feat(hott): add definitions using truncations and theorems about them
define embedding, (split) surjection, retraction, existential quantifier, 'or' connective also add a whole bunch of theorems about these definitions still has two sorry's which can be solved after #564 is closed
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 644 additions and 228 deletions
@ -2,92 +2,111 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.adjoint
Module: algebra.precategory.adjoint
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .constructions.functor
import algebra.category.constructions .constructions types.function arity
open category functor nat_trans eq is_trunc iso equiv prod
open category functor nat_trans eq is_trunc iso equiv prod trunc function
variables {C D : Precategory} {F : C ⇒ D}
-- structure adjoint (F : C ⇒ D) (G : D ⇒ C) :=
-- (unit : functor.id ⟹ G ∘f F) -- η
-- (counit : F ∘f G ⟹ functor.id) -- ε
-- (H : (counit ∘nf F) ∘n (nat_trans_of_eq !functor.assoc) ∘n (F ∘fn unit)
-- = nat_trans_of_eq !functor.comp_id_eq_id_comp)
-- (K : (G ∘fn counit) ∘n (nat_trans_of_eq !functor.assoc⁻¹) ∘n (unit ∘nf G)
-- = nat_trans_of_eq !functor.comp_id_eq_id_comp⁻¹)
-- structure is_left_adjoint (F : C ⇒ D) :=
-- (right_adjoint : D ⇒ C) -- G
-- (is_adjoint : adjoint F right_adjoint)
structure is_left_adjoint (F : C ⇒ D) :=
(right_adjoint : D ⇒ C) -- G
(unit : functor.id ⟹ right_adjoint ∘f F) -- η
(counit : F ∘f right_adjoint ⟹ functor.id) -- ε
(H : (counit ∘nf F) ∘n (nat_trans_of_eq !functor.assoc) ∘n (F ∘fn unit)
= nat_trans_of_eq !functor.comp_id_eq_id_comp)
(K : (right_adjoint ∘fn counit) ∘n (nat_trans_of_eq !functor.assoc⁻¹) ∘n (unit ∘nf right_adjoint)
= nat_trans_of_eq !functor.comp_id_eq_id_comp⁻¹)
structure is_equivalence (F : C ⇒ D) extends is_left_adjoint F :=
mk' ::
(is_iso_unit : is_iso unit)
(is_iso_counit : is_iso counit)
structure equivalence (C D : Precategory) :=
(to_functor : C ⇒ D)
(struct : is_equivalence to_functor)
--TODO: review and change
--TODO: make some or all of these structures?
definition faithful (F : C ⇒ D) :=
Π⦃c c' : C⦄, (Π(f f' : c ⟶ c'), to_fun_hom F f = to_fun_hom F f' → f = f')
definition full (F : C ⇒ D) := Π⦃c c' : C⦄ (g : F c ⟶ F c'), Σ(f : c ⟶ c'), F f = g --merely
definition fully_faithful (F : C ⇒ D) := Π⦃c c' : C⦄, is_equiv (@to_fun_hom _ _ F c c')
definition split_essentially_surjective (F : C ⇒ D) :=
Π⦃d : D⦄, Σ(c : C), F c ≅ d
definition essentially_surjective (F : C ⇒ D) :=
Π⦃d : D⦄, Σ(c : C), F c ≅ d --merely
definition is_weak_equivalence (F : C ⇒ D) :=
fully_faithful F × essentially_surjective F
definition is_isomorphism (F : C ⇒ D) :=
fully_faithful F × is_equiv (to_fun_ob F)
structure isomorphism (C D : Precategory) :=
(to_functor : C ⇒ D)
(struct : is_isomorphism to_functor)
namespace category
namespace category
variables {C D : Precategory} {F : C ⇒ D}
-- do we want to have a structure "is_adjoint" and define
-- structure is_left_adjoint (F : C ⇒ D) :=
-- (right_adjoint : D ⇒ C) -- G
-- (is_adjoint : adjoint F right_adjoint)
structure is_left_adjoint [class] (F : C ⇒ D) :=
(G : D ⇒ C)
(η : functor.id ⟹ G ∘f F)
(ε : F ∘f G ⟹ functor.id)
(H : Π(c : C), (ε (F c)) ∘ (F (η c)) = ID (F c))
(K : Π(d : D), (G (ε d)) ∘ (η (G d)) = ID (G d))
abbreviation right_adjoint := @is_left_adjoint.G
abbreviation unit := @is_left_adjoint.η
abbreviation counit := @is_left_adjoint.ε
-- structure is_left_adjoint [class] (F : C ⇒ D) :=
-- (right_adjoint : D ⇒ C) -- G
-- (unit : functor.id ⟹ right_adjoint ∘f F) -- η
-- (counit : F ∘f right_adjoint ⟹ functor.id) -- ε
-- (H : Π(c : C), (counit (F c)) ∘ (F (unit c)) = ID (F c))
-- (K : Π(d : D), (right_adjoint (counit d)) ∘ (unit (right_adjoint d)) = ID (right_adjoint d))
structure is_equivalence [class] (F : C ⇒ D) extends is_left_adjoint F :=
mk' ::
(is_iso_unit : is_iso η)
(is_iso_counit : is_iso ε)
structure equivalence (C D : Precategory) :=
(to_functor : C ⇒ D)
(struct : is_equivalence to_functor)
--TODO: review and change
--TODO: make some or all of these structures?
