fix(library/simplifier): bug in heterogeneous equality support, and universe commutativity support in the simplifier

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-01-23 19:02:17 -08:00
parent 009217b499
commit 26bea77721
7 changed files with 165 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ public:
return is_convertible(t1, t2, ctx, mk_justification);
bool is_eq_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx) {
bool is_definitionally_equal(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx) {
if (t1 == t2)
@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ expr type_checker::check(expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
bool type_checker::is_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx) {
return m_ptr->is_convertible(t1, t2, ctx);
bool type_checker::is_eq_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx) {
return m_ptr->is_eq_convertible(t1, t2, ctx);
bool type_checker::is_definitionally_equal(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx) {
return m_ptr->is_definitionally_equal(t1, t2, ctx);
void type_checker::check_type(expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
m_ptr->check_type(e, ctx);

View file

@ -86,12 +86,11 @@ public:
/** \brief Return true iff \c t1 is convertible to \c t2 in the context \c ctx. */
bool is_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx = context());
/** \brief Return true iff \c t1 is convertible to \c t2 in the context \c ctx, but does not consider
universe commutativity.
/** \brief Return true iff \c t1 definitionally equal to \c t2 in the context \c ctx.
\remark is_eq_convertible(t1, t2, ctx) implies is_convertible(t1, t2, ctx)
\remark is_definitionally_equal(t1, t2, ctx) implies is_convertible(t1, t2, ctx)
bool is_eq_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx = context());
bool is_definitionally_equal(expr const & t1, expr const & t2, context const & ctx = context());
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is a proposition (i.e., it has type Bool) */
bool is_proposition(expr const & e, context const & ctx, optional<metavar_env> const & menv);

