define pmap in terms of ppi
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 289 additions and 308 deletions
@ -173,10 +173,9 @@ namespace eq
definition is_equiv_homotopy_group_functor_ap1 (n : ℕ) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B)
[is_equiv (π→[n + 1] f)] : is_equiv (π→[n] (Ω→ f)) :=
have is_equiv (homotopy_group_succ_in B n ∘* π→[n + 1] f),
from is_equiv_compose _ (π→[n + 1] f),
have is_equiv (π→[n] (Ω→ f) ∘ homotopy_group_succ_in A n),
from is_equiv.homotopy_closed _ (homotopy_group_functor_succ_phomotopy_in n f),
from is_equiv_of_equiv_of_homotopy ( (π→[n+1] f) _ ⬝e homotopy_group_succ_in B n)
(homotopy_group_functor_succ_phomotopy_in n f),
is_equiv.cancel_right (homotopy_group_succ_in A n) _
definition tinverse [constructor] {X : Type*} : π[1] X →* π[1] X :=
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace EM
{ apply is_equiv_trunc_functor, esimp,
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, rotate 1,
{ symmetry, exact phomotopy_pinv_right_of_phomotopy (loop_EM1_pmap _ _) },
apply is_equiv_compose e },
apply is_equiv_compose e, apply pequiv.to_is_equiv },
{ apply @is_equiv_of_is_contr,
do 2 exact trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ (succ_lt_succ !zero_lt_succ)}}
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ namespace EM
{ cases H, esimp, apply is_equiv_trunc_functor, esimp,
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, rotate 1,
{ symmetry, exact phomotopy_pinv_right_of_phomotopy (loopn_EMadd1_pmap' _ _) },
apply is_equiv_compose (e⁻¹ᵉ*)},
apply is_equiv_compose (e⁻¹ᵉ*), apply pequiv.to_is_equiv },
{ apply @is_equiv_of_is_contr,
do 2 exact trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ H}
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ namespace EM
definition EM1_functor [constructor] {G H : Group} (φ : G →g H) : EM1 G →* EM1 H :=
{ intro g, induction g,
{ exact base },
{ exact pth (φ g) },
@ -122,75 +122,23 @@ namespace chain_complex
λn x p, ( x p) rfl
/- (generalization of) Lemma 8.4.4(i)(ii) -/
definition fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv (n : ℕ)
: fiber_sequence_carrier (n+3) ≃ Ω(fiber_sequence_carrier n) :=
fiber_sequence_carrier (n+3) ≃ fiber (fiber_sequence_fun (n+1)) pt : erfl
... ≃ Σ(x : fiber_sequence_carrier _), fiber_sequence_fun (n+1) x = pt
: fiber.sigma_char
... ≃ Σ(x : fiber (fiber_sequence_fun n) pt), fiber_sequence_fun _ x = pt
: erfl
... ≃ Σ(v : Σ(x : fiber_sequence_carrier _), fiber_sequence_fun _ x = pt),
fiber_sequence_fun _ ( v.1 v.2) = pt
: by exact sigma_equiv_sigma !fiber.sigma_char (λa, erfl)
... ≃ Σ(v : Σ(x : fiber_sequence_carrier _), fiber_sequence_fun _ x = pt),
v.1 = pt
: erfl
... ≃ Σ(v : Σ(x : fiber_sequence_carrier _), x = pt),
fiber_sequence_fun _ v.1 = pt
: sigma_assoc_comm_equiv
... ≃ fiber_sequence_fun _ !center.1 = pt
: @(sigma_equiv_of_is_contr_left _) !is_contr_sigma_eq'
... ≃ fiber_sequence_fun _ pt = pt
: erfl
... ≃ pt = pt
: by exact !equiv_eq_closed_left !respect_pt
... ≃ Ω(fiber_sequence_carrier n) : erfl
/- computation rule -/
definition fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv_eq (n : ℕ)
(x : fiber_sequence_carrier (n+1)) (p : fiber_sequence_fun n x = pt)
(q : fiber_sequence_fun (n+1) ( x p) = pt)
: fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv n ( ( x p) q)
= !respect_pt⁻¹ ⬝ ap (fiber_sequence_fun n) q⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
apply whisker_left,
refine eq_transport_Fl _ _ ⬝ _,
apply whisker_right,
refine inverse2 !ap_inv ⬝ !inv_inv ⬝ _,
refine ap_compose (fiber_sequence_fun n) pr₁ _ ⬝
ap02 (fiber_sequence_fun n) !ap_pr1_center_eq_sigma_eq',
definition fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv_inv_eq (n : ℕ)
(p : Ω(fiber_sequence_carrier n)) : (fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv n)⁻¹ᵉ p =
|||| ( pt (respect_pt (fiber_sequence_fun n) ⬝ p)) idp :=
apply inv_eq_of_eq,
refine _ ⬝ !fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv_eq⁻¹, esimp,
exact !inv_con_cancel_left⁻¹
definition fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n : ℕ)
: fiber_sequence_carrier (n+3) ≃* Ω(fiber_sequence_carrier n) :=
pequiv_of_equiv (fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv n)
apply con.left_inv
pfiber_ppoint_pequiv (fiber_sequence_fun n)
definition fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv_eq (n : ℕ)
(x : fiber_sequence_carrier (n+1)) (p : fiber_sequence_fun n x = pt)
(q : fiber_sequence_fun (n+1) ( x p) = pt)
: fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n ( ( x p) q)
= !respect_pt⁻¹ ⬝ ap (fiber_sequence_fun n) q⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv_eq n x p q
fiber_ppoint_equiv_eq p q
definition fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv_inv_eq (n : ℕ)
(p : Ω(fiber_sequence_carrier n)) : (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n)⁻¹ᵉ* p =
|||| ( pt (respect_pt (fiber_sequence_fun n) ⬝ p)) idp :=
by rexact fiber_sequence_carrier_equiv_inv_eq n p
fiber_ppoint_equiv_inv_eq (fiber_sequence_fun n) p
/- TODO: prove naturality of pfiber_ppoint_pequiv in general -/
/- Lemma 8.4.4(iii) -/
definition fiber_sequence_fun_eq_helper (n : ℕ)
@ -198,7 +146,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n
(fiber_sequence_fun (n + 3)
((fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1))⁻¹ᵉ* p)) =
ap1 (fiber_sequence_fun n) p⁻¹ :=
Ω→ (fiber_sequence_fun n) p⁻¹ :=
refine ap (λx, fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n (fiber_sequence_fun (n + 3) x))
(fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv_inv_eq (n+1) p) ⬝ _,
@ -233,7 +181,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
(fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n ∘*
fiber_sequence_fun (n + 3)) ∘*
(fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1))⁻¹ᵉ* ~*
ap1 (fiber_sequence_fun n) ∘* pinverse :=
Ω→ (fiber_sequence_fun n) ∘* pinverse :=
{ exact chain_complex.fiber_sequence_fun_eq_helper f n},
@ -245,7 +193,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
theorem fiber_sequence_fun_eq (n : ℕ) : Π(x : fiber_sequence_carrier (n + 4)),
fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n (fiber_sequence_fun (n + 3) x) =
ap1 (fiber_sequence_fun n) (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1) x)⁻¹ :=
Ω→ (fiber_sequence_fun n) (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1) x)⁻¹ :=
refine @(homotopy_of_inv_homotopy_pre (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1)))
!pequiv.to_is_equiv _ _ _,
@ -255,7 +203,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
theorem fiber_sequence_fun_phomotopy (n : ℕ) :
fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n ∘*
fiber_sequence_fun (n + 3) ~*
(ap1 (fiber_sequence_fun n) ∘* pinverse) ∘* fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1) :=
(Ω→ (fiber_sequence_fun n) ∘* pinverse) ∘* fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv (n + 1) :=
apply phomotopy_of_pinv_right_phomotopy,
apply fiber_sequence_fun_phomotopy_helper
@ -268,7 +216,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
/- Now we are ready to define the long exact sequence of homotopy groups.
