feat(hott): prove HoTT book Theorem 4.7.7
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3 changed files with 28 additions and 2 deletions
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Chapter 4: Equivalences
- 4.4 (Contractible fibers): [types.equiv](types/equiv.hlean)
- 4.5 (On the definition of equivalences): no formalizable content
- 4.6 (Surjections and embeddings): [function](function.hlean)
- 4.7 (Closure properties of equivalences): Theorem 4.7.6 in [types.fiber](types/fiber.hlean) (the rest not formalized)
- 4.7 (Closure properties of equivalences): Theorem 4.7.6 in [types.fiber](types/fiber.hlean), Theorem 4.7.7 in [types.equiv](types/equiv.hlean)
- 4.8 (The object classifier): not formalized
- 4.9 (Univalence implies function extensionality): [init.funext](init/funext.hlean)
@ -104,6 +104,31 @@ namespace is_equiv
end is_equiv
namespace is_equiv
/- Theorem 4.7.7 -/
variables {A : Type} {P Q : A → Type}
variable (f : Πa, P a → Q a)
definition is_fiberwise_equiv [class] := Πa, is_equiv (f a)
definition is_equiv_total_of_is_fiberwise_equiv [H : is_fiberwise_equiv f] : is_equiv (sigma_functor id f) :=
apply is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun, apply sigma.rec, intros a q,
apply @is_contr_equiv_closed _ _ (fiber_total_equiv f q)⁻¹ᵉ,
apply @is_contr_fun_of_is_equiv _ _ (f a),
exact H a
definition is_fiberwise_equiv_of_is_equiv_total [H : is_equiv (sigma_functor id f)] : is_fiberwise_equiv f :=
intro a,
apply is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun, intro q,
apply @is_contr_equiv_closed _ _ (fiber_total_equiv f q)
end is_equiv
namespace equiv
open is_equiv
variables {A B C : Type}
@ -66,9 +66,10 @@ open function is_equiv
namespace fiber
/- Theorem 4.7.6 -/
variables {A : Type} {P Q : A → Type}
variable (f : Πa, P a → Q a)
/- Note that the map on total spaces/sigmas is just sigma_functor id -/
definition fiber_total_equiv (f : Πa, P a → Q a) {a : A} (q : Q a)
definition fiber_total_equiv {a : A} (q : Q a)
: fiber (sigma_functor id f) ⟨a , q⟩ ≃ fiber (f a) q :=
fiber (sigma_functor id f) ⟨a , q⟩
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