refactor(emacs): move tests in *.el files to 'test' directory
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 493 additions and 369 deletions
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'lean-util)
;; Constructor
;; ===========
;; Load
;; ----
(defun lean-cmd-load (file-name)
"Load the Lean file named [file-name].
@ -17,6 +18,15 @@ each command. Lean uses the “snapshots” to process incremental
updates efficiently."
`(LOAD ,file-name))
(defun lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (load-cmd)
(cl-second load-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-load-to-string (cmd)
"Convert LOAD command to string"
(format "LOAD %s" (expand-file-name (lean-cmd-load-get-file-name cmd))))
;; Visit
;; -----
(defun lean-cmd-visit (&optional file-name)
"sets [file-name] as the \"current\" file.
@ -28,6 +38,16 @@ file. The LOAD command can be used to discard all these changes,
and enforce the content of the file stored in file system."
`(VISIT ,(or file-name (buffer-file-name))))
(defun lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (visit-cmd)
(cl-second visit-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-visit-to-string (cmd)
"Convert VISIT command to string"
(format "VISIT %s" (expand-file-name (lean-cmd-load-get-file-name cmd))))
;; Replace
;; -------
(defun lean-cmd-replace (line-number new-line)
"Replace the line [line-number] (in the current file) with [new-line].
@ -37,6 +57,19 @@ and enforce the content of the file stored in file system."
indexed from 1."
`(REPLACE ,line-number ,new-line))
(defun lean-cmd-replace-get-line-number (replace-cmd)
(cl-second replace-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-replace-get-line (replace-cmd)
(cl-third replace-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-replace-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Replace command to string"
(format "REPLACE %d\n%s" (lean-cmd-replace-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-replace-get-line cmd)))
;; Insert
;; ------
(defun lean-cmd-insert (line-number new-line)
"Insert [new-line] (in the current file) before line [line-number].
@ -45,6 +78,19 @@ lean buffer, then empty lines are introduced. The lines are
indexed from 1."
`(INSERT ,line-number ,new-line))
(defun lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number (insert-cmd)
(cl-second insert-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-insert-get-line (insert-cmd)
(cl-third insert-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-insert-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Insert command to string"
(format "INSERT %d\n%s" (lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-insert-get-line cmd)))
;; Remove
;; ------
(defun lean-cmd-remove (line-number)
"Remove line [line-number] (in the current file).
@ -53,16 +99,53 @@ the total number of lines in the lean buffer, then the command is
`(REMOVE ,line-number))
(defun lean-cmd-remove-get-line-number (remove-cmd)
(cl-second remove-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-remove-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Remove command to string"
(format "REMOVE %d" (lean-cmd-remove-get-line-number cmd)))
;; Info
;; ----
(defun lean-cmd-info (line-number &optional column-number)
"Extracts typing information associated with line [line-number].
Lean produces a possible empty sequence of entries terminated with '--ENDINFO'"
`(INFO ,line-number ,column-number))
(defun lean-cmd-info-get-line-number (info-cmd)
(cl-second info-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-info-get-column-number (info-cmd)
(cl-third info-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-info-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Info command to string"
(let ((col (lean-cmd-info-get-column-number cmd)))
(if col
(format "INFO %d %d" (lean-cmd-info-get-line-number cmd) col)
(format "INFO %d" (lean-cmd-info-get-line-number cmd)))))
;; Check
;; -----
(defun lean-cmd-check (line-number line)
"Check whether the text editor and Lean have the 'same view' of the current file + modifications"
`(CHECK ,line-number ,line))
(defun lean-cmd-check-get-line-number (check-cmd)
(cl-second check-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-check-get-line (check-cmd)
(cl-third check-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-check-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Check command to string"
(format "CHECK %d\n%s" (lean-cmd-check-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-check-get-line cmd)))
;; Set
;; ---
(defun lean-cmd-set (option-name option-value)
"Set a Lean option [option-name] with [option-value].
@ -70,218 +153,128 @@ Lean produces a possible empty sequence of entries terminated with '--ENDINFO'"
set using the command set_option in a ‘.lean’ file is supported."
