fix(library/elaborator): remove_detail procedure was keeping a lot of details when typeof_mvar_justification was being used
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 156 additions and 5 deletions
@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ format unification_constraint_eq::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts
return add_justification(fmt, opts, body, m_justification, p, include_justification, menv);
unification_constraint unification_constraint_eq::updt_justification(justification const & j) const {
return mk_eq_constraint(m_ctx, m_lhs, m_rhs, j);
unification_constraint_convertible::unification_constraint_convertible(context const & c, expr const & from, expr const & to, justification const & j):
unification_constraint_cell(unification_constraint_kind::Convertible, c, j),
@ -80,6 +84,10 @@ format unification_constraint_convertible::pp(formatter const & fmt, options con
return add_justification(fmt, opts, body, m_justification, p, include_justification, menv);
unification_constraint unification_constraint_convertible::updt_justification(justification const & j) const {
return mk_convertible_constraint(m_ctx, m_from, m_to, j);
unification_constraint_max::unification_constraint_max(context const & c, expr const & lhs1, expr const & lhs2, expr const & rhs, justification const & j):
unification_constraint_cell(unification_constraint_kind::Max, c, j),
@ -101,6 +109,10 @@ format unification_constraint_max::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opt
return add_justification(fmt, opts, body, m_justification, p, include_justification, menv);
unification_constraint unification_constraint_max::updt_justification(justification const & j) const {
return mk_max_constraint(m_ctx, m_lhs1, m_lhs2, m_rhs, j);
unification_constraint_choice::unification_constraint_choice(context const & c, expr const & mvar, unsigned num, expr const * choices, justification const & j):
unification_constraint_cell(unification_constraint_kind::Choice, c, j),
@ -127,6 +139,10 @@ format unification_constraint_choice::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const &
return add_justification(fmt, opts, body, m_justification, p, include_justification, menv);
unification_constraint unification_constraint_choice::updt_justification(justification const & j) const {
return mk_choice_constraint(m_ctx, m_mvar, m_choices.size(),, j);
format unification_constraint::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_justification,
optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const {
return m_ptr->pp(fmt, opts, p, include_justification, menv);
@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ public:
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_justification,
optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const = 0;
void set_justification(justification const & j) { lean_assert(!m_justification); m_justification = j; }
/** \brief Return a new constraint equal to this one, but with the new justification */
virtual unification_constraint updt_justification(justification const & j) const = 0;
class unification_constraint_eq;
@ -83,6 +85,8 @@ public:
context const & get_context() const { return m_ptr->get_context(); }
virtual unification_constraint updt_justification(justification const & j) const { lean_assert(m_ptr); return m_ptr->updt_justification(j); }
friend unification_constraint mk_eq_constraint(context const & c, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j);
friend unification_constraint mk_convertible_constraint(context const & c, expr const & from, expr const & to, justification const & j);
friend unification_constraint mk_max_constraint(context const & c, expr const & lhs1, expr const & lhs2, expr const & rhs, justification const & j);
@ -107,6 +111,7 @@ public:
expr const & get_rhs() const { return m_rhs; }
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_justification,
optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual unification_constraint updt_justification(justification const & j) const;
@ -124,6 +129,7 @@ public:
expr const & get_to() const { return m_to; }
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_justification,
optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual unification_constraint updt_justification(justification const & j) const;
@ -141,6 +147,7 @@ public:
expr const & get_rhs() const { return m_rhs; }
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_justification,
optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual unification_constraint updt_justification(justification const & j) const;
@ -159,6 +166,7 @@ public:
std::vector<expr>::const_iterator end_choices() const { return m_choices.end(); }
virtual format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, bool include_justification,
optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual unification_constraint updt_justification(justification const & j) const;
unification_constraint mk_eq_constraint(context const & c, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j);
@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ bool is_derived_constraint(unification_constraint const & uc) {
return j && dynamic_cast<propagation_justification*>(j.raw());
unification_constraint const & get_non_derived_constraint(unification_constraint const & uc) {
auto jcell = uc.get_justification().raw();
unification_constraint get_non_derived_constraint(unification_constraint const & uc) {
auto j = uc.get_justification();
auto jcell = j.raw();
if (auto pcell = dynamic_cast<propagation_justification*>(jcell)) {
return get_non_derived_constraint(pcell->get_constraint());
} else {
return uc;
return uc.updt_justification(remove_detail(j));
justification remove_detail(justification const & j) {
auto jcell = j.raw();
if (auto fc_cell = dynamic_cast<unification_failure_by_cases_justification*>(jcell)) {
auto uc = fc_cell->get_constraint();
if (is_derived_constraint(uc)) {
@ -145,12 +145,13 @@ justification remove_detail(justification const & j) {
return justification(new unification_failure_by_cases_justification(uc, new_js.size(),, fc_cell->get_menv()));
return j;
} else if (auto f_cell = dynamic_cast<unification_failure_justification*>(jcell)) {
unification_constraint const & new_uc = get_non_derived_constraint(f_cell->get_constraint());
return justification(new unification_failure_justification(new_uc, f_cell->get_menv()));
} else if (auto p_cell = dynamic_cast<propagation_justification*>(jcell)) {
return remove_detail(p_cell->get_constraint().get_justification());
} else if (auto t_cell = dynamic_cast<typeof_mvar_justification*>(jcell)) {
return remove_detail(t_cell->get_justification());
} else {
return j;
@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ public:
virtual ~typeof_mvar_justification();
virtual format pp_header(formatter const &, options const &, optional<metavar_env> const & menv) const;
virtual void get_children(buffer<justification_cell*> & r) const;
justification const & get_justification() const { return m_justification; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import macros -- loads the take, assume, obtain macros
using Nat -- using the Nat namespace (it allows us to suppress the Nat:: prefix)
axiom Induction : ∀ P : Nat → Bool, P 0 ⇒ (∀ n, P n ⇒ P (n + 1)) ⇒ ∀ n, P n.
