feat(hott): start lemma about smashing with bool

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Jakob von Raumer 2016-01-27 17:12:57 +00:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 8bc4206c62
commit 23dec19aa7
2 changed files with 57 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ namespace cofiber
intro y, induction y, induction x, exact Pinl, exact Pinr x, esimp, exact Pglue x,
protected definition rec_on {A : Type} {B : Type} {f : A → B} {P : cofiber f → Type}
(y : cofiber f) (Pinl : P (inl ⋆)) (Pinr : Π (x : B), P (inr x))
(Pglue : Π (x : A), pathover P Pinl (glue x) (Pinr (f x))) : P y :=
induction y, induction x, exact Pinl, exact Pinr x, esimp, exact Pglue x,
end cofiber
@ -47,13 +54,25 @@ definition Cofiber {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : Type* := Pushout (pconst A Uni
namespace cofiber
protected definition prec {A : Type*} {B : Type*}
{f : A →* B} {P : Cofiber f → Type}
protected definition prec {A B : Type*} {f : A →* B} {P : Cofiber f → Type}
(Pinl : P (inl ⋆)) (Pinr : Π (x : B), P (inr x))
(Pglue : Π (x : A), pathover P Pinl (pglue x) (Pinr (f x))) :
(Π (y : Cofiber f), P y) :=
intro y, induction y, induction x, exact Pinl, exact Pinr x, esimp, exact Pglue x,
intro y, induction y, induction x, exact Pinl, exact Pinr x, esimp, exact Pglue x
protected definition prec_on {A B : Type*} {f : A →* B} {P : Cofiber f → Type}
(y : Cofiber f) (Pinl : P (inl ⋆)) (Pinr : Π (x : B), P (inr x))
(Pglue : Π (x : A), pathover P Pinl (pglue x) (Pinr (f x))) : P y :=
induction y, induction x, exact Pinl, exact Pinr x, esimp, exact Pglue x
protected definition pelim_on {A B C : Type*} {f : A →* B} (y : Cofiber f)
(c : C) (g : B → C) (p : Π x, c = g (f x)) : C :=
fapply pushout.elim_on y, exact (λ x, c), exact g, exact p
--TODO more pointed recursors

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import hit.pushout .wedge .cofiber .susp .sphere
open eq pushout prod pointed Pointed
definition product_of_wedge (A B : Type*) : Wedge A B →* A ×* B :=
definition product_of_wedge [constructor] (A B : Type*) : Wedge A B →* A ×* B :=
intro x, induction x with [a, b], exact (a, point B), exact (point A, b),
@ -19,11 +19,43 @@ end
definition Smash (A B : Type*) := Cofiber (product_of_wedge A B)
open sphere susp
open sphere susp unit
namespace smash
definition smash_bool (X : Type*) : Smash X Bool ≃* X :=
{ fconstructor,
{ intro x, fapply cofiber.pelim_on x, clear x, exact point X, intro p,
cases p with [x', b], cases b with [x, x'], exact point X, exact x',
clear x, intro w, induction w with [y, b], reflexivity,
cases b, reflexivity, reflexivity, esimp,
apply eq_pathover, refine !ap_constant ⬝ph _, cases x, esimp, apply hdeg_square,
apply inverse, apply concat, apply ap_compose (λ a, prod.cases_on a _),
apply concat, apply ap _ !elim_glue, reflexivity },
reflexivity },
{ fapply is_equiv.adjointify,
{ intro x, apply inr, exact pair x bool.tt },
{ intro x, reflexivity },
{ intro s, esimp, induction s, } }
check ap_compose
check bool.rec
fconstructor, intro x, induction x, exact point X,
induction a, exact point X, esimp, induction x, do 2 reflexivity,
apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square, induction x, -/
definition susp_equiv_circle_smash (X : Type*) : Susp X ≃* Smash (Sphere 1) X :=
{ fconstructor, intro x, induction x, },
end smash