feat(frontends/lean): add parser interface
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 447 additions and 49 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
add_library(lean_frontend register_module.cpp token_table.cpp
scanner.cpp parse_table.cpp parser_config.cpp)
scanner.cpp parse_table.cpp cmd_table.cpp parser_config.cpp parser.cpp
target_link_libraries(lean_frontend ${LEAN_LIBS})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontends/lean/cmd_table.h"
namespace lean {
cmd_table get_builtin_cmds() {
// TODO(Leo)
return cmd_table();
tactic_cmd_table get_builtin_tactic_cmds() {
// TODO(Leo)
return tactic_cmd_table();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include "kernel/environment.h"
namespace lean {
class tactic {}; // TODO(Leo): remove after tactic framework is ported to Lean 0.2
class parser;
typedef std::function<environment(parser&)> command_fn;
void register_builtin_cmd(char const * name, char const * descr, command_fn const & fn);
typedef std::function<tactic(parser&)> tactic_command_fn;
void register_builtin_cmd(char const * name, char const * descr, tactic_command_fn const & fