feat(elaborator): add support for upper bounds, max constraints, and fix bugs
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 295 additions and 28 deletions
@ -454,6 +454,26 @@ class elaborator::imp {
\brief Instantiate the assigned metavariables in \c a, and store the justification
in \c traces.
expr instantiate_metavars(expr const & a, buffer<trace> & traces) {
metavar_env & menv = m_state.m_menv;
auto f = [&](expr const & m, unsigned) -> expr {
if (is_metavar(m) && menv.is_assigned(m)) {
trace t = menv.get_trace(m);
if (t)
return menv.get_subst(m);
} else {
return m;
return replace_fn<decltype(f)>(f)(a);
\brief Return true iff \c a contains instantiated variables. If this is the case,
then constraint \c c is updated with a new \c a s.t. all metavariables of \c a
@ -468,19 +488,8 @@ class elaborator::imp {
lean_assert(!is_convertible(c) || !is_lhs || is_eqp(convertible_from(c), a));
lean_assert(!is_convertible(c) || is_lhs || is_eqp(convertible_to(c), a));
if (has_assigned_metavar(a)) {
metavar_env & menv = m_state.m_menv;
buffer<trace> traces;
auto f = [&](expr const & m, unsigned) -> expr {
if (is_metavar(m) && menv.is_assigned(m)) {
trace t = menv.get_trace(m);
if (t)
return menv.get_subst(m);
} else {
return m;
expr new_a = replace_fn<decltype(f)>(f)(a);
expr new_a = instantiate_metavars(a, traces);
trace new_tr = mk_subst_trace(c, traces);
push_updated_constraint(c, is_lhs, new_a, new_tr);
return true;
@ -747,9 +756,10 @@ class elaborator::imp {
// New constraints (h_1 a_1 ... a_{num_a-1}) == abst_domain(b)
// (h_2 a_1 ... a_{num_a-1} x_b) == abst_body(b)
expr h_1 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, abst_name(b), abst_domain(b));
expr h_2 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(new_ctx);
push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, ctx, update_app(a, 0, h_1), abst_domain(b), new_assumption);
push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, extend(ctx, abst_name(b), abst_domain(b)),
push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, new_ctx,
mk_app(update_app(a, 0, h_2), Var(0)), abst_body(b), new_assumption);
imitation = mk_lambda(arg_types, update_abstraction(b, mk_app_vars(h_1, num_a - 1), mk_app_vars(h_2, num_a)));
} else {
@ -788,6 +798,18 @@ class elaborator::imp {
return is_metavar(a) && has_local_context(a) && head(metavar_lctx(a)).is_inst();
/** \brief Return true if \c a is of the form ?m[lift:s:n, ...] */
bool is_metavar_lift(expr const & a) const {
return is_metavar(a) && has_local_context(a) && head(metavar_lctx(a)).is_lift();
\brief A neutral abstraction is an Arrow (if the abstraction is a Pi) or a constant function (if the abstraction is a lambda).
bool is_neutral_abstraction(expr const & a) {
return is_abstraction(a) && !has_free_var(abst_body(a), 0);
\brief Process a constraint <tt>ctx |- a == b</tt> where \c a is of the form <tt>?m[(inst:i t), ...]</tt>.
We perform a "case split",
@ -796,6 +818,9 @@ class elaborator::imp {
bool process_metavar_inst(expr const & a, expr const & b, bool is_lhs, unification_constraint const & c) {
if (is_metavar_inst(a) && !is_metavar_inst(b) && !is_meta_app(b)) {
// Remark: the condition !is_abstraction(b) || is_neutral_abstraction(b)
// is used to make sure we don't enter a loop.
// This is just a conservative step to make sure the elaborator does diverge.
context const & ctx = get_context(c);
local_context lctx = metavar_lctx(a);
unsigned i = head(lctx).s();
@ -827,8 +852,10 @@ class elaborator::imp {
unsigned num_b = num_args(b);
buffer<expr> imitation_args;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_b; i++)
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_b; i++) {
expr h_i = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
imitation = mk_app(imitation_args.size(), imitation_args.data());
} else if (is_eq(b)) {
// Imitation for equality b == Eq(s1, s2)
@ -839,14 +866,23 @@ class elaborator::imp {
} else if (is_abstraction(b)) {
// Lambdas and Pis
// Imitation for Lambdas and Pis, b == Fun(x:T) B
// mname <- Fun (x:?h_1) ?h_2 x)
// mname <- Fun (x:?h_1) ?h_2
// Remark: we don't need to use (Fun (x:?h_1) (?h_2 x)) because when b
// is a neutral abstraction (arrow or constant function).
// We avoid the more general (Fun (x:?h_1) (?h_2 x)) because it produces
// non-termination.
expr h_1 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
imitation = update_abstraction(b, h_1, mk_app(h_2, Var(0)));
context new_ctx = extend(ctx, abst_name(b), abst_domain(b));
expr h_2 = new_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(new_ctx);
if (is_neutral_abstraction(b))
imitation = update_abstraction(b, h_1, h_2);
imitation = update_abstraction(b, h_1, mk_app(h_2, Var(0)));
} else {
imitation = lift_free_vars(b, i, 1);
push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, ctx, pop_meta_context(a), imitation, new_assumption);
new_state.m_queue.push_front(c); // keep c
push_new_eq_constraint(new_state.m_queue, ctx, mk_metavar(metavar_name(a)), imitation, new_assumption);
new_cs->push_back(new_state, new_assumption);
bool r = new_cs->next(*this);
@ -859,7 +895,31 @@ class elaborator::imp {
/** \brief Process constraint of the form ctx |- a << ?m, where \c a is Type of Bool */
\brief Process a constraint of the form <tt>ctx |- ?m[lift, ...] == b</tt> where \c b is an abstraction.
That is, \c b is a Pi or Lambda. In both cases, ?m must have the same kind.
We just add a new assignment that forces ?m to have the corresponding kind.
bool process_metavar_lift_abstraction(expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
if (is_metavar_lift(a) && is_abstraction(b) && is_neutral_abstraction(b)) {
context const & ctx = get_context(c);
expr h_1 = m_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
expr h_2 = m_state.m_menv.mk_metavar(ctx);
// We don't use h_2(Var 0) in the body of the imitation term because
// b is a neutral abstraction (arrow or constant function).
// See comment at process_metavar_inst
expr imitation = update_abstraction(b, h_1, h_2);
expr ma = mk_metavar(metavar_name(a));
trace new_tr(new imitation_trace(c));
push_new_constraint(true, ctx, ma, imitation, new_tr);
return true;
} else {
return false;
/** \brief Process constraint of the form <tt>ctx |- a << ?m</tt>, where \c a is Type or Bool */
bool process_lower(expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
if (is_convertible(c) && is_metavar(b) && (a == Bool || is_type(a))) {
// Remark: in principle, there are infinite number of choices.
@ -880,6 +940,57 @@ class elaborator::imp {
/** \brief Process constraint of the form <tt>ctx |- ?m << b</tt>, where \c a is Type */
bool process_upper(expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
if (is_convertible(c) && is_metavar(a) && is_type(b)) {
// Remark: in principle, there are infinite number of choices.
