refactor(src/library/export): prefix export keywords with #
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 155 additions and 155 deletions
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ We can also view it as the empty name.
The following commands are used to define hierarchical names in the export file.
<nidx'> s <nidx> <string>
<nidx'> i <nidx> <integer>
<nidx'> #s <nidx> <string>
<nidx'> #i <nidx> <integer>
In both commands, `nidx` is the unique identifier of an existing hierarchical name,
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ and the second by appending the given integer.
The hierarchical name `` may be defined using the following sequence of commands
1 s 0 foo
2 s 1 bla
3 i 2 1
4 s 3 boo
1 #s 0 foo
2 #s 1 bla
3 #i 2 1
4 #s 3 boo
Universe terms
@ -48,28 +48,28 @@ The unsigned integer 0 is used to denote the universe 0.
The following commands are used to create universe terms in the export file.
<uidx'> US <uidx>
<uidx'> UM <uidx_1> <uidx_2>
<uidx'> UIM <uidx_1> <uidx_2>
<uidx'> UP <nidx>
<uidx'> UG <nidx>
<uidx'> #US <uidx>
<uidx'> #UM <uidx_1> <uidx_2>
<uidx'> #UIM <uidx_1> <uidx_2>
<uidx'> #UP <nidx>
<uidx'> #UG <nidx>
In the commands above, `uidx`, `uidx_1` and `uidx_2` denote the unique identifier of existing universe terms,
`nidx` the unique identifier of existing hierarchical names, and `nidx'` is the identifier for the universe
term being defined. The command `US` defines the _successor_ universe for `uidx`, the `UM` the maximum universe for `uidx_1` and `uidx_2`,
and `UIM` is the "impredicative" maximum. It is defined as zero if `uidx_2` evaluates to zero, and `UM` otherwise.
The command `UP` defines the universe parameter with name `nidx`, and `UG` the global universe with name `nidx`.
term being defined. The command `#US` defines the _successor_ universe for `uidx`, the `#UM` the maximum universe for `uidx_1` and `uidx_2`,
and `#UIM` is the "impredicative" maximum. It is defined as zero if `uidx_2` evaluates to zero, and `#UM` otherwise.
The command `#UP` defines the universe parameter with name `nidx`, and `#UG` the global universe with name `nidx`.
Here is the sequence of commands for creating the universe term `imax (max 2 l1) l2`.
1 s 0 l1
2 s 0 l2
1 US 0
2 US 1
3 UP 1
4 UP 2
5 UM 2 3
6 UIM 5 4
1 #s 0 l1
2 #s 0 l2
1 #US 0
2 #US 1
3 #UP 1
4 #UP 2
5 #UM 2 3
6 #UIM 5 4
Thus, the unique identifier for term `imax (max 2 l1) l2` is `6`. The unique identifier for term `l1` is `3`.
@ -82,58 +82,58 @@ Each expression has a unique identifier: a unsigned integer.
Again, the expression unique identifiers are not disjoint from the universe term and hierarchical name ones.
The following command are used to create expressions in the export file.
<eidx'> V <integer>
<eidx'> S <uidx>
<eidx'> C <nidx> <uidx>*
<eidx'> A <eidx_1> <eidx_2>
<eidx'> L <info> <nidx> <eidx_1> <eidx_2>
<eidx'> P <info> <nidx> <eidx_1> <eidx_2>
<eidx'> #V <integer>
<eidx'> #S <uidx>
<eidx'> #C <nidx> <uidx>*
<eidx'> #A <eidx_1> <eidx_2>
<eidx'> #L <info> <nidx> <eidx_1> <eidx_2>
<eidx'> #P <info> <nidx> <eidx_1> <eidx_2>
In the commands above, `uidx` denotes the unique identifier of existing universe terms,
`nidx` the unique identifier of existing hierarchical names, `eidx_1` and `eidx_2` the unique
identifier of existing expressions, `info` is an annotation (explained later), and
`eidx'` is the identifier for the expression being defined.
The command `V` defines a bound variable with de Bruijn index `<integer>`.
The command `S` defines a sort using the given universe term.
The command `C` defines a constant with hierarchical name `nidx` and instantiated with 0 or more
The command `#V` defines a bound variable with de Bruijn index `<integer>`.
The command `#S` defines a sort using the given universe term.
The command `#C` defines a constant with hierarchical name `nidx` and instantiated with 0 or more
universe terms `<uidx>*`.
The command `A` defines function application where `eidx_1` is the function, and `eidx_2` is the argument.
The command `#A` defines function application where `eidx_1` is the function, and `eidx_2` is the argument.
The binders of lambda and Pi abstractions are decorated with `info`.
This information has no semantic value for fully elaborated terms, but it is useful for pretty printing.
