feat(library/theories/analysis/complex_norm): instantiate complex numbers as a real normed vector space

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Jeremy Avigad 2016-02-20 13:17:10 -05:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 5246072e96
commit 1546c04154
5 changed files with 79 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -722,6 +722,11 @@ section
apply zero_lt_one
lemma eq_zero_of_mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero {x y : A} (H : x * x + y * y = 0) : x = 0 :=
have x * x ≤ (0 : A), from calc
x * x ≤ x * x + y * y : le_add_of_nonneg_right (mul_self_nonneg y)
... = 0 : H,
eq_zero_of_mul_self_eq_zero (le.antisymm this (mul_self_nonneg x))
/- TODO: Multiplication and one, starting with mult_right_le_one_le. -/

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@ -185,16 +185,6 @@ has_sub.mk has_sub.sub
theorem of_real_sub (x y : ) : of_real (x - y) = of_real x - of_real y :=
-- TODO: move these
private lemma eq_zero_of_mul_self_eq_zero {x : } (H : x * x = 0) : x = 0 :=
iff.mp !or_self (!eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H)
private lemma eq_zero_of_sum_square_eq_zero {x y : } (H : x * x + y * y = 0) : x = 0 :=
have x * x ≤ (0 : ), from calc
x * x ≤ x * x + y * y : le_add_of_nonneg_right (mul_self_nonneg y)
... = 0 : H,
eq_zero_of_mul_self_eq_zero (le.antisymm this (mul_self_nonneg x))
/- complex modulus and conjugate-/
definition cmod (z : ) : :=
@ -208,8 +198,8 @@ by rewrite [↑cmod, re_of_real, im_of_real, mul_zero, add_zero]
theorem eq_zero_of_cmod_eq_zero {z : } (H : cmod z = 0) : z = 0 :=
have H1 : (complex.re z) * (complex.re z) + (complex.im z) * (complex.im z) = 0,
from H,
have H2 : complex.re z = 0, from eq_zero_of_sum_square_eq_zero H1,
have H3 : complex.im z = 0, from eq_zero_of_sum_square_eq_zero (!add.comm ▸ H1),
have H2 : complex.re z = 0, from eq_zero_of_mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero H1,
have H3 : complex.im z = 0, from eq_zero_of_mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero (!add.comm ▸ H1),
show z = 0, from complex.eq H2 H3
definition conj (z : ) : := complex.mk (complex.re z) (-(complex.im z))

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@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ theories.analysis
* [ivt](ivt.lean) : the intermediate value theorem
* [sqrt](sqrt.lean) : the sqrt function on the reals
* [inner_product](inner_product.lean) : real inner product spaces
* [complex_norm](complex_norm.lean) : the complex numbers as a real normed vector space

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Instantiate the complex numbers as a normed space, by temporarily making it an inner product space
over the reals.
import theories.analysis.inner_product data.complex
open nat real complex analysis classical
noncomputable theory
namespace complex
namespace real_inner_product_space
definition smul (a : ) (z : ) : := complex.mk (a * re z) (a * im z)
definition ip (z w : ) : := re z * re w + im z * im w
proposition smul_left_distrib (a : ) (z w : ) : smul a (z + w) = smul a z + smul a w :=
by rewrite [↑smul, *re_add, *im_add, *left_distrib]
proposition smul_right_distrib (a b : ) (z : ) : smul (a + b) z = smul a z + smul b z :=
by rewrite [↑smul, *right_distrib]
proposition mul_smul (a b : ) (z : ) : smul (a * b) z = smul a (smul b z) :=
by rewrite [↑smul, *mul.assoc]
proposition one_smul (z : ) : smul 1 z = z := by rewrite [↑smul, *one_mul, complex.eta]
proposition inner_add_left (x y z : ) : ip (x + y) z = ip x z + ip y z :=
by rewrite [↑ip, re_add, im_add, *right_distrib, *add.assoc, add.left_comm (re y * re z)]
proposition inner_smul_left (a : ) (x y : ) : ip (smul a x) y = a * ip x y :=
by rewrite [↑ip, ↑smul, left_distrib, *mul.assoc]
proposition inner_comm (x y : ) : ip x y = ip y x :=
by rewrite [↑ip, mul.comm, mul.comm (im x)]
proposition inner_self_nonneg (x : ) : ip x x ≥ 0 :=
add_nonneg (mul_self_nonneg (re x)) (mul_self_nonneg (im x))
proposition eq_zero_of_inner_self_eq_zero {x : } (H : ip x x = 0) : x = 0 :=
have re x = 0, from eq_zero_of_mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero H,
have im x = 0, from eq_zero_of_mul_self_add_mul_self_eq_zero
(by rewrite [↑ip at H, add.comm at H]; exact H),
by+ rewrite [-complex.eta, `re x = 0`, `im x = 0`]
end real_inner_product_space
protected definition real_inner_product_space [reducible] : inner_product_space :=
⦃ inner_product_space, complex.discrete_field,
smul := real_inner_product_space.smul,
inner := real_inner_product_space.ip,
smul_left_distrib := real_inner_product_space.smul_left_distrib,
smul_right_distrib := real_inner_product_space.smul_right_distrib,
mul_smul := real_inner_product_space.mul_smul,
one_smul := real_inner_product_space.one_smul,
inner_add_left := real_inner_product_space.inner_add_left,
inner_smul_left := real_inner_product_space.inner_smul_left,
inner_comm := real_inner_product_space.inner_comm,
inner_self_nonneg := real_inner_product_space.inner_self_nonneg,
eq_zero_of_inner_self_eq_zero := @real_inner_product_space.eq_zero_of_inner_self_eq_zero
local attribute complex.real_inner_product_space [trans_instance]
protected definition normed_vector_space [trans_instance] [reducible] : normed_vector_space :=
theorem norm_squared_eq_cmod (z : ) : ∥ z ∥^2 = cmod z := by rewrite norm_squared
end complex

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad