feat(library/unifier): add 'on-demand' choice constraints, they are processed as soon as their type does not contain meta-variables anymore
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 403 additions and 36 deletions
@ -263,14 +263,18 @@ static bool has_expr_metavar_relaxed(expr const & e) {
constraint mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(std::shared_ptr<placeholder_context> const & C, expr const & m, bool is_strict,
unifier_config const & cfg, unsigned delay_factor) {
unifier_config const & cfg, delay_factor const & factor) {
environment const & env = C->env();
justification j = mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(env, m);
auto choice_fn = [=](expr const & meta, expr const & meta_type, substitution const & s,
name_generator const & ngen) {
if (has_expr_metavar_relaxed(meta_type)) {
if (delay_factor < to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::ClassInstance)) {
constraint delayed_c = mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(C, m, is_strict, cfg, delay_factor+1);
// TODO(Leo): remove
if (factor.on_demand()) {
constraint delayed_c = mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(C, m, is_strict, cfg, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::Basic));
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(delayed_c));
} else if (factor.explict_value() < to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::ClassInstance)) {
constraint delayed_c = mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(C, m, is_strict, cfg, factor.explict_value()+1);
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(delayed_c));
@ -315,7 +319,7 @@ constraint mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(std::shared_ptr<placeholder_context> const
bool owner = false;
bool relax = C->m_relax;
return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, delay_factor, owner, j, relax);
return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, factor, owner, j, relax);
/** \brief Create a metavariable, and attach choice constraint for generating
@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ pair<expr, constraint> mk_placeholder_elaborator(
bool is_strict, optional<expr> const & type, tag g, unifier_config const & cfg) {
auto C = std::make_shared<placeholder_context>(env, ios, ctx, prefix, relax, use_local_instances);
expr m = C->m_ctx.mk_meta(C->m_ngen, type, g);
constraint c = mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(C, m, is_strict, cfg, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::Basic));
constraint c = mk_placeholder_root_cnstr(C, m, is_strict, cfg, delay_factor());
return mk_pair(m, c);
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ struct constraint_cell {
constraint_kind m_kind;
justification m_jst;
bool m_relax_main_opaque;
constraint_cell(constraint_kind k, justification const & j, bool relax):m_rc(1), m_kind(k), m_jst(j), m_relax_main_opaque(relax) {}
constraint_cell(constraint_kind k, justification const & j, bool relax):
m_rc(1), m_kind(k), m_jst(j), m_relax_main_opaque(relax) {}
struct eq_constraint_cell : public constraint_cell {
expr m_lhs;
@ -34,13 +35,14 @@ struct level_constraint_cell : public constraint_cell {
m_lhs(lhs), m_rhs(rhs) {}
struct choice_constraint_cell : public constraint_cell {
expr m_expr;
choice_fn m_fn;
unsigned m_delay_factor;
bool m_owner;
choice_constraint_cell(expr const & e, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax):
expr m_expr;
choice_fn m_fn;
delay_factor m_delay_factor;
bool m_owner;
choice_constraint_cell(expr const & e, choice_fn const & fn, delay_factor const & f,
bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax):
constraint_cell(constraint_kind::Choice, j, relax),
m_expr(e), m_fn(fn), m_delay_factor(delay_factor), m_owner(owner) {}
m_expr(e), m_fn(fn), m_delay_factor(f), m_owner(owner) {}
void constraint_cell::dealloc() {
@ -69,13 +71,20 @@ constraint mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const &
constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j) {
return constraint(new level_constraint_cell(lhs, rhs, j));
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque) {
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, delay_factor const & f,
bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque) {
return constraint(new choice_constraint_cell(m, fn, delay_factor, owner, j, relax_main_opaque));
return constraint(new choice_constraint_cell(m, fn, f, owner, j, relax_main_opaque));
expr const & cnstr_lhs_expr(constraint const & c) { lean_assert(is_eq_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<eq_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_lhs; }
expr const & cnstr_rhs_expr(constraint const & c) { lean_assert(is_eq_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<eq_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_rhs; }
expr const & cnstr_lhs_expr(constraint const & c) {
return static_cast<eq_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_lhs;
expr const & cnstr_rhs_expr(constraint const & c) {
return static_cast<eq_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_rhs;
bool relax_main_opaque(constraint const & c) { return c.raw()->m_relax_main_opaque; }
level const & cnstr_lhs_level(constraint const & c) {
@ -85,12 +94,20 @@ level const & cnstr_rhs_level(constraint const & c) {
return static_cast<level_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_rhs;
expr const & cnstr_expr(constraint const & c) { lean_assert(is_choice_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_expr; }
expr const & cnstr_expr(constraint const & c) {
return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_expr;
choice_fn const & cnstr_choice_fn(constraint const & c) {
lean_assert(is_choice_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_fn;
bool cnstr_on_demand(constraint const & c) {
return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_delay_factor.on_demand();
unsigned cnstr_delay_factor(constraint const & c) {
lean_assert(is_choice_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_delay_factor;
return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_delay_factor.explict_value();
bool cnstr_is_owner(constraint const & c) {
lean_assert(is_choice_cnstr(c)); return static_cast<choice_constraint_cell*>(c.raw())->m_owner;
@ -103,7 +120,9 @@ constraint update_justification(constraint const & c, justification const & j) {
case constraint_kind::LevelEq:
return mk_level_eq_cnstr(cnstr_lhs_level(c), cnstr_rhs_level(c), j);
case constraint_kind::Choice:
return mk_choice_cnstr(cnstr_expr(c), cnstr_choice_fn(c), cnstr_delay_factor(c), cnstr_is_owner(c), j, relax_main_opaque(c));
return mk_choice_cnstr(cnstr_expr(c), cnstr_choice_fn(c),
cnstr_is_owner(c), j, relax_main_opaque(c));
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ namespace lean {
class expr;
class justification;
class substitution;
class delay_factor {
optional<unsigned> m_value;
delay_factor() {}
delay_factor(unsigned v):m_value(v) {}
bool on_demand() const { return !m_value; }
unsigned explict_value() const { lean_assert(!on_demand()); return *m_value; }
\brief The lean kernel type checker produces two kinds of constraints:
@ -69,7 +79,7 @@ public:
friend constraint mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
friend constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j);
friend constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner,
friend constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, delay_factor const & f, bool owner,
justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
constraint_cell * raw() const { return m_ptr; }
@ -83,6 +93,7 @@ inline bool operator!=(constraint const & c1, constraint const & c2) { return !(
constraint mk_eq_cnstr(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification const & j);
/** \brief Create a "choice" constraint m in fn(...), where fn produces a stream of possible solutions.
\c delay_factor allows to control when the constraint is processed by the elaborator, bigger == later.
If \c owner is true, then the elaborator should not assign the metavariable get_app_fn(m).
@ -92,7 +103,8 @@ constraint mk_level_eq_cnstr(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, justification
If \c relax_main_opaque is true, then it signs that constraint was created in a context where
opaque constants of the main module can be treated as transparent.
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, unsigned delay_factor, bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
constraint mk_choice_cnstr(expr const & m, choice_fn const & fn, delay_factor const & f,
bool owner, justification const & j, bool relax_main_opaque);
inline bool is_eq_cnstr(constraint const & c) { return c.kind() == constraint_kind::Eq; }
inline bool is_level_eq_cnstr(constraint const & c) { return c.kind() == constraint_kind::LevelEq; }
@ -110,10 +122,12 @@ bool relax_main_opaque(constraint const & c);
level const & cnstr_lhs_level(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return the rhs of an level constraint. */
level const & cnstr_rhs_level(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return the expression associated with a choice constraint */
/** \brief Return the expression associated with the given choice constraint */
expr const & cnstr_expr(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return the choice_fn associated with a choice constraint. */
choice_fn const & cnstr_choice_fn(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return true iff the choice constraint should be solved as soon the type does not contains type variables */
bool cnstr_on_demand(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return the choice constraint delay factor */
unsigned cnstr_delay_factor(constraint const & c);
/** \brief Return true iff the given choice constraints owns the right to assign the metavariable in \c c. */
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/unifier_plugin.h"
#include "library/kernel_bindings.h"
#include "library/print.h"
#include "library/expr_lt.h"
@ -283,18 +284,22 @@ cnstr_group get_choice_cnstr_group(constraint const & c) {
struct unifier_fn {
typedef pair<constraint, unsigned> cnstr; // constraint + idx
struct cnstr_cmp {
int operator()(cnstr const & c1, cnstr const & c2) const { return c1.second < c2.second ? -1 : (c1.second == c2.second ? 0 : 1); }
int operator()(cnstr const & c1, cnstr const & c2) const {
return c1.second < c2.second ? -1 : (c1.second == c2.second ? 0 : 1);
typedef rb_tree<cnstr, cnstr_cmp> cnstr_set;
typedef rb_tree<unsigned, unsigned_cmp> cnstr_idx_set;
typedef rb_map<name, cnstr_idx_set, name_quick_cmp> name_to_cnstrs;
typedef rb_map<name, unsigned, name_quick_cmp> owned_map;
typedef rb_map<expr, pair<expr, justification>, expr_quick_cmp> expr_map;
typedef std::unique_ptr<type_checker> type_checker_ptr;
environment m_env;
name_generator m_ngen;
substitution m_subst;
constraints m_postponed; // constraints that will not be solved
owned_map m_owned_map; // mapping from metavariable name m to delay factor of the choice constraint that owns m
expr_map m_type_map; // auxiliary map for storing the type of the expr in choice constraints
unifier_plugin m_plugin;
type_checker_ptr m_tc[2];
type_checker_ptr m_flex_rigid_tc[2]; // type checker used when solving flex rigid constraints. By default,
@ -343,6 +348,7 @@ struct unifier_fn {
substitution m_subst;
constraints m_postponed;
cnstr_set m_cnstrs;
expr_map m_type_map;
name_to_cnstrs m_mvar_occs;
owned_map m_owned_map;
bool m_pattern;
@ -350,7 +356,7 @@ struct unifier_fn {
/** \brief Save unifier's state */
case_split(unifier_fn & u, justification const & j):
m_assumption_idx(u.m_next_assumption_idx), m_jst(j), m_subst(u.m_subst),
m_postponed(u.m_postponed), m_cnstrs(u.m_cnstrs),
m_postponed(u.m_postponed), m_cnstrs(u.m_cnstrs), m_type_map(u.m_type_map),
m_mvar_occs(u.m_mvar_occs), m_owned_map(u.m_owned_map), m_pattern(u.m_pattern) {
@ -364,6 +370,7 @@ struct unifier_fn {
u.m_mvar_occs = m_mvar_occs;
u.m_owned_map = m_owned_map;
u.m_pattern = m_pattern;
u.m_type_map = m_type_map;
m_assumption_idx = u.m_next_assumption_idx;
m_failed_justifications = mk_composite1(m_failed_justifications, *u.m_conflict);
@ -468,11 +475,16 @@ struct unifier_fn {
add_mvar_occ(mlocal_name(get_app_fn(m)), cidx);
void add_meta_occs(expr const & e, unsigned cidx) {
/** \brief For each metavariable m in e add an entry m -> cidx at m_mvar_occs.
Return true if at least one entry was added.
bool add_meta_occs(expr const & e, unsigned cidx) {
bool added = false;
if (has_expr_metavar(e)) {
for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (is_meta(e)) {
add_meta_occ(e, cidx);
added = true;
return false;
if (is_local(e))
@ -480,6 +492,7 @@ struct unifier_fn {
return has_expr_metavar(e);
return added;
/** \brief Add constraint to the constraint queue */
@ -661,7 +674,8 @@ struct unifier_fn {
return true;
justification mk_invalid_local_ctx_justification(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j, expr const & bad_local) {
justification mk_invalid_local_ctx_justification(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, justification const & j,
expr const & bad_local) {
justification new_j = mk_justification(get_app_fn(lhs), [=](formatter const & fmt, substitution const & subst) {
format r = format("invalid local context when tried to assign");
r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, rhs);
@ -979,15 +993,64 @@ struct unifier_fn {
return true;
bool preprocess_choice_constraint(constraint const & c) {
if (cnstr_is_owner(c)) {
expr m = get_app_fn(cnstr_expr(c));
m_owned_map.insert(mlocal_name(m), cnstr_delay_factor(c));
bool preprocess_choice_constraint(constraint c) {
if (!cnstr_on_demand(c)) {
if (cnstr_is_owner(c)) {
expr m = get_app_fn(cnstr_expr(c));
m_owned_map.insert(mlocal_name(m), cnstr_delay_factor(c));
add_cnstr(c, get_choice_cnstr_group(c));
return true;
} else {
expr m = cnstr_expr(c);
// choice constraints that are marked as "on demand"
// are only processed when all metavariables in the
// type of m have been instantiated.
expr type;
justification jst;
if (auto it = m_type_map.find(m)) {
// Type of m is already cached in m_type_map
type = it->first;
jst = it->second;
} else {
// Type of m is not cached yet, we
// should infer it, process generated
// constraints and save the result in
// m_type_map.
bool relax = relax_main_opaque(c);
constraint_seq cs;
optional<expr> t = infer(m, relax, cs);
if (!t) {
return false;
if (!process_constraints(cs))
return false;
type = *t;
m_type_map.insert(m, mk_pair(type, justification()));
// Try to instantiate metavariables in type
pair<expr, justification> type_jst = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(type);
if (type_jst.first != type) {
// Type was modified by instantiation,
// we update the constraint justification,
// and store the new type in m_type_map
jst = mk_composite1(jst, type_jst.second);
type = type_jst.first;
c = update_justification(c, jst);
m_type_map.insert(m, mk_pair(type, jst));
unsigned cidx = add_cnstr(c, cnstr_group::ClassInstance);
if (!add_meta_occs(type, cidx)) {
// type does not contain metavariables...
// so this "on demand" constraint is ready to be solved
m_cnstrs.erase(cnstr(c, cidx));
add_cnstr(c, cnstr_group::Basic);
return true;
// Choice constraints are never considered easy.
add_cnstr(c, get_choice_cnstr_group(c));
return true;
@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
empty.lean:6:25: error: failed to synthesize placeholder
⊢ nonempty Empty
empty.lean:6:25: error: type error in placeholder assigned to
placeholder has type
but is expected to have type
the assignment was attempted when trying to solve
type mismatch at definition 'v2', has type
but is expected to have type
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura
-- algebra.group
-- =============
-- Various structures with 1, *, inv, including groups.
import logic.core.eq logic.core.connectives
import data.unit data.sigma data.prod
import algebra.function algebra.binary
open eq
namespace algebra
-- classes for notation
-- --------------------
inductive has_mul [class] (A : Type) : Type := mk : (A → A → A) → has_mul A
inductive has_one [class] (A : Type) : Type := mk : A → has_one A
inductive has_inv [class] (A : Type) : Type := mk : (A → A) → has_inv A
definition mul {A : Type} {s : has_mul A} (a b : A) : A := has_mul.rec (fun f, f) s a b
definition one {A : Type} {s : has_one A} : A := has_one.rec (fun o, o) s
definition inv {A : Type} {s : has_inv A} (a : A) : A := has_inv.rec (fun i, i) s a
infix `*` := mul
postfix `⁻¹` := inv
notation 1 := one
-- semigroup
-- ---------
inductive semigroup [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
mk : Π mul: A → A → A,
(∀a b c : A, (mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c))) →
semigroup A
namespace semigroup
parameters {A : Type} {s : semigroup A}
definition mul (a b : A) : A := semigroup.rec (λmul assoc, mul) s a b
definition assoc {a b c : A} : mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c) :=
semigroup.rec (λmul assoc, assoc) s a b c
end semigroup
parameters {A : Type} {s : semigroup A}
definition semigroup_has_mul [instance] : including A s, has_mul A := has_mul.mk (semigroup.mul)
theorem mul_assoc [instance] {a b c : A} : including A s, a * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
-- comm_semigroup
-- --------------
inductive comm_semigroup [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
mk : Π mul: A → A → A,
(∀a b c : A, (mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c))) →
(∀a b : A, mul a b = mul b a) →
comm_semigroup A
namespace comm_semigroup
parameters {A : Type} {s : comm_semigroup A}
definition mul (a b : A) : A := comm_semigroup.rec (λmul assoc comm, mul) s a b
definition assoc {a b c : A} : mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c) :=
comm_semigroup.rec (λmul assoc comm, assoc) s a b c
definition comm {a b : A} : mul a b = mul b a :=
comm_semigroup.rec (λmul assoc comm, comm) s a b
end comm_semigroup
parameters {A : Type} {s : comm_semigroup A}
definition comm_semigroup_semigroup [instance] : including A s, semigroup A :=
semigroup.mk (comm_semigroup.mul) (@comm_semigroup.assoc _ _)
theorem mul_comm {a b : A} : including A s, a * b = b * a := comm_semigroup.comm
theorem mul_left_comm {a b c : A} : including A s, a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) :=
binary.left_comm (@mul_comm) (@mul_assoc _ _) a b c
-- monoid
-- ------
inductive monoid [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
mk : Π mul: A → A → A,
Π one : A,
(∀a b c : A, (mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c))) →
(∀a : A, mul a one = a) →
(∀a : A, mul one a = a) →
monoid A
namespace monoid
parameters {A : Type} {s : monoid A}
definition mul (a b : A) : A := monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id, mul) s a b
definition one : A := monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id, one) s
definition assoc {a b c : A} : mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c) :=
monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id, assoc) s a b c
definition right_id {a : A} : mul a one = a :=
monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id, right_id) s a
definition left_id {a : A} : mul one a = a :=
monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id, left_id) s a
end monoid
parameters {A : Type} {s : monoid A}
definition monoid_has_one [instance] : including A s, has_one A := has_one.mk (monoid.one)
definition monoid_semigroup [instance] : including A s, semigroup A :=
semigroup.mk (monoid.mul) (@monoid.assoc _ _)
theorem mul_right_id {a : A} : including s, a * one = a := monoid.right_id
theorem mul_left_id {a : A} : including s, one * a = a := monoid.left_id
-- comm_monoid
-- -----------
inductive comm_monoid [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
mk : Π mul: A → A → A,
Π one : A,
(∀a b c : A, (mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c))) →
(∀a : A, mul a one = a) →