`info` can be one of the following annotations: `D`, `I`, `S` and `C`. The annotation `D` corresponds to
the default binder annotation `(...)` used in `.lean` files, and `I` to `{...}`, `S` to `{{...}}`, and
`C` to `[...]`.
The command `L` defines a lambda abstraction where `nidx` is the binder name, `eidx_1` the type, and
`eidx_2` the body. The command `P` is similar to `L`, but defines a Pi abstraction.
`info` can be one of the following annotations: `#D`, `#I`, `#S` and `#C`. The annotation `#D` corresponds to
the default binder annotation `(...)` used in `.lean` files, and `#I` to `{...}`, `#S` to `{{...}}`, and
`#C` to `[...]`.
The command `#L` defines a lambda abstraction where `nidx` is the binder name, `eidx_1` the type, and
`eidx_2` the body. The command `#P` is similar to `#L`, but defines a Pi abstraction.
Here is the sequence of commands for creating the term `fun {A : Type.{1}} (a : A), a`
1 s 0 A
2 s 1 a
1 US 0
1 S 1
2 V 0
3 L D 2 2
4 L I 1 3
1 #s 0 A
2 #s 1 a
1 #US 0
1 #S 1
2 #V 0
3 #L #D 2 2
4 #L #I 1 3
Now, assume the environment contains the following constant declarations:
`nat : Type.{1}`, ` : nat`, `nat.succ : nat -> nat`, and `vector.{l} : Type.{l} -> nat -> Type.{max 1 l}`.
Then, the following sequence of commands can be used to create the term `vector.{1} nat 3`.
We annotate some commands with comments of the form `-- ...` to make the example easier to understand.
1 s 0 nat
2 s 1 zero
3 s 1 succ
4 s 0 vector
1 US 0
1 C 2 --
2 C 3 -- nat.succ
3 A 2 1 -- nat.succ
4 A 2 3 -- nat.succ (nat.succ
5 A 2 4 -- nat.succ (nat.succ (nat.succ
6 C 4 1 -- vector.{1}
7 C 1 -- nat
8 A 6 7 -- vector.{1} nat
9 A 8 5 -- vector.{1} nat (nat.succ (nat.succ (nat.succ
1 #s 0 nat
2 #s 1 zero
3 #s 1 succ
4 #s 0 vector
1 #US 0
1 #C 2 --
2 #C 3 -- nat.succ
3 #A 2 1 -- nat.succ
4 #A 2 3 -- nat.succ (nat.succ
5 #A 2 4 -- nat.succ (nat.succ (nat.succ
6 #C 4 1 -- vector.{1}
7 #C 1 -- nat
8 #A 6 7 -- vector.{1} nat
9 #A 8 5 -- vector.{1} nat (nat.succ (nat.succ (nat.succ
Imported files
@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ Imported files
As `.lean` and `.hlean` files, the exported files may import other exported files.
The _import_ commands can be relative or absolute paths (with respect to the `LEAN_PATH` environment variable).
DI <nidx>
RI <integer> <nidx>
#DI <nidx>
#RI <integer> <nidx>
Paths are described using hierarchical names. The hierarchical name `` corresponds to the path `foo/bla/boo`.
The command `DI` is the direct import, it instructs the reader to import the file at the location corresponding to
the hierarchical name `nidx`. The command `RI` is the relative import, the integer represents how many `../` should be added the path
The command `#DI` is the direct import, it instructs the reader to import the file at the location corresponding to
the hierarchical name `nidx`. The command `#RI` is the relative import, the integer represents how many `../` should be added the path
represented by the hierarchical name `nidx`.
Global universe level declaration
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Global universe level declaration
The command
UNI <nidx>
#UNI <nidx>
declares a global universe with name `nidx`.
@ -164,54 +164,54 @@ Definitions and Axioms
The command
DEF <nidx> <nidx>* | <eidx_1> <edix_2>
#DEF <nidx> <nidx>* | <eidx_1> <edix_2>
declares a definition with name `nidx` with zero or more universe parameters named `<nidx>*`.
The type is given by the expression `eidx_1` and the value by `eidx_2`.
Axioms are declared in a similar way
AX <nidx> <nidx>* | <eidx>
#AX <nidx> <nidx>* | <eidx>
We are postulating the existence of an element with the given type.
The following command declare the `definition id.{l} {A : Type.{l}} (a : A) : A := a`.