/- Now we are ready to define the long exact sequence of loop spaces.
First we define its carrier -/
definition loop_spaces : ℕ → Type*
| 0 := Y
@ -277,16 +225,15 @@ namespace chain_complex
| (k+3) := Ω (loop_spaces k)
/- The maps between the homotopy groups -/
definition loop_spaces_fun
: Π(n : ℕ), loop_spaces (n+1) →* loop_spaces n
definition loop_spaces_fun : Π(n : ℕ), loop_spaces (n+1) →* loop_spaces n
| 0 := proof f qed
| 1 := proof ppoint f qed
| 2 := proof boundary_map qed
| (k+3) := proof ap1 (loop_spaces_fun k) qed
| (k+3) := proof Ω→ (loop_spaces_fun k) qed
definition loop_spaces_fun_add3 [unfold_full] (n : ℕ) :
loop_spaces_fun (n + 3) = ap1 (loop_spaces_fun n) :=
proof idp qed
loop_spaces_fun (n + 3) = Ω→ (loop_spaces_fun n) :=
definition fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces :
Πn, fiber_sequence_carrier n ≃* loop_spaces n
@ -302,11 +249,11 @@ namespace chain_complex
definition fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces_add3 (n : ℕ)
: fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces (n + 3) =
ap1 (fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces n) ∘* fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n :=
Ω→ (fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces n) ∘* fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv n :=
by reflexivity
definition fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces_3_phomotopy
: fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces 3 ~* proof fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv qed :=
: fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces 3 ~* fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv 0 :=
refine pwhisker_right _ ap1_pid ⬝* _,
apply pid_pcompose
@ -323,31 +270,9 @@ namespace chain_complex
: pid_or_pinverse (n + 4) = !pequiv_pinverse ⬝e* loop_pequiv_loop (pid_or_pinverse (n + 1)) :=
by reflexivity
definition pid_or_pinverse_add4_rev : Π(n : ℕ),
pid_or_pinverse (n + 4) ~* pinverse ∘* Ω→(pid_or_pinverse (n + 1))
| 0 := begin rewrite [pid_or_pinverse_add4, + to_pmap_pequiv_trans],
replace pid_or_pinverse (0 + 1) with pequiv.refl X,
refine pwhisker_right _ !loop_pequiv_loop_rfl ⬝* _, refine !pid_pcompose ⬝* _,
exact !pcompose_pid⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !ap1_pid⁻¹* end
| 1 := begin rewrite [pid_or_pinverse_add4, + to_pmap_pequiv_trans],
replace pid_or_pinverse (1 + 1) with pequiv.refl (pfiber f),
refine pwhisker_right _ !loop_pequiv_loop_rfl ⬝* _, refine !pid_pcompose ⬝* _,
exact !pcompose_pid⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !ap1_pid⁻¹* end
| 2 := begin rewrite [pid_or_pinverse_add4, + to_pmap_pequiv_trans],
replace pid_or_pinverse (2 + 1) with pequiv.refl (Ω Y),
refine pwhisker_right _ !loop_pequiv_loop_rfl ⬝* _, refine !pid_pcompose ⬝* _,
exact !pcompose_pid⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !ap1_pid⁻¹* end
| (k+3) :=
replace (k + 3 + 1) with (k + 4),
rewrite [+ pid_or_pinverse_add4, + to_pmap_pequiv_trans],
refine _ ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !ap1_pcompose⁻¹*,
refine _ ⬝* !passoc,
apply pconcat2,
{ refine ap1_phomotopy (pid_or_pinverse_add4_rev k) ⬝* _,
refine !ap1_pcompose ⬝* _, apply pwhisker_right, apply ap1_pinverse},
{ refine !ap1_pinverse⁻¹*}
definition pid_or_pinverse_add4_rev (n : ℕ) :
pid_or_pinverse (n + 4) ~* pinverse ∘* Ω→(pid_or_pinverse (n + 1)) :=
theorem fiber_sequence_phomotopy_loop_spaces : Π(n : ℕ),
fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces n ∘* fiber_sequence_fun n ~*
@ -360,7 +285,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
replace loop_spaces_fun 2 with boundary_map,
refine _ ⬝* pwhisker_left _ fiber_sequence_pequiv_loop_spaces_3_phomotopy⁻¹*,
apply phomotopy_of_pinv_right_phomotopy,
exact !pid_pcompose⁻¹*
exact !pcompose_pid⁻¹*
| (k+3) :=
@ -435,7 +360,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
| (k+4) :=
replace (k + 4 + 1) with (k + 5),
rewrite [pid_or_pinverse_left_add5, pid_or_pinverse_add4, to_pmap_pequiv_trans],
rewrite [pid_or_pinverse_left_add5, pid_or_pinverse_add4],
replace (k + 4) with (k + 1 + 3),
rewrite [loop_spaces_fun_add3],
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _ ⬝* !passoc⁻¹*,
@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ namespace chain_complex
(p : Π{m} (x : X (S (f m))), e (tcc_to_fn X (f m) x) = g (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c m)) x)))
: type_chain_complex M :=
|||| Y @g
abstract begin
intro m,
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_pequiv e),
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X x) (c (S m)))), esimp,
apply equiv_rect (equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X (S x)) (c m))), esimp,
intro x, refine ap g (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap g (ap e (fn_cast_eq_cast_fn (c m) (tcc_to_fn X) x)) ⬝ _,
refine ap g (ap e (fn_cast_eq_cast_fn (c m) (λn, pmap.to_fun (tcc_to_fn X n)) x)) ⬝ _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (tcc_is_chain_complex X (f m) _) ⬝ _,
apply respect_pt
end end
definition is_exact_at_t_transfer2 {X : type_chain_complex N} {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Type*}
(f : M ≃ N) (c : Π(m : M), S (f m) = f (S m))
@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ namespace chain_complex
induction (H _ H2) with x r,
refine (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c (S m))) (cast (ap (λx, X (S x)) (c m)) x))) _,
refine (p _)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap e (fn_cast_eq_cast_fn (c m) (tcc_to_fn X) x) ⬝ _,
refine ap e (fn_cast_eq_cast_fn (c m) (λn, pmap.to_fun (tcc_to_fn X n)) x) ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, e (cast _ x)) r ⬝ _,