definition faithful (F : C ⇒ D) :=
Π⦃c c' : C⦄ (f f' : c ⟶ c'), F f = F f' → f = f'
definition full (F : C ⇒ D) := Π⦃c c' : C⦄ (g : F c ⟶ F c'), ∃(f : c ⟶ c'), F f = g
definition fully_faithful [reducible] (F : C ⇒ D) := Π⦃c c' : C⦄, is_equiv (@to_fun_hom _ _ F c c')
definition split_essentially_surjective (F : C ⇒ D) :=
Π⦃d : D⦄, Σ(c : C), F c ≅ d
definition essentially_surjective (F : C ⇒ D) :=
Π⦃d : D⦄, ∃(c : C), F c ≅ d
definition is_weak_equivalence (F : C ⇒ D) :=
fully_faithful F × essentially_surjective F
definition is_isomorphism (F : C ⇒ D) :=
fully_faithful F × is_equiv (to_fun_ob F)
structure isomorphism (C D : Precategory) :=
(to_functor : C ⇒ D)
(struct : is_isomorphism to_functor)
-- infix `⊣`:55 := adjoint
-- infix `⊣`:55 := adjoint
infix `⋍`:25 := equivalence -- \backsimeq
infix `⋍`:25 := equivalence -- \backsimeq or \equiv
infix `≌`:25 := isomorphism -- \backcong
infix `≌`:25 := isomorphism -- \backcong or \iso
--TODO: add shortcuts for Σ⋍≌▹
definition is_hprop_is_left_adjoint {C : Category} {D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D)
definition is_hprop_is_left_adjoint {C : Category} {D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D)
: is_hprop (is_left_adjoint F) :=
: is_hprop (is_left_adjoint F) :=
apply is_hprop.mk,
intros [G, G'], cases G with [G, η, ε, H, K], cases G' with [G', η', ε', H', K'],
fapply (apd011111 is_left_adjoint.mk),
{ fapply functor_eq,
{ intro d, apply eq_of_iso, fapply iso.MK,
{ exact (G' (ε d) ∘ η' (G d))},
{ exact (G (ε' d) ∘ η (G' d))},
{ apply sorry /-rewrite [assoc, -{((G (ε' d)) ∘ (η (G' d))) ∘ (G' (ε d))}(assoc)],-/
-- apply concat, apply (ap (λc, c ∘ η' _)), rewrite -assoc, apply idp
--/-rewrite [-nat_trans.assoc]-/apply sorry
---assoc (G (ε' d)) (η (G' d)) (G' (ε d))
{ apply sorry}},
{ apply sorry},
{ apply sorry},
{ apply sorry},
{ apply is_hprop.elim},
{ apply is_hprop.elim},
definition is_equivalence.mk (F : C ⇒ D) (G : D ⇒ C) (η : G ∘f F ≅ functor.id)
definition is_equivalence.mk (F : C ⇒ D) (G : D ⇒ C) (η : G ∘f F ≅ functor.id)
(ε : F ∘f G ≅ functor.id) : is_equivalence F :=
(ε : F ∘f G ≅ functor.id) : is_equivalence F :=
definition full_of_fully_faithful (H : fully_faithful F) : full F :=
definition full_of_fully_faithful (H : fully_faithful F) : full F :=
sorry --λc c' g, trunc.elim _ _
definition faithful_of_fully_faithful (H : fully_faithful F) : faithful F :=
definition faithful_of_fully_faithful (H : fully_faithful F) : faithful F :=
λc c' f f' p, is_injective_of_is_embedding p
definition fully_faithful_of_full_of_faithful (H : faithful F) (K : full F) : fully_faithful F :=
definition fully_faithful_of_full_of_faithful (H : faithful F) (K : full F) : fully_faithful F :=
@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ namespace category
definition is_isomorphism_equiv2 (F : C ⇒ D) : is_equivalence F
definition is_isomorphism_equiv2 (F : C ⇒ D) : is_equivalence F
≃ Σ/-MERELY-/(G : D ⇒ C), functor.id = G ∘f F × F ∘f G = functor.id :=
≃ ∃(G : D ⇒ C), functor.id = G ∘f F × F ∘f G = functor.id :=
definition is_equivalence_of_isomorphism (H : is_isomorphism F) : is_equivalence F :=
definition is_equivalence_of_isomorphism (H : is_isomorphism F) : is_equivalence F :=
@ -159,14 +159,20 @@ namespace category
end functor
end functor
definition Category_functor_of_precategory (D : Category) (C : Precategory) : Category :=
definition category_functor [instance] (D : Category) (C : Precategory)
category.MK (D ^c C) (functor.is_univalent D C)
: category (D ^c C) :=
category.mk (D ^c C) (functor.is_univalent D C)
definition Category_functor (D : Category) (C : Category) : Category :=
definition Category_functor (D : Category) (C : Precategory) : Category :=
Category_functor_of_precategory D C
category.Mk (D ^c C) !category_functor
--this definition is only useful if the exponent is a category,
-- and the elaborator has trouble with inserting the coercion
definition Category_functor' (D C : Category) : Category :=
Category_functor D C
namespace ops
namespace ops
infixr `^c2`:35 := Category_functor_of_precategory
infixr `^c2`:35 := Category_functor
end ops
end ops
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: algebra.category.default
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .category .strict .groupoid .constructions
@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ namespace iso
(λ c g h H,
(λ c g h H,
g = g ∘ id : by rewrite id_right
g = g ∘ id : by rewrite id_right
... = g ∘ f ∘ section_of f : by rewrite -comp_section
... = g ∘ f ∘ section_of f : by rewrite -comp_section
... = h ∘ f ∘ section_of f : by rewrite [assoc, H, -assoc]
... = h ∘ f ∘ section_of f : by rewrite [assoc, H, -assoc]
... = h ∘ id : by rewrite comp_section
... = h ∘ id : by rewrite comp_section
... = h : by rewrite id_right)
... = h : by rewrite id_right)
definition mono_comp [instance] (g : b ⟶ c) (f : a ⟶ b) [Hf : mono f] [Hg : mono g]
definition mono_comp [instance] (g : b ⟶ c) (f : a ⟶ b) [Hf : mono f] [Hg : mono g]
: mono (g ∘ f) :=
: mono (g ∘ f) :=
@ -93,12 +93,16 @@ namespace nat_trans
... = F (η b ∘ G f) : by rewrite (naturality η f)
... = F (η b ∘ G f) : by rewrite (naturality η f)
... = F (η b) ∘ F (G f) : by rewrite respect_comp)
... = F (η b) ∘ F (G f) : by rewrite respect_comp)
infixr `∘nf`:60 := nat_trans_functor_compose
infixr `∘nf`:62 := nat_trans_functor_compose
infixr `∘fn`:60 := functor_nat_trans_compose
infixr `∘fn`:62 := functor_nat_trans_compose
definition functor_nat_trans_compose_commute (η : F ⟹ G) (θ : F' ⟹ G')
definition nf_fn_eq_fn_nf_pt (η : F ⟹ G) (θ : F' ⟹ G') (c : C)
: (θ (G c)) ∘ (F' (η c)) = (G' (η c)) ∘ (θ (F c)) :=
(naturality θ (η c))⁻¹
definition nf_fn_eq_fn_nf (η : F ⟹ G) (θ : F' ⟹ G')
: (θ ∘nf G) ∘n (F' ∘fn η) = (G' ∘fn η) ∘n (θ ∘nf F) :=
: (θ ∘nf G) ∘n (F' ∘fn η) = (G' ∘fn η) ∘n (θ ∘nf F) :=
nat_trans_eq (λc, (naturality θ (η c))⁻¹)
nat_trans_eq (λc, !nf_fn_eq_fn_nf_pt)
definition fn_n_distrib (F' : D ⇒ E) (η : G ⟹ H) (θ : F ⟹ G)
definition fn_n_distrib (F' : D ⇒ E) (η : G ⟹ H) (θ : F ⟹ G)
: F' ∘fn (η ∘n θ) = (F' ∘fn η) ∘n (F' ∘fn θ) :=
: F' ∘fn (η ∘n θ) = (F' ∘fn η) ∘n (F' ∘fn θ) :=
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ variables {a a' : A} {u u' : U} {v v' : V} {w w' : W} {x x' x'' : X} {y y' : Y}
{b : B a} {b' : B a'}
{b : B a} {b' : B a'}
{c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
{c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
{d : D a b c} {d' : D a' b' c'}
{d : D a b c} {d' : D a' b' c'}
{e : E a b c d} {e' : E a' b' c' d'}
namespace eq
namespace eq
@ -49,48 +50,54 @@ namespace eq
notation f `∼3`:50 g := homotopy3 f g
notation f `∼3`:50 g := homotopy3 f g
definition ap011 (f : U → V → W) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') : f u v = f u' v' :=
definition ap011 (f : U → V → W) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') : f u v = f u' v' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap (f u) Hv)
by cases Hu; exact (ap (f u) Hv)
definition ap0111 (f : U → V → W → X) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w')
definition ap0111 (f : U → V → W → X) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w')
: f u v w = f u' v' w' :=
: f u v w = f u' v' w' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap011 (f u) Hv Hw)
by cases Hu; exact (ap011 (f u) Hv Hw)
definition ap01111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x')
definition ap01111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x')
: f u v w x = f u' v' w' x' :=