// We approximate and only consider the most useful ones.
trace new_tr(new destruct_trace(c));
unification_constraint new_c;
if (b == Type()) {
expr choices[2] = { Type(), Bool };
new_c = mk_choice_constraint(get_context(c), a, 2, choices, new_tr);
} else if (b == TypeU) {
expr choices[5] = { TypeU, TypeM, Type(level() + 1), Type(), Bool };
new_c = mk_choice_constraint(get_context(c), a, 5, choices, new_tr);
} else if (b == TypeM) {
expr choices[4] = { TypeM, Type(level() + 1), Type(), Bool };
new_c = mk_choice_constraint(get_context(c), a, 4, choices, new_tr);
} else {
level const & lvl = ty_level(b);
if (is_lift(lvl)) {
// If b is (Type L + k)
// make choices == { Type(L + k), Type(L + k - 1), ..., Type(L), Type, Bool }
buffer<expr> choices;
unsigned k = lift_offset(lvl);
level L = lift_of(lvl);
lean_assert(k > 0);
while (k > 0) {
choices.push_back(mk_type(L + k));
if (!L.is_bottom())
new_c = mk_choice_constraint(get_context(c), a, choices.size(), choices.data(), new_tr);
} else if (is_uvar(lvl)) {
expr choices[4] = { Type(level() + 1), Type(), b, Bool };
new_c = mk_choice_constraint(get_context(c), a, 4, choices, new_tr);
} else {
// TODO(Leo)
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool process_eq_convertible(context const & ctx, expr const & a, expr const & b, unification_constraint const & c) {
bool eq = is_eq(c);
if (a == b) {
@ -980,15 +1091,17 @@ class elaborator::imp {
// process expensive cases
if (process_meta_app(a, b, true, c) || process_meta_app(b, a, false, c))
return true;
if (process_metavar_inst(a, b, true, c) || process_metavar_inst(b, a, false, c))
return true;
if (m_quota < - static_cast<int>(m_state.m_queue.size())) {
// process very expensive cases
if (process_lower(a, b, c))
return true;
if (process_meta_app(a, b, true, c, true))
if (process_lower(a, b, c) ||
process_upper(a, b, c) ||
process_metavar_inst(a, b, true, c) ||
process_metavar_inst(b, a, false, c) ||
process_metavar_lift_abstraction(a, b, c) ||
process_metavar_lift_abstraction(b, a, c) ||
process_meta_app(a, b, true, c, true))
return true;
@ -999,8 +1112,79 @@ class elaborator::imp {
bool process_max(unification_constraint const &) {
// TODO(Leo)
bool process_max(unification_constraint const & c) {
expr const & lhs1 = max_lhs1(c);
expr const & lhs2 = max_lhs2(c);
expr const & rhs = max_rhs(c);
buffer<trace> traces;
bool modified = false;
expr new_lhs1 = lhs1;
expr new_lhs2 = lhs2;
expr new_rhs = rhs;
if (has_assigned_metavar(lhs1)) {
new_lhs1 = instantiate_metavars(lhs1, traces);
modified = true;
if (has_assigned_metavar(lhs2)) {
new_lhs2 = instantiate_metavars(lhs2, traces);
modified = true;
if (has_assigned_metavar(rhs)) {
new_rhs = instantiate_metavars(rhs, traces);
modified = true;
if (modified) {
trace new_tr = mk_subst_trace(c, traces);
push_front(mk_max_constraint(get_context(c), new_lhs1, new_lhs2, new_rhs, new_tr));
return true;
if (!is_metavar(lhs1) && !is_type(lhs1)) {
new_lhs1 = normalize(get_context(c), lhs1);
modified = (lhs1 != new_lhs1);
if (!is_metavar(lhs2) && !is_type(lhs2)) {
new_lhs2 = normalize(get_context(c), lhs2);
modified = (lhs2 != new_lhs2);
if (!is_metavar(rhs) && !is_type(rhs)) {
new_rhs = normalize(get_context(c), rhs);
modified = (rhs != new_rhs);
if (modified) {
trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
push_front(mk_max_constraint(get_context(c), new_lhs1, new_lhs2, new_rhs, new_tr));
return true;
if (is_type(lhs1) && is_type(lhs2)) {
trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
expr new_lhs = mk_type(max(ty_level(lhs1), ty_level(lhs2)));
push_front(mk_eq_constraint(get_context(c), new_lhs, rhs, new_tr));
return true;
if (lhs1 == rhs) {
// ctx |- max(lhs1, lhs2) == rhs
// ==> IF lhs1 = rhs
// ctx |- lhs2 << rhs
trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
push_front(mk_convertible_constraint(get_context(c), lhs2, rhs, new_tr));
return true;
} else if (lhs2 == rhs) {
// ctx |- max(lhs1, lhs2) == rhs
// ==> IF lhs1 = rhs
// ctx |- lhs2 << rhs
trace new_tr(new normalize_trace(c));
push_front(mk_convertible_constraint(get_context(c), lhs1, rhs, new_tr));
return true;
if ((!has_metavar(lhs1) && !is_type(lhs1)) ||
(!has_metavar(lhs2) && !is_type(lhs2))) {
m_conflict = trace(new unification_failure_trace(c));
return false;
// std::cout << "Postponed: "; display(std::cout, c);
return true;
@ -104,6 +104,24 @@ public:
normalize_trace(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_trace(c) {}
\brief Trace object used to justify an imitation step.
