Add basic definitions and axioms
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 433 additions and 79 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
add_library(kernel expr.cpp max_sharing.cpp free_vars.cpp abstract.cpp
instantiate.cpp deep_copy.cpp normalize.cpp level.cpp environment.cpp
type_check.cpp context.cpp builtin.cpp)
type_check.cpp context.cpp builtin.cpp toplevel.cpp)
target_link_libraries(kernel ${EXTRA_LIBS})
@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ inline expr abstract_p(expr const & e, expr const & s) { return abstract_p(e, 1,
inline expr fun(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & b) { return lambda(n, t, abstract(b, constant(n))); }
inline expr fun(char const * n, expr const & t, expr const & b) { return fun(name(n), t, b); }
inline expr fun(expr const & n, expr const & t, expr const & b) { return lambda(const_name(n), t, abstract(b, n)); }
\brief Create a Pi expression (pi (x : t) b), the term b is abstracted using abstract(b, constant(x)).
inline expr Fun(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & b) { return pi(n, t, abstract(b, constant(n))); }
inline expr Fun(char const * n, expr const & t, expr const & b) { return Fun(name(n), t, b); }
inline expr Fun(expr const & n, expr const & t, expr const & b) { return pi(const_name(n), t, abstract(b, n)); }
@ -62,16 +62,15 @@ mpz const & int_value_numeral(expr const & e) {
template<char const * Name, unsigned Hash, typename F>
class int_bin_op : public value {
expr m_type;
static char const * g_kind;
int_bin_op() {
m_type = arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), int_type()));
virtual ~int_bin_op() {}
char const * kind() const { return g_kind; }
virtual expr get_type() const {
static thread_local expr r;
if (!r)
r = arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), int_type()));
return r;
virtual expr get_type() const { return m_type; }
virtual bool operator==(value const & other) const { return other.kind() == kind(); }
virtual bool normalize(unsigned num_args, expr const * args, expr & r) const {
if (num_args == 3 && is_int_value(args[1]) && is_int_value(args[2])) {
@ -109,16 +108,15 @@ typedef int_bin_op<int_div_name, 61, int_div_eval> int_div_value;
MK_BUILTIN(int_div, int_div_value);
class int_leq_value : public value {
expr m_type;
static char const * g_kind;
int_leq_value() {
m_type = arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), bool_type()));
virtual ~int_leq_value() {}
char const * kind() const { return g_kind; }
virtual expr get_type() const {
static thread_local expr r;
if (!r)
r = arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), bool_type()));
return r;
virtual expr get_type() const { return m_type; }
virtual bool operator==(value const & other) const { return other.kind() == kind(); }
virtual bool normalize(unsigned num_args, expr const * args, expr & r) const {
if (num_args == 3 && is_int_value(args[1]) && is_int_value(args[2])) {
@ -141,7 +139,6 @@ MK_CONSTANT(int_gt, name(name("int"), "gt"));
void add_int_theory(environment & env) {
expr p = arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), bool_type()));
env.add_definition(int_geq_name_obj, p, lambda("x", int_type(), lambda("y", int_type(), app(int_leq(), var(0), var(1)))));
env.add_definition(int_geq_name, p, lambda("x", int_type(), lambda("y", int_type(), app(int_leq(), var(0), var(1)))));
@ -6,9 +6,32 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "builtin.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "abstract.h"
namespace lean {
expr mk_bin_op(expr const & op, expr const & unit, unsigned num_args, expr const * args) {
if (num_args == 0) {