: f u v w x = f u' v' w' x' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap0111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx)
by cases Hu; exact (ap0111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx)
definition ap011111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y → Z)
definition ap011111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y → Z)
(Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x') (Hy : y = y')
(Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x') (Hy : y = y')
: f u v w x y = f u' v' w' x' y' :=
: f u v w x y = f u' v' w' x' y' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap01111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx Hy)
by cases Hu; exact (ap01111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx Hy)
definition ap0111111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y → Z → A)
definition ap0111111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y → Z → A)
(Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x') (Hy : y = y') (Hz : z = z')
(Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x') (Hy : y = y') (Hz : z = z')
: f u v w x y z = f u' v' w' x' y' z' :=
: f u v w x y z = f u' v' w' x' y' z' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap011111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz)
by cases Hu; exact (ap011111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz)
definition ap010 (f : X → Πa, B a) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼ f x' :=
definition ap010 (f : X → Πa, B a) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼ f x' :=
λa, eq.rec_on Hx idp
λa, by cases Hx; exact idp
definition ap0100 (f : X → Πa b, C a b) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼2 f x' :=
definition ap0100 (f : X → Πa b, C a b) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼2 f x' :=
λa b, eq.rec_on Hx idp
λa b, by cases Hx; exact idp
definition ap01000 (f : X → Πa b c, D a b c) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼3 f x' :=
definition ap01000 (f : X → Πa b c, D a b c) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼3 f x' :=
λa b c, eq.rec_on Hx idp
λa b c, by cases Hx; exact idp
definition apd011 (f : Πa, B a → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
definition apd011 (f : Πa, B a → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
: f a b = f a' b' :=
: f a b = f a' b' :=
eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp)
by cases Ha; cases Hb; exact idp
definition apd0111 (f : Πa b, C a b → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
definition apd0111 (f : Πa b, C a b → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apd011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c')
(Hc : apd011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
eq.rec_on Hc (eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp))
by cases Ha; cases Hb; cases Hc; exact idp
definition apd01111 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
definition apd01111 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apd011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c') (Hd : apd0111 D Ha Hb Hc ▹ d = d')
(Hc : apd011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c') (Hd : apd0111 D Ha Hb Hc ▹ d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
eq.rec_on Hd (eq.rec_on Hc (eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp)))
by cases Ha; cases Hb; cases Hc; cases Hd; exact idp
definition apd011111 (f : Πa b c d, E a b c d → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apd011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c') (Hd : apd0111 D Ha Hb Hc ▹ d = d')
(He : apd01111 E Ha Hb Hc Hd ▹ e = e')
: f a b c d e = f a' b' c' d' e' :=
by cases Ha; cases Hb; cases Hc; cases Hd; cases He; exact idp
definition apd100 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (p : f = g) : f ∼2 g :=
definition apd100 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (p : f = g) : f ∼2 g :=
λa b, apd10 (apd10 p a) b
λa b, apd10 (apd10 p a) b
@ -91,10 +91,13 @@ namespace circle
eq_inv_tr_of_tr_eq (tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr q) = q :=
eq_inv_tr_of_tr_eq (tr_eq_of_eq_inv_tr q) = q :=
by cases p; exact idp
by cases p; exact idp
definition con_refl {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) : p ⬝ refl _ = p :=
eq.rec_on p idp
theorem rec_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) :
theorem rec_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) :
apd (rec Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
apd (rec Pbase Ploop) loop = Ploop :=
rewrite [↑loop,apd_con,↑rec,↑rec2_on,↑base,rec2_seg1,apd_inv,rec2_seg2],
rewrite [↑loop,apd_con,↑rec,↑rec2_on,↑base,rec2_seg1,apd_inv,rec2_seg2,↑ap], --con_idp should work here
apply concat, apply (ap (λx, x ⬝ _)), apply con_idp, esimp,
apply concat, apply (ap (λx, x ⬝ _)), apply con_idp, esimp,
rewrite [rec_loop_helper,inv_con_inv_left],
rewrite [rec_loop_helper,inv_con_inv_left],
apply con_inv_cancel_left
apply con_inv_cancel_left
@ -31,4 +31,106 @@ namespace trunc
because the universe is generally not a set
because the universe is generally not a set
--export is_trunc
variables {X Y Z : Type} {P : X → Type} (A B : Type) (n : trunc_index)
local attribute is_trunc_eq [instance]
definition is_equiv_tr [instance] [H : is_trunc n A] : is_equiv (@tr n A) :=
adjointify _
(trunc.rec id)
(λaa, trunc.rec_on aa (λa, idp))
(λa, idp)
definition equiv_trunc [H : is_trunc n A] : A ≃ trunc n A :=
equiv.mk tr _
definition is_trunc_of_is_equiv_tr [H : is_equiv (@tr n A)] : is_trunc n A :=
is_trunc_is_equiv_closed n tr⁻¹
definition untrunc_of_is_trunc [reducible] [H : is_trunc n A] : trunc n A → A :=
/- Functoriality -/
definition trunc_functor (f : X → Y) : trunc n X → trunc n Y :=
λxx, trunc.rec_on xx (λx, tr (f x))
-- by intro xx; apply (trunc.rec_on xx); intro x; exact (tr (f x))
-- by intro xx; fapply (trunc.rec_on xx); intro x; exact (tr (f x))
-- by intro xx; exact (trunc.rec_on xx (λx, (tr (f x))))
definition trunc_functor_compose (f : X → Y) (g : Y → Z)
: trunc_functor n (g ∘ f) ∼ trunc_functor n g ∘ trunc_functor n f :=
λxx, trunc.rec_on xx (λx, idp)
definition trunc_functor_id : trunc_functor n (@id A) ∼ id :=
λxx, trunc.rec_on xx (λx, idp)
definition is_equiv_trunc_functor (f : X → Y) [H : is_equiv f] : is_equiv (trunc_functor n f) :=
adjointify _
(trunc_functor n f⁻¹)
(λyy, trunc.rec_on yy (λy, ap tr !right_inv))
(λxx, trunc.rec_on xx (λx, ap tr !left_inv))
open prod.ops
definition trunc_prod_equiv : trunc n (X × Y) ≃ trunc n X × trunc n Y :=
-- equiv.MK (λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, (tr p.1, tr p.2)))
-- (λp, trunc.rec_on p.1 (λx, trunc.rec_on p.2 (λy, tr (x,y))))
-- sorry --(λp, trunc.rec_on p.1 (λx, trunc.rec_on p.2 (λy, idp)))
-- (λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, prod.rec_on p (λx y, idp)))
-- begin
-- fapply equiv.MK,
-- apply sorry, --{exact (λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, (tr p.1, tr p.2)))},
-- apply sorry, /-{intro p, cases p with (xx, yy),
-- apply (trunc.rec_on xx), intro x,
-- apply (trunc.rec_on yy), intro y, exact (tr (x,y))},-/
-- apply sorry, /-{intro p, cases p with (xx, yy),
-- apply (trunc.rec_on xx), intro x,
-- apply (trunc.rec_on yy), intro y, apply idp},-/
-- apply sorry --{intro pp, apply (trunc.rec_on pp), intro p, cases p, apply idp},
-- end
/- Propositional truncation -/
-- should this live in hprop?
definition merely [reducible] (A : Type) : Type := trunc -1 A
notation `||`:max A `||`:0 := merely A
notation `∥`:max A `∥`:0 := merely A
definition Exists [reducible] (P : X → Type) : Type := ∥ sigma P ∥
definition or [reducible] (A B : Type) : Type := ∥ A ⊎ B ∥
notation `exists` binders `,` r:(scoped P, Exists P) := r
notation `∃` binders `,` r:(scoped P, Exists P) := r
notation A `\/` B := or A B
notation A ∨ B := or A B
definition merely.intro [reducible] (a : A) : ∥ A ∥ := tr a
definition exists.intro [reducible] (x : X) (p : P x) : ∃x, P x := tr ⟨x, p⟩
definition or.intro_left [reducible] (x : X) : X ∨ Y := tr (inl x)
definition or.intro_right [reducible] (y : Y) : X ∨ Y := tr (inr y)
definition is_contr_of_merely_hprop [H : is_hprop A] (aa : merely A) : is_contr A :=
is_contr_of_inhabited_hprop (trunc.rec_on aa id)
open sigma.ops
definition trunc_sigma_equiv : trunc n (Σ x, P x) ≃ trunc n (Σ x, trunc n (P x)) :=
equiv.MK (λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, tr ⟨p.1, tr p.2⟩))
(λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, trunc.rec_on p.2 (λb, tr ⟨p.1, b⟩)))
(λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, sigma.rec_on p (λa bb, trunc.rec_on bb (λb, by esimp))))
(λpp, trunc.rec_on pp (λp, sigma.rec_on p (λa b, by esimp)))
definition trunc_sigma_equiv_of_is_trunc [H : is_trunc n X]
: trunc n (Σ x, P x) ≃ Σ x, trunc n (P x) :=
trunc n (Σ x, P x) ≃ trunc n (Σ x, trunc n (P x)) : trunc_sigma_equiv
... ≃ Σ x, trunc n (P x) : equiv.symm !equiv_trunc
end trunc
end trunc
@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ namespace is_equiv
definition is_equiv_tr [instance] {A : Type} (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : (is_equiv (transport P p)) :=
definition is_equiv_tr [instance] {A : Type} (P : A → Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : (is_equiv (transport P p)) :=
is_equiv.mk _ (transport P p⁻¹) (tr_inv_tr p) (inv_tr_tr p) (tr_inv_tr_lemma p)
is_equiv.mk _ (transport P p⁻¹) (tr_inv_tr p) (inv_tr_tr p) (tr_inv_tr_lemma p)
end is_equiv
end is_equiv
open is_equiv
open is_equiv
@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ infixr ∘' := dcompose
infixl on := on_fun
infixl on := on_fun
infixr $ := app
infixr $ := app
notation f `-[` op `]-` g := combine f op g
notation f `-[` op `]-` g := combine f op g
-- Trick for using any binary function as infix operator
notation a `⟨` f `⟩` b := f a b
end function
end function
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
--in the proof the type of H is given explicitly to make it available for class inference
--in the proof the type of H is given explicitly to make it available for class inference
definition is_trunc_of_leq (A : Type) (n m : trunc_index) (Hnm : n ≤ m)
definition is_trunc_of_leq.{l} (A : Type.{l}) {n m : trunc_index} (Hnm : n ≤ m)
[Hn : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc m A :=
[Hn : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc m A :=
have base : ∀k A, k ≤ -2 → is_trunc k A → (is_trunc -2 A), from
have base : ∀k A, k ≤ -2 → is_trunc k A → (is_trunc -2 A), from
λ k A, trunc_index.cases_on k
λ k A, trunc_index.cases_on k
@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ namespace is_trunc
definition is_trunc_succ_of_is_hprop (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hprop A]
definition is_trunc_succ_of_is_hprop (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hprop A]
: is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
: is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
is_trunc_of_leq A -1 (n.+1) star
is_trunc_of_leq A star
definition is_trunc_succ_succ_of_is_hset (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hset A]
definition is_trunc_succ_succ_of_is_hset (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hset A]
: is_trunc (n.+2) A :=
: is_trunc (n.+2) A :=
is_trunc_of_leq A nat.zero (n.+2) star
is_trunc_of_leq A star
/- hprops -/
/- hprops -/
@ -204,8 +204,12 @@ namespace is_trunc
abbreviation hprop := -1-Type
abbreviation hprop := -1-Type
abbreviation hset := 0-Type
abbreviation hset := 0-Type
protected definition hprop.mk := @trunctype.mk -1
protected abbreviation hprop.mk := @trunctype.mk -1
protected definition hset.mk := @trunctype.mk (-1.+1)
protected abbreviation hset.mk := @trunctype.mk (-1.+1)
protected abbreviation trunctype.mk' [parsing-only] (n : trunc_index) (A : Type)
[H : is_trunc n A] : n-Type :=
trunctype.mk A H
/- interaction with equivalences -/
/- interaction with equivalences -/
@ -234,10 +238,18 @@ namespace is_trunc
IH (f⁻¹ x = f⁻¹ y) _ (x = y) (ap f⁻¹)⁻¹ !is_equiv_inv))
IH (f⁻¹ x = f⁻¹ y) _ (x = y) (ap f⁻¹)⁻¹ !is_equiv_inv))
A HA B f H
A HA B f H
definition is_trunc_is_equiv_closed_rev (n : trunc_index) (f : A → B) [H : is_equiv f]
[HA : is_trunc n B] : is_trunc n A :=
is_trunc_is_equiv_closed n f⁻¹
definition is_trunc_equiv_closed (n : trunc_index) (f : A ≃ B) [HA : is_trunc n A]
definition is_trunc_equiv_closed (n : trunc_index) (f : A ≃ B) [HA : is_trunc n A]
: is_trunc n B :=
: is_trunc n B :=
is_trunc_is_equiv_closed n (to_fun f)
is_trunc_is_equiv_closed n (to_fun f)
definition is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev (n : trunc_index) (f : A ≃ B) [HA : is_trunc n B]
: is_trunc n A :=
is_trunc_is_equiv_closed n (to_inv f)
definition is_equiv_of_is_hprop [HA : is_hprop A] [HB : is_hprop B] (f : A → B) (g : B → A)
definition is_equiv_of_is_hprop [HA : is_hprop A] [HB : is_hprop B] (f : A → B) (g : B → A)
: is_equiv f :=
: is_equiv f :=
is_equiv.mk f g (λb, !is_hprop.elim) (λa, !is_hprop.elim) (λa, !is_hset.elim)
is_equiv.mk f g (λb, !is_hprop.elim) (λa, !is_hprop.elim) (λa, !is_hset.elim)
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: types.default
Module: types.default
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Authors: Floris van Doorn
The core of the HoTT library
import .sigma .prod .pi .equiv .fiber .eq .trunc .arrow .pointed
import .sigma .prod .pi .equiv .fiber .eq .trunc .arrow .pointed
@ -9,53 +9,47 @@ Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about the types equiv and is_equiv
Theorems about the types equiv and is_equiv
import types.fiber types.arrow arity
import .fiber .arrow arity .hprop_trunc
open eq is_trunc sigma sigma.ops arrow pi
open eq is_trunc sigma sigma.ops arrow pi fiber function equiv
namespace is_equiv
namespace is_equiv
open equiv function
variables {A B : Type} (f : A → B) [H : is_equiv f]
include H
open fiber
/- is_equiv f is a mere proposition -/
variables {A B : Type} (f : A → B) [H : is_equiv f]
definition is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv [instance] (b : B) : is_contr (fiber f b) :=
include H
definition is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv (b : B) : is_contr (fiber f b) :=
(fiber.mk (f⁻¹ b) (right_inv f b))
(λz, fiber.rec_on z (λa p, fiber_eq ((ap f⁻¹ p)⁻¹ ⬝ left_inv f a) (calc
(fiber.mk (f⁻¹ b) (right_inv f b))
right_inv f b = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ ((ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p) ⬝ right_inv f b) : by rewrite inv_con_cancel_left
(λz, fiber.rec_on z (λa p, fiber_eq ((ap f⁻¹ p)⁻¹ ⬝ left_inv f a) (calc
... = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ (right_inv f (f a) ⬝ p) : by rewrite ap_con_eq_con
right_inv f b = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ ((ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p) ⬝ right_inv f b) : by rewrite inv_con_cancel_left
... = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p) : by rewrite adj
... = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ (right_inv f (f a) ⬝ p) : by rewrite ap_con_eq_con
... = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite con.assoc
... = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ (ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p) : by rewrite adj
... = (ap f (ap f⁻¹ p))⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite ap_compose
... = (ap (f ∘ f⁻¹) p)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite con.assoc
... = ap f (ap f⁻¹ p)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite ap_inv
... = (ap f (ap f⁻¹ p))⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite ap_compose
... = ap f ((ap f⁻¹ p)⁻¹ ⬝ left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite ap_con)))
... = ap f (ap f⁻¹ p)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f (left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite ap_inv
... = ap f ((ap f⁻¹ p)⁻¹ ⬝ left_inv f a) ⬝ p : by rewrite ap_con)))
definition is_contr_right_inverse : is_contr (Σ(g : B → A), f ∘ g ∼ id) :=
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply sigma_equiv_sigma_id, intro g, apply eq_equiv_homotopy},
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply fiber.sigma_char},
fapply is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv,
apply (to_is_equiv (arrow_equiv_arrow_right (equiv.mk f H))),
definition is_contr_right_coherence (u : Σ(g : B → A), f ∘ g ∼ id)
: is_contr (Σ(η : u.1 ∘ f ∼ id), Π(a : A), u.2 (f a) = ap f (η a)) :=
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply equiv.symm, apply sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma},
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply pi_equiv_pi_id, intro a,
apply (fiber_eq_equiv (fiber.mk (u.1 (f a)) (u.2 (f a))) (fiber.mk a idp))},
fapply is_trunc_pi,
intro a, fapply @is_contr_eq,
apply is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv
definition is_contr_right_inverse : is_contr (Σ(g : B → A), f ∘ g ∼ id) :=
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply sigma_equiv_sigma_id, intro g, apply eq_equiv_homotopy},
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply fiber.sigma_char},
fapply is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv,
apply (to_is_equiv (arrow_equiv_arrow_right (equiv.mk f H))),
variables {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
definition is_contr_right_coherence (u : Σ(g : B → A), f ∘ g ∼ id)
: is_contr (Σ(η : u.1 ∘ f ∼ id), Π(a : A), u.2 (f a) = ap f (η a)) :=
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply equiv.symm, apply sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma},
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply pi_equiv_pi_id, intro a,
apply (fiber_eq_equiv (fiber.mk (u.1 (f a)) (u.2 (f a))) (fiber.mk a idp))},
omit H
protected definition sigma_char : (is_equiv f) ≃
protected definition sigma_char : (is_equiv f) ≃
(Σ(g : B → A) (ε : f ∘ g ∼ id) (η : g ∘ f ∼ id), Π(a : A), ε (f a) = ap f (η a)) :=
(Σ(g : B → A) (ε : f ∘ g ∼ id) (η : g ∘ f ∼ id), Π(a : A), ε (f a) = ap f (η a)) :=
@ -80,21 +74,32 @@ namespace is_equiv
local attribute is_contr_right_inverse [instance] [priority 1600]
local attribute is_contr_right_inverse [instance] [priority 1600]
local attribute is_contr_right_coherence [instance] [priority 1600]
local attribute is_contr_right_coherence [instance] [priority 1600]
theorem is_hprop_is_equiv [instance] : is_hprop (is_equiv f) :=
theorem is_hprop_is_equiv [instance] : is_hprop (is_equiv f) :=
is_hprop_of_imp_is_contr (λ(H : is_equiv f), is_trunc_equiv_closed -2 (equiv.symm !sigma_char'))
is_hprop_of_imp_is_contr (λ(H : is_equiv f), is_trunc_equiv_closed -2 (equiv.symm !sigma_char'))
/- contractible fibers -/ -- TODO: uncomment this (needs to import instance is_hprop_is_trunc)
/- contractible fibers -/
-- definition is_contr_fun [reducible] {A B : Type} (f : A → B) := Π(b : B), is_contr (fiber f b)
definition is_contr_fun [reducible] (f : A → B) := Π(b : B), is_contr (fiber f b)
-- definition is_hprop_is_contr_fun (f : A → B) : is_hprop (is_contr_fun f) := _
definition is_contr_fun_of_is_equiv [H : is_equiv f] : is_contr_fun f :=
is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv f
-- definition is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun [instance] [H : is_contr_fun f] : is_equiv f :=
definition is_hprop_is_contr_fun (f : A → B) : is_hprop (is_contr_fun f) := _
-- adjointify _ (λb, point (center (fiber f b)))
-- (λb, point_eq (center (fiber f b)))
-- (λa, ap point (contr (fiber.mk a idp)))
-- definition is_equiv_of_imp_is_equiv (H : B → is_equiv f) : is_equiv f :=
-- @is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun _ _ f (is_contr_fun.mk (λb, @is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv _ _ _ (H b) _))
we cannot make the next theorem an instance, because it loops together with
definition is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun [H : is_contr_fun f] : is_equiv f :=
adjointify _ (λb, point (center (fiber f b)))
(λb, point_eq (center (fiber f b)))
(λa, ap point (center_eq (fiber.mk a idp)))
definition is_equiv_of_imp_is_equiv (H : B → is_equiv f) : is_equiv f :=
@is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun _ _ f (λb, @is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv _ _ _ (H b) _)
definition is_equiv_equiv_is_contr_fun : is_equiv f ≃ is_contr_fun f :=
equiv_of_is_hprop _ (λH, !is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun)
end is_equiv
end is_equiv
@ -108,4 +113,32 @@ namespace equiv
definition equiv_eq {f f' : A ≃ B} (p : to_fun f = to_fun f') : f = f' :=
definition equiv_eq {f f' : A ≃ B} (p : to_fun f = to_fun f') : f = f' :=
by (cases f; cases f'; apply (equiv_mk_eq p))
by (cases f; cases f'; apply (equiv_mk_eq p))
protected definition equiv.sigma_char (A B : Type) : (A ≃ B) ≃ Σ(f : A → B), is_equiv f :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{intro F, exact ⟨to_fun F, to_is_equiv F⟩},
{intro p, cases p with [f, H], exact (equiv.mk f H)},
{intro p, cases p with [f, H], exact idp},
{intro F, cases F with [f, H], exact idp},
definition equiv_eq_char (f f' : A ≃ B) : (f = f') ≃ (to_fun f = to_fun f') :=
(f = f') ≃ (to_fun !equiv.sigma_char f = to_fun !equiv.sigma_char f')
: eq_equiv_fn_eq (to_fun !equiv.sigma_char)
... ≃ ((to_fun !equiv.sigma_char f).1 = (to_fun !equiv.sigma_char f').1 ) : equiv_subtype
... ≃ (to_fun f = to_fun f') : equiv.refl
definition is_equiv_ap_to_fun (f f' : A ≃ B)
: is_equiv (ap to_fun : f = f' → to_fun f = to_fun f') :=
fapply adjointify,
{intro p, cases f with [f, H], cases f' with [f', H'], cases p, apply (ap (mk f')), apply is_hprop.elim},
{intro p, cases f with [f, H], cases f' with [f', H'], cases p,
apply (@concat _ _ (ap to_fun (ap (equiv.mk f') (is_hprop.elim H H')))), {apply idp},
generalize (is_hprop.elim H H'), intro q, cases q, apply idp},
{intro p, cases p, cases f with [f, H], apply (ap (ap (equiv.mk f))), apply is_hset.elim}
end equiv
end equiv
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: types.function
Author: Floris van Doorn
Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about embeddings and surjections
import hit.trunc .pi .fiber .equiv
open equiv sigma sigma.ops eq trunc is_trunc pi is_equiv fiber prod
variables {A B : Type} {f : A → B} {b : B}
structure is_embedding [class] (f : A → B) :=
(elim : Π(a a' : A), is_equiv (@ap A B f a a'))
structure is_surjective [class] (f : A → B) :=
(elim : Π(b : B), ∥ fiber f b ∥)
structure is_split_surjective [class] (f : A → B) :=
(elim : Π(b : B), fiber f b)
structure is_retraction [class] (f : A → B) :=
(sect : B → A)
(right_inverse : Π(b : B), f (sect b) = b)
namespace function
attribute is_embedding.elim [instance]
definition is_surjective_rec_on {P : Type} (H : is_surjective f) (b : B) [Pt : is_hprop P]
(IH : fiber f b → P) : P :=
trunc.rec_on (is_surjective.elim f b) IH
definition is_surjective_of_is_split_surjective [instance] [H : is_split_surjective f]
: is_surjective f :=
is_surjective.mk (λb, tr (is_split_surjective.elim f b))
definition is_injective_of_is_embedding [reducible] [H : is_embedding f] {a a' : A}
: f a = f a' → a = a' :=
(ap f)⁻¹
definition is_embedding_of_is_injective [HA : is_hset A] [HB : is_hset B]
(H : Π(a a' : A), f a = f a' → a = a') : is_embedding f :=
fapply is_embedding.mk,
intros [a, a'],
fapply adjointify,
{exact (H a a')},
{intro p, apply is_hset.elim},
{intro p, apply is_hset.elim}
definition is_hprop_is_embedding [instance] (f : A → B) : is_hprop (is_embedding f) :=
have H : (Π(a a' : A), is_equiv (@ap A B f a a')) ≃ is_embedding f,
fapply equiv.MK,
{exact is_embedding.mk},
{intro h, cases h, exact elim},
{intro h, cases h, apply idp},
{intro p, apply idp},
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
exact H,
definition is_hprop_is_surjective [instance] (f : A → B) : is_hprop (is_surjective f) :=
have H : (Π(b : B), merely (fiber f b)) ≃ is_surjective f,
fapply equiv.MK,
{exact is_surjective.mk},
{intro h, cases h, exact elim},
{intro h, cases h, apply idp},
{intro p, apply idp},
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
exact H,
definition is_embedding_of_is_equiv [instance] (f : A → B) [H : is_equiv f] : is_embedding f :=
is_embedding.mk _
definition is_equiv_of_is_surjective_of_is_embedding (f : A → B)
[H : is_embedding f] [H' : is_surjective f] : is_equiv f :=
@is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun _ _ _
(λb, is_surjective_rec_on H' b
(λa, is_contr.mk a
fiber_eq ((ap f)⁻¹ ((point_eq a) ⬝ (point_eq a')⁻¹))
(by rewrite (right_inv (ap f)); rewrite inv_con_cancel_right))))
end function
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: types.hprop_trunc
Authors: Jakob von Raumer, Floris van Doorn
Proof of the theorem that (is_trunc n A) is a mere proposition
We prove this here to avoid circular dependency of files
We want to use this in .equiv; .equiv is imported by .function and .function is imported by .trunc