`(SET ,option-name ,option-value))
(defun lean-cmd-set-get-option-name (set-cmd)
(cl-second set-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-set-get-option-value (set-cmd)
(cl-third set-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-set-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Set command to string"
(format "SET\n%s %s" (lean-cmd-set-get-option-name cmd)
(lean-cmd-set-get-option-value cmd)))
;; Eval
;; ----
(defun lean-cmd-eval (lean-cmd)
"Evaluates a Lean command [lean-cmd].
It has the effect of evaluating a command in the end of the current file"
`(EVAL ,lean-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd (eval-cmd)
(cl-second eval-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-eval-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Eval command to string"
(format "EVAL\n%s" (lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd cmd)))
;; Options
;; -------
(defun lean-cmd-options ()
"Display all configuration options available in Lean."
(defun lean-cmd-options-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Options command to string"
(format "OPTIONS"))
;; Clear Cache
;; -----------
(defun lean-cmd-clear-cache ()
"Clear Cache"
(defun lean-cmd-clear-cache-to-string (cmd)
"Convert clear-cache command to string"
(format "CLEAR_CACHE"))
;; Show
;; ----
(defun lean-cmd-show ()
"Display the \"lines\" associated with the current buffer, or at least"
(defun lean-cmd-show-to-string (cmd)
"Convert show command to string"
(format "SHOW"))
;; Valid
;; -----
(defun lean-cmd-valid ()
"Display valid/invalid lines. Invalid lines are the one we need to refresh type information"
(defun lean-cmd-valid-to-string (cmd)
"Convert valid command to string"
(format "VALID"))
;; Findp
;; -----
(defun lean-cmd-findp (line-number prefix)
"Find All auto-complete candidates matched with prefix at line-number"
`(FINDP ,line-number ,prefix))
(defun lean-cmd-findg (line-number column-number patterns)
"FINDG generates a sequence of declarations that may be used to “fill” a particular placeholder"
`(FINDG ,line-number ,column-number ,patterns))
(defun lean-cmd-wait ()
"Block server until all pending information has been computed."
;; Type
;; ====
(defun lean-cmd-type (cmd)
(cl-first cmd))
;; Get functions
;; =============
(defun lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (load-cmd)
(cl-second load-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (visit-cmd)
(cl-second visit-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-replace-get-line-number (replace-cmd)
(cl-second replace-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-replace-get-line (replace-cmd)
(cl-third replace-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number (insert-cmd)
(cl-second insert-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-insert-get-line (insert-cmd)
(cl-third insert-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-remove-get-line-number (remove-cmd)
(cl-second remove-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-info-get-line-number (info-cmd)
(cl-second info-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-info-get-column-number (info-cmd)
(cl-third info-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-check-get-line-number (check-cmd)
(cl-second check-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-check-get-line (check-cmd)
(cl-third check-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-set-get-option-name (set-cmd)
(cl-second set-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-set-get-option-value (set-cmd)
(cl-third set-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd (eval-cmd)
(cl-second eval-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findp-get-line-number (findp-cmd)
(cl-second findp-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findp-get-prefix (findp-cmd)
(cl-third findp-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-get-line-number (findg-cmd)
(cl-second findg-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-get-column-number (findg-cmd)
(cl-third findg-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-get-patterns (findg-cmd)
(cl-fourth findg-cmd))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (lean-cmd-load "nat.lean"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (lean-cmd-visit "nat.lean"))
(cl-assert (string=
(lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (lean-cmd-load "library/standard/bool.lean"))
(cl-assert (string=
(lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (lean-cmd-load "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(cl-assert (string=
(lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (lean-cmd-visit "library/standard/bool.lean"))
(cl-assert (string=
(lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (lean-cmd-visit "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-replace-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-replace 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-replace-get-line
(lean-cmd-replace 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
"∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-insert 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-insert-get-line
(lean-cmd-insert 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
"∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number (lean-cmd-remove 34))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-info-get-line-number (lean-cmd-info 34))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-info-get-column-number (lean-cmd-info 34 11))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-check-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-check 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-check-get-line
(lean-cmd-replace 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
"∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-set-get-option-name
(lean-cmd-set "pp.implicit" "true"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-set-get-option-value
(lean-cmd-set "pp.implicit" "true"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd
(lean-cmd-eval "print 3"))
"print 3"))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-findp-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-findp 10 "iff_"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-findp-get-prefix
(lean-cmd-findp 10 "iff_"))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-findg-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
(cl-assert (= (lean-cmd-findg-get-column-number
(lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-findg-get-patterns
(lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
"+intro -and -elim"))
;; to-string functions
;; ===================
(defun lean-cmd-load-to-string (cmd)
"Convert LOAD command to string"
(format "LOAD %s" (expand-file-name (lean-cmd-load-get-file-name cmd))))
(defun lean-cmd-visit-to-string (cmd)
"Convert VISIT command to string"
(format "VISIT %s" (expand-file-name (lean-cmd-load-get-file-name cmd))))
(defun lean-cmd-replace-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Replace command to string"
(format "REPLACE %d\n%s" (lean-cmd-replace-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-replace-get-line cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-insert-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Insert command to string"
(format "INSERT %d\n%s" (lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-insert-get-line cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-remove-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Remove command to string"
(format "REMOVE %d" (lean-cmd-remove-get-line-number cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-info-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Info command to string"
(let ((col (lean-cmd-info-get-column-number cmd)))
(if col
(format "INFO %d %d" (lean-cmd-info-get-line-number cmd) col)
(format "INFO %d" (lean-cmd-info-get-line-number cmd)))))
(defun lean-cmd-check-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Check command to string"
(format "CHECK %d\n%s" (lean-cmd-check-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-check-get-line cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-set-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Set command to string"
(format "SET\n%s %s" (lean-cmd-set-get-option-name cmd)
(lean-cmd-set-get-option-value cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-eval-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Eval command to string"
(format "EVAL\n%s" (lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-options-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Options command to string"
(format "OPTIONS"))
(defun lean-cmd-clear-cache-to-string (cmd)
"Convert clear-cache command to string"
(format "CLEAR_CACHE"))
(defun lean-cmd-show-to-string (cmd)
"Convert show command to string"
(format "SHOW"))
(defun lean-cmd-valid-to-string (cmd)
"Convert valid command to string"
(format "VALID"))
(defun lean-cmd-findp-to-string (cmd)
"Convert findp command to string"
(format "FINDP %d\n%s"
(lean-cmd-findp-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-findp-get-prefix cmd)))
;; Findg
;; -----
(defun lean-cmd-findg (line-number column-number patterns)
"FINDG generates a sequence of declarations that may be used to “fill” a particular placeholder"
`(FINDG ,line-number ,column-number ,patterns))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-get-line-number (findg-cmd)
(cl-second findg-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-get-column-number (findg-cmd)
(cl-third findg-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-get-patterns (findg-cmd)
(cl-fourth findg-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-findg-to-string (cmd)
"Convert findg command to string"
(format "FINDG %d %d\n%s"
(lean-cmd-findg-get-line-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-findg-get-column-number cmd)
(lean-cmd-findg-get-patterns cmd)))
;; Wait
;; ----
(defun lean-cmd-wait ()
"Block server until all pending information has been computed."