return unit;
} else {
expr r = args[num_args - 1];
unsigned i = num_args - 1;
while (i > 0) {
r = app(op, args[i], r);
return r;
expr mk_bin_op(expr const & op, expr const & unit, std::initializer_list<expr> const & l) {
return mk_bin_op(op, unit, l.size(), l.begin());
class bool_type_value : public value {
static char const * g_kind;
@ -47,7 +70,9 @@ public:
char const * bool_value_value::g_kind = "bool_value";
expr bool_value(bool v) {
return to_expr(*(new bool_value_value(v)));
static thread_local expr true_val = to_expr(*(new bool_value_value(true)));
static thread_local expr false_val = to_expr(*(new bool_value_value(false)));
return v ? true_val : false_val;
bool is_bool_value(expr const & e) {
@ -67,6 +92,129 @@ bool is_false(expr const & e) {
return is_bool_value(e) && !to_bool(e);
static level m_lvl(name("m"));
static level u_lvl(name("u"));
expr m_type() {
static thread_local expr r = type(m_lvl);
return r;
expr u_type() {
static thread_local expr r = type(u_lvl);
return r;
class if_fn_value : public value {
expr m_type;
static char const * g_kind;
if_fn_value() {
expr A = constant("A");
// Pi (A: Type), bool -> A -> A -> A
m_type = Fun("A", u_type(), arrow(bool_type(), arrow(A, arrow(A, A))));
virtual ~if_fn_value() {}
char const * kind() const { return g_kind; }
virtual expr get_type() const { return m_type; }
virtual bool normalize(unsigned num_args, expr const * args, expr & r) const {
if (num_args == 5 && is_bool_value(args[2])) {
if (to_bool(args[2]))
r = args[3]; // if A true a b --> a
r = args[4]; // if A false a b --> b
return true;
} if (num_args == 5 && args[3] == args[4]) {
r = args[3]; // if A c a a --> a
return true;
} else {
return false;
virtual bool operator==(value const & other) const { return other.kind() == kind(); }
virtual void display(std::ostream & out) const { out << "if"; }
virtual format pp() const { return format("if"); }
virtual unsigned hash() const { return 23; }
char const * if_fn_value::g_kind = "if";
MK_BUILTIN(if_fn, if_fn_value);
MK_CONSTANT(and_fn, name("and"));
MK_CONSTANT(or_fn, name("or"));
MK_CONSTANT(not_fn, name("not"));
MK_CONSTANT(forall_fn, name("forall"));
MK_CONSTANT(exists_fn, name("exists"));
MK_CONSTANT(refl_fn, name("refl"));
MK_CONSTANT(symm_fn, name("symm"));
MK_CONSTANT(trans_fn, name("trans"));
MK_CONSTANT(congr_fn, name("congr"));
MK_CONSTANT(ext_fn, name("ext"));
MK_CONSTANT(foralle_fn, name("foralle"));
MK_CONSTANT(foralli_fn, name("foralli"));
MK_CONSTANT(domain_inj_fn, name("domain_inj"));
MK_CONSTANT(range_inj_fn, name("range_inj"));
void add_basic_theory(environment & env) {
env.define_uvar(uvar_name(m_lvl), level() + LEAN_DEFAULT_LEVEL_SEPARATION);
env.define_uvar(uvar_name(u_lvl), m_lvl + LEAN_DEFAULT_LEVEL_SEPARATION);
expr p1 = arrow(bool_type(), bool_type());
expr p2 = arrow(bool_type(), p1);
expr A = constant("A");
expr a = constant("a");
expr b = constant("b");
expr c = constant("a");
expr H = constant("H");
expr H1 = constant("H1");
expr H2 = constant("H2");
expr B = constant("B");
expr f = constant("f");
expr g = constant("g");
expr x = constant("x");
expr y = constant("y");
expr P = constant("P");
expr A1 = constant("A1");
expr B1 = constant("B1");
expr a1 = constant("a1");
// and(x, y) = (if bool x y false)
env.add_definition(and_fn_name, p2, fun(x, bool_type(), fun(y, bool_type(), mk_bool_if(x, y, bool_value(false)))));
// or(x, y) = (if bool x true y)
env.add_definition(or_fn_name, p2, fun(x, bool_type(), fun(y, bool_type(), mk_bool_if(x, bool_value(true), y))));
// not(x) = (if bool x false true)
env.add_definition(not_fn_name, p1, fun(x, bool_type(), mk_bool_if(x, bool_value(false), bool_value(true))));
