feat(hit): define mapping cylinder, coequalizer and quotient in terms of colimit
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: hit.coeq
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Declaration of the coequalizer
import .colimit
open colimit bool eq
namespace coeq
universe u
parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f g : A → B)
definition coeq_diag [reducible] : diagram :=
diagram.mk bool
(λi, bool.rec_on i A B)
(λj, ff)
(λj, tt)
(λj, bool.rec_on j f g)
local notation `D` := coeq_diag
definition coeq := colimit coeq_diag -- TODO: define this in root namespace
local attribute coeq_diag [instance]
definition coeq_i (x : B) : coeq :=
@ι _ _ x
/- cp is the name Coq uses. I don't know what it abbreviates, but at least it's short :-) -/
definition cp (x : A) : coeq_i (f x) = coeq_i (g x) :=
@cglue _ _ x ⬝ (@cglue _ _ x)⁻¹
protected definition rec {P : coeq → Type} (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x))
(Pcp : Π(x : A), cp x ▹ P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) (y : coeq) : P y :=
fapply (@colimit.rec_on _ _ y),
{ intros [i, x], cases i,
exact (@cglue _ _ x ▹ P_i (f x)),
apply P_i},
{ intros [j, x], cases j,
exact idp,
esimp [coeq_diag],
apply tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr,
apply concat, rotate 1, apply tr_con,
rewrite -Pcp}
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : coeq → Type} (y : coeq)
(P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x)) (Pcp : Π(x : A), cp x ▹ P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) : P y :=
rec P_i Pcp y
protected definition elim {P : Type} (P_i : B → P)
(Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) (y : coeq) : P :=
rec P_i (λx, !tr_constant ⬝ Pcp x) y
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (y : coeq) (P_i : B → P)
(Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x)) : P :=
elim P_i Pcp y
definition rec_cp {P : coeq → Type} (P_i : Π(x : B), P (coeq_i x))
(Pcp : Π(x : A), cp x ▹ P_i (f x) = P_i (g x))
(x : A) : apD (rec P_i Pcp) (cp x) = sorry ⬝ Pcp x ⬝ sorry :=
definition elim_cp {P : Type} (P_i : B → P) (Pcp : Π(x : A), P_i (f x) = P_i (g x))
(x : A) : ap (elim P_i Pcp) (cp x) = sorry ⬝ Pcp x ⬝ sorry :=
end coeq
@ -5,29 +5,76 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: hit.cylinder
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Mapping cylinders
Declaration of mapping cylinders
/- The hit mapping cylinder is primitive, declared in init.hit. -/
import .colimit
open eq
open colimit bool unit eq
namespace cylinder
variables {A B : Type} {f : A → B}
universe u
parameters {A B : Type.{u}} (f : A → B)
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) {b : B} (x : cylinder f b) : P :=
cylinder.rec Pbase Ptop (λa, !tr_constant ⬝ Pseg a) x
definition cylinder_diag [reducible] : diagram :=
diagram.mk bool
(λi, bool.rec_on i A B)
(λj, ff)
(λj, tt)
(λj, f)
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} {b : B} (x : cylinder f b)
(Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) : P :=
cylinder.elim Pbase Ptop Pseg x
local notation `D` := cylinder_diag
definition elim_seg {P : Type} (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) {b : B} (x : cylinder f b) (a : A) :
ap (elim Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg f a) = sorry ⬝ Pseg a ⬝ sorry :=
definition cylinder := colimit cylinder_diag -- TODO: define this in root namespace
local attribute cylinder_diag [instance]
definition base (b : B) : cylinder :=
@ι _ _ b
definition top (a : A) : cylinder :=
@ι _ _ a
definition seg (a : A) : base (f a) = top a :=
@cglue _ star a
protected definition rec {P : cylinder → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg a ▹ Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (x : cylinder) : P x :=
fapply (@colimit.rec_on _ _ x),
{ intros [i, x], cases i,
apply Ptop,
apply Pbase},
{ intros [j, x], cases j, apply Pseg}
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : cylinder → Type} (x : cylinder)
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg a ▹ Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) : P x :=
rec Pbase Ptop Pseg x