An imitation step is used when solving constraints such as:
<tt>ctx |- ?m[lift:s:n, ...] == Pi (x : A), B x</tt>
In this case, ?m must be a Pi. We make progress, by adding the constraint
<tt>ctx |- ?m == Pi (x : ?M1), (?M2 x)</tt>
where ?M1 and ?M2 are fresh metavariables.
class imitation_trace : public propagation_trace {
virtual char const * get_prop_name() const { return "Imitation"; }
imitation_trace(unification_constraint const & c):propagation_trace(c) {}
\brief Trace object used to justify a new constraint obtained by substitution.
@ -789,6 +789,69 @@ void tst25() {
void tst26() {
Solve elaboration problem for
g : Pi (A : Type U), A -> A
a : Type 1
Axiom H : g _ a = a
environment env;
metavar_env menv;
buffer<unification_constraint> ucs;
type_checker checker(env);
expr A = Const("A");
expr g = Const("g");
env.add_var("g", Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> A));
expr a = Const("a");
env.add_var("a", Type(level()+1));
expr m1 = menv.mk_metavar();
expr F = Eq(g(m1, a), a);
std::cout << F << "\n";
std::cout << checker.infer_type(F, context(), &menv, ucs) << "\n";
elaborator elb(env, menv, ucs.size(), ucs.data());
substitution s = elb.next();
std::cout << instantiate_metavars(F, s) << "\n";
lean_assert_eq(instantiate_metavars(F, s), Eq(g(Type(level()+1), a), a));
void tst27() {
Solve elaboration problem for
g : Pi (A : Type U), A -> A
eq : Pi (A : Type U), A -> A -> Bool
a : Type 1
fun f : _, eq _ ((g _ f) a) a
environment env;
metavar_env menv;
buffer<unification_constraint> ucs;
type_checker checker(env);
expr A = Const("A");
expr g = Const("g");
expr f = Const("f");
expr a = Const("a");
expr eq = Const("eq");
env.add_var("eq", Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> (A >> Bool)));
env.add_var("g", Pi({A, TypeU}, A >> A));
env.add_var("a", TypeM);
expr m1 = menv.mk_metavar();
expr m2 = menv.mk_metavar();
expr m3 = menv.mk_metavar();
expr F = Fun({f, m1}, eq(m2, g(m3, f)(a), a));
std::cout << F << "\n";
std::cout << checker.infer_type(F, context(), &menv, ucs) << "\n";
elaborator elb(env, menv, ucs.size(), ucs.data());
substitution s = elb.next();
std::cout << beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(F, s)) << "\n";
lean_assert_eq(beta_reduce(instantiate_metavars(F, s)),
Fun({f, TypeM >> TypeM}, eq(TypeM, g(TypeM >> TypeM, f)(a), a)));
int main() {
@ -815,6 +878,8 @@ int main() {
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
Reference in a new issue