esimp [equiv.symm], rewrite [-ap_inv],
refine ap e !cast_cast_inv ⬝ _,
apply right_inv
apply to_right_inv
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
definition transfer_chain_complex2 [constructor] {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Set*}
(f : N ≃ M) (c : Π(n : N), f (S n) = S (f n))
(g : Π{m : M}, Y (S m) →* Y m) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y (f n))
(g : Π{m : M}, pmap (Y (S m)) (Y m)) (e : Π{n}, X n ≃* Y (f n))
(p : Π{n} (x : X (S n)), e (cc_to_fn X n x) = g (c n ▸ e x)) : chain_complex M :=
|||| Y @g
@ -371,7 +371,8 @@ namespace chain_complex
refine pi.pi_functor _ _ H,
{ intro x, exact (c (S n))⁻¹ ▸ (c n)⁻¹ ▸ x}, -- with implicit arguments, this is:
-- transport (λx, Y x) (c (S n))⁻¹ (transport (λx, Y (S x)) (c n)⁻¹ x)
{ intro x, intro p, refine _ ⬝ p, rewrite [tr_inv_tr, fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (c n)⁻¹ @g, tr_inv_tr]}
{ intro x, intro p, refine _ ⬝ p,
rewrite [tr_inv_tr, fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (c n)⁻¹ᵖ (λn, ppi.to_fun g), tr_inv_tr]}
definition is_exact_at_transfer2 {X : chain_complex N} {M : succ_str} {Y : M → Set*}
@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ namespace chain_complex
induction (H _ H2) with x r,
refine (c n ▸ c (S n) ▸ e x) _,
rewrite [fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (c n) @g],
rewrite [fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (c n) (λn, ppi.to_fun g)],
refine ap (λx, c n ▸ x) (p x)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, c n ▸ e x) r ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, c n ▸ x) !right_inv ⬝ _,
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ namespace cofiber
definition pcofiber_punit (A : Type*) : pcofiber (pconst A punit) ≃* susp A :=
fapply pequiv_of_pmap,
{ fconstructor, intro x, induction x, exact north, exact south, exact merid x,
{ fapply, intro x, induction x, exact north, exact south, exact merid x,
exact (merid pt)⁻¹ },
{ esimp, fapply adjointify,
{ intro s, induction s, exact inl ⋆, exact inr ⋆, apply glue a },
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
pmap.to_fun (π→[k + 1] (pmap_of_map (ap f) p))),
apply is_equiv_compose, exact this a p,
apply is_equiv_trunc_functor
apply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, exact this,
refine !homotopy_group_functor_compose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
apply whitehead_principle n, rexact H 0,
intro a k, revert a, apply is_conn.elim -1,
{ intro a, apply is_prop_is_equiv },
have is_equiv (π→[k + 1] (pointed_eta_pequiv B ⬝e* (pequiv_of_eq_pt (respect_pt f))⁻¹ᵉ*)
∘* π→[k + 1] f ∘* π→[k + 1] (pointed_eta_pequiv A)⁻¹ᵉ*),
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed, exact !sphere_pmap_pequiv,
{ exact (λx, a) idp},
{ intro f, fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro f, apply eq_of_phomotopy, fapply,
{ intro x, esimp, refine !respect_pt⁻¹ ⬝ (!H ⬝ !H⁻¹)},
{ rewrite [▸*,con.right_inv,▸*,con.left_inv]}}
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ namespace is_trunc
(a : A) (f : S n →* pointed.Mk a) (x : S n) : f x = f pt :=
let H' := iff.elim_left (is_trunc_iff_is_contr_loop n A) H a,
note H'' := @is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev _ _ _ !sphere_pmap_pequiv H',
esimp at H'',
have H'' : is_contr (S n →* pointed.Mk a), from
@is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev _ _ _ !sphere_pmap_pequiv H',
have p : f = (λx, f pt) (respect_pt f),
by apply is_prop.elim,
from !is_prop.elim,
exact ap10 (ap pmap.to_fun p) x
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace sphere
/- Corollaries of the complex hopf fibration combined with the LES of homotopy groups -/
open sphere sphere.ops int circle hopf
definition π2S2 : πg[1+1] (S 2) ≃g gℤ :=
definition π2S2 : πg[2] (S 2) ≃g gℤ :=
refine _ ⬝g fundamental_group_of_circle,
refine _ ⬝g homotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv _ pfiber_complex_hopf,
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace sphere
open circle
definition πnS3_eq_πnS2 (n : ℕ) : πg[n+2 +1] (S 3) ≃g πg[n+2 +1] (S 2) :=
definition πnS3_eq_πnS2 (n : ℕ) : πg[n+3] (S 3) ≃g πg[n+3] (S 2) :=
fapply isomorphism_of_equiv,
{ fapply,
@ -63,8 +63,9 @@ namespace sphere
iterate_susp_stability_isomorphism pbool H
open int circle hopf
definition πnSn (n : ℕ) : πg[n+1] (S (n+1)) ≃g gℤ :=
definition πnSn (n : ℕ) [H : is_succ n] : πg[n] (S (n)) ≃g gℤ :=
induction H with n,
cases n with n IH,
{ exact fundamental_group_of_circle },
{ induction n with n IH,
@ -77,13 +78,15 @@ namespace sphere
intro H,
note H2 := trivial_ghomotopy_group_of_is_trunc (S (n+1)) n n !le.refl,
have H3 : is_contr ℤ, from is_trunc_equiv_closed _ (equiv_of_isomorphism (πnSn n)),
have H3 : is_contr ℤ, from is_trunc_equiv_closed _ (equiv_of_isomorphism (πnSn (n+1))),
have H4 : (0 : ℤ) ≠ (1 : ℤ), from dec_star,
apply H4,
apply is_prop.elim,
definition π3S2 : πg[2+1] (S 2) ≃g gℤ :=
(πnS3_eq_πnS2 0)⁻¹ᵍ ⬝g πnSn 2
definition π3S2 : πg[3] (S 2) ≃g gℤ :=
refine _ ⬝g πnSn 3, symmetry, rexact πnS3_eq_πnS2 0
end sphere
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ namespace susp
definition loop_susp_counit [constructor] (X : Type*) : susp (Ω X) →* X :=
{ intro x, induction x, exact pt, exact pt, exact a },
{ reflexivity },
@ -100,12 +100,20 @@ pointed.MK (pppi' P) (ppi_const P)
notation `Π*` binders `, ` r:(scoped P, pppi P) := r
-- We could try to define pmap as a special case of ppi
-- definition pmap (A B : Type*) := @ppi A (λa, B)
structure pmap (A B : Type*) :=
(to_fun : A → B)
(resp_pt : to_fun (Point A) = Point B)
-- definition pmap' (A B : Type*) : Type := @pppi' A (λa, B)
-- todo: make this already pointed?
