refactor(kernel/type_checker): simplify replace constraint_handler with closure
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 33 additions and 61 deletions
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ no_constraints_allowed_exception::no_constraints_allowed_exception():exception("
exception * no_constraints_allowed_exception::clone() const { return new no_constraints_allowed_exception(); }
void no_constraints_allowed_exception::rethrow() const { throw *this; }
void no_constraint_handler::add_cnstr(constraint const &) {
throw no_constraints_allowed_exception();
add_cnstr_fn mk_no_contranint_fn() {
return add_cnstr_fn([](constraint const &) { throw no_constraints_allowed_exception(); });
/** \brief Auxiliary functional object used to implement type checker. */
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ struct type_checker::imp {
environment m_env;
name_generator m_gen;
constraint_handler & m_chandler;
add_cnstr_fn m_add_cnstr_fn;
std::unique_ptr<converter> m_conv;
// In the type checker cache, we must take into account binder information.
// Examples:
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ struct type_checker::imp {
// temp flag
level_param_names m_params;
imp(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, constraint_handler & h, std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv, bool memoize):
m_env(env), m_gen(g), m_chandler(h), m_conv(std::move(conv)), m_conv_ctx(*this), m_tc_ctx(*this),
imp(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, add_cnstr_fn const & h, std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv, bool memoize):
m_env(env), m_gen(g), m_add_cnstr_fn(h), m_conv(std::move(conv)), m_conv_ctx(*this), m_tc_ctx(*this),
m_memoize(memoize) {}
optional<expr> expand_macro(expr const & m) {
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ struct type_checker::imp {
return mk_pair(instantiate(binding_body(e), local), local);
/** \brief Add given constraint to the constraint handler m_chandler. */
/** \brief Add given constraint using m_add_cnstr_fn. */
void add_cnstr(constraint const & c) {
/** \brief Return true iff \c t and \c s are definitionally equal */
@ -403,18 +403,19 @@ struct type_checker::imp {
expr whnf(expr const & t) { return m_conv->whnf(t, m_conv_ctx); }
no_constraint_handler g_no_constraint_handler;
static add_cnstr_fn g_no_constraint_fn = mk_no_contranint_fn();
type_checker::type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, constraint_handler & h, std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv, bool memoize):
type_checker::type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, add_cnstr_fn const & h,
std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv, bool memoize):
m_ptr(new imp(env, g, h, std::move(conv), memoize)) {}
type_checker::type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv, bool memoize):
type_checker(env, g, g_no_constraint_handler, std::move(conv), memoize) {}
type_checker(env, g, g_no_constraint_fn, std::move(conv), memoize) {}
static name g_tmp_prefix = name::mk_internal_unique_name();
type_checker::type_checker(environment const & env):
type_checker(env, name_generator(g_tmp_prefix), g_no_constraint_handler, mk_default_converter(env), true) {}
type_checker(env, name_generator(g_tmp_prefix), g_no_constraint_fn, mk_default_converter(env), true) {}
type_checker::~type_checker() {}
expr type_checker::infer(expr const & t) { return m_ptr->infer_type(t); }
@ -15,17 +15,10 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/converter.h"
namespace lean {
class constraint_handler {
virtual ~constraint_handler() {}
virtual void add_cnstr(constraint const & c) = 0;
typedef std::function<void(constraint const & c)> add_cnstr_fn;
/** \brief This handler always throw an exception (\c no_constraints_allowed_exception) when \c add_cnstr is invoked. */
class no_constraint_handler : public constraint_handler {
virtual void add_cnstr(constraint const & c);
add_cnstr_fn mk_no_contranint_fn();
/** \brief Exception used in \c no_constraint_handler. */
class no_constraints_allowed_exception : public exception {
@ -51,9 +44,9 @@ public:
memoize: if true, then inferred types are memoized/cached
type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, constraint_handler & h, std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv,
type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, add_cnstr_fn const & h, std::unique_ptr<converter> && conv,
bool memoize = true);
type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, constraint_handler & h, bool memoize = true):
type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & g, add_cnstr_fn const & h, bool memoize = true):
type_checker(env, g, h, mk_default_converter(env), memoize) {}