// forall : Pi (A : Type u), (A -> Bool) -> Bool
expr A_pred = arrow(A, bool_type());
expr q_type = Fun(A, u_type(), arrow(A_pred, bool_type()));
env.add_var(forall_fn_name, q_type);
env.add_definition(exists_fn_name, q_type, fun(A, u_type(), fun(P, A_pred, mk_not(mk_forall(A, fun(x, A, mk_not(P(x))))))));
// refl : Pi (A : Type u) (a : A), a = a
env.add_axiom(refl_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(a, A, eq(a, a))));
// symm : Pi (A : Type u) (a b : A) (H : a = b), b = a
env.add_axiom(symm_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(a, A, Fun(b, A, Fun(H, eq(a, b), eq(b, a))))));
// trans: Pi (A: Type u) (a b c : A) (H1 : a = b) (H2 : b = c), a = c
env.add_axiom(trans_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(a, A, Fun(b, A, Fun(c, A, Fun(H1, eq(a, b), Fun(H2, eq(b, c), eq(a, c))))))));
// congr : Pi (A : Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (f g : Pi (x : A) B x) (a b : A) (H1 : f = g) (H2 : a = b), f a = g b
expr piABx = Fun(x, A, B(x));
expr A_arrow_u = arrow(A, u_type());
env.add_axiom(congr_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(B, A_arrow_u, Fun(f, piABx, Fun(g, piABx, Fun(a, A, Fun(b, A, Fun(H1, eq(f, g), Fun(H2, eq(a, b), eq(f(a), g(b)))))))))));
// ext : Pi (A : Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (f g : Pi (x : A) B x) (H : Pi x : A, (f x) = (g x)), f = g
env.add_axiom(ext_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(B, A_arrow_u, Fun(f, piABx, Fun(g, piABx, Fun(H, Fun(x, A, eq(f(x), g(x))), eq(f, g)))))));
// foralle : Pi (A : Type u) (P : A -> bool) (H : (forall A P)) (a : A), P a
env.add_axiom(foralle_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(P, A_pred, Fun(H, mk_forall(A, P), Fun(a, A, P(a))))));
// foralli : Pi (A : Type u) (P : A -> bool) (H : Pi (x : A), P x), (forall A P)
env.add_axiom(foralli_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(P, A_pred, Fun(H, Fun(x, A, P(x)), mk_forall(A, P)))));
// domain_inj : Pi (A A1: Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (B1 : A1 -> Type u) (H : (Pi (x : A), B x) = (Pi (x : A1), B1 x)), A = A1
expr piA1B1x = Fun(x, A1, B1(x));
env.add_axiom(domain_inj_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(A1, u_type(), Fun(B, A_arrow_u, Fun(B1, arrow(A1, u_type()), Fun(H, eq(piABx, piA1B1x), eq(A, A1)))))));
// range_inj : Pi (A A1: Type u) (B : A -> Type u) (B1 : A1 -> Type u) (a : A) (a1 : A1) (H : (Pi (x : A), B x) = (Pi (x : A1), B1 x)), (B a) = (B1 a1)
env.add_axiom(range_inj_fn_name, Fun(A, u_type(), Fun(A1, u_type(), Fun(B, A_arrow_u, Fun(B1, arrow(A1, u_type()), Fun(a, A, Fun(a1, A1, Fun(H, eq(piABx, piA1B1x), eq(B(a), B1(a1))))))))));
@ -8,16 +8,109 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "expr.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Return unit if <tt>num_args == 0<\tt>, args[0] if <tt>num_args == 1<\tt>, and
<tt>(op args[0] (op args[1] (op ... )))<\tt>
expr mk_bin_op(expr const & op, expr const & unit, unsigned num_args, expr const * args);
expr mk_bin_op(expr const & op, expr const & unit, std::initializer_list<expr> const & l);
/** \brief Return (Type m) m >= bottom + Offset */
expr m_type();
/** \brief Return (Type u) u >= m + Offset */
expr u_type();
/** \brief Return the Lean Boolean type. */
expr bool_type();
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean Boolean type. */
bool is_bool_type(expr const & e);
/** \brief Create a Lean Boolean value (true/false) */
expr bool_value(bool v);
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is a Lean Boolean value. */
bool is_bool_value(expr const & e);
\brief Convert a Lean Boolean value into a C++ Boolean value.