definition pmap [reducible] (A B : Type*) : Type := @pppi A (λa, B)
-- structure pmap (A B : Type*) :=
-- (to_fun : A → B)
-- (resp_pt : to_fun (Point A) = Point B)
namespace pointed
attribute ppi.to_fun [coercion]
notation `map₊` := pmap
infix ` →* `:28 := pmap
definition [constructor] [reducible] {A : Type*} {P : A → Type*} (f : Πa, P a)
(p : f pt = pt) : pppi P :=
|||| f p
@ -114,14 +122,17 @@ namespace pointed
(a : A) : P a :=
ppi.to_fun f a
definition pppi.resp_pt [unfold 3] [reducible] {A : Type*} {P : A → Type*} (f : pppi P) :
f pt = pt :=
definition [constructor] [reducible] {A B : Type*} (f : A → B)
(p : f (Point A) = Point B) : A →* B :=
|||| f p
definition pmap.to_fun [unfold 3] [reducible] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : A → B :=
pppi.to_fun f
definition respect_pt [unfold 4] [reducible] {A : Type*} {P : A → Type} {p₀ : P pt}
(f : ppi P p₀) : f pt = p₀ :=
ppi.resp_pt f
abbreviation respect_pt [unfold 3] := @pmap.resp_pt
notation `map₊` := pmap
infix ` →* `:28 := pmap
attribute pmap.to_fun ppi.to_fun [coercion]
-- notation `Π*` binders `, ` r:(scoped P, ppi _ P) := r
-- definition [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A → B) (p : f pt = pt) : A →* B :=
-- f p
@ -130,7 +141,7 @@ namespace pointed
end pointed open pointed
/- pointed homotopies -/
definition phomotopy {A B : Type*} (f g : A →* B) : Type :=
definition phomotopy {A : Type*} {P : A → Type} {p₀ : P pt} (f g : ppi P p₀) : Type :=
ppi (λa, f a = g a) (respect_pt f ⬝ (respect_pt g)⁻¹)
-- structure phomotopy {A B : Type*} (f g : A →* B) : Type :=
@ -138,7 +149,7 @@ ppi (λa, f a = g a) (respect_pt f ⬝ (respect_pt g)⁻¹)
-- (homotopy_pt : homotopy pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f)
namespace pointed
variables {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B}
variables {A : Type*} {P : A → Type} {p₀ : P pt} {f g : ppi P p₀}
infix ` ~* `:50 := phomotopy
definition [reducible] [constructor] (h : f ~ g)
@ -148,7 +159,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition to_homotopy [coercion] [unfold 5] [reducible] (p : f ~* g) : Πa, f a = g a := p
definition to_homotopy_pt [unfold 5] [reducible] (p : f ~* g) :
p pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f :=
con_eq_of_eq_con_inv (ppi.resp_pt p)
con_eq_of_eq_con_inv (respect_pt p)
end pointed
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Theorems about fibers
import .sigma .eq .pi cubical.squareover .pointed .eq
open equiv sigma sigma.ops eq pi pointed
open equiv sigma sigma.ops eq pi pointed is_equiv
structure fiber {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (b : B) :=
(point : A)
@ -170,7 +170,9 @@ namespace fiber
fapply pequiv_of_equiv, esimp,
refine transport_fiber_equiv (g ∘* f) (respect_pt g)⁻¹ ⬝e fiber.equiv_postcompose f g (Point B),
esimp, apply (ap ( (Point A))), refine !con.assoc ⬝ _, apply inv_con_eq_of_eq_con,
rewrite [con.assoc, con.right_inv, con_idp, -ap_compose'], apply ap_con_eq_con
rewrite [▸*, con.assoc, con.right_inv, con_idp, -ap_compose'],
exact ap_con_eq_con (λ x, ap g⁻¹ᵉ* (ap g (pleft_inv' g x)⁻¹) ⬝ ap g⁻¹ᵉ* (pright_inv g (g x)) ⬝
pleft_inv' g x) (respect_pt f)
definition pequiv_precompose {A A' B : Type*} (f : A →* B) (g : A' ≃* A)
@ -249,17 +251,18 @@ namespace fiber
esimp at *, induction h₀, induction g₀,
{ reflexivity },
{ esimp [pfiber_pequiv_of_phomotopy], exact !point_fiber_eq⁻¹ }
{ symmetry, rexact point_fiber_eq (idpath pt)
(inv_con_eq_of_eq_con (idpath (h pt ⬝ (idp ⬝ point_eq ( pt idp))))) }
lemma pequiv_postcompose_ppoint {A B B' : Type*} (f : A →* B) (g : B ≃* B')
: ppoint f ∘* fiber.pequiv_postcompose f g ~* ppoint (g ∘* f) :=
induction f with f f₀, induction g with g hg g₀, induction B with B b₀,
induction B' with B' b₀', esimp at *, induction g₀, induction f₀,
induction B' with B' b₀', esimp at * ⊢, induction g₀, induction f₀,
{ reflexivity },
{ esimp [pequiv_postcompose], symmetry,
{ symmetry,
refine !ap_compose⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply ap_constant }
@ -302,6 +305,38 @@ namespace fiber
pfiber f ≃* A :=
pequiv_of_equiv (fiber_equiv_of_is_contr f pt) idp
definition pfiber_ppoint_equiv {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : pfiber (ppoint f) ≃ Ω B :=
pfiber (ppoint f) ≃ Σ(x : pfiber f), ppoint f x = pt : fiber.sigma_char
... ≃ Σ(x : Σa, f a = pt), x.1 = pt : by exact sigma_equiv_sigma !fiber.sigma_char (λa, erfl)
... ≃ Σ(x : Σa, a = pt), f x.1 = pt : by exact !sigma_assoc_comm_equiv
... ≃ f pt = pt : by exact !sigma_equiv_of_is_contr_left
... ≃ Ω B : by exact !equiv_eq_closed_left !respect_pt
definition pfiber_ppoint_pequiv {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : pfiber (ppoint f) ≃* Ω B :=
pequiv_of_equiv (pfiber_ppoint_equiv f) !con.left_inv
definition fiber_ppoint_equiv_eq {A B : Type*} {f : A →* B} {a : A} (p : f a = pt)
(q : ppoint f ( a p) = pt) :
pfiber_ppoint_equiv f ( ( a p) q) = (respect_pt f)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f q⁻¹ ⬝ p :=
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
apply whisker_left,
refine eq_transport_Fl _ _ ⬝ _,
apply whisker_right,
refine inverse2 !ap_inv ⬝ !inv_inv ⬝ _,
refine ap_compose f pr₁ _ ⬝ ap02 f !ap_pr1_center_eq_sigma_eq',
definition fiber_ppoint_equiv_inv_eq {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) (p : Ω B) :
(pfiber_ppoint_equiv f)⁻¹ᵉ p = ( pt (respect_pt f ⬝ p)) idp :=
apply inv_eq_of_eq,
refine _ ⬝ !fiber_ppoint_equiv_eq⁻¹,
exact !inv_con_cancel_left⁻¹
end fiber
open function is_equiv
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ namespace pointed
end pointed open pointed
namespace pointed
variables {A B C D : Type*} {f g h : A →* B}
variables {A B C D : Type*} {f g h : A →* B} {P : A → Type} {p₀ : P pt} {k k' l m : ppi P p₀}
/- categorical properties of pointed maps -/
definition pid [constructor] [refl] (A : Type*) : A →* A :=
definition pid [constructor] (A : Type*) : A →* A :=
|||| id idp
definition pcompose [constructor] [trans] {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) : A →* C :=
definition pcompose [constructor] {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) : A →* C :=
|||| (λa, g (f a)) (ap g (respect_pt f) ⬝ respect_pt g)
infixr ` ∘* `:60 := pcompose
@ -152,17 +152,21 @@ namespace pointed
/- equivalences and equalities -/
definition pmap.sigma_char [constructor] {A B : Type*} : (A →* B) ≃ Σ(f : A → B), f pt = pt :=
protected definition ppi.sigma_char [constructor] {A : Type*} (B : A → Type) (b₀ : B pt) :
ppi B b₀ ≃ Σ(k : Πa, B a), k pt = b₀ :=
fapply equiv.MK : intros f,
{ exact ⟨f , respect_pt f⟩ },