View file

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ unsigned get_simplifier_max_steps(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsign
static name g_local("local");
static name g_C("C");
static name g_x("x");
static name g_unique = name::mk_internal_unique_name();
class simplifier_fn {
@ -157,19 +158,24 @@ class simplifier_fn {
~updt_rule_set() { m_rs = m_old; }
static expr mk_lambda(name const & n, expr const & d, expr const & b) {
return ::lean::mk_lambda(n, d, b);
\brief Return a lambda with body \c new_body, and name and domain from abst.
static expr mk_lambda(expr const & abst, expr const & new_body) {
return ::lean::mk_lambda(abst_name(abst), abst_domain(abst), new_body);
return mk_lambda(abst_name(abst), abst_domain(abst), new_body);
bool is_proposition(expr const & e) {
return m_tc.is_proposition(e, m_ctx);
bool is_eq_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2) {
return m_tc.is_eq_convertible(t1, t2, m_ctx);
bool is_definitionally_equal(expr const & t1, expr const & t2) {
return m_tc.is_definitionally_equal(t1, t2, m_ctx);
expr infer_type(expr const & e) {
@ -185,32 +191,63 @@ class simplifier_fn {
return proc(e, m_ctx, true);
\brief Auxiliary method for converting a proof H of (@eq A a b) into (@eq B a b) when
type A is convertible to B, but not definitionally equal.
expr translate_eq_proof(expr const & A, expr const & a, expr const & b, expr const & H, expr const & B) {
return mk_subst_th(A, a, b, mk_lambda(g_x, A, mk_eq(B, a, mk_var(0))), mk_refl_th(B, a), H);
expr mk_congr1_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & f, expr const & new_f, expr const & a, expr const & Heq_f) {
expr const & A = abst_domain(f_type);
expr B = lower_free_vars(abst_body(f_type), 1, 1);
return ::lean::mk_congr1_th(A, B, f, new_f, a, Heq_f);
expr mk_congr2_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & a, expr const & new_a, expr const & f, expr const & Heq_a) {
expr mk_congr2_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & a, expr const & new_a, expr const & f, expr Heq_a) {
expr const & A = abst_domain(f_type);
expr B = lower_free_vars(abst_body(f_type), 1, 1);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
if (!is_definitionally_equal(A, a_type))
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A);
return ::lean::mk_congr2_th(A, B, a, new_a, f, Heq_a);
expr mk_congr_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & f, expr const & new_f, expr const & a, expr const & new_a,
expr const & Heq_f, expr const & Heq_a) {
expr const & Heq_f, expr Heq_a) {
expr const & A = abst_domain(f_type);
expr B = lower_free_vars(abst_body(f_type), 1, 1);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
if (!is_definitionally_equal(A, a_type))
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A);
return ::lean::mk_congr_th(A, B, f, new_f, a, new_a, Heq_f, Heq_a);
expr mk_hcongr_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & new_f_type, expr const & f, expr const & new_f,
expr const & a, expr const & new_a, expr const & Heq_f, expr const & Heq_a) {
return ::lean::mk_hcongr_th(abst_domain(f_type),
mk_lambda(f_type, abst_body(f_type)),
mk_lambda(new_f_type, abst_body(new_f_type)),
f, new_f, a, new_a, Heq_f, Heq_a);
optional<expr> mk_hcongr_th(expr const & f_type, expr const & new_f_type, expr const & f, expr const & new_f,
expr const & a, expr const & new_a, expr const & Heq_f, expr Heq_a, bool Heq_a_is_heq) {
expr const & A = abst_domain(f_type);
expr const & new_A = abst_domain(new_f_type);
expr a_type = infer_type(a);
expr new_a_type = infer_type(new_a);
if (!is_definitionally_equal(A, a_type) || !is_definitionally_equal(new_A, new_a_type)) {
if (Heq_a_is_heq) {
if (is_definitionally_equal(a_type, new_a_type) && is_definitionally_equal(A, new_A)) {
Heq_a = mk_to_eq_th(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a);
Heq_a_is_heq = false;
} else {
return none_expr(); // we don't know how to handle this case
Heq_a = translate_eq_proof(a_type, a, new_a, Heq_a, A);
if (!Heq_a_is_heq)
Heq_a = mk_to_heq_th(A, a, new_a, Heq_a);
return some_expr(::lean::mk_hcongr_th(A,
mk_lambda(f_type, abst_body(f_type)),
mk_lambda(new_f_type, abst_body(new_f_type)),
f, new_f, a, new_a, Heq_f, Heq_a));
@ -354,7 +391,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
expr lhs_type = infer_type(lhs);
expr rhs_type = infer_type(rhs.m_out);
if (is_eq_convertible(lhs_type, rhs_type)) {
if (is_definitionally_equal(lhs_type, rhs_type)) {
// move back to homogeneous equality using to_eq
rhs.m_proof = mk_to_eq_th(lhs_type, lhs, rhs.m_out, *rhs.m_proof);
return true;
@ -434,7 +471,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
proof_args[info.get_pos_at_proof()] = a;
proof_args[*info.get_new_pos_at_proof()] = new_args[pos];
name C_name(g_C, m_contextual_depth); // H_name is a cryptic unique name
proof_args[*info.get_proof_pos_at_proof()] = ::lean::mk_lambda(C_name, H, abstract(get_proof(res_a), H_proof));
proof_args[*info.get_proof_pos_at_proof()] = mk_lambda(C_name, H, abstract(get_proof(res_a), H_proof));
if (new_args[pos] != a)
@ -533,10 +570,11 @@ class simplifier_fn {
} else if (m_has_heq && (heq_proofs[i] || !is_arrow(f_types[i-1]))) {
expr f = mk_app_prefix(i, new_args);
expr pr_i = *proofs[i];
if (!heq_proofs[i])
pr_i = mk_to_heq_th(abst_domain(f_types[i-1]), arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr_i);
pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], f_types[i-1], f, f, arg(e, i), new_args[i],
mk_hrefl_th(f_types[i-1], f), pr_i);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], f_types[i-1], f, f, arg(e, i), new_args[i],
mk_hrefl_th(f_types[i-1], f), pr_i, heq_proofs[i]);
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
heq_proof = true;
} else {
expr f = mk_app_prefix(i, new_args);
@ -551,17 +589,25 @@ class simplifier_fn {
if (m_has_heq && heq_proofs[i]) {
if (!heq_proof)
pr = mk_to_heq_th(f_types[i], f, new_f, pr);
pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i, true);
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
heq_proof = true;
} else if (heq_proof) {
pr_i = mk_to_heq_th(abst_domain(f_types[i-1]), arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr_i);
pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i);
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i, heq_proofs[i]);
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
} else {
pr = mk_congr_th(f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), new_args[i], pr, pr_i);
} else if (heq_proof) {
pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), arg(e, i),
pr, mk_hrefl_th(abst_domain(f_types[i-1]), arg(e, i)));
auto new_pr = mk_hcongr_th(f_types[i-1], new_f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), arg(e, i),
pr, mk_refl_th(infer_type(arg(e, i)), arg(e, i)), false);
if (!new_pr)
return rewrite_app(e, result(e)); // failed to create congruence proof
pr = *new_pr;
} else {
pr = mk_congr1_th(f_types[i-1], f, new_f, arg(e, i), pr);
@ -828,7 +874,7 @@ class simplifier_fn {
new_rhs = lower_free_vars(new_rhs, 1, 1);
expr new_rhs_type = ensure_pi(infer_type(new_rhs));
if (m_tc.is_eq_convertible(abst_domain(new_rhs_type), abst_domain(rhs.m_out), m_ctx)) {
if (m_tc.is_definitionally_equal(abst_domain(new_rhs_type), abst_domain(rhs.m_out), m_ctx)) {
if (m_proofs_enabled) {
expr new_proof = mk_eta_th(abst_domain(rhs.m_out),
mk_lambda(rhs.m_out, abst_body(new_rhs_type)),