import .pi
open equiv sigma sigma.ops eq function pi
namespace is_trunc
definition is_contr.sigma_char (A : Type) :
(Σ (center : A), Π (a : A), center = a) ≃ (is_contr A) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro S, exact (is_contr.mk S.1 S.2)},
{ intro H, cases H with [H'], cases H' with [ce, co], exact ⟨ce, co⟩},
{ intro H, cases H with [H'], cases H' with [ce, co], exact idp},
{ intro S, cases S, apply idp}
definition is_trunc.pi_char (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) :
(Π (x y : A), is_trunc n (x = y)) ≃ (is_trunc (n .+1) A) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro H, apply is_trunc_succ_intro},
{ intros [H, x, y], apply is_trunc_eq},
{ intro H, cases H, apply idp},
{ intro P, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b,
esimp [function.id,compose,is_trunc_succ_intro,is_trunc_eq],
generalize (P a b), intro H, cases H, apply idp},
definition is_hprop_is_trunc [instance] (n : trunc_index) :
Π (A : Type), is_hprop (is_trunc n A) :=
apply (trunc_index.rec_on n),
{ intro A,
apply is_trunc_is_equiv_closed,
{ apply equiv.to_is_equiv, apply is_contr.sigma_char},
apply (@is_hprop.mk), intros,
fapply sigma_eq, {apply x.2},
apply (@is_hprop.elim),
apply is_trunc_pi, intro a,
apply is_hprop.mk, intros [w, z],
have H : is_hset A,
apply is_trunc_succ, apply is_trunc_succ,
apply is_contr.mk, exact y.2
fapply (@is_hset.elim A _ _ _ w z)},
{ intros [n', IH, A],
apply is_trunc_is_equiv_closed,
apply equiv.to_is_equiv,
apply is_trunc.pi_char},
end is_trunc
@ -3,75 +3,99 @@ Copyright (c) 2015 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: types.trunc
Module: types.trunc
Authors: Jakob von Raumer, Floris van Doorn
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Properties of is_trunc
Properties of is_trunc and trunctype
import types.pi types.eq
--NOTE: the fact that (is_trunc n A) is a mere proposition is proved in .hprop_trunc
import types.pi types.eq types.equiv .function
open eq sigma sigma.ops pi function equiv is_trunc.trunctype is_equiv prod
open sigma sigma.ops pi function eq equiv eq funext
namespace is_trunc
namespace is_trunc
variables {A B : Type} {n : trunc_index}
definition is_contr.sigma_char (A : Type) :
definition is_trunc_succ_of_imp_is_trunc_succ (H : A → is_trunc (n.+1) A) : is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
(Σ (center : A), Π (a : A), center = a) ≃ (is_contr A) :=
fapply equiv.mk,
{intro S, apply is_contr.mk, exact S.2},
{fapply is_equiv.adjointify,
{intro H, apply sigma.mk, exact (@center_eq A H)},
{intro H, apply (is_trunc.rec_on H), intro Hint,
apply (contr_internal.rec_on Hint), intros [H1, H2],
apply idp},
{intro S, cases S, apply idp}}
definition is_trunc.pi_char (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) :
(Π (x y : A), is_trunc n (x = y)) ≃ (is_trunc (n .+1) A) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{intro H, apply is_trunc_succ_intro},
{intros [H, x, y], apply is_trunc_eq},
{intro H, apply (is_trunc.rec_on H), intro Hint, apply idp},
{intro P, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b,
esimp [function.id,compose,is_trunc_succ_intro,is_trunc_eq],
generalize (P a b), intro H, apply (is_trunc.rec_on H), intro H', apply idp},
definition is_hprop_is_trunc [instance] (n : trunc_index) :
Π (A : Type), is_hprop (is_trunc n A) :=
apply (trunc_index.rec_on n),
{intro A,
apply is_trunc_is_equiv_closed, apply equiv.to_is_equiv,
apply is_contr.sigma_char,
apply (@is_hprop.mk), intros,
fapply sigma_eq, apply x.2,
apply (@is_hprop.elim),
apply is_trunc_pi, intro a,
apply is_hprop.mk, intros [w, z],
have H : is_hset A,
apply is_trunc_succ, apply is_trunc_succ,
apply is_contr.mk, exact y.2
fapply (@is_hset.elim A _ _ _ w z)},
{intros [n', IH, A],
apply is_trunc_is_equiv_closed,
apply equiv.to_is_equiv,
apply is_trunc.pi_char},
definition is_trunc_succ_of_imp_is_trunc_succ {A : Type} {n : trunc_index} (H : A → is_trunc (n.+1) A)
: is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
@is_trunc_succ_intro _ _ (λx y, @is_trunc_eq _ _ (H x) x y)
@is_trunc_succ_intro _ _ (λx y, @is_trunc_eq _ _ (H x) x y)
definition is_trunc_of_imp_is_trunc_of_leq {A : Type} {n : trunc_index} (Hn : -1 ≤ n)
definition is_trunc_of_imp_is_trunc_of_leq (Hn : -1 ≤ n) (H : A → is_trunc n A) : is_trunc n A :=
(H : A → is_trunc n A) : is_trunc n A :=
trunc_index.rec_on n (λHn H, empty.rec _ Hn)
trunc_index.rec_on n (λHn H, empty.rec _ Hn)
(λn IH Hn, is_trunc_succ_of_imp_is_trunc_succ)
(λn IH Hn, is_trunc_succ_of_imp_is_trunc_succ)
Hn H
Hn H
/- theorems about trunctype -/
protected definition trunctype.sigma_char.{l} (n : trunc_index) :
(trunctype.{l} n) ≃ (Σ (A : Type.{l}), is_trunc n A) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro A, exact (⟨carrier A, struct A⟩)},
{ intro S, exact (trunctype.mk S.1 S.2)},
{ intro S, apply (sigma.rec_on S), intros [S1, S2], apply idp},
{ intro A, apply (trunctype.rec_on A), intros [A1, A2], apply idp},
definition trunctype_eq_equiv (n : trunc_index) (A B : n-Type) :
(A = B) ≃ (carrier A = carrier B) :=
(A = B) ≃ (to_fun (trunctype.sigma_char n) A = to_fun (trunctype.sigma_char n) B)
: eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv
... ≃ ((to_fun (trunctype.sigma_char n) A).1 = (to_fun (trunctype.sigma_char n) B).1)
: equiv.symm (!equiv_subtype)
... ≃ (carrier A = carrier B) : equiv.refl
definition is_trunc_is_embedding_closed (f : A → B) [Hf : is_embedding f] [HB : is_trunc n B]
(Hn : -1 ≤ n) : is_trunc n A :=
cases n with [n],
{exact (!empty.elim Hn)},
{apply is_trunc_succ_intro, intros [a, a'],
fapply (@is_trunc_is_equiv_closed_rev _ _ n (ap f))}
definition is_trunc_is_retraction_closed (f : A → B) [Hf : is_retraction f]
(n : trunc_index) [HA : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc n B :=