(∀a : A, mul one a = a) →
(∀a b : A, mul a b = mul b a) →
comm_monoid A
namespace comm_monoid
parameters {A : Type} {s : comm_monoid A}
definition mul (a b : A) : A := comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, mul) s a b
definition one : A := comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, one) s
definition assoc {a b c : A} : mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c) :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, assoc) s a b c
definition right_id {a : A} : mul a one = a :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, right_id) s a
definition left_id {a : A} : mul one a = a :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, left_id) s a
definition comm {a b : A} : mul a b = mul b a :=
comm_monoid.rec (λmul one assoc right_id left_id comm, comm) s a b
end comm_monoid
parameters {A : Type} {s : comm_monoid A}
definition comm_monoid_monoid [instance] : including A s, monoid A :=
monoid.mk (comm_monoid.mul) (comm_monoid.one) (@comm_monoid.assoc _ _)
(@comm_monoid.right_id _ _) (@comm_monoid.left_id _ _)
definition comm_monoid_comm_semigroup [instance] : including A s, comm_semigroup A :=
comm_semigroup.mk (comm_monoid.mul) (@comm_monoid.assoc _ _) (@comm_monoid.comm _ _)
-- bundled structures
-- ------------------
inductive Semigroup [class] : Type := mk : Π carrier : Type, semigroup carrier → Semigroup
namespace Semigroup
parameter (S : Semigroup)
definition carrier : Type := Semigroup.rec (λc s, c) S
definition struc : semigroup carrier := Semigroup.rec (λc s, s) S
end Semigroup
coercion Semigroup.carrier
instance Semigroup.struc
inductive CommSemigroup [class] : Type :=
mk : Π carrier : Type, comm_semigroup carrier → CommSemigroup
namespace CommSemigroup
parameter (S : CommSemigroup)
definition carrier : Type := CommSemigroup.rec (λc s, c) S
definition struc : comm_semigroup carrier := CommSemigroup.rec (λc s, s) S
end CommSemigroup
coercion CommSemigroup.carrier
instance CommSemigroup.struc
inductive Monoid [class] : Type := mk : Π carrier : Type, monoid carrier → Monoid
namespace Monoid
parameter (S : Monoid)
definition carrier : Type := Monoid.rec (λc s, c) S
definition struc : monoid carrier := Monoid.rec (λc s, s) S
end Monoid
coercion Monoid.carrier
instance Monoid.struc
inductive CommMonoid : Type := mk : Π carrier : Type, comm_monoid carrier → CommMonoid
namespace CommMonoid
parameter (S : CommMonoid)
definition carrier : Type := CommMonoid.rec (λc s, c) S
definition struc : comm_monoid carrier := CommMonoid.rec (λc s, s) S
end CommMonoid
coercion CommMonoid.carrier
instance CommMonoid.struc
end algebra
open algebra
section examples
theorem test1 {S : Semigroup} (a b c d : S) : a * (b * c) * d = a * b * (c * d) :=
a * (b * c) * d = a * b * c * d : {symm mul_assoc}
... = a * b * (c * d) : mul_assoc
theorem test2 {M : CommSemigroup} (a b : M) : a * b = a * b := rfl
theorem test3 {M : Monoid} (a b c d : M) : a * (b * c) * d = a * b * (c * d) :=
a * (b * c) * d = a * b * c * d : {symm mul_assoc}
... = a * b * (c * d) : mul_assoc
-- for test4b to work, we need instances at the level of the bundled structures as well
definition Monoid_Semigroup [instance] (M : Monoid) : Semigroup :=
Semigroup.mk (Monoid.carrier M) _
theorem test4 {M : Monoid} (a b c d : M) : a * (b * c) * d = a * b * (c * d) :=
test1 a b c d
theorem test5 {M : Monoid} (a b c : M) : a * 1 * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
a * 1 * b * c = a * b * c : {mul_right_id}
... = a * (b * c) : mul_assoc
theorem test5a {M : Monoid} (a b c : M) : a * 1 * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
a * 1 * b * c = a * b * c : {mul_right_id}
... = a * (b * c) : mul_assoc
theorem test5b {A : Type} {M : monoid A} (a b c : A) : a * 1 * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
a * 1 * b * c = a * b * c : {mul_right_id}
... = a * (b * c) : mul_assoc
theorem test6 {M : CommMonoid} (a b c : M) : a * 1 * b * c = a * (b * c) :=
a * 1 * b * c = a * b * c : {mul_right_id}
... = a * (b * c) : mul_assoc
end examples
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