(defun lean-cmd-wait-to-string (cmd)
"Convert wait command to string"
(format "WAIT"))
;; Type
;; ====
(defun lean-cmd-type (cmd)
(cl-first cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-to-string (cmd)
"Convert command to string"
(cl-case (lean-cmd-type cmd)
@ -302,29 +295,5 @@ It has the effect of evaluating a command in the end of the current file"
('FINDG (lean-cmd-findg-to-string cmd))
('WAIT (lean-cmd-wait-to-string cmd))))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-load "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(concat "LOAD " (expand-file-name "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-visit "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(concat "VISIT " (expand-file-name "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-replace 42 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(concat "REPLACE 42" "\n" "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-insert 42 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(concat "INSERT 42" "\n" "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-remove 42))
(concat "REMOVE 42")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-info 42))
(concat "INFO 42")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-info 42 11))
(concat "INFO 42 11")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-check 42 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(concat "CHECK 42" "\n" "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-findp 42 "iff_"))
(concat "FINDP 42" "\n" "iff_")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
(concat "FINDG 48 10" "\n" "+intro -and -elim")))
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-wait))
(concat "WAIT")))
;; ----------------
(provide 'lean-cmd)
@ -36,25 +36,8 @@
(defun lean-info-type-body-str (typeinfo)
(string-join (lean-info-type-body typeinfo) "\n"))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-type-p 'TYPE))
(cl-assert (lean-info-type-p "-- TYPE|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-type-p '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-type-parse-header "-- TYPE|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-type-parse '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))
(121 2)
("not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))))
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-type-parse '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
;; Overload Information
;; --------------------
(defun lean-info-overload-type (overload)
(cl-first overload))
(defun lean-info-overload-p (overload)
@ -77,55 +60,6 @@
(body (-split-on "--" (cdr seq))))
`(OVERLOAD ,header ,body))))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-overload-p 'OVERLOAD))
(cl-assert (lean-info-overload-p "-- OVERLOAD|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-overload-p '("-- OVERLOAD|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-overload-parse-header "-- OVERLOAD|121|2")
'(121 2)))
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))
'(OVERLOAD (121 2)
(("not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")
("not (eq one (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")
("not (eq two (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))))
(cl-assert (equal
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-overload-names (lean-info-overload-parse
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'("not (eq zero (succ m'))\n→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))\n→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))\n→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
;; Synth Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-synth-type (synth)
@ -151,22 +85,6 @@
(defun lean-info-synth-body-str (synth)
(string-join (lean-info-synth-body synth) "\n"))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-synth-p 'SYNTH))
(cl-assert (lean-info-synth-p "-- SYNTH|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-synth-p '("-- SYNTH|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-synth-parse-header "-- SYNTH|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-synth-parse '("-- SYNTH|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))
(121 2)
("not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))))
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-synth-parse '("-- SYNTH|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
;; Coercion Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-coercion-type (coercion)
@ -198,29 +116,6 @@
(defun lean-info-coercion-type-str (coercion)
(string-join (lean-info-coercion-type coercion) "\n"))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-coercion-p 'COERCION))
(cl-assert (lean-info-coercion-p "-- COERCION|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-coercion-p '("-- COERCION|417|15"
"of_nat m"
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-coercion-parse-header "-- COERCION|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-coercion-parse '("-- COERCION|417|15"
(417 15)
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-coercion-parse '("-- COERCION|417|15"
'(417 15)))
;; Extra Information
;; ----------------
(defun lean-info-extra-type (extra)
@ -252,29 +147,6 @@
(defun lean-info-extra-type-str (extra)
(string-join (lean-info-extra-type extra) "\n"))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-extra-p 'EXTRA))
(cl-assert (lean-info-extra-p "-- EXTRA_TYPE|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-extra-p '("-- EXTRA_TYPE|417|15"
"rec_on b ff tt"
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-extra-parse-header "-- EXTRA_TYPE|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-extra-parse '("-- EXTRA_TYPE|417|15"
"rec_on b ff tt"
(417 15)
("rec_on b ff tt")
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-extra-parse '("-- EXTRA_TYPE|417|15"
'(417 15)))
;; Identifier Information
;; ----------------------
(defun lean-info-identifier-type (identifier)
@ -300,20 +172,6 @@
(defun lean-info-identifier-body-str (identifier)
