {xf : xa ⟶ xb} {yg : yb ⟶ yc} {yf : ya ⟶ yb}
{wa : xa ⟶ ya} {wb : xb ⟶ yb} {wc : xc ⟶ yc}
@ -149,10 +149,9 @@ namespace category
attribute Precategory.struct [instance] [priority 10000] [coercion]
-- definition precategory.carrier [coercion] [reducible] := Precategory.carrier
-- definition precategory.struct [instance] [coercion] [reducible] := Precategory.struct
notation g `∘[`:60 C:0 `]`:0 f:60 :=
notation g ` ∘[`:60 C:0 `] `:0 f:60 :=
@comp (Precategory.carrier C) (Precategory.struct C) _ _ _ g f
-- TODO: make this left associative
-- TODO: change this notation?
definition Precategory.eta (C : Precategory) : C C = C :=
Precategory.rec (λob c, idp) C
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ inductive e_closure {A : Type} (R : A → A → Type) : A → A → Type :=
| trans : Π{a a' a''} (r : e_closure R a a') (r' : e_closure R a' a''), e_closure R a a''
namespace e_closure
infix `⬝r`:75 := e_closure.trans
infix ` ⬝r `:75 := e_closure.trans
postfix `⁻¹ʳ`:(max+10) := e_closure.symm
notation `[`:max a `]`:0 := e_closure.of_rel a
abbreviation rfl {A : Type} {R : A → A → Type} {a : A} := refl R a
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ section division_ring
include s
definition divide (a b : A) : A := a * b⁻¹
infix `/` := divide
infix / := divide
-- only in this file
local attribute divide [reducible]
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ structure has_inv [class] (A : Type) :=
structure has_neg [class] (A : Type) :=
(neg : A → A)
infixl `*` := has_mul.mul
infixl `+` := has_add.add
postfix `⁻¹` := has_inv.inv
prefix `-` := has_neg.neg
notation 1 := !
notation 0 := !
infixl * := has_mul.mul
infixl + := has_add.add
postfix ⁻¹ := has_inv.inv
prefix - := has_neg.neg
notation 1 := !
notation 0 := !
--a second notation for the inverse, which is not overloaded
postfix [parsing-only] `⁻¹ᵍ`:std.prec.max_plus := has_inv.inv
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ section add_group
-- TODO: derive corresponding facts for div in a field
definition sub [reducible] (a b : A) : A := a + -b
infix `-` := sub
infix - := sub
theorem sub_eq_add_neg (a b : A) : a - b = a + -b := rfl
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ structure has_le.{l} [class] (A : Type.{l}) : Type.{l+1} :=
structure has_lt [class] (A : Type) :=
(lt : A → A → Type₀)
infixl `<=` := has_le.le
infixl `≤` := has_le.le
infixl `<` :=
infixl <= := has_le.le
infixl ≤ := has_le.le
infixl < :=
definition [reducible] {A : Type} [s : has_le A] (a b : A) := b ≤ a
notation a ≥ b := a b
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ namespace bool
definition bor (a b : bool) :=
bool.rec_on a (bool.rec_on b ff tt) tt
notation a || b := bor a b
infix || := bor
definition band (a b : bool) :=
bool.rec_on a ff (bool.rec_on b ff tt)
notation a && b := band a b
infix && := band
definition bnot (a : bool) :=
bool.rec_on a tt ff
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ structure equiv (A B : Type) :=
namespace is_equiv
/- Some instances and closure properties of equivalences -/
postfix `⁻¹` := inv
postfix ⁻¹ := inv
/- a second notation for the inverse, which is not overloaded -/
postfix [parsing-only] `⁻¹ᶠ`:std.prec.max_plus := inv
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ namespace equiv
open equiv.ops
attribute to_is_equiv [instance]
infix `≃`:25 := equiv
infix ` ≃ `:25 := equiv
variables {A B C : Type}
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ namespace equiv
namespace ops
postfix `⁻¹` := equiv.symm -- overloaded notation for inverse
