fix(frontends/lean/elaborator): fixes #803

This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2015-08-17 14:54:05 -07:00
parent 4d3ed6ca43
commit 21c41f50ea
3 changed files with 54 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -544,32 +544,47 @@ bool elaborator::has_coercions_to(expr d_type) {
expr elaborator::apply_coercion(expr const & a, expr a_type, expr d_type) {
pair<expr, constraint_seq> elaborator::apply_coercion(expr const & a, expr a_type, expr d_type, justification const & j) {
a_type = m_coercion_from_tc->whnf(a_type).first;
d_type = m_coercion_to_tc->whnf(d_type).first;
constraint_seq aux_cs;
list<expr> coes = get_coercions_from_to(*m_coercion_from_tc, *m_coercion_to_tc, a_type, d_type, aux_cs, m_ctx.m_lift_coercions);
if (is_nil(coes)) {
return a;
return to_ecs(a);
} else if (is_nil(tail(coes))) {
expr r = mk_coercion_app(head(coes), a);
save_coercion_info(a, r);
return r;
return to_ecs(r);
} else {
optional<expr> r;
for (expr const & coe : coes) {
expr r = mk_coercion_app(coe, a);
expr r_type = infer_type(r).first;
expr new_r = mk_coercion_app(coe, a);
expr new_r_type = infer_type(new_r).first;
try {
if (m_tc->is_def_eq(r_type, d_type).first) {
save_coercion_info(a, r);
return r;
if (m_tc->is_def_eq(new_r_type, d_type).first) {
if (!r) {
r = new_r;
} else {
// More than one coercion seems to be applicable.
// This can happen when the types new_r_type and d_type contain
// metavariables. That is, we don't have sufficient information
// to decide which one should be used.
// So, we switch to the delayed_coercions approach.
// See issue #803
return mk_delayed_coercion(a, a_type, d_type, j);
} catch (exception&) {
return a;
if (r) {
save_coercion_info(a, *r);
return to_ecs(*r);
} else {
return to_ecs(a);
@ -603,8 +618,9 @@ pair<expr, constraint_seq> elaborator::ensure_has_type_core(
if (dcs.first) {
return to_ecs(a, dcs.second);
} else {
expr new_a = apply_coercion(a, a_type, expected_type);
constraint_seq cs;
auto new_a_cs = apply_coercion(a, a_type, expected_type, j);
expr new_a = new_a_cs.first;
constraint_seq cs = new_a_cs.second;
bool coercion_worked = false;
if (!is_eqp(a, new_a)) {
expr new_a_type = infer_type(new_a, cs);

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class elaborator : public coercion_info_manager {
pair<expr, expr> ensure_fun(expr f, constraint_seq & cs);
bool has_coercions_from(expr const & a_type, bool & lifted_coe);
bool has_coercions_to(expr d_type);
expr apply_coercion(expr const & a, expr a_type, expr d_type);
pair<expr, constraint_seq> apply_coercion(expr const & a, expr a_type, expr d_type, justification const & j);
pair<expr, constraint_seq> mk_delayed_coercion(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type,
justification const & j);
pair<expr, constraint_seq> ensure_has_type_core(expr const & a, expr const & a_type, expr const & expected_type,

tests/lean/run/803.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import data.matrix
open algebra fin nat
namespace matrix
definition vector [reducible] (A : Type) (n : nat) := fin n → A
definition to_cvec [reducible] [coercion] {A : Type} {n : nat} (v : vector A n)
: matrix A n 1 := λ i o, v i
definition to_rvec [reducible] [coercion] {A : Type} {n : nat} (v : vector A n)
: matrix A 1 n := λ o i, v i
variables (A : Type) (n : nat)
variable [r : comm_ring A]
include r
variables (M : matrix A n n) (v : vector A n)
print "----------------"
check matrix.mul M v
check (λ f, f v) (matrix.mul M)
check (λ v, matrix.mul M v) v
end matrix