protected definition elim {P : Type} (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) (x : cylinder) : P :=
rec Pbase Ptop (λa, !tr_constant ⬝ Pseg a) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : cylinder) (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a) : P :=
elim Pbase Ptop Pseg x
definition rec_seg {P : cylinder → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg a ▹ Pbase (f a) = Ptop a)
(a : A) : apD (rec Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg a) = sorry ⬝ Pseg a ⬝ sorry :=
definition elim_seg {P : Type} (Pbase : B → P) (Ptop : A → P)
(Pseg : Π(a : A), Pbase (f a) = Ptop a)
(a : A) : ap (elim Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg a) = sorry ⬝ Pseg a ⬝ sorry :=
end cylinder
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: hit.pushout
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Declaration of pushout
Declaration of the pushout
import .colimit
@ -46,15 +46,12 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type.{u}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
definition pushout := colimit pushout_diag -- TODO: define this in root namespace
local attribute pushout_diag [instance]
definition inl (x : BL) : pushout :=
definition inl (x : BL) : pushout :=
@ι _ _ x
definition inr (x : TR) : pushout :=
@ι _ _ x
definition coherence (x : TL) : inl (f x) = @ι _ _ x :=
@cglue _ _ x
definition glue (x : TL) : inl (f x) = inr (g x) :=
@cglue _ _ x ⬝ (@cglue _ _ x)⁻¹
@ -64,7 +61,7 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type.{u}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
fapply (@colimit.rec_on _ _ y),
{ intros [i, x], cases i,
exact (coherence x ▹ Pinl (f x)),
exact (@cglue _ _ x ▹ Pinl (f x)),
apply Pinl,
apply Pinr},
{ intros [j, x], cases j,
@ -84,6 +81,7 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type.{u}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
(Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▹ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x)) : P y :=
rec Pinl Pinr Pglue y
--these definitions are needed until we have them definitionally
definition rec_inl {P : pushout → Type} (Pinl : Π(x : BL), P (inl x))
(Pinr : Π(x : TR), P (inr x)) (Pglue : Π(x : TL), glue x ▹ Pinl (f x) = Pinr (g x))
(x : BL) : rec Pinl Pinr Pglue (inl x) = Pinl x :=
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: hit.quotient
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Declaration of set-quotients
We aim to model
HIT quotient : Type :=
| class_of : A -> quotient
| eq_of_rel : Πa a', R a a' → class_of a = class_of a'
| is_hset_quotient : is_hset quotient
import .coeq .trunc
open coeq eq is_trunc trunc
namespace quotient
universe u
parameters {A : Type.{u}} (R : A → A → hprop.{u})
structure total : Type := {pt1 : A} {pt2 : A} (rel : R pt1 pt2)
open total
definition quotient : Type :=
trunc 0 (coeq (pt1 : total → A) (pt2 : total → A))
definition class_of (a : A) : quotient :=
tr (coeq_i _ _ a)
definition eq_of_rel {a a' : A} (H : R a a') : class_of a = class_of a' :=
ap tr (cp _ _ (total.mk H))
definition is_hset_quotient : is_hset quotient :=
by unfold quotient; exact _
protected definition rec {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_trunc 0 (P aa)]
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▹ Pc a = Pc a')
(x : quotient) : P x :=
apply (@trunc.rec_on _ _ P x),
{ intro x', apply Pt},
{ intro y, fapply (coeq.rec_on _ _ y),
{ exact Pc},
{ intro H, cases H with [a, a', H], esimp [is_typeof],
--rewrite (transport_compose P tr (cp pt1 pt2 (total.mk H)) (Pc a))
apply concat, apply transport_compose;apply Pp}}
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {P : quotient → Type} (x : quotient)
[Pt : Πaa, is_trunc 0 (P aa)] (Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a))
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▹ Pc a = Pc a') : P x :=
rec Pc Pp x
definition rec_eq_of_rel {P : quotient → Type} [Pt : Πaa, is_trunc 0 (P aa)]
(Pc : Π(a : A), P (class_of a)) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), eq_of_rel H ▹ Pc a = Pc a')
{a a' : A} (H : R a a') : apD (rec Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = sorry ⬝ Pp H ⬝ sorry :=
