refactor(builtin/kernel): cleanup
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
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2 changed files with 19 additions and 34 deletions
@ -10,38 +10,39 @@ builtin if {A : (Type U)} : Bool → A → A → A
definition TypeU := (Type U)
definition not (a : Bool) : Bool
:= a → false
definition not (a : Bool) := a → false
notation 40 ¬ _ : not
definition or (a b : Bool) : Bool
:= ¬ a → b
definition or (a b : Bool) := ¬ a → b
infixr 30 || : or
infixr 30 \/ : or
infixr 30 ∨ : or
definition and (a b : Bool) : Bool
:= ¬ (a → ¬ b)
definition and (a b : Bool) := ¬ (a → ¬ b)
definition implies (a b : Bool) : Bool
:= a → b
definition implies (a b : Bool) := a → b
infixr 35 && : and
infixr 35 /\ : and
infixr 35 ∧ : and
definition Exists (A : TypeU) (P : A → Bool) : Bool
:= ¬ (∀ x : A, ¬ (P x))
-- The Lean parser has special treatment for the constant exists.
-- It allows us to write
-- exists x y : A, P x y and ∃ x y : A, P x y
-- as syntax sugar for
-- exists A (fun x : A, exists A (fun y : A, P x y))
-- That is, it treats the exists as an extra binder such as fun and forall.
-- It also provides an alias (Exists) that should be used when we
-- want to treat exists as a constant.
definition Exists (A : TypeU) (P : A → Bool) := ¬ (∀ x : A, ¬ (P x))
definition eq {A : TypeU} (a b : A) : Bool
:= a == b
definition eq {A : TypeU} (a b : A) := a == b
infix 50 = : eq
definition neq {A : TypeU} (a b : A) : Bool
:= ¬ (a == b)
definition neq {A : TypeU} (a b : A) := ¬ (a == b)
infix 50 ≠ : neq
@ -81,8 +82,6 @@ theorem eqmp {a b : Bool} (H1 : a == b) (H2 : a) : b
infixl 100 <| : eqmp
infixl 100 ◂ : eqmp
-- assume is a 'macro' that expands into a discharge
theorem imp::trans {a b c : Bool} (H1 : a → b) (H2 : b → c) : a → c
:= λ Ha, H2 (H1 Ha)
@ -120,8 +119,7 @@ theorem not::imp::elimr {a b : Bool} (H : ¬ (a → b)) : ¬ b
theorem resolve1 {a b : Bool} (H1 : a ∨ b) (H2 : ¬ a) : b
:= H1 H2
-- Remark: conjunction is defined as ¬ (a → ¬ b) in Lean
-- Recall that and is defined as ¬ (a → ¬ b)
theorem and::intro {a b : Bool} (H1 : a) (H2 : b) : a ∧ b
:= λ H : a → ¬ b, absurd H2 (H H1)
@ -131,8 +129,7 @@ theorem and::eliml {a b : Bool} (H : a ∧ b) : a
theorem and::elimr {a b : Bool} (H : a ∧ b) : b
:= not::not::elim (not::imp::elimr H)
-- Remark: disjunction is defined as ¬ a → b in Lean
-- Recall that or is defined as ¬ a → b
theorem or::introl {a : Bool} (H : a) (b : Bool) : a ∨ b
:= λ H1 : ¬ a, absurd::elim b H H1
@ -175,21 +172,13 @@ theorem eqt::intro {a : Bool} (H : a) : a == true
theorem congr1 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : ∀ x : A, B x} (a : A) (H : f == g) : f a == g a
:= substp (fun h : (∀ x : A, B x), f a == h a) (refl (f a)) H
-- Remark: we must use heterogeneous equality in the following theorem because the types of (f a) and (f b)
-- are not "definitionally equal" They are (B a) and (B b)
-- They are provably equal, we just have to apply Congr1
theorem congr2 {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {a b : A} (f : ∀ x : A, B x) (H : a == b) : f a == f b
:= substp (fun x : A, f a == f x) (refl (f a)) H
-- Remark: like the previous theorem we use heterogeneous equality We cannot use Trans theorem
-- because the types are not definitionally equal
theorem congr {A : TypeU} {B : A → TypeU} {f g : ∀ x : A, B x} {a b : A} (H1 : f == g) (H2 : a == b) : f a == g b
:= subst (congr2 f H2) (congr1 b H1)
-- Remark: the existential is defined as (¬ (forall x : A, ¬ P x))
-- Recall that exists is defined as ¬ ∀ x : A, ¬ P x
theorem exists::elim {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} {B : Bool} (H1 : Exists A P) (H2 : ∀ (a : A) (H : P a), B) : B
:= refute (λ R : ¬ B,
absurd (λ a : A, mt (λ H : P a, H2 a H) R)
@ -199,11 +188,6 @@ theorem exists::intro {A : TypeU} {P : A → Bool} (a : A) (H : P a) : Exists A
:= λ H1 : (∀ x : A, ¬ P x),
absurd H (H1 a)
-- At this point, we have proved the theorems we need using the
-- definitions of forall, exists, and, or, =>, not We mark (some of)
-- them as opaque Opaque definitions improve performance, and
-- effectiveness of Lean's elaborator
theorem or::comm (a b : Bool) : (a ∨ b) == (b ∨ a)
:= iff::intro (λ H, or::elim H (λ H1, or::intror b H1) (λ H2, or::introl H2 a))
(λ H, or::elim H (λ H1, or::intror a H1) (λ H2, or::introl H2 b))
@ -352,3 +336,4 @@ set::opaque exists true
set::opaque not true
set::opaque or true
set::opaque and true
set::opaque implies true
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