all_goals cases f with f p,
{ exact f p },
all_goals reflexivity
fapply equiv.MK: intro x,
{ constructor, exact respect_pt x },
{ induction x, constructor, assumption },
{ induction x, reflexivity },
{ induction x, reflexivity }
definition pmap.sigma_char [constructor] {A B : Type*} : (A →* B) ≃ Σ(f : A → B), f pt = pt :=
definition pmap.eta_expand [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : A →* B :=
|||| f (pmap.resp_pt f)
|||| f (respect_pt f)
definition pmap_equiv_right (A : Type*) (B : Type)
: (Σ(b : B), A →* (pointed.Mk b)) ≃ (A → B) :=
@ -181,11 +185,11 @@ namespace pointed
-- The constant pointed map between any two types
definition pconst [constructor] (A B : Type*) : A →* B :=
|||| (λ a, Point B) idp
-- the pointed type of pointed maps
-- the pointed type of pointed maps -- TODO: remove
definition ppmap [constructor] (A B : Type*) : Type* :=
|||| (A →* B) (pconst A B)
@pppi A (λa, B)
definition pcast [constructor] {A B : Type*} (p : A = B) : A →* B :=
|||| (cast (ap pType.carrier p)) (by induction p; reflexivity)
@ -303,85 +307,77 @@ namespace pointed
: pinverse p⁻¹ = (pinverse p)⁻¹ :=
definition ap1_pcompose_pinverse [constructor] {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
Ω→ f ∘* pinverse ~* pinverse ∘* Ω→ f :=
|||| (ap1_gen_inv f (respect_pt f) (respect_pt f))
abstract begin
induction Y with Y y₀, induction f with f f₀, esimp at * ⊢, induction f₀, reflexivity
end end
definition is_equiv_pcast [instance] {A B : Type*} (p : A = B) : is_equiv (pcast p) :=
/- categorical properties of pointed homotopies -/
protected definition phomotopy.refl [constructor] [refl] (f : A →* B) : f ~* f :=
{ intro a, exact idp},
{ apply idp_con}
variable (k)
protected definition phomotopy.refl [constructor] : k ~* k :=
|||| homotopy.rfl !idp_con
variable {k}
protected definition phomotopy.rfl [constructor] [refl] : k ~* k :=
phomotopy.refl k
protected definition phomotopy.rfl [constructor] [reducible] {f : A →* B} : f ~* f :=
phomotopy.refl f
protected definition phomotopy.symm [constructor] [symm] (p : k ~* l) : l ~* k :=
|||| p⁻¹ʰᵗʸ (inv_con_eq_of_eq_con (to_homotopy_pt p)⁻¹)
protected definition phomotopy.trans [constructor] [trans] (p : f ~* g) (q : g ~* h)
: f ~* h :=
protected definition phomotopy.trans [constructor] [trans] (p : k ~* l) (q : l ~* m) :
k ~* m :=
|||| (λa, p a ⬝ q a) (!con.assoc ⬝ whisker_left (p pt) (to_homotopy_pt q) ⬝ to_homotopy_pt p)
protected definition phomotopy.symm [constructor] [symm] (p : f ~* g) : g ~* f :=
|||| (λa, (p a)⁻¹) (inv_con_eq_of_eq_con (to_homotopy_pt p)⁻¹)
infix ` ⬝* `:75 := phomotopy.trans
postfix `⁻¹*`:(max+1) := phomotopy.symm
/- equalities and equivalences relating pointed homotopies -/
definition phomotopy.rec' [recursor] (P : f ~* g → Type)
(H : Π(h : f ~ g) (p : h pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f), P ( h p))
(h : f ~* g) : P h :=
definition phomotopy.rec' [recursor] (B : k ~* l → Type)
(H : Π(h : k ~ l) (p : h pt ⬝ respect_pt l = respect_pt k), B ( h p))
(h : k ~* l) : B h :=
induction h with h p,
refine transport (λp, P ( h p)) _ (H h (con_eq_of_eq_con_inv p)),
refine transport (λp, B ( h p)) _ (H h (con_eq_of_eq_con_inv p)),
apply to_left_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p
definition phomotopy.sigma_char [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f g : A →* B)
: (f ~* g) ≃ Σ(p : f ~ g), p pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f :=
fapply equiv.MK : intros h,
{ exact ⟨h , to_homotopy_pt h⟩ },
{ cases h with h p, exact h p },
{ cases h with h p, exact ap (dpair h) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p) },
{ induction h using phomotopy.rec' with h p, esimp,
exact ap ( h) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p) },
definition phomotopy.eta_expand [constructor] {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) :
f ~* g :=
definition phomotopy.eta_expand [constructor] (p : k ~* l) : k ~* l :=
|||| p (to_homotopy_pt p)
definition is_trunc_ppi [instance] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A : Type*} (B : A → Type) (b₀ : B pt) [Πa, is_trunc n (B a)] :
is_trunc n (ppi B b₀) :=
is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev _ !ppi.sigma_char
definition is_trunc_pmap [instance] (n : ℕ₋₂) (A B : Type*) [is_trunc n B] :
is_trunc n (A →* B) :=
is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev _ !pmap.sigma_char
definition is_trunc_ppmap [instance] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} [is_trunc n B] :
is_trunc n (ppmap A B) :=
definition phomotopy_of_eq [constructor] {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f = g) : f ~* g :=
|||| (ap010 pmap.to_fun p) begin induction p, apply idp_con end
definition phomotopy_of_eq [constructor] (p : k = l) : k ~* l :=
|||| (ap010 ppi.to_fun p) begin induction p, refine !idp_con end
definition phomotopy_of_eq_idp {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
phomotopy_of_eq idp = phomotopy.refl f :=
definition phomotopy_of_eq_idp (k : ppi P p₀) : phomotopy_of_eq idp = phomotopy.refl k :=
definition pconcat_eq [constructor] {A B : Type*} {f g h : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) (q : g = h)
: f ~* h :=
definition pconcat_eq [constructor] (p : k ~* l) (q : l = m) : k ~* m :=
p ⬝* phomotopy_of_eq q
definition eq_pconcat [constructor] {A B : Type*} {f g h : A →* B} (p : f = g) (q : g ~* h)
: f ~* h :=
definition eq_pconcat [constructor] (p : k = l) (q : l ~* m) : k ~* m :=
phomotopy_of_eq p ⬝* q
infix ` ⬝*p `:75 := pconcat_eq
infix ` ⬝p* `:75 := eq_pconcat
definition pr1_phomotopy_eq {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} {p q : f ~* g} (r : p = q) (a : A) :
p a = q a :=
definition pr1_phomotopy_eq {p q : k ~* l} (r : p = q) (a : A) : p a = q a :=
ap010 to_homotopy r a
definition pwhisker_left [constructor] (h : B →* C) (p : f ~* g) : h ∘* f ~* h ∘* g :=
@ -397,43 +393,59 @@ namespace pointed
(q : h ~* i) (p : f ~* g) : h ∘* f ~* i ∘* g :=
pwhisker_left _ p ⬝* pwhisker_right _ q
definition pmap_eq_equiv_internal {A B : Type*} (f g : A →* B) : (f = g) ≃ (f ~* g) :=
calc (f = g) ≃ pmap.sigma_char f = pmap.sigma_char g
: eq_equiv_fn_eq pmap.sigma_char f g
... ≃ Σ(p : pmap.to_fun f = pmap.to_fun g),
pathover (λh, h pt = pt) (respect_pt f) p (respect_pt g)
variables (k l)
definition phomotopy.sigma_char [constructor]
: (k ~* l) ≃ Σ(p : k ~ l), p pt ⬝ respect_pt l = respect_pt k :=
fapply equiv.MK : intros h,
{ exact ⟨h , to_homotopy_pt h⟩ },
{ cases h with h p, exact h p },
{ cases h with h p, exact ap (dpair h) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p) },