postfix ⁻¹ := equiv.symm -- overloaded notation for inverse
end ops
end equiv
@ -53,15 +53,11 @@ definition curry [reducible] [unfold-full] : (A × B → C) → A → B → C :=
definition uncurry [reducible] [unfold 5] : (A → B → C) → (A × B → C) :=
λ f p, match p with (a, b) := f a b end
precedence `∘'`:60
precedence `on`:1
precedence `$`:1
infixr ∘ := compose
infixr ∘' := dcompose
infixl on := on_fun
infixr $ := app
infixr ` ∘ ` := compose
infixr ` ∘' `:60 := dcompose
infixl ` on `:1 := on_fun
infixr ` $ `:1 := app
notation f ` -[` op `]- ` g := combine f op g
end function
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import init.reserved_notation
/- not -/
definition not [reducible] (a : Type) := a → empty
prefix `¬` := not
prefix ¬ := not
definition absurd {a b : Type} (H₁ : a) (H₂ : ¬a) : b :=
empty.rec (λ e, b) (H₂ H₁)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ assume Hb : b, absurd (assume Ha : a, Hb) H
/- eq -/
notation a = b := eq a b
infix = := eq
definition rfl {A : Type} {a : A} := eq.refl a
namespace eq
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ namespace eq
subst H (refl a)
namespace ops
notation H `⁻¹` := symm H --input with \sy or \-1 or \inv
notation H1 ⬝ H2 := trans H1 H2
notation H1 ▸ H2 := subst H1 H2
postfix ⁻¹ := symm --input with \sy or \-1 or \inv
infixl ⬝ := trans
infixr ▸ := subst
end ops
end eq
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ end lift
/- ne -/
definition ne {A : Type} (a b : A) := ¬(a = b)
notation a ≠ b := ne a b
infix ≠ := ne
namespace ne
open eq.ops
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ end
definition iff (a b : Type) := prod (a → b) (b → a)
notation a <-> b := iff a b
notation a ↔ b := iff a b
infix <-> := iff
infix ↔ := iff
namespace iff
variables {a b c : Type}
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ namespace eq
definition inverse2 [unfold 6] {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) : p⁻¹ = q⁻¹ :=
eq.rec_on h idp
infixl `◾`:75 := concat2
infixl ` ◾ `:75 := concat2
postfix [parsing-only] `⁻²`:(max+10) := inverse2 --this notation is abusive, should we use it?
/- Whiskering -/
@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ namespace eq
whisker_right h idp = h :=
eq.rec_on h (eq.rec_on p idp)
definition whisker_right_idp_left (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
definition whisker_right_idp_left [unfold-full] (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
whisker_right idp q = idp :> (p ⬝ q = p ⬝ q) :=
definition whisker_left_idp_right (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
definition whisker_left_idp_right [unfold-full] (p : x = y) (q : y = z) :
whisker_left p idp = idp :> (p ⬝ q = p ⬝ q) :=
@ -596,11 +596,11 @@ namespace eq
(idp_con p) ⁻¹ ⬝ whisker_left idp h ⬝ idp_con q = h :=
eq.rec_on h (eq.rec_on p idp)
definition con2_idp {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
definition con2_idp [unfold-full] {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
h ◾ idp = whisker_right h idp :> (p ⬝ idp = q ⬝ idp) :=
definition idp_con2 {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
definition idp_con2 [unfold-full] {p q : x = y} (h : p = q) :
idp ◾ h = whisker_left idp h :> (idp ⬝ p = idp ⬝ q) :=
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (
/- Logical operations and relations -/
reserve prefix `¬`:40
reserve prefix ` ~ `:40
reserve prefix `~`:40
reserve infixr ` ∧ `:35
reserve infixr ` /\ `:35
reserve infixr ` \/ `:30
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ namespace is_trunc
notation for trunc_index is -2, -1, 0, 1, ...
