feat(library/logic/examples/colog88): add example from COLOG-88 paper
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Example from "Inductively defined types",
from Thierry Coquand and Christine Paulin,
It shows it is inconsistent to allow inductive datatypes such as
inductive A : Type :=
| intro : ((A → Prop) → Prop) → A
/- Phi is a positive, but not strictly positive, operator. -/
definition Phi (A : Type) := (A → Prop) → Prop
/- If we were allowed to form the inductive type
inductive A: Type :=
| introA : Phi A -> A
we would get the following
universe l
-- The new type A
axiom A : Type.{l}
-- The constructor
axiom introA : Phi A → A
-- The eliminator
axiom recA : Π {C : A → Type}, (Π (p : Phi A), C (introA p)) → (Π (a : A), C a)
-- The "computational rule"
axiom recA_comp : Π {C : A → Type} (H : Π (p : Phi A), C (introA p)) (p : Phi A), recA H (introA p) = H p
-- The recursor could be used to define matchA
definition matchA (a : A) : Phi A :=
recA (λ p, p) a
-- and the computation rule would allows us to define
lemma betaA (p : Phi A) : matchA (introA p) = p :=
-- As in all inductive datatypes, we would be able to prove that constructors are injective.
lemma introA_injective : ∀ {p p' : Phi A}, introA p = introA p' → p = p' :=
λ p p' h,
assert aux : matchA (introA p) = matchA (introA p'), by rewrite h,
by rewrite [*betaA at aux]; exact aux
-- For any type T, there is an injection from T to (T → Prop)
definition i {T : Type} : T → (T → Prop) :=
λ x y, x = y
lemma i_injective {T : Type} {a b : T} : i a = i b → a = b :=
λ h,
have e₁ : i a a = i b a, by rewrite [h],
have e₂ : (a = a) = (b = a), from e₁,
have e₃ : b = a, from eq.subst e₂ rfl,
eq.symm e₃
-- Hence, by composition, we get an injection f from (A → Prop) to A
definition f : (A → Prop) → A :=
λ p, introA (i p)
lemma f_injective : ∀ {p p' : A → Prop}, f p = f p' → p = p':=
λ (p p' : A → Prop) (h : introA (i p) = introA (i p')),
i_injective (introA_injective h)
We are now back to the usual Cantor-Russel paradox.
We can define
definition P0 (a : A) : Prop :=
∃ (P : A → Prop), f P = a ∧ ¬ P a
-- i.e., P0 a := codes a set P such that x∉P
definition x0 : A := f P0
lemma fP0_eq : f P0 = x0 :=
lemma not_P0_x0 : ¬ P0 x0 :=
λ h : P0 x0,
obtain (P : A → Prop) (hp : f P = x0 ∧ ¬ P x0), from h,
have fp_eq : f P = f P0, from and.elim_left hp,
assert p_eq : P = P0, from f_injective fp_eq,
have nh : ¬ P0 x0, by rewrite [p_eq at hp]; exact (and.elim_right hp),
absurd h nh
lemma P0_x0 : P0 x0 :=
exists.intro P0 (and.intro fP0_eq not_P0_x0)
theorem inconsistent : false :=
absurd @P0_x0 @not_P0_x0
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