{ induction h using phomotopy.rec' with h p,
exact ap ( h) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p) }
definition ppi_eq_equiv_internal : (k = l) ≃ (k ~* l) :=
calc (k = l) ≃ ppi.sigma_char P p₀ k = ppi.sigma_char P p₀ l
: eq_equiv_fn_eq (ppi.sigma_char P p₀) k l
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
pathover (λh, h pt = p₀) (respect_pt k) p (respect_pt l)
: sigma_eq_equiv _ _
... ≃ Σ(p : pmap.to_fun f = pmap.to_fun g), respect_pt f = ap (λh, h pt) p ⬝ respect_pt g
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λp, eq_pathover_equiv_Fl p (respect_pt f)
(respect_pt g))
... ≃ Σ(p : pmap.to_fun f = pmap.to_fun g), respect_pt f = ap10 p pt ⬝ respect_pt g
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
respect_pt k = ap (λh, h pt) p ⬝ respect_pt l
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λp, eq_pathover_equiv_Fl p (respect_pt k) (respect_pt l))
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
respect_pt k = apd10 p pt ⬝ respect_pt l
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λp, equiv_eq_closed_right _ (whisker_right _ (ap_eq_apd10 p _)))
... ≃ Σ(p : pmap.to_fun f ~ pmap.to_fun g), respect_pt f = p pt ⬝ respect_pt g
... ≃ Σ(p : k ~ l), respect_pt k = p pt ⬝ respect_pt l
: sigma_equiv_sigma_left' eq_equiv_homotopy
... ≃ Σ(p : pmap.to_fun f ~ pmap.to_fun g), p pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f
... ≃ Σ(p : k ~ l), p pt ⬝ respect_pt l = respect_pt k
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λp, eq_equiv_eq_symm _ _)
... ≃ (f ~* g) : phomotopy.sigma_char f g
... ≃ (k ~* l) : phomotopy.sigma_char k l
definition pmap_eq_equiv_internal_idp {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
pmap_eq_equiv_internal f f idp = phomotopy.refl f :=
definition ppi_eq_equiv_internal_idp :
ppi_eq_equiv_internal k k idp = phomotopy.refl k :=
apply ap ( (homotopy.refl _)), induction B with B b₀, induction f with f f₀,
esimp at *, induction f₀, reflexivity
apply ap ( (homotopy.refl _)), induction k with k k₀,
esimp at * ⊢, induction k₀, reflexivity
definition eq_of_phomotopy' (p : f ~* g) : f = g :=
to_inv (pmap_eq_equiv_internal f g) p
definition pmap_eq_equiv [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f g : A →* B) : (f = g) ≃ (f ~* g) :=
definition ppi_eq_equiv [constructor] : (k = l) ≃ (k ~* l) :=
refine equiv_change_fun (pmap_eq_equiv_internal f g) _,
refine equiv_change_fun (ppi_eq_equiv_internal k l) _,
{ apply phomotopy_of_eq },
{ intro p, induction p, exact pmap_eq_equiv_internal_idp f }
{ intro p, induction p, exact ppi_eq_equiv_internal_idp k }
variables {k l}
definition eq_of_phomotopy (p : f ~* g) : f = g :=
to_inv (pmap_eq_equiv f g) p
definition pmap_eq_equiv [constructor] (f g : A →* B) : (f = g) ≃ (f ~* g) :=
ppi_eq_equiv f g
definition eq_of_phomotopy (p : k ~* l) : k = l :=
to_inv (ppi_eq_equiv k l) p
definition eq_of_phomotopy_refl {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
eq_of_phomotopy (phomotopy.refl f) = idpath f :=
@ -441,50 +453,49 @@ namespace pointed
apply to_inv_eq_of_eq, reflexivity
definition phomotopy_of_homotopy {X Y : Type*} {f g : X →* Y} (h : f ~ g) [is_set Y] : f ~* g :=
definition phomotopy_of_homotopy (h : k ~ l) [Πa, is_set (P a)] : k ~* l :=
{ exact h },
{ apply is_set.elim }
-- TODO: flip arguments in s
definition pmap_eq (r : Πa, f a = g a) (s : respect_pt f = (r pt) ⬝ respect_pt g) : f = g :=
eq_of_phomotopy ( r s⁻¹)
definition ppi_eq_of_homotopy [Πa, is_set (P a)] (p : k ~ l) : k = l :=
eq_of_phomotopy (phomotopy_of_homotopy p)
definition pmap_eq_of_homotopy {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} [is_set B] (p : f ~ g) : f = g :=
pmap_eq p !is_set.elim
definition pmap_eq_of_homotopy [is_set B] (p : f ~ g) : f = g :=
ppi_eq_of_homotopy p
definition phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) :
phomotopy_of_eq (eq_of_phomotopy p) = p :=
to_right_inv (pmap_eq_equiv f g) p
definition phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy (p : k ~* l) : phomotopy_of_eq (eq_of_phomotopy p) = p :=
to_right_inv (ppi_eq_equiv k l) p
definition phomotopy_rec_on_eq [recursor] {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B}
{Q : (f ~* g) → Type} (p : f ~* g) (H : Π(q : f = g), Q (phomotopy_of_eq q)) : Q p :=
definition phomotopy_rec_eq [recursor] {Q : (k ~* k') → Type} (p : k ~* k')
(H : Π(q : k = k'), Q (phomotopy_of_eq q)) : Q p :=
phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy p ▸ H (eq_of_phomotopy p)
definition phomotopy_rec_on_idp [recursor] {A B : Type*} {f : A →* B}
{Q : Π{g}, (f ~* g) → Type} {g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) (H : Q (phomotopy.refl f)) : Q p :=
definition phomotopy_rec_idp [recursor] {Q : Π {k' : ppi P p₀}, (k ~* k') → Type}
{k' : ppi P p₀} (H : k ~* k') (q : Q (phomotopy.refl k)) : Q H :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_eq,
induction q, exact H
induction H using phomotopy_rec_eq with t,
induction t, exact phomotopy_of_eq_idp k ▸ q,
attribute phomotopy.rec' [recursor]
definition phomotopy_rec_on_eq_phomotopy_of_eq {A B : Type*} {f g: A →* B}
definition phomotopy_rec_eq_phomotopy_of_eq {A B : Type*} {f g: A →* B}
{Q : (f ~* g) → Type} (p : f = g) (H : Π(q : f = g), Q (phomotopy_of_eq q)) :
phomotopy_rec_on_eq (phomotopy_of_eq p) H = H p :=
phomotopy_rec_eq (phomotopy_of_eq p) H = H p :=
unfold phomotopy_rec_on_eq,
unfold phomotopy_rec_eq,
refine ap (λp, p ▸ _) !adj ⬝ _,
refine !tr_compose⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply apdt
definition phomotopy_rec_on_idp_refl {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B)
definition phomotopy_rec_idp_refl {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B)
{Q : Π{g}, (f ~* g) → Type} (H : Q (phomotopy.refl f)) :
phomotopy_rec_on_idp phomotopy.rfl H = H :=
phomotopy_rec_idp phomotopy.rfl H = H :=
/- adjunction between (-)₊ : Type → Type* and pType.carrier : Type* → Type -/
definition pmap_equiv_left (A : Type) (B : Type*) : A₊ →* B ≃ (A → B) :=
@ -495,9 +506,9 @@ namespace pointed
intro a, cases a, exact pt, exact f a,
reflexivity },
{ intro f, reflexivity },
{ intro f, cases f with f p, esimp, fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro f, cases f with f p, esimp, fapply eq_of_phomotopy, fapply,
{ intro a, cases a; all_goals (esimp at *), exact p⁻¹ },
{ esimp, exact !con.left_inv⁻¹}},
{ esimp, exact !con.left_inv }},
-- pmap_pbool_pequiv is the pointed equivalence
@ -509,9 +520,9 @@ namespace pointed
intro u, cases u, exact pt, exact b,
reflexivity },
{ intro b, reflexivity },