2 s 0 id
3 s 0 l
4 s 0 A
1 UP 3
0 S 1
5 s 0 a
1 V 0
2 V 1
3 P D 5 1 2
4 P I 4 0 3
5 L D 5 1 1
6 L D 4 0 5
DEF 2 3 | 4 6
2 #s 0 id
3 #s 0 l
4 #s 0 A
1 #UP 3
0 #S 1
5 #s 0 a
1 #V 0
2 #V 1
3 #P #D 5 1 2
4 #P #I 4 0 3
5 #L #D 5 1 1
6 #L #D 4 0 5
#DEF 2 3 | 4 6
Inductive definitions
Mutually inductive datatype declarations are slightly more complicated.
They are declared by a block of commands delimited by the command `BIND` and `EIND`.
The command `BIND` has the following form:
They are declared by a block of commands delimited by the command `#BIND` and `#EIND`.
The command `#BIND` has the following form:
BIND <integer> <integer> <nidx>*
#BIND <integer> <integer> <nidx>*
where the first integer are the number of parameters, the second is the number of
mutually recursive types being declared by the block, and `nidx*` is the sequence
of universe parameter _names_.
The command `EIND` is just a delimiter and does not have arguments.
The block is composed by commands `IND` and `INTRO`.
The command `#EIND` is just a delimiter and does not have arguments.
The block is composed by commands `#IND` and `#INTRO`.
IND <nidx> <eidx>
INTRO <nidx> <eidx>
#IND <nidx> <eidx>
#INTRO <nidx> <eidx>
The command `IND` declares an inductive type with name `nidx` and type `eidx`.
The command `INTRO` declares an introduction rule (aka constructor) with name
`nidx` and type `eidx`. The first command in a block is always an `IND`,
the subsequent `INTRO` commands are declaring the introduction rules for this
The command `#IND` declares an inductive type with name `nidx` and type `eidx`.
The command `#INTRO` declares an introduction rule (aka constructor) with name
`nidx` and type `eidx`. The first command in a block is always an `#IND`,
the subsequent `#INTRO` commands are declaring the introduction rules for this
inductive type.
For example, the following mutually recursive declaration
@ -225,46 +225,46 @@ with tree_list : Type.{max 1 l} :=
is encoded by the following sequence of commands
2 s 0 l
3 s 0 tree
4 s 0 A
1 UP 2
0 S 1
2 US 0
3 UM 2 1
1 S 3
2 P D 4 0 1
5 s 3 node
6 s 0 a
7 s 0 tree_list
3 C 7 1
4 V 0
5 A 3 4
6 C 3 1
7 V 1
8 A 6 7
9 P D 6 5 8
10 P I 4 0 9
8 s 3 empty
11 A 6 4
12 P D 4 0 11
9 s 7 nil
13 P D 4 0 5
10 s 7 cons
14 A 3 7
15 V 2
16 A 3 15
17 P D 6 14 16
18 P D 6 11 17
19 P I 4 0 18
BIND 1 2 2
IND 3 2
INTRO 5 10
INTRO 8 12
IND 7 2
INTRO 9 13
INTRO 10 19
2 #s 0 l
3 #s 0 tree
4 #s 0 A
1 #UP 2
0 #S 1
2 #US 0
3 #UM 2 1
1 #S 3
2 #P #D 4 0 1
5 #s 3 node
6 #s 0 a
7 #s 0 tree_list
3 #C 7 1
4 #V 0
5 #A 3 4
6 #C 3 1
7 #V 1
8 #A 6 7
9 #P #D 6 5 8
10 #P #I 4 0 9
8 #s 3 empty
11 #A 6 4
12 #P #D 4 0 11
9 #s 7 nil
13 #P #D 4 0 5
10 #s 7 cons
14 #A 3 7
15 #V 2
16 #A 3 15
17 #P #D 6 14 16
18 #P #D 6 11 17
19 #P #I 4 0 18
#BIND 1 2 2
#IND 3 2
#INTRO 5 10
#INTRO 8 12
#IND 7 2
#INTRO 9 13
#INTRO 10 19
Exporting declarations
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ class exporter {
} else if (n.is_string()) {
unsigned p = export_name(n.get_prefix());
i = m_name2idx.size();
m_out << i << " s " << p << " " << n.get_string() << "\n";
m_out << i << " #s " << p << " " << n.get_string() << "\n";
} else {
unsigned p = export_name(n.get_prefix());
i = m_name2idx.size();
m_out << i << " i " << p << " " << n.get_numeral() << "\n";
m_out << i << " #i " << p << " " << n.get_numeral() << "\n";
m_name2idx.insert(mk_pair(n, i));
return i;
@ -60,29 +60,29 @@ class exporter {
case level_kind::Succ:
l1 = export_level(succ_of(l));
i = m_level2idx.size();
m_out << i << " US " << l1 << "\n";
m_out << i << " #US " << l1 << "\n";
case level_kind::Max:
l1 = export_level(max_lhs(l));
l2 = export_level(max_rhs(l));
i = m_level2idx.size();
m_out << i << " UM " << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n";
m_out << i << " #UM " << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n";
case level_kind::IMax:
l1 = export_level(imax_lhs(l));
l2 = export_level(imax_rhs(l));
i = m_level2idx.size();
m_out << i << " UIM " << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n";
m_out << i << " #UIM " << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n";