\pre is_bool_value(e)
bool to_bool(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean true value. */
bool is_true(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean false value. */
bool is_false(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return the Lean If-Then-Else operator. It has type: pi (A : Type), bool -> A -> A -> A */
expr if_fn();
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean If-Then-Else operator */
bool is_if_fn(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return the term (if A c t e) */
inline expr mk_if(expr const & A, expr const & c, expr const & t, expr const & e) { return app(if_fn(), A, c, t, e); }
/** \brief Return the term (if bool c t e) */
inline expr mk_bool_if(expr const & c, expr const & t, expr const & e) { return mk_if(bool_type(), c, t, e); }
/** \brief Return the Lean and operator */
expr and_fn();
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean and operator. */
bool is_and_fn(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return (and e1 e2) */
inline expr mk_and(expr const & e1, expr const & e2) { return app(and_fn(), e1, e2); }
inline expr mk_and(unsigned num_args, expr const * args) { return mk_bin_op(and_fn(), bool_value(true), num_args, args); }
inline expr mk_and(std::initializer_list<expr> const & l) { return mk_bin_op(and_fn(), bool_value(true), l); }
/** \brief Return the Lean or operator */
expr or_fn();
bool is_or_fn(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return (or e1 e2) */
inline expr mk_or(expr const & e1, expr const & e2) { return app(or_fn(), e1, e2); }
inline expr mk_or(unsigned num_args, expr const * args) { return mk_bin_op(or_fn(), bool_value(false), num_args, args); }
inline expr mk_or(std::initializer_list<expr> const & l) { return mk_bin_op(or_fn(), bool_value(false), l); }
/** \brief Return the Lean not operator */
expr not_fn();
bool is_not_fn(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return (not e) */
inline expr mk_not(expr const & e) { return app(not_fn(), e); }
/** \brief Return the Lean forall operator. It has type: <tt>Pi (A : Type), (A -> bool) -> Bool<\tt> */
expr forall_fn();
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean forall operator */
bool is_forall_fn(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return the term (forall A P), where A is a type and P : A -> bool */
inline expr mk_forall(expr const & A, expr const & P) { return app(forall_fn(), A, P); }
/** \brief Return the Lean exists operator. It has type: <tt>Pi (A : Type), (A -> Bool) -> Bool<\tt> */
expr exists_fn();
/** \brief Return true iff \c e is the Lean exists operator */
bool is_exists_fn(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return the term (exists A P), where A is a type and P : A -> bool */
inline expr mk_exists(expr const & A, expr const & P) { return app(exists_fn(), A, P); }
expr refl_fn();
bool is_refl_fn(expr const & e);
expr symm_fn();
bool is_symm_fn(expr const & e);
expr trans_fn();
bool is_trans_fn(expr const & e);
expr congr_fn();
bool is_congr_fn(expr const & e);
expr ext_fn();
bool is_ext_fn(expr const & e);
expr foralle_fn();
bool is_foralle_fn(expr const & e);
expr foralli_fn();
bool is_foralli_fn(expr const & e);
expr domain_inj_fn();
bool is_domain_inj_fn(expr const & e);
expr range_inj_fn();
bool is_range_inj_fn(expr const & e);
class environment;
/** \brief Initialize the environment with basic builtin declarations and axioms */
void add_basic_theory(environment & env);
@ -25,9 +118,7 @@ void add_basic_theory(environment & env);
#define MK_BUILTIN(Name, ClassName) \
expr Name() { \
static thread_local expr r; \
if (!r) \
r = to_expr(*(new ClassName())); \
static thread_local expr r = to_expr(*(new ClassName())); \
return r; \
} \
bool is_##Name(expr const & e) { \
@ -37,16 +128,13 @@ bool is_##Name(expr const & e) { \
\brief Helper macro for generating "defined" constants.
#define MK_CONSTANT(Name, NameObj) \
static name Name ## _name_obj = NameObj; \
expr Name() { \
static thread_local expr r; \
if (!r) \
r = constant(Name ## _name_obj); \
return r; \
} \
bool is_##Name(expr const & e) { \
return is_constant(e) && const_name(e) == Name ## _name_obj; \
#define MK_CONSTANT(Name, NameObj) \
static name Name ## _name = NameObj; \
expr Name() { \
static thread_local expr r = constant(Name ## _name); \
return r ; \
} \
bool is_##Name(expr const & e) { \
return is_constant(e) && const_name(e) == Name ## _name; \
@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ environment::definition::definition(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const &
environment::definition::~definition() {
environment::object_kind environment::definition::kind() const {
return object_kind::Definition;
void environment::definition::display(std::ostream & out) const {
out << "Definition " << m_name << " : " << m_type << " := " << m_value << "\n";
@ -44,12 +40,9 @@ environment::fact::fact(name const & n, expr const & t):
environment::fact::~fact() {
environment::object_kind environment::fact::kind() const {
return object_kind::Fact;
void environment::fact::display(std::ostream & out) const {
out << "Fact " << m_name << " : " << m_type << "\n";
out << " " << m_name << " : " << m_type << "\n";
/** \brief Implementation of the Lean environment. */
@ -196,13 +189,23 @@ struct environment::imp {
void check_add(name const & n) {
void add_definition(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, bool opaque) {
m_objects.push_back(new definition(n, t, v, opaque));
m_object_dictionary.insert(std::make_pair(n, m_objects.back()));
void add_fact(name const & n, expr const & t) {
m_objects.push_back(new fact(n, t));
void add_axiom(name const & n, expr const & t) {
m_objects.push_back(new axiom(n, t));
m_object_dictionary.insert(std::make_pair(n, m_objects.back()));
void add_var(name const & n, expr const & t) {
m_objects.push_back(new variable(n, t));
m_object_dictionary.insert(std::make_pair(n, m_objects.back()));
@ -229,6 +232,20 @@ struct environment::imp {
void display_objects(std::ostream & out) const {
for (object const * obj : m_objects) {
/** \brief Display universal variable constraints and objects stored in this environment and its parents. */
void display(std::ostream & out) const {
if (has_parent())
m_num_children(0) {
@ -311,17 +328,21 @@ void environment::add_definition(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v,
void environment::add_definition(name const & n, expr const & v, bool opaque) {
expr v_t = infer_type(v, *this);
m_imp->add_definition(n, v_t, v, opaque);
void environment::add_fact(name const & n, expr const & t) {
void environment::add_axiom(name const & n, expr const & t) {
infer_universe(t, *this);
m_imp->add_fact(n, t);
m_imp->add_axiom(n, t);
void environment::add_var(name const & n, expr const & t) {
infer_universe(t, *this);
m_imp->add_var(n, t);
environment::object const & environment::get_object(name const & n) const {
@ -331,4 +352,12 @@ environment::object const & environment::get_object(name const & n) const {
environment::object const * environment::get_object_ptr(name const & n) const {
return m_imp->get_object_ptr(n);
void environment::display_objects(std::ostream & out) const {
void environment::display(std::ostream & out) const {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public:
environment parent() const;
enum class object_kind { Definition, Fact };
enum class object_kind { Definition, Var, Axiom };
\brief Base class for environment objects
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
definition(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, bool opaque);
virtual ~definition();
virtual object_kind kind() const;
virtual object_kind kind() const { return object_kind::Definition; }
name const & get_name() const { return m_name; }
virtual expr const & get_type() const { return m_type; }
expr const & get_value() const { return m_value; }
@ -104,19 +104,36 @@ public:
class fact : public object {
name m_name;
expr m_type;
virtual void display_header(std::ostream & out) const = 0;
fact(name const & n, expr const & t);
virtual ~fact();
virtual object_kind kind() const;
name const & get_name() const { return m_name; }
virtual expr const & get_type() const { return m_type; }
virtual void display(std::ostream & out) const;
class axiom : public fact {
virtual void display_header(std::ostream & out) const { out << "Axiom"; }
axiom(name const & n, expr const & t):fact(n, t) {}
virtual object_kind kind() const { return object_kind::Axiom; }
class variable : public fact {
virtual void display_header(std::ostream & out) const { out << "Var"; }
variable(name const & n, expr const & t):fact(n, t) {}
virtual object_kind kind() const { return object_kind::Var; }
friend bool is_definition(object const & o) { return o.kind() == object_kind::Definition; }
friend bool is_fact(object const & o) { return o.kind() == object_kind::Fact; }
friend bool is_axiom(object const & o) { return o.kind() == object_kind::Axiom; }
friend bool is_var(object const & o) { return o.kind() == object_kind::Var; }
friend bool is_fact(object const & o) { return is_axiom(o) || is_var(o); }
friend definition const & to_definition(object const & o) { lean_assert(is_definition(o)); return static_cast<definition const &>(o); }
friend fact const & to_fact(object const & o) { lean_assert(is_fact(o)); return static_cast<fact const &>(o); }
@ -139,11 +156,13 @@ public:
void add_definition(char const * n, expr const & v, bool opaque = false) { add_definition(name(n), v, opaque); }
\brief Add a new fact to the environment.
\brief Add a new fact (Axiom or Fact) to the environment.
It throws an exception if there is already an object with the given name.
void add_fact(name const & n, expr const & t);
void add_fact(char const * n, expr const & t) { add_fact(name(n), t); }
void add_axiom(name const & n, expr const & t);
void add_axiom(char const * n, expr const & t) { add_axiom(name(n), t); }
void add_var(name const & n, expr const & t);
void add_var(char const * n, expr const & t) { add_var(name(n), t); }
\brief Return the object with the given name.
@ -156,5 +175,12 @@ public:
Return nullptr if there is no object with the given name.
object const * get_object_ptr(name const & n) const;
/** \brief Display all objects stored in the environment */
void display_objects(std::ostream & out) const;
/** \brief Display universal variable constraints and objects stored in this environment and its parents. */
void display(std::ostream & out) const;
inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, environment const & env) { env.display(out); return out; }
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ namespace lean {
class has_free_vars_fn {
expr_cell_offset_set m_visited;
bool m_set_closed_flag;
virtual bool process_var(expr const & x, unsigned offset) {
return var_idx(x) >= offset;
@ -62,17 +63,18 @@ protected:
if (!result)
if (m_set_closed_flag && !result)
return result;
has_free_vars_fn(bool s):m_set_closed_flag(s) {}
bool operator()(expr const & e) { return apply(e, 0); }
bool has_free_vars(expr const & e) {
return has_free_vars_fn()(e);
return has_free_vars_fn(true)(e);
/** \brief Functional object for checking whether a kernel expression has a free variable in the range <tt>[low, high)</tt> or not. */
@ -83,7 +85,10 @@ class has_free_var_in_range_fn : public has_free_vars_fn {
return var_idx(x) >= offset + m_low && var_idx(x) < offset + m_high;
has_free_var_in_range_fn(unsigned low, unsigned high):m_low(low), m_high(high) {
has_free_var_in_range_fn(unsigned low, unsigned high):
has_free_vars_fn(false /* We should not set the closed flag since we are only considering a range of free variables */),
m_high(high) {
lean_assert(low < high);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "toplevel.h"
#include "builtin.h"
#include "arith.h"
namespace lean {
environment mk_toplevel() {
environment r;
return r;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include "environment.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Create top-level environment with builtin objects.