(string-join (lean-info-identifier-body identifier) "\n"))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-identifier-p 'IDENTIFIER))
(cl-assert (lean-info-identifier-p "-- IDENTIFIER|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-identifier-p '("-- IDENTIFIER|121|2" "foo.f")))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-identifier-parse-header "-- IDENTIFIER|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-identifier-parse '("-- IDENTIFIER|121|2" "foo.f"))
(121 2)
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-identifier-parse '("-- IDENTIFIER|121|2" "foo.f")))
'(121 2)))
;; Symbol Information
;; ----------------
@ -340,22 +198,6 @@
(defun lean-info-symbol-body-str (symbol)
(string-join (lean-info-symbol-body symbol) "\n"))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (lean-info-symbol-p 'SYMBOL))
(cl-assert (lean-info-symbol-p "-- SYMBOL|121|2"))
(cl-assert (lean-info-symbol-p (lean-info-symbol-parse '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→"))))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-symbol-parse-header "-- SYMBOL|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (lean-info-symbol-p '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→")))
(cl-assert (equal (lean-info-symbol-parse '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→"))
(121 2)
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-symbol-parse '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→")))
'(121 2)))
(defun lean-info-id-symbol-body-str (info)
(case (lean-info-kind info)
('IDENTIFIER (string-join (lean-info-symbol-body info) "\n"))
@ -385,25 +227,6 @@
(defun lean-info-column (info)
(cl-second (lean-info-pos info)))
;; -- test
(cl-assert (equal
(lean-info-type-parse '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
(cl-assert (equal
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
;; Info Parsing
;; ================
(defun lean-info-list-split (str)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Soonho Kong
(require 'ert)
(require 'lean-cmd)
(ert-deftest lean-test-cmd-get ()
"Test lean-cmd-*-get-*"
(should (string= (lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (lean-cmd-load "nat.lean"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (lean-cmd-visit "nat.lean"))
(should (string=
(lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (lean-cmd-load "library/standard/bool.lean"))
(should (string=
(lean-cmd-load-get-file-name (lean-cmd-load "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(should (string=
(lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (lean-cmd-visit "library/standard/bool.lean"))
(should (string=
(lean-cmd-visit-get-file-name (lean-cmd-visit "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(should (= (lean-cmd-replace-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-replace 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-replace-get-line
(lean-cmd-replace 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
"∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(should (= (lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-insert 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-insert-get-line
(lean-cmd-insert 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
"∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(should (= (lean-cmd-insert-get-line-number (lean-cmd-remove 34))
(should (= (lean-cmd-info-get-line-number (lean-cmd-info 34))
(should (= (lean-cmd-info-get-column-number (lean-cmd-info 34 11))
(should (= (lean-cmd-check-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-check 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-check-get-line
(lean-cmd-replace 34 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
"∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-set-get-option-name
(lean-cmd-set "pp.implicit" "true"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-set-get-option-value
(lean-cmd-set "pp.implicit" "true"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd
(lean-cmd-eval "print 3"))
"print 3"))
(should (= (lean-cmd-findp-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-findp 10 "iff_"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-findp-get-prefix
(lean-cmd-findp 10 "iff_"))
(should (= (lean-cmd-findg-get-line-number
(lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
(should (= (lean-cmd-findg-get-column-number
(lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-findg-get-patterns
(lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
"+intro -and -elim")))
(ert-deftest lean-test-cmd-to-string ()
"Test lean-cmd-to-string"
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-load "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(concat "LOAD " (expand-file-name "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-visit "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))
(concat "VISIT " (expand-file-name "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-replace 42 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(concat "REPLACE 42" "\n" "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-insert 42 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(concat "INSERT 42" "\n" "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-remove 42))
(concat "REMOVE 42")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-info 42))
(concat "INFO 42")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-info 42 11))
(concat "INFO 42 11")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-check 42 "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero"))
(concat "CHECK 42" "\n" "∀ (n : nat), ne (succ n) zero")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-set "pp.implicit" "true"))
(concat "SET" "\n" "pp.implicit true" )))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-eval "check 3"))
(concat "EVAL" "\n" "check 3" )))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-options))
(concat "OPTIONS")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-clear-cache))