from 0 and up this comes from a coercion from num to trunc_index (via nat)
postfix `.+1`:(max+1) := trunc_index.succ
postfix `.+2`:(max+1) := λn, (n .+1 .+1)
postfix ` .+1`:(max+1) := trunc_index.succ
postfix ` .+2`:(max+1) := λn, (n .+1 .+1)
notation `-2` := trunc_index.minus_two
notation `-1` := -2.+1 -- ISSUE: -1 gets printed as -2.+1
export [coercions] nat
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
definition sub_two [reducible] (n : nat) : trunc_index :=
nat.rec_on n -2 (λ n k, k.+1)
postfix `.-2`:(max+1) := sub_two
postfix ` .-2`:(max+1) := sub_two
/- truncated types -/
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace nat
definition addl (x y : ℕ) : ℕ :=
nat.rec y (λ n r, succ r) x
infix `⊕`:65 := addl
infix ` ⊕ `:65 := addl
definition addl_succ_right (n m : ℕ) : n ⊕ succ m = succ (n ⊕ m) :=
nat.rec_on n
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace pointed
nat.rec_on n (λA, A) (λn IH A, IH (Loop_space A)) A
prefix `Ω`:(max+5) := Loop_space
notation `Ω[`:95 n:0 `]`:0 A:95 := Iterated_loop_space n A
notation `Ω[`:95 n:0 `] `:0 A:95 := Iterated_loop_space n A
definition refln [constructor] {A : Type*} {n : ℕ} : Ω[n] A := pt
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace pointed
abbreviation respect_pt [unfold 3] := @pmap.resp_pt
notation `map₊` := pmap
infix `→*`:30 := pmap
infix ` →* `:30 := pmap
attribute [coercion]
variables {A B C D : Type*} {f g h : A →* B}
@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ namespace pointed
definition pcompose [constructor] (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) : A →* C :=
|||| (λa, g (f a)) (ap g (respect_pt f) ⬝ respect_pt g)
infixr `∘*`:60 := pcompose
infixr ` ∘* `:60 := pcompose
structure phomotopy (f g : A →* B) :=
(homotopy : f ~ g)
(homotopy_pt : homotopy pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f)
infix `~*`:50 := phomotopy
infix ` ~* `:50 := phomotopy
abbreviation to_homotopy_pt [unfold 5] := @phomotopy.homotopy_pt
abbreviation to_homotopy [coercion] [unfold 5] (p : f ~* g) : Πa, f a = g a :=
phomotopy.homotopy p
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ namespace pointed
induction p', esimp, apply inv_con_cancel_left}
infix `⬝*`:75 := phomotopy.trans
infix ` ⬝* `:75 := phomotopy.trans
postfix `⁻¹*`:(max+1) := phomotopy.symm
definition eq_of_phomotopy (p : f ~* g) : f = g :=
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ namespace pointed
(to_pmap : A →* B)
(is_equiv_to_pmap : is_equiv to_pmap)
infix `≃*`:25 := pequiv
infix ` ≃* `:25 := pequiv
attribute pequiv.to_pmap [coercion]
attribute pequiv.is_equiv_to_pmap [instance]
@ -12,14 +12,16 @@ Types (not necessarily HoTT-related):
* [sum](sum.hlean)
* [pi](pi.hlean)
* [arrow](arrow.hlean)
* [W](W.hlean): W-types (not loaded by default)
* [arrow_2](arrow_2.hlean): alternative development of properties of arrows
* [W](W.hlean): W-types (not loaded by default)
* [lift](lift.hlean)
HoTT types
* [eq](eq.hlean): show that functions related to the identity type are equivalences
* [pointed](pointed.hlean)
* [pointed](pointed.hlean): pointed types, maps, homotopies, and equivalences
* [fiber](fiber.hlean)
* [equiv](equiv.hlean)
* [trunc](trunc.hlean): truncation levels, n-Types, truncation
* [pullback](pullback.hlean)
* [univ](univ.hlean)
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ namespace univ
assume H : is_hset Type,
absurd (is_trunc_is_embedding_closed lift star) not_is_hset_type0
--set_option pp.notation false
definition not_double_negation_elimination0 : ¬Π(A : Type₀), ¬¬A → A :=
intro f,
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (num.succ (
/- Logical operations and relations -/
reserve prefix `¬`:40
reserve prefix ` ~ `:40
reserve prefix `~`:40
reserve infixr ` ∧ `:35
reserve infixr ` /\ `:35
reserve infixr ` \/ `:30
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