{ intro f, cases f with f p, esimp, fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro f, cases f with f p, esimp, fapply eq_of_phomotopy, fapply,
{ intro a, cases a; all_goals (esimp at *), exact p⁻¹ },
{ esimp, exact !con.left_inv⁻¹}},
{ esimp, exact !con.left_inv }},
@ -524,12 +535,12 @@ namespace pointed
definition pap (F : (A →* B) → (C →* D)) {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : F f ~* F g :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, reflexivity
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, reflexivity
definition pap_refl (F : (A →* B) → (C →* D)) (f : A →* B) :
pap F (phomotopy.refl f) = phomotopy.refl (F f) :=
definition ap1_phomotopy {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : Ω→ f ~* Ω→ g :=
pap Ω→ p
@ -542,7 +553,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition ap1_phomotopy_explicit {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : Ω→ f ~* Ω→ g :=
induction p with p q, induction f with f pf, induction g with g pg, induction B with B b,
esimp at *, induction q, induction pg,
esimp at * ⊢, induction q, induction pg,
{ intro l, refine _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹ᵖ, refine !con.assoc ⬝ _, apply inv_con_eq_of_eq_con,
apply ap_con_eq_con_ap},
@ -565,14 +576,14 @@ namespace pointed
definition to_fun_eq_of_phomotopy {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) (a : A) :
ap010 pmap.to_fun (eq_of_phomotopy p) a = p a :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
exact ap (λx, ap010 pmap.to_fun x a) !eq_of_phomotopy_refl
definition ap1_eq_of_phomotopy {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) :
ap Ω→ (eq_of_phomotopy p) = eq_of_phomotopy (ap1_phomotopy p) :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ ⬝ ap eq_of_phomotopy _,
exact !ap1_phomotopy_refl⁻¹
@ -609,15 +620,6 @@ namespace pointed
||| (ap1_gen_compose g f (respect_pt f) (respect_pt f) (respect_pt g) (respect_pt g))
(ap1_gen_compose_idp g f (respect_pt f) (respect_pt g))
definition ap1_pcompose_pinverse (f : A →* B) : ap1 f ∘* pinverse ~* pinverse ∘* ap1 f :=
{ intro p, esimp, refine !con.assoc ⬝ _ ⬝ !con_inv⁻¹, apply whisker_left,
refine whisker_right _ !ap_inv ⬝ _ ⬝ !con_inv⁻¹, apply whisker_left,
exact !inv_inv⁻¹},
{ induction B with B b, induction f with f pf, esimp at *, induction pf, reflexivity},
definition ap1_pconst [constructor] (A B : Type*) : Ω→(pconst A B) ~* pconst (Ω A) (Ω B) :=
|||| (λp, ap1_gen_idp_left (const A pt) p ⬝ ap_constant p pt) rfl
@ -708,9 +710,12 @@ namespace pointed
(pright_inv : to_pmap ∘* to_pinv1 ~* pid B)
(pleft_inv : to_pinv2 ∘* to_pmap ~* pid A)
attribute pequiv.to_pmap [coercion]
infix ` ≃* `:25 := pequiv
definition pmap_of_pequiv [unfold 3] [coercion] [reducible] {A B : Type*} (f : A ≃* B) :
@ppi A (λa, B) pt :=
pequiv.to_pmap f
definition to_pinv [unfold 3] (f : A ≃* B) : B →* A :=
pequiv.to_pinv1 f
@ -728,14 +733,14 @@ namespace pointed
have is_equiv f, from adjointify f (to_pinv f) (pequiv.pright_inv f) (pleft_inv' f),
|||| f _
attribute pointed._trans_of_equiv_of_pequiv pequiv._trans_of_to_pmap [unfold 3]
attribute pointed._trans_of_equiv_of_pequiv pointed._trans_of_pmap_of_pequiv [unfold 3]
definition pequiv.to_is_equiv [instance] [constructor] (f : A ≃* B) :
is_equiv (pointed._trans_of_equiv_of_pequiv f) :=
adjointify f (to_pinv f) (pequiv.pright_inv f) (pleft_inv' f)
definition pequiv.to_is_equiv' [instance] [constructor] (f : A ≃* B) :
is_equiv (pequiv._trans_of_to_pmap f) :=
is_equiv (pointed._trans_of_pmap_of_pequiv f) :=
pequiv.to_is_equiv f
protected definition pequiv.MK [constructor] (f : A →* B) (g : B →* A)
@ -1067,9 +1072,9 @@ namespace pointed
ppmap A B →* ppmap A' B' :=
|||| (λh, g ∘* h ∘* f)
abstract begin
fapply pmap_eq,
fapply eq_of_phomotopy, fapply,
{ esimp, intro a, exact respect_pt g},
{ rewrite [▸*, ap_constant], apply idp_con}
{ rewrite [▸*, ap_constant], exact !idp_con⁻¹ }
end end
definition pequiv_pinverse (A : Type*) : Ω A ≃* Ω A :=
@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ namespace pointed
definition eq_of_phomotopy_trans {X Y : Type*} {f g h : X →* Y} (p : f ~* g) (q : g ~* h) :
eq_of_phomotopy (p ⬝* q) = eq_of_phomotopy p ⬝ eq_of_phomotopy q :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, induction q using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, induction q using phomotopy_rec_idp,
exact ap eq_of_phomotopy !trans_refl ⬝ whisker_left _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹
definition refl_trans {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : phomotopy.refl f ⬝* p = p :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀,
induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀,
@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ namespace pointed
definition trans_assoc {A B : Type*} {f g h i : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) (q : g ~* h)
(r : h ~* i) : p ⬝* q ⬝* r = p ⬝* (q ⬝* r) :=
induction r using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction r using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction B with B b₀,
induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀,
@ -217,18 +217,18 @@ namespace pointed
definition symm_symm {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : p⁻¹*⁻¹* = p :=
phomotopy_eq (λa, !inv_inv)
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, induction f with f f₀, induction B with B b₀,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, induction f with f f₀, induction B with B b₀,
esimp at *, induction f₀, reflexivity
definition trans_right_inv {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : p ⬝* p⁻¹* = phomotopy.rfl :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, exact !refl_trans ⬝ !refl_symm
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, exact !refl_trans ⬝ !refl_symm
definition trans_left_inv {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) : p⁻¹* ⬝* p = phomotopy.rfl :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, exact !trans_refl ⬝ !refl_symm
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, exact !trans_refl ⬝ !refl_symm
definition trans2 {A B : Type*} {f g h : A →* B} {p p' : f ~* g} {q q' : g ~* h}
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition trans_symm {A B : Type*} {f g h : A →* B} (p : f ~* g) (q : g ~* h) :
(p ⬝* q)⁻¹* = q⁻¹* ⬝* p⁻¹* :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, induction q using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, induction q using phomotopy_rec_idp,
exact !trans_refl⁻²** ⬝ !trans_refl⁻¹ ⬝ idp ◾** !refl_symm⁻¹
