feat(library/algebra/ordered_ring): add theorems used for rational upper bounds
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4 changed files with 36 additions and 160 deletions
@ -422,6 +422,13 @@ section
theorem zero_gt_neg_one : -1 < (0:A) :=
theorem zero_gt_neg_one : -1 < (0:A) :=
neg_zero ▸ (neg_lt_neg zero_lt_one)
neg_zero ▸ (neg_lt_neg zero_lt_one)
theorem le_of_mul_le_of_ge_one {a b c : A} (H : a * c ≤ b) (Hb : b ≥ 0) (Hc : c ≥ 1) : a ≤ b :=
have H' : a * c ≤ b * c, from calc
a * c ≤ b : H
... = b * 1 : mul_one
... ≤ b * c : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left Hc Hb,
le_of_mul_le_mul_right H' (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one Hc)
/- TODO: Isabelle's library has all kinds of cancelation rules for the simplifier.
/- TODO: Isabelle's library has all kinds of cancelation rules for the simplifier.
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Basic types:
* [fin](fin.lean) : finite ordinals
* [fin](fin.lean) : finite ordinals
* [int](int/int.md) : the integers
* [int](int/int.md) : the integers
* [rat](rat/rat.md) : the rationals
* [rat](rat/rat.md) : the rationals
* [pnat](pnat.lean) : the positive natural numbers
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ by rewrite [*of_nat_eq, propext !of_int_le_of_int]; apply int.of_nat_le_of_nat
theorem of_nat_pos (a : ℕ) : (of_nat a > 0) ↔ (#nat a > nat.zero) :=
theorem of_nat_pos (a : ℕ) : (of_nat a > 0) ↔ (#nat a > nat.zero) :=
theorem of_nat_nonneg (a : ℕ) : (of_nat a ≥ 0) ↔ (#nat a ≥ nat.zero) :=
theorem of_nat_nonneg (a : ℕ) : (of_nat a ≥ 0) :=
iff.mp' !of_nat_le_of_nat !nat.zero_le
theorem le.refl (a : ℚ) : a ≤ a :=
theorem le.refl (a : ℚ) : a ≤ a :=
by rewrite [↑rat.le, sub_self]; apply nonneg_zero
by rewrite [↑rat.le, sub_self]; apply nonneg_zero
@ -11,166 +11,13 @@ To do:
o Rename things and possibly make theorems private
o Rename things and possibly make theorems private
import data.nat data.rat.order data.nat.pnat
import data.nat data.rat.order data.pnat
open nat eq eq.ops pnat
open nat eq eq.ops pnat
open -[coercions] rat
open -[coercions] rat
local notation 0 := rat.of_num 0
local notation 0 := rat.of_num 0
local notation 1 := rat.of_num 1
local notation 1 := rat.of_num 1
-- positive naturals
/-inductive pnat : Type :=
pos : Π n : nat, n > 0 → pnat
notation `ℕ+` := pnat
definition nat_of_pnat (p : pnat) : ℕ :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, n)
local postfix `~` : std.prec.max_plus := nat_of_pnat
theorem nat_of_pnat_pos (p : pnat) : nat_of_pnat p > 0 :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, H)
definition add (p q : pnat) : pnat :=
pnat.pos (p~ + q~) (nat.add_pos (nat_of_pnat_pos p) (nat_of_pnat_pos q))
infix `+` := add
definition mul (p q : pnat) : pnat :=
pnat.pos (p~ * q~) (nat.mul_pos (nat_of_pnat_pos p) (nat_of_pnat_pos q))
infix `*` := mul
definition le (p q : pnat) := p~ ≤ q~
infix `≤` := le
notation p `≥` q := q ≤ p
definition lt (p q : pnat) := p~ < q~
infix `<` := lt
definition pnat_le_decidable [instance] (p q : pnat) : decidable (p ≤ q) :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, pnat.rec_on q
(λ m H2, if Hl : n ≤ m then decidable.inl Hl else decidable.inr Hl))
definition pnat_lt_decidable [instance] {p q : pnat} : decidable (p < q) :=
pnat.rec_on p (λ n H, pnat.rec_on q
(λ m H2, if Hl : n < m then decidable.inl Hl else decidable.inr Hl))