case level_kind::Param:
n = export_name(param_id(l));
i = m_level2idx.size();
m_out << i << " UP " << n << "\n";
m_out << i << " #UP " << n << "\n";
case level_kind::Global:
n = export_name(global_id(l));
i = m_level2idx.size();
m_out << i << " UG " << n << "\n";
m_out << i << " #UG " << n << "\n";
case level_kind::Meta:
throw exception("invald 'export', universe meta-variables cannot be exported");
@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ class exporter {
void display_binder_info(binder_info const & bi) {
if (bi.is_implicit())
m_out << "I";
m_out << "#I";
else if (bi.is_strict_implicit())
m_out << "S";
m_out << "#S";
else if (bi.is_inst_implicit())
m_out << "C";
m_out << "#C";
m_out << "D";
m_out << "#D";
unsigned export_binding(expr const & e, char const * k) {
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class exporter {
for (level const & l : const_levels(e))
unsigned i = m_expr2idx.size();
m_out << i << " C " << n;
m_out << i << " #C " << n;
for (unsigned l : ls)
m_out << " " << l;
m_out << "\n";
@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ class exporter {
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var:
i = m_expr2idx.size();
m_out << i << " V " << var_idx(e) << "\n";
m_out << i << " #V " << var_idx(e) << "\n";
case expr_kind::Sort:
l = export_level(sort_level(e));
i = m_expr2idx.size();
m_out << i << " S " << l << "\n";
m_out << i << " #S " << l << "\n";
case expr_kind::Constant:
i = export_const(e);
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ class exporter {
e1 = export_expr(app_fn(e));
e2 = export_expr(app_arg(e));
i = m_expr2idx.size();
m_out << i << " A " << e1 << " " << e2 << "\n";
m_out << i << " #A " << e1 << " " << e2 << "\n";
case expr_kind::Lambda:
i = export_binding(e, "L");
i = export_binding(e, "#L");
case expr_kind::Pi:
i = export_binding(e, "P");
i = export_binding(e, "#P");
case expr_kind::Meta:
throw exception("invald 'export', meta-variables cannot be exported");
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class exporter {
unsigned t = export_root_expr(d.get_type());
unsigned v = export_root_expr(d.get_value());
m_out << "DEF " << n;
m_out << "#DEF " << n;
for (unsigned p : ps)
m_out << " " << p;
m_out << " | " << t << " " << v << "\n";
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class exporter {
for (name const & p : d.get_univ_params())
unsigned t = export_root_expr(d.get_type());
m_out << "AX " << n;
m_out << "#AX " << n;
for (unsigned p : ps)
m_out << " " << p;
m_out << " | " << t << "\n";
@ -210,19 +210,19 @@ class exporter {
m_out << "BIND " << std::get<1>(decls) << " " << length(std::get<2>(decls));
m_out << "#BIND " << std::get<1>(decls) << " " << length(std::get<2>(decls));
for (name const & p : std::get<0>(decls))
m_out << " " << export_name(p);
m_out << "\n";
for (inductive::inductive_decl const & d : std::get<2>(decls)) {
m_out << "IND " << export_name(inductive::inductive_decl_name(d)) << " "
m_out << "#IND " << export_name(inductive::inductive_decl_name(d)) << " "
<< export_root_expr(inductive::inductive_decl_type(d)) << "\n";
for (inductive::intro_rule const & c : inductive::inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
m_out << "INTRO " << export_name(inductive::intro_rule_name(c)) << " "
m_out << "#INTRO " << export_name(inductive::intro_rule_name(c)) << " "
<< export_root_expr(inductive::intro_rule_type(c)) << "\n";
m_out << "EIND\n";
m_out << "#EIND\n";
void export_declaration(name const & n) {
@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ class exporter {
for (module_name const & m : imports) {
unsigned n = export_name(m.get_name());
if (m.is_relative()) {
m_out << "RI " << *m.get_k() << " " << n << "\n";
m_out << "#RI " << *m.get_k() << " " << n << "\n";
} else {
m_out << "DI " << n << "\n";
m_out << "#DI " << n << "\n";
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class exporter {
std::reverse(ns.begin(), ns.end());
for (name const & u : ns) {
unsigned n = export_name(u);
m_out << "UNI " << n << "\n";
m_out << "#UNI " << n << "\n";
Add table
Reference in a new issue