doc(examples/lean): transitive closure example

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
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Leonardo de Moura 2014-01-16 04:37:36 -08:00
parent 398d83b6d5
commit 2ce245d68e

examples/lean/tc.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import macros
definition reflexive {A : TypeU} (R : A → A → Bool) := ∀ x, R x x
definition transitive {A : TypeU} (R : A → A → Bool) := ∀ x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z
definition subrelation {A : TypeU} (R1 : A → A → Bool) (R2 : A → A → Bool) := ∀ x y, R1 x y → R2 x y
infix 50 ⊆ : subrelation
-- (tcls R) is the transitive closure of relation R
-- We define it as the intersection of all transitive relations containing R
definition tcls {A : TypeU} (R : A → A → Bool) (a b : A)
:= ∀ P, (reflexive P) → (transitive P) → (R ⊆ P) → P a b
theorem tcls_trans {A : TypeU} {R : A → A → Bool} {a b c : A} (H1 : tcls R a b) (H2 : tcls R b c) : tcls R a c
:= take P, assume Hrefl Htrans Hsub,
let Pab : P a b := H1 P Hrefl Htrans Hsub,
Pbc : P b c := H2 P Hrefl Htrans Hsub
in Htrans a b c Pab Pbc
theorem tcls_refl {A : TypeU} (R : A → A → Bool) : ∀ a, tcls R a a
:= take a P, assume Hrefl Htrans Hsub,
Hrefl a
theorem tcls_sub {A : TypeU} {R : A → A → Bool} {a b : A} (H : R a b) : tcls R a b
:= take P, assume Hrefl Htrans Hsub,
Hsub a b H
theorem tcls_step {A : TypeU} {R : A → A → Bool} {a b c : A} (H1 : R a b) (H2 : tcls R b c) : tcls R a c
:= take P, assume Hrefl Htrans Hsub,
Htrans a b c (Hsub a b H1) (H2 P Hrefl Htrans Hsub)
theorem tcls_smallest {A : TypeU} {R : A → A → Bool} : ∀ P, (reflexive P) → (transitive P) → (R ⊆ P) → (tcls R ⊆ P)
:= take P, assume Hrefl Htrans Hsub,
take a b, assume H : tcls R a b,
have P a b : H P Hrefl Htrans Hsub