reverts [A, B, f, Hf, HA],
apply (trunc_index.rec_on n),
{ clear n, intros [A, B, f, Hf, HA], cases Hf with [g, ε], fapply is_contr.mk,
{ exact (f (center A))},
{ intro b, apply concat,
{ apply (ap f), exact (center_eq (g b))},
{ apply ε}}},
{ clear n, intros [n, IH, A, B, f, Hf, HA], cases Hf with [g, ε],
apply is_trunc_succ_intro, intros [b, b'],
fapply (IH (g b = g b')),
{ intro q, exact ((ε b)⁻¹ ⬝ ap f q ⬝ ε b')},
{ apply (is_retraction.mk (ap g)),
{ intro p, cases p, {rewrite [↑ap, con_idp, con.left_inv]}}},
{ apply is_trunc_eq}}
definition is_embedding_to_fun (A B : Type) : is_embedding (@to_fun A B) :=
is_embedding.mk (λf f', !is_equiv_ap_to_fun)
definition is_trunc_trunctype [instance] (n : trunc_index) : is_trunc n.+1 (n-Type) :=
apply is_trunc_succ_intro, intros [X, Y],
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply equiv.symm, apply trunctype_eq_equiv},
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{apply equiv.symm, apply eq_equiv_equiv},
cases n,
{apply @is_contr_of_inhabited_hprop,
{apply is_trunc_is_embedding_closed,
{apply is_embedding_to_fun} ,
{exact unit.star}},
{apply equiv_of_is_contr_of_is_contr}},
{apply is_trunc_is_embedding_closed,
{apply is_embedding_to_fun},
{exact unit.star}}
/- theorems about decidable equality and axiom K -/
definition is_hset_of_axiom_K {A : Type} (K : Π{a : A} (p : a = a), p = idp) : is_hset A :=
definition is_hset_of_axiom_K {A : Type} (K : Π{a : A} (p : a = a), p = idp) : is_hset A :=
is_hset.mk _ (λa b p q, eq.rec_on q K p)
is_hset.mk _ (λa b p q, eq.rec_on q K p)
@ -116,24 +140,62 @@ namespace is_trunc
(K : Π(a : A), is_trunc n (a = a)) : is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
(K : Π(a : A), is_trunc n (a = a)) : is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
@is_trunc_succ_intro _ _ (λa b, is_trunc_of_imp_is_trunc_of_leq H (λp, eq.rec_on p !K))
@is_trunc_succ_intro _ _ (λa b, is_trunc_of_imp_is_trunc_of_leq H (λp, eq.rec_on p !K))
open trunctype equiv equiv.ops
end is_trunc open is_trunc
protected definition trunctype.sigma_char.{l} (n : trunc_index) :
namespace trunc
(trunctype.{l} n) ≃ (Σ (A : Type.{l}), is_trunc n A) :=
variable {A : Type}
definition trunc_eq_type (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A) : n-Type :=
trunc.rec_on aa (λa, trunc.rec_on aa' (λa', trunctype.mk' n (trunc n (a = a'))))
definition trunc_eq_equiv (n : trunc_index) (aa aa' : trunc n.+1 A)
: aa = aa' ≃ trunc_eq_type n aa aa' :=
fapply equiv.MK,
fapply equiv.MK,
/--/ intro A, exact (⟨carrier A, struct A⟩),
{ intro p, cases p, apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
/--/ intro S, exact (trunctype.mk S.1 S.2),
intro a, esimp [trunc_eq_type,trunc.rec_on], exact (tr idp)},
/--/ intro S, apply (sigma.rec_on S), intros [S1, S2], apply idp,
{ apply (trunc.rec_on aa'), apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
intro A, apply (trunctype.rec_on A), intros [A1, A2], apply idp,
intros [a, a', x], esimp [trunc_eq_type, trunc.rec_on] at x,
apply (trunc.rec_on x), intro p, exact (ap tr p)},
-- apply (trunc.rec_on aa'), apply (trunc.rec_on aa),
-- intros [a, a', x], esimp [trunc_eq_type, trunc.rec_on] at x,
-- apply (trunc.rec_on x), intro p,
-- cases p, esimp [trunc.rec_on,eq.cases_on,compose,id], -- apply idp --?
apply sorry},
{ intro p, cases p, apply (trunc.rec_on aa), intro a, apply sorry},
protected definition trunctype_eq_equiv (n : trunc_index) (A B : n-Type) :
definition tr_eq_tr_equiv (n : trunc_index) (a a' : A)
(A = B) ≃ (carrier A = carrier B) :=
: (tr a = tr a' :> trunc n.+1 A) ≃ trunc n (a = a') :=
(A = B) ≃ (trunctype.sigma_char n A = trunctype.sigma_char n B) : eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv
... ≃ ((trunctype.sigma_char n A).1 = (trunctype.sigma_char n B).1) : equiv.symm (!equiv_subtype)
... ≃ (carrier A = carrier B) : equiv.refl
definition is_trunc_trunc_of_is_trunc [instance] [priority 500] (A : Type)
(n m : trunc_index) [H : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc n (trunc m A) :=
reverts [A, m, H], apply (trunc_index.rec_on n),
{ clear n, intros [A, m, H], apply is_contr_equiv_closed,
{ apply equiv_trunc, apply (@is_trunc_of_leq _ -2), exact unit.star} },
{ clear n, intros [n, IH, A, m, H], cases m with [m],
{ apply (@is_trunc_of_leq _ -2), exact unit.star},
{ apply is_trunc_succ_intro, intros [aa, aa'],
apply (@trunc.rec_on _ _ _ aa (λy, !is_trunc_succ_of_is_hprop)),
apply (@trunc.rec_on _ _ _ aa' (λy, !is_trunc_succ_of_is_hprop)),
intros [a, a'], apply (is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev),
{ apply tr_eq_tr_equiv},
{ exact (IH _ _ _)}}}
end is_trunc
end trunc open trunc
namespace function
variables {A B : Type}
definition is_surjective_of_is_equiv [instance] (f : A → B) [H : is_equiv f] : is_surjective f :=
is_surjective.mk (λb, !center)
definition is_equiv_equiv_is_embedding_times_is_surjective (f : A → B)
: is_equiv f ≃ (is_embedding f × is_surjective f) :=
equiv_of_is_hprop (λH, (_, _))
(λP, prod.rec_on P (λH₁ H₂, !is_equiv_of_is_surjective_of_is_embedding))
end function
@ -3,13 +3,16 @@ hott.types
Various datatypes.
Various datatypes.
* [prod](prod.hlean)
* [sigma](sigma.hlean)
* [pi](pi.hlean)
* [pi](pi.hlean)
* [arrow](arrow.hlean)
* [arrow](arrow.hlean)
* [eq](eq.hlean)
* [eq](eq.hlean)
* [trunc](trunc.hlean)
* [prod](prod.hlean)
* [sigma](sigma.hlean)
* [fiber](fiber.hlean)
* [fiber](fiber.hlean)
* [hprop_trunc](hprop_trunc.hlean): in this file we prove that `is_trunc n A` is a mere proposition. We separate this from [trunc](trunc.hlean) to avoid circularity in imports.
* [equiv](equiv.hlean)
* [equiv](equiv.hlean)
* [pointed](pointed.hlean)
* [pointed](pointed.hlean)
* [trunc](trunc.hlean)
* [W](W.hlean) (not loaded by default)
* [W](W.hlean) (not loaded by default)
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