theorem ple.trans {p q r : pnat} (H1 : p ≤ q) (H2 : q ≤ r) : p ≤ r := nat.le.trans H1 H2
definition max (p q : pnat) :=
pnat.pos (nat.max (p~) (q~)) (nat.lt_of_lt_of_le (!nat_of_pnat_pos) (!le_max_right))
theorem max_right (a b : ℕ+) : max a b ≥ b := !le_max_right
theorem max_left (a b : ℕ+) : max a b ≥ a := !le_max_left
theorem max_eq_right {a b : ℕ+} (H : a < b) : max a b = b := sorry -- nat.max_eq_right H
theorem max_eq_left {a b : ℕ+} (H : ¬ a < b) : max a b = a := sorry
theorem pnat.le_of_lt {a b : ℕ+} (H : a < b) : a ≤ b := nat.le_of_lt H
theorem pnat.not_lt_of_le {a b : ℕ+} (H : a ≤ b) : ¬ (b < a) := nat.not_lt_of_ge H
theorem pnat.le_of_not_lt {a b : ℕ+} (H : ¬ a < b) : b ≤ a := nat.le_of_not_gt H
theorem pnat.eq_of_le_of_ge {a b : ℕ+} (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ a) : a = b := sorry
theorem pnat.le.refl (a : ℕ+) : a ≤ a := !nat.le.refl
notation 2 := pnat.pos 2 dec_trivial
notation 3 := pnat.pos 3 dec_trivial
definition pone : pnat := pnat.pos 1 dec_trivial
definition pnat.to_rat [reducible] (n : ℕ+) : ℚ :=
pnat.rec_on n (λ n H, of_nat n)
-- these will come in rat
theorem rat_of_nat_nonneg (n : ℕ) : 0 ≤ of_nat n := sorry
theorem rat_of_nat_is_pos (n : ℕ) (Hn : n > 0) : of_nat n > 0 := sorry
theorem rat_of_nat_ge_one (n : ℕ) : n ≥ 1 → of_nat n ≥ 1 := sorry
theorem ge_one_of_pos {n : ℕ} (Hn : n > 0) : n ≥ 1 := succ_le_of_lt Hn
theorem rat_of_pnat_ge_one (n : ℕ+) : pnat.to_rat n ≥ 1 :=
pnat.rec_on n (λ m h, rat_of_nat_ge_one m (ge_one_of_pos h))
theorem rat_of_pnat_is_pos (n : ℕ+) : pnat.to_rat n > 0 :=
pnat.rec_on n (λ m h, rat_of_nat_is_pos (m) h)
-- not used, except maybe in following thm
theorem nat_le_to_rat_le {m n : ℕ} (H : m ≤ n) : of_nat m ≤ of_nat n := sorry
theorem pnat_le_to_rat_le {m n : ℕ+} (H : m ≤ n) : pnat.to_rat m ≤ pnat.to_rat n := sorry
definition inv (n : ℕ+) : ℚ := (1 : ℚ) / pnat.to_rat n
postfix `⁻¹` := inv
theorem inv_pos (n : ℕ+) : n⁻¹ > 0 := div_pos_of_pos !rat_of_pnat_is_pos
theorem inv_le_one (n : ℕ+) : n⁻¹ ≤ (1 : ℚ) := sorry
theorem inv_lt_one_of_gt {n : ℕ+} (H : n~ > 1) : n⁻¹ < (1 : ℚ) := sorry
theorem pone_inv : pone⁻¹ = 1 := rfl -- ? Why is this rfl?
theorem add_invs_nonneg (m n : ℕ+) : 0 ≤ m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ :=
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply rat.add_pos,
repeat apply inv_pos,
theorem half_shrink_strong (n : ℕ+) : (2 * n)⁻¹ < n⁻¹ := sorry
theorem half_shrink (n : ℕ+) : (2 * n)⁻¹ ≤ n⁻¹ := le_of_lt !half_shrink_strong
theorem inv_ge_of_le {p q : ℕ+} (H : p ≤ q) : q⁻¹ ≤ p⁻¹ := sorry
theorem ge_of_inv_le {p q : ℕ+} (H : p⁻¹ ≤ q⁻¹) : q < p := sorry
theorem padd_halves (p : ℕ+) : (2 * p)⁻¹ + (2 * p)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ := sorry
theorem p_add_fractions (n : ℕ+) : (2 * n)⁻¹ + (2 * 3 * n)⁻¹ + (3 * n)⁻¹ = n⁻¹ := sorry
theorem add_halves_double (m n : ℕ+) :
m⁻¹ + n⁻¹ = ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) + ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) :=
have simp [visible] : ∀ a b : ℚ, (a + a) + (b + b) = (a + b) + (a + b), from sorry,
by rewrite [-padd_halves m, -padd_halves n, simp]
theorem pnat_div_helper {p q : ℕ+} : (p * q)⁻¹ = p⁻¹ * q⁻¹ := sorry
theorem inv_mul_le_inv (p q : ℕ+) : (p * q)⁻¹ ≤ q⁻¹ :=
rewrite [pnat_div_helper, -{q⁻¹}rat.one_mul at {2}],
apply rat.mul_le_mul,
apply inv_le_one,
apply rat.le.refl,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply inv_pos,