-- induction on n
theorem Comm1 : ∀ n m, n + m = m + n
:= Induction
◂ _ -- I use a placeholder because I do not want to write the P
◂ (take m, -- Base case
calc 0 + m = m : add::zerol m
... = m + 0 : symm (add::zeror m))
◂ (take n, -- Inductive case
assume iH,
take m,
calc n + 1 + m = (n + m) + 1 : add::succl n m
... = (m + n) + 1 : { iH } -- Error is here
... = m + (n + 1) : symm (add::succr m n))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'macros'
Using: Nat
Assumed: Induction
Failed to solve
⊢ (?M::10 ≈ @mp) ⊕ (?M::10 ≈ eq::@mp) ⊕ (?M::10 ≈ forall::@elim)
(line: 11: pos: 5) Overloading at
(forall::@elim | eq::@mp | @mp) _ _ Induction _
Failed to solve
⊢ (ℕ → Bool) → Bool ≺ Bool
(line: 11: pos: 5) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
λ P : ℕ → Bool, P 0 ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, P n ⇒ P (n + 1)) ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, P n)
Failed to solve
⊢ ∀ P : ℕ → Bool, P 0 ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, P n ⇒ P (n + 1)) ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, P n) ≺ ?M::7 == ?M::8
(line: 11: pos: 5) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Failed to solve
⊢ (?M::17 ≈ @mp) ⊕ (?M::17 ≈ eq::@mp) ⊕ (?M::17 ≈ forall::@elim)
(line: 12: pos: 6) Overloading at
(forall::@elim | eq::@mp | @mp)
((forall::@elim | eq::@mp | @mp) _ _ Induction _)
(forall::intro (λ m : _, Nat::add::zerol m ⋈ symm (Nat::add::zeror m)))
Failed to solve
⊢ (?M::34 ≈ @mp) ⊕ (?M::34 ≈ eq::@mp) ⊕ (?M::34 ≈ forall::@elim)
(line: 15: pos: 5) Overloading at
let κ::1 := (forall::@elim | eq::@mp | @mp)
((forall::@elim | eq::@mp | @mp) _ _ Induction _)
(forall::intro (λ m : _, Nat::add::zerol m ⋈ symm (Nat::add::zeror m))),
κ::2 := λ n : _,
(λ iH : _,
(λ m : _,
Nat::add::succl n m ⋈ subst (refl (n + m + 1)) iH ⋈
symm (Nat::add::succr m n)))
in (forall::@elim | eq::@mp | @mp) _ _ κ::1 (forall::intro κ::2)
Failed to solve
⊢ ∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n ≺ ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n
(line: 15: pos: 5) Type of definition 'Comm1' must be convertible to expected type.
Failed to solve
⊢ (∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n ⇒ ?M::9 (n + 1)) ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n) ≺ ?M::3 == ?M::4
(line: 15: pos: 5) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Induction ◂ ?M::9 ◂ forall::intro (λ m : ℕ, Nat::add::zerol m ⋈ symm (Nat::add::zeror m))
(λ n : ℕ,
(λ iH : ?M::20,
(λ m : ℕ,
Nat::add::succl n m ⋈ subst (refl (n + m + 1)) iH ⋈
symm (Nat::add::succr m n))))
Failed to solve
⊢ Bool ≺ ?M::3 → Bool
(line: 15: pos: 5) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n
Induction ◂ ?M::9 ◂ forall::intro (λ m : ℕ, Nat::add::zerol m ⋈ symm (Nat::add::zeror m))
(λ n : ℕ,
(λ iH : ?M::20,
(λ m : ℕ,
Nat::add::succl n m ⋈ subst (refl (n + m + 1)) iH ⋈
symm (Nat::add::succr m n))))
Failed to solve
⊢ ?M::9 0 ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n ⇒ ?M::9 (n + 1)) ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n) ≺ ?M::5 == ?M::6
(line: 12: pos: 6) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Induction ◂ ?M::9
forall::intro (λ m : ℕ, Nat::add::zerol m ⋈ symm (Nat::add::zeror m))
Failed to solve
⊢ Bool ≺ ?M::5 → Bool
(line: 12: pos: 6) Type of argument 3 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
(∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n ⇒ ?M::9 (n + 1)) ⇒ (∀ n : ℕ, ?M::9 n)
Induction ◂ ?M::9
forall::intro (λ m : ℕ, Nat::add::zerol m ⋈ symm (Nat::add::zeror m))
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