feat(init/funext): add function extensionality as an axiom.

This allows us to keep track of theorems which use function extensionality, but not full univalence
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Floris van Doorn 2016-03-06 11:24:07 -05:00
parent 2d9c3985c9
commit 1e10810a1e

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@ -221,15 +221,22 @@ theorem weak_funext_of_ua : weak_funext :=
from p⁻¹ ▸ tU,
-- In the following we will proof function extensionality using the univalence axiom
-- we have proven function extensionality from the univalence axiom
definition funext_of_ua : funext :=
funext_of_weak_funext (@weak_funext_of_ua)
We still take funext as an axiom, so that when you write "print axioms foo", you can see whether
it uses only function extensionality, and not also univalence.
axiom function_extensionality : funext
variables {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f g : Π x, P x}
namespace funext
theorem is_equiv_apd [instance] (f g : Π x, P x) : is_equiv (@apd10 A P f g) :=
funext_of_ua f g
function_extensionality f g
end funext
open funext