(concat "CLEAR_CACHE")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-show))
(concat "SHOW")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-valid))
(concat "VALID")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-findp 42 "iff_"))
(concat "FINDP 42" "\n" "iff_")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-findg 48 10 "+intro -and -elim"))
(concat "FINDG 48 10" "\n" "+intro -and -elim")))
(should (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-wait))
(concat "WAIT"))))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Soonho Kong
(require 'ert)
(require 'lean-info)
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-type ()
"Test lean-info-type"
(should (lean-info-type-p 'TYPE))
(should (lean-info-type-p "-- TYPE|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-type-p '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
(should (equal (lean-info-type-parse-header "-- TYPE|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(should (equal (lean-info-type-parse '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))
(121 2)
("not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))))
(should (equal
(lean-info-type-parse '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-overload ()
"Test lean-info-overload"
(should (lean-info-overload-p 'OVERLOAD))
(should (lean-info-overload-p "-- OVERLOAD|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-overload-p '("-- OVERLOAD|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
(should (equal (lean-info-overload-parse-header "-- OVERLOAD|121|2")
'(121 2)))
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))
'(OVERLOAD (121 2)
(("not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")
("not (eq one (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")
("not (eq two (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))))
(should (equal
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
(should (equal (lean-info-overload-names (lean-info-overload-parse
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'("not (eq zero (succ m'))\n→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))\n→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))\n→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-synth ()
"Test lean-info-synth"
;; -- Test
(should (lean-info-synth-p 'SYNTH))
(should (lean-info-synth-p "-- SYNTH|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-synth-p '("-- SYNTH|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
(should (equal (lean-info-synth-parse-header "-- SYNTH|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(should (equal (lean-info-synth-parse '("-- SYNTH|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))
(121 2)
("not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"))))
(should (equal
(lean-info-synth-parse '("-- SYNTH|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-coercion ()
"Test lean-info-coercion"
;; -- Test
(should (lean-info-coercion-p 'COERCION))
(should (lean-info-coercion-p "-- COERCION|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-coercion-p '("-- COERCION|417|15"
"of_nat m"
(should (equal (lean-info-coercion-parse-header "-- COERCION|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(should (equal (lean-info-coercion-parse '("-- COERCION|417|15"
(417 15)
(should (equal
(lean-info-coercion-parse '("-- COERCION|417|15"
'(417 15))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-extra ()
"Test lean-info-extra"
;; -- Test
(should (lean-info-extra-p 'EXTRA))
(should (lean-info-extra-p "-- EXTRA_TYPE|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-extra-p '("-- EXTRA_TYPE|417|15"
"rec_on b ff tt"
(should (equal (lean-info-extra-parse-header "-- EXTRA_TYPE|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(should (equal (lean-info-extra-parse '("-- EXTRA_TYPE|417|15"
"rec_on b ff tt"
(417 15)
("rec_on b ff tt")
(should (equal
(lean-info-extra-parse '("-- EXTRA_TYPE|417|15"
'(417 15))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-identifier ()
"Test lean-info-identifier"
;; -- Test
(should (lean-info-identifier-p 'IDENTIFIER))
(should (lean-info-identifier-p "-- IDENTIFIER|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-identifier-p '("-- IDENTIFIER|121|2" "foo.f")))
(should (equal (lean-info-identifier-parse-header "-- IDENTIFIER|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(should (equal (lean-info-identifier-parse '("-- IDENTIFIER|121|2" "foo.f"))
(121 2)
(should (equal
(lean-info-identifier-parse '("-- IDENTIFIER|121|2" "foo.f")))
'(121 2))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-symbol ()
"Test lean-info-symbol"
;; -- Test
(should (lean-info-symbol-p 'SYMBOL))
(should (lean-info-symbol-p "-- SYMBOL|121|2"))
(should (lean-info-symbol-p (lean-info-symbol-parse '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→"))))
(should (equal (lean-info-symbol-parse-header "-- SYMBOL|121|2")
'(121 2)))
(should (lean-info-symbol-p '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→")))
(should (equal (lean-info-symbol-parse '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→"))
(121 2)
(should (equal
(lean-info-symbol-parse '("-- SYMBOL|121|2" "→")))
'(121 2))))
(ert-deftest lean-test-info-pos ()
"Test lean-info-pos"
(should (equal
(lean-info-type-parse '("-- TYPE|121|2" "not (eq zero (succ m'))" "→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
(should (equal
'("-- OVERLOAD|121|2"
"not (eq zero (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq one (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))"
"not (eq two (succ m'))"
"→ decidable (eq zero (succ m'))")))
'(121 2)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Soonho Kong
(defconst lean-test/test-path
(f-parent (f-this-file)))
(defconst lean-test/root-path
(f-parent lean-test/test-path))
(add-to-list 'load-path lean-test/root-path)
;; Avoid Emacs 23 interupting the tests with:
;; File bar-autoloads.el changed on disk. Reread from disk? (yes or no)
(fset 'y-or-n-p (lambda (_) t))
(fset 'yes-or-no-p (lambda (_) t))
Add table
Reference in a new issue