\brief Similar to the previous constructor, but if a method tries to create a constraint, then an
@ -1808,37 +1808,16 @@ static void open_substitution(lua_State * L) {
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(substitution_pred, "is_substitution");
// constraint_handler
class lua_constraint_handler : public constraint_handler {
luaref m_f;
lua_constraint_handler(luaref const & f):m_f(f) {}
virtual void add_cnstr(constraint const & c) {
lua_State * L = m_f.get_state();
push_constraint(L, c);
pcall(L, 1, 0, 0);
int mk_constraint_handler(lua_State * L) {
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION); // user-fun
return push_lua_constraint_handler(L, lua_constraint_handler(luaref(L, 1)));
static const struct luaL_Reg lua_constraint_handler_m[] = {
{"__gc", lua_constraint_handler_gc},
{0, 0}
static void open_constraint_handler(lua_State * L) {
luaL_newmetatable(L, lua_constraint_handler_mt);
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
setfuncs(L, lua_constraint_handler_m, 0);
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_constraint_handler, "constraint_handler");
SET_GLOBAL_FUN(lua_constraint_handler_pred, "is_constraint_handler");
// add_cnstr_fn
add_cnstr_fn to_add_cnstr_fn(lua_State * L, int idx) {
luaL_checktype(L, idx, LUA_TFUNCTION); // user-fun
luaref f(L, idx);
return add_cnstr_fn([=](constraint const & c) {
lua_State * L = f.get_state();
push_constraint(L, c);
pcall(L, 1, 0, 0);
// type_checker
@ -1857,9 +1836,9 @@ int mk_type_checker(lua_State * L) {
return push_type_checker_ref(L, std::make_shared<type_checker>(to_environment(L, 1)));
} else if (nargs == 2) {
return push_type_checker_ref(L, std::make_shared<type_checker>(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_generator(L, 2)));
} else if (nargs == 3 && is_lua_constraint_handler(L, 3)) {
} else if (nargs == 3 && lua_isfunction(L, 3)) {
return push_type_checker_ref(L, std::make_shared<type_checker>(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_generator(L, 2),
to_lua_constraint_handler(L, 3)));
to_add_cnstr_fn(L, 3)));
} else {
optional<module_idx> mod_idx; bool memoize; name_set extra_opaque;
if (nargs == 3) {
@ -1871,7 +1850,7 @@ int mk_type_checker(lua_State * L) {
} else {
get_type_checker_args(L, 4, mod_idx, memoize, extra_opaque);
auto t = std::make_shared<type_checker>(to_environment(L, 1), to_name_generator(L, 2),
to_lua_constraint_handler(L, 3),
to_add_cnstr_fn(L, 3),
mk_default_converter(to_environment(L, 1), mod_idx, memoize, extra_opaque),
return push_type_checker_ref(L, t);
@ -2046,7 +2025,6 @@ void open_kernel_module(lua_State * L) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ local b = Const("b")
assert(tc:whnf(t(b)) == b)
local cs = {}
local tc2 = type_checker(env, g, constraint_handler(function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end))
local tc2 = type_checker(env, g, function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end)
assert(tc:check(Bool) == mk_sort(mk_level_one()))
local m = mk_metavar("m1", mk_metavar("m2", mk_sort(mk_meta_univ("u"))))
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ print(tc:check(Fun({{A, mk_sort(u)}, {a, A}, {b, A}, {c, A}, {d, A},
trans_u(A, b, c, d, H2, H3)))))
local cs = {}
local g = name_generator("tst")
local tc2 = type_checker(env, g, constraint_handler(function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end))
local tc2 = type_checker(env, g, function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end)
local f = Const("f")
local mf_ty = mk_metavar("f_ty", Pi(A, mk_sort(u), mk_sort(mk_meta_univ("l_f"))))
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ print(tc2:check(Fun({{A, mk_sort(u)}, {f, mf_ty(A)}, {a, A}},
local cs = {}
local tc2 = type_checker(env, g, constraint_handler(function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end))
local tc2 = type_checker(env, g, function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end)
local scope = {{A, mk_sort(u)}, {a, A}, {b, A}, {c, A}, {d, A}, {H1, id_u(A, b, a)},
{H2, id_u(A, b, c)}, {H3, id_u(A, c, d)}}
local mP = mk_metavar("P", Pi(scope, mk_metavar("P_ty", Pi(scope, mk_sort(mk_meta_univ("l_P"))))(A, a, b, c, d, H1, H2, H3)))(A, a, b, c, d, H1, H2, H3)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local a = Const("a")
local m1 = mk_metavar("m1", N)
local cs = {}
local ngen = name_generator("tst")
local tc = type_checker(env, ngen, constraint_handler(function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end))
local tc = type_checker(env, ngen, function (c) print(c); cs[#cs+1] = c end)
assert(tc:is_def_eq(f(m1), g(a)))
assert(tc:is_def_eq(f(m1), a))
assert(not tc:is_def_eq(f(a), a))
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