tests/lean/simp19.lean Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import cast
variable vec : Nat → Type
variable concat {n m : Nat} (v : vec n) (w : vec m) : vec (n + m)
infixl 65 ; : concat
axiom concat_assoc {n1 n2 n3 : Nat} (v1 : vec n1) (v2 : vec n2) (v3 : vec n3) :
(v1 ; v2) ; v3 = cast (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_assoc n1 n2 n3)))
(v1 ; (v2 ; v3))
variable empty : vec 0
axiom concat_empty {n : Nat} (v : vec n) :
v ; empty = cast (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_zeror n)))
rewrite_set simple
add_rewrite concat_assoc concat_empty Nat::add_assoc Nat::add_zeror : simple
variable n : Nat
variable v : vec n
variable w : vec n
variable f {A : TypeM} : A → A
local t = parse_lean([[ f ((v ; w) ; empty ; (v ; empty)) ]])
local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'cast'
Assumed: vec
Assumed: concat
Assumed: concat_assoc
Assumed: empty
Assumed: concat_empty
Assumed: n
Assumed: v
Assumed: w
Assumed: f
f (v ; w ; empty ; (v ; empty))
f (v ; (w ; v))
hcongr (hcongr (hrefl @f)
(to_heq (subst (refl (vec (n + n + 0 + (n + 0))))
(congr2 vec
(trans (congr (congr2 Nat::add (Nat::add_zeror (n + n))) (Nat::add_zeror n))
(Nat::add_assoc n n n))))))
(htrans (htrans (hcongr (hcongr (hcongr (hcongr (hrefl @concat) (to_heq (Nat::add_zeror (n + n))))
(to_heq (Nat::add_zeror n)))
(htrans (to_heq (concat_empty (v ; w)))
(cast_heq (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_zeror (n + n)))) (v ; w))))
(htrans (to_heq (concat_empty v)) (cast_heq (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_zeror n))) v)))
(to_heq (concat_assoc v w v)))
(cast_heq (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_assoc n n n))) (v ; (w ; v))))

tests/lean/simp20.lean Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import cast
rewrite_set simple
set_option pp::implicit true
variable g : TypeM → TypeM
variable B : Type
variable B' : Type
axiom H : B = B'
add_rewrite H : simple
local t = parse_lean([[ g B ]])
local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Imported 'cast'
Set: lean::pp::implicit
Assumed: g
Assumed: B
Assumed: B'
Assumed: H
g B
g B'
@congr2 TypeM TypeM B B' g (@subst Type B B' (λ x : Type, @eq TypeM B x) (@refl TypeM B) H)
@eq TypeM (g B) (g B')