test(tests/lean/run): add test/example

add test/example that defines count_vars using tactics and recursors.

see  for original definition, and e3a0e62859 for the fix that
allows us to use recursive equations.
The recursive equations are compiled into recursors.
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2015-06-09 14:50:15 -07:00
parent f3d50963ce
commit 2663c9ab9f

tests/lean/run/662b.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
open nat
inductive type : Type :=
| Nat : type
| Func : type → type → type
open type
section var
variable {var : type → Type}
inductive term : type → Type :=
| Var : ∀ {t}, var t → term t
| Const : nat → term Nat
| Plus : term Nat → term Nat → term Nat
| Abs : ∀ {dom ran}, (var dom → term ran) → term (Func dom ran)
| App : ∀ {dom ran}, term (Func dom ran) → term dom → term ran
| Let : ∀ {t1 t2}, term t1 → (var t1 → term t2) → term t2
end var
open term
definition Term t := Π (var : type → Type), @term var t
open unit
-- Define count_vars using tactics
definition count_vars1 {t : type} (T : @term (λ x, unit) t) : nat :=
induction T,
{exact 1},
{exact 0},
{exact v_0 + v_1},
{exact v_0 star},
{exact v_0 + v_1},
{exact v_0 + v_1 star},
-- Define count_vars using recursor
definition count_vars2 {t : type} (T : @term (λ x, unit) t) : nat :=
term.rec_on T
(λ t u, 1)
(λ n, 0)
(λ T₁ T₂ n₁ n₂, n₁ + n₂)
(λ d r f n, n star)
(λ d r T₁ T₂ n₁ n₂, n₁ + n₂)
(λ t₁ t₂ T₁ T₂ n₁ n₂, n₁ + n₂ star)
definition var (t : type) : @term (λ x, unit) t :=
Var star
example : count_vars1 (App (App (var (Func Nat (Func Nat Nat))) (var Nat)) (var Nat)) = 3 :=
example : count_vars2 (App (App (var (Func Nat (Func Nat Nat))) (var Nat)) (var Nat)) = 3 :=