apply rat.le_of_lt rat.zero_lt_one
theorem pnat_mul_le_mul_left' (a b c : ℕ+) (H : a ≤ b) : c * a ≤ c * b := sorry
theorem pnat_mul_assoc (a b c : ℕ+) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) := sorry
theorem pnat_mul_comm (a b : ℕ+) : a * b = b * a := sorry
theorem pnat_add_assoc (a b c : ℕ+) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) := sorry
theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_3 (a b n : ℕ+) (p : ℚ) :
p * ((a * n)⁻¹ + (b * n)⁻¹) = p * (a⁻¹ + b⁻¹) * n⁻¹ := sorry
theorem pnat.mul_le_mul_left (p q : ℕ+) : q ≤ p * q := sorry
theorem pnat.mul_le_mul_right (p q : ℕ+) : p ≤ p * q := sorry
theorem one_lt_two : pone < 2 := sorry
theorem pnat.lt_of_not_le {p q : ℕ+} (H : ¬ p ≤ q) : q < p := sorry
theorem pnat.inv_cancel (p : ℕ+) : pnat.to_rat p * p⁻¹ = (1 : ℚ) := sorry
theorem pnat.inv_cancel_right (p : ℕ+) : p⁻¹ * pnat.to_rat p = (1 : ℚ) := sorry-/
-- theorems to add to (ordered) field and/or rat
-- theorems to add to (ordered) field and/or rat
@ -188,9 +35,30 @@ theorem find_midpoint {a b : ℚ} (H : a > b) : ∃ c : ℚ, a > b + c :=
from div_lt_div_of_lt_of_pos H2 two_pos,
from div_lt_div_of_lt_of_pos H2 two_pos,
by rewrite [div_two at H3, -div_add_div_same at H3, div_two at H3]; exact H3)
by rewrite [div_two at H3, -div_add_div_same at H3, div_two at H3]; exact H3)
constant ceil : ℚ → ℕ
definition ceil : ℚ → ℕ := λ a, int.nat_abs (num a) + 1
theorem ceil_ge (a : ℚ) : of_nat (ceil a) ≥ a := sorry
theorem rat_of_nat_abs (z : ℤ) : abs (of_int z) = of_nat (int.nat_abs z) :=
have simp [visible] : ∀ n : ℕ, of_int (int.neg_succ_of_nat n) = - of_nat (n + 1), from λ n, rfl,
int.induction_on z
(take a, abs_of_nonneg (!of_nat_nonneg))
(take a, by rewrite [simp, abs_neg, abs_of_nonneg (!of_nat_nonneg)])
theorem ceil_ge (a : ℚ) : of_nat (ceil a) ≥ a :=
have H : abs a * abs (of_int (denom a)) = abs (of_int (num a)), from !abs_mul ▸ !mul_denom ▸ rfl,
have H'' : 1 ≤ abs (of_int (denom a)), begin
have J : of_int (denom a) > 0, from (iff.mp' !of_int_pos) !denom_pos,
rewrite (abs_of_pos J),
apply iff.mp' !of_int_le_of_int,
apply denom_pos
have H' : abs a ≤ abs (of_int (num a)), from
le_of_mul_le_of_ge_one (H ▸ !le.refl) !abs_nonneg H'',
a ≤ abs a : le_abs_self
... ≤ abs (of_int (num a)) : H'
... ≤ abs (of_int (num a)) + 1 : rat.le_add_of_nonneg_right trivial
... = of_nat (int.nat_abs (num a)) + 1 : rat_of_nat_abs
... = of_nat (int.nat_abs (num a) + 1) : of_nat_add
theorem add_sub_comm (a b c d : ℚ) : a + b - (c + d) = (a - c) + (b - d) := sorry
theorem add_sub_comm (a b c d : ℚ) : a + b - (c + d) = (a - c) + (b - d) := sorry
@ -200,7 +68,7 @@ theorem distrib_three_right (a b c d : ℚ) : (a + b + c) * d = a * d + b * d +
theorem mul_le_mul_of_mul_div_le (a b c d : ℚ) : a * (b / c) ≤ d → b * a ≤ d * c := sorry
theorem mul_le_mul_of_mul_div_le (a b c d : ℚ) : a * (b / c) ≤ d → b * a ≤ d * c := sorry
definition pceil (a : ℚ) : ℕ+ := pnat.pos (ceil a + 1) (sorry)
definition pceil (a : ℚ) : ℕ+ := pnat.pos (ceil a) (add_pos_right dec_trivial _)
theorem pceil_helper {a : ℚ} {n : ℕ+} (H : pceil a ≤ n) : n⁻¹ ≤ 1 / a := sorry
theorem pceil_helper {a : ℚ} {n : ℕ+} (H : pceil a ≤ n) : n⁻¹ ≤ 1 / a := sorry
@ -216,7 +84,7 @@ theorem s_mul_assoc_lemma_4 {n : ℕ+} {ε q : ℚ} (Hε : ε > 0) (Hq : q > 0)
apply mul_le_mul_of_mul_div_le,
apply mul_le_mul_of_mul_div_le,
-- small helper lemmas
-- small helper lemmas
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