protected definition elim {P : Type} [Pt : is_trunc 0 P] (Pc : A → P)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') (x : quotient) : P :=
rec Pc (λa a' H, !tr_constant ⬝ Pp H) x
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {P : Type} (x : quotient) [Pt : is_trunc 0 P]
(Pc : A → P) (Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') : P :=
elim Pc Pp x
protected definition elim_eq_of_rel {P : Type} [Pt : is_trunc 0 P] (Pc : A → P)
(Pp : Π⦃a a' : A⦄ (H : R a a'), Pc a = Pc a') {a a' : A} (H : R a a')
: ap (elim Pc Pp) (eq_of_rel H) = sorry ⬝ Pp H ⬝ sorry :=
end quotient
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace suspension
protected definition elim_on [reducible] {A : Type} {P : Type} (x : suspension A)
(PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS) : P :=
rec PN PS (λa, !tr_constant ⬝ Pm a) x
elim PN PS Pm x
protected definition elim_merid {A : Type} {P : Type} (PN : P) (PS : P) (Pm : A → PN = PS)
(x : suspension A) (a : A) : ap (elim PN PS Pm) (merid a) = sorry ⬝ Pm a ⬝ sorry :=
@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ import .trunc
open is_trunc eq
We take three higher inductive types (hits) as primitive notions in Lean. We define all other hits
in terms of these three hits. The hits which are primitive are
We take two higher inductive types (hits) as primitive notions in Lean. We define all other hits
in terms of these two hits. The hits which are primitive are
- n-truncation
- the mapping cylinder
- general colimits
For each of the hits we add the following constants:
- the type formation
@ -53,50 +52,6 @@ namespace trunc
end trunc
constant cylinder.{u v} {A : Type.{u}} {B : Type.{v}} (f : A → B) : B → Type.{max u v}
namespace cylinder
constant base {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (b : B) : cylinder f b
constant top {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (a : A) : cylinder f (f a)
constant seg {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (a : A) : top f a = base f (f a)
axiom is_trunc_trunc (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) : is_trunc n (trunc n A)
attribute is_trunc_trunc [instance]
/-protected-/ constant rec {A B : Type} {f : A → B} {P : Π{b : B}, cylinder f b → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base f b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top f a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg f a ▹ Ptop a = Pbase (f a))
: Π{b : B} (x : cylinder f b), P x
protected definition rec_on [reducible] {A B : Type} {f : A → B}
{P : Π{b : B}, cylinder f b → Type} {b : B} (x : cylinder f b) (Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base f b))
(Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top f a)) (Pseg : Π(a : A), seg f a ▹ Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) : P x :=
cylinder.rec Pbase Ptop Pseg x
definition rec_base [reducible] {A B : Type} {f : A → B} {P : Π{b : B}, cylinder f b → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base f b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top f a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg f a ▹ Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) (b : B) :
cylinder.rec Pbase Ptop Pseg (base f b) = Pbase b :=
sorry --idp
definition rec_top [reducible] {A B : Type} {f : A → B} {P : Π{b : B}, cylinder f b → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base f b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top f a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg f a ▹ Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) (a : A) :
cylinder.rec Pbase Ptop Pseg (top f a) = Ptop a :=
sorry --idp
definition rec_seg [reducible] {A B : Type} {f : A → B} {P : Π{b : B}, cylinder f b → Type}
(Pbase : Π(b : B), P (base f b)) (Ptop : Π(a : A), P (top f a))
(Pseg : Π(a : A), seg f a ▹ Ptop a = Pbase (f a)) (a : A) :
apD (cylinder.rec Pbase Ptop Pseg) (seg f a) = sorry ⬝ Pseg a ⬝ sorry :=
--the sorry's in the statement can be removed when rec_base/rec_top are definitional
end cylinder
namespace colimit
structure diagram [class] :=
(Iob : Type)
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