environment mk_toplevel();
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <thread>
#include "environment.h"
#include "type_check.h"
#include "builtin.h"
@ -77,13 +78,24 @@ static void tst4() {
static void tst5() {
environment env;
env.add_fact(name("a"), int_type());
env.add_var(name("a"), int_type());
expr e = eq(int_value(3), int_value(4));
std::cout << e << " --> " << normalize(e, env) << "\n";
lean_assert(normalize(e, env) == bool_value(false));
lean_assert(normalize(eq(constant("a"), int_value(3)), env) == eq(constant("a"), int_value(3)));
static void tst6() {
std::cout << "tst6\n";
std::cout << int_add().raw() << "\n";
std::cout << int_add().raw() << "\n";
std::thread t1([](){ std::cout << "t1: " << int_add().raw() << "\n"; });
std::thread t2([](){ std::cout << "t2: " << int_add().raw() << "\n"; });
std::cout << int_add().raw() << "\n";
int main() {
@ -91,5 +103,6 @@ int main() {
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "environment.h"
#include "type_check.h"
#include "toplevel.h"
#include "builtin.h"
#include "arith.h"
#include "normalize.h"
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ static void tst3() {
lean_assert(normalize(constant("c"), c_env) == int_value(3));
try {
expr r = normalize(constant("c"), env);
lean_assert(r == int_value(3))
lean_assert(r == int_value(3));
} catch (exception const & ex) {
std::cout << "expected error: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ static void tst6() {
environment env;
level u = env.define_uvar("u", level() + 1);
level w = env.define_uvar("w", u + 1);
env.add_fact("f", arrow(type(u), type(u)));
env.add_var("f", arrow(type(u), type(u)));
expr t = app(constant("f"), int_type());
std::cout << "type of " << t << " is " << infer_type(t, env) << "\n";
try {
@ -156,6 +157,16 @@ static void tst6() {
lean_assert(infer_type(arrow(int_type(), int_type()), env) == type());
static void tst7() {
environment env = mk_toplevel();
env.add_var("a", int_type());
env.add_var("b", int_type());
expr t = app(if_fn(), int_type(), bool_value(true), constant("a"), constant("b"));
std::cout << t << " --> " << normalize(t, env) << "\n";
std::cout << infer_type(t, env) << "\n";
std::cout << "Environment\n" << env;
int main() {
@ -165,5 +176,6 @@ int main() {
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;
@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ unsigned count(expr const & a) {
static void tst_church_numbers() {
environment env;
env.add_fact("t", type(level()));
env.add_fact("N", type(level()));
env.add_fact("z", constant("N"));
env.add_fact("s", constant("N"));
env.add_var("t", type(level()));
env.add_var("N", type(level()));
env.add_var("z", constant("N"));
env.add_var("s", constant("N"));
expr N = constant("N");
expr z = constant("z");
expr s = constant("s");
@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ static void tst_church_numbers() {
static void tst1() {
environment env;
env.add_fact("t", type(level()));
env.add_var("t", type(level()));
expr t = type(level());
env.add_fact("f", arrow(t, t));
env.add_var("f", arrow(t, t));
expr f = constant("f");
env.add_fact("a", t);
env.add_var("a", t);
expr a = constant("a");
env.add_fact("b", t);
env.add_var("b", t);
expr b = constant("b");
expr x = var(0);
expr y = var(1);
@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ static void tst1() {
static void tst2() {
environment env;
expr t = type(level());
env.add_fact("f", arrow(t, t));
env.add_var("f", arrow(t, t));
expr f = constant("f");
env.add_fact("a", t);
env.add_var("a", t);
expr a = constant("a");
env.add_fact("b", t);
env.add_var("b", t);
expr b = constant("b");
env.add_fact("h", arrow(t, t));
env.add_var("h", arrow(t, t));
expr h = constant("h");
expr x = var(0);
expr y = var(1);
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static void tst2() {
static void tst3() {
environment env;
env.add_fact("a", bool_type());
env.add_var("a", bool_type());
expr t1 = constant("a");
expr t2 = constant("a");
expr e = eq(t1, t2);
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ static void tst3() {
static void tst4() {
environment env;
env.add_fact("b", type(level()));
env.add_var("b", type(level()));
expr t1 = let("a", constant("b"), lambda("c", type(), var(1)(var(0))));
std::cout << t1 << " --> " << normalize(t1, env) << "\n";
lean_assert(normalize(t1, env) == lambda("c", type(), constant("b")(var(0))));
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ using namespace lean;
expr normalize(expr const & e) {
environment env;
env.add_fact("a", int_type());
env.add_fact("b", int_type());
env.add_fact("f", arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), int_type())));
env.add_fact("h", arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), int_type())));
env.add_var("a", int_type());
env.add_var("b", int_type());
env.add_var("f", arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), int_type())));
env.add_var("h", arrow(int_type(), arrow(int_type(), int_type())));
return normalize(e, env);
@ -266,5 +266,6 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, name::sep const & s) {
name::imp::display(out, s.m_sep, s.m_name.m_ptr);
return out;
void pp(lean::name const & n) { std::cout << n << std::endl; }
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