@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ namespace pointed
(p : f₁ ~* f₂) (q : f₂ ~* f₃) :
pwhisker_left g (p ⬝* q) = pwhisker_left g p ⬝* pwhisker_left g q :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine _ ⬝ !pwhisker_left_refl⁻¹ ◾** !pwhisker_left_refl⁻¹,
refine ap (pwhisker_left g) !trans_refl ⬝ !pwhisker_left_refl ⬝ !trans_refl⁻¹
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ namespace pointed
(p : g₁ ~* g₂) (q : g₂ ~* g₃) :
pwhisker_right f (p ⬝* q) = pwhisker_right f p ⬝* pwhisker_right f q :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine _ ⬝ !pwhisker_right_refl⁻¹ ◾** !pwhisker_right_refl⁻¹,
refine ap (pwhisker_right f) !trans_refl ⬝ !pwhisker_right_refl ⬝ !trans_refl⁻¹
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition pwhisker_left_symm {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) {f₁ f₂ : A →* B} (p : f₁ ~* f₂) :
pwhisker_left g p⁻¹* = (pwhisker_left g p)⁻¹* :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine _ ⬝ ap phomotopy.symm !pwhisker_left_refl⁻¹,
refine ap (pwhisker_left g) !refl_symm ⬝ !pwhisker_left_refl ⬝ !refl_symm⁻¹
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition pwhisker_right_symm {A B C : Type*} (f : A →* B) {g₁ g₂ : B →* C} (p : g₁ ~* g₂) :
pwhisker_right f p⁻¹* = (pwhisker_right f p)⁻¹* :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine _ ⬝ ap phomotopy.symm !pwhisker_right_refl⁻¹,
refine ap (pwhisker_right f) !refl_symm ⬝ !pwhisker_right_refl ⬝ !refl_symm⁻¹
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ namespace pointed
(p : f ~* f') : phsquare (passoc h g f) (passoc h g f')
(pwhisker_left (h ∘* g) p) (pwhisker_left h (pwhisker_left g p)) :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine idp ◾** (ap (pwhisker_left h) !pwhisker_left_refl ⬝ !pwhisker_left_refl) ⬝ _ ⬝
!pwhisker_left_refl⁻¹ ◾** idp,
exact !trans_refl ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ namespace pointed
(p : g ~* g') : phsquare (passoc h g f) (passoc h g' f)
(pwhisker_right f (pwhisker_left h p)) (pwhisker_left h (pwhisker_right f p)) :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
rewrite [pwhisker_right_refl, pwhisker_left_refl],
rewrite [pwhisker_right_refl, pwhisker_left_refl],
exact phvrfl
@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ namespace pointed
(p : g ~* g') (q : f ~* f') :
phsquare (pwhisker_right f p) (pwhisker_right f' p) (pwhisker_left g q) (pwhisker_left g' q) :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
induction q using phomotopy_rec_idp,
exact !pwhisker_right_refl ◾** !pwhisker_left_refl ⬝
!pwhisker_left_refl⁻¹ ◾** !pwhisker_right_refl⁻¹
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition pcompose_left_eq_of_phomotopy {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) {f f' : A →* B}
(H : f ~* f') : ap (λf, g ∘* f) (eq_of_phomotopy H) = eq_of_phomotopy (pwhisker_left g H) :=
induction H using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction H using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ ⬝ ap eq_of_phomotopy _,
exact !pwhisker_left_refl⁻¹
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition pcompose_right_eq_of_phomotopy {A B C : Type*} {g g' : B →* C} (f : A →* B)
(H : g ~* g') : ap (λg, g ∘* f) (eq_of_phomotopy H) = eq_of_phomotopy (pwhisker_right f H) :=
induction H using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction H using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ ⬝ ap eq_of_phomotopy _,
exact !pwhisker_right_refl⁻¹
@ -606,9 +606,9 @@ namespace pointed
fapply pequiv.MK',
{ exact papply B tt },
{ exact pbool_pmap },
{ intro f, fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro f, fapply eq_of_phomotopy, fapply,
{ intro b, cases b, exact !respect_pt⁻¹, reflexivity },
{ exact !con.left_inv⁻¹ }},
{ exact !con.left_inv }},
{ intro b, reflexivity },
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ namespace pointed
assert H : Π(p : pconst A B ~* f),
pconst_pcompose f = pwhisker_left (pconst B C) p⁻¹* ⬝* pcompose_pconst (pconst B C),
{ intro p, induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, reflexivity },
{ intro p, induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, reflexivity },
refine H p⁻¹* ⬝ ap (pwhisker_left _) !symm_symm ◾** idp,
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ namespace pointed
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro a, exact to_homotopy_pt p },
{ induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, induction C with C c₀, induction f with f f₀,
{ induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp, induction C with C c₀, induction f with f f₀,
esimp at *, induction f₀, reflexivity }
@ -731,13 +731,13 @@ namespace pointed
definition ppcompose_left_phomotopy [constructor] {A B C : Type*} {g g' : B →* C} (p : g ~* g') :
@ppcompose_left A _ _ g ~* ppcompose_left g' :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
definition ppcompose_left_phomotopy_refl {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) :
ppcompose_left_phomotopy (phomotopy.refl g) = phomotopy.refl (@ppcompose_left A _ _ g) :=
/- a more explicit proof of ppcompose_left_phomotopy, which might be useful if we need to prove properties about it
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition ppcompose_right_phomotopy [constructor] {A B C : Type*} {f f' : A →* B} (p : f ~* f') :
@ppcompose_right _ _ C f ~* ppcompose_right f' :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
@ -791,12 +791,12 @@ namespace pointed
theorem pwhisker_left_phomotopy_hconcat {f₀₁'} (r : f₀₁' ~* f₀₁)
(p : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) (q : psquare f₁₂ f₁₄ f₀₃ f₂₃) :
pwhisker_left f₀₃ r ⬝ph* (p ⬝v* q) = (r ⬝ph* p) ⬝v* q :=
by induction r using phomotopy_rec_on_idp; rewrite [pwhisker_left_refl, +refl_phomotopy_hconcat]
by induction r using phomotopy_rec_idp; rewrite [pwhisker_left_refl, +refl_phomotopy_hconcat]
theorem pvcompose_pwhisker_left {f₀₁'} (r : f₀₁ ~* f₀₁')
(p : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) (q : psquare f₁₂ f₁₄ f₀₃ f₂₃) :
(p ⬝v* q) ⬝* (pwhisker_left f₁₄ (pwhisker_left f₀₃ r)) = (p ⬝* pwhisker_left f₁₂ r) ⬝v* q :=
by induction r using phomotopy_rec_on_idp; rewrite [+pwhisker_left_refl, + trans_refl]
by induction r using phomotopy_rec_idp; rewrite [+pwhisker_left_refl, + trans_refl]
definition phconcat2 {p p' : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁} {q q' : psquare f₃₀ f₃₂ f₂₁ f₄₁}
(r : p = p') (s : q = q') : p ⬝h* q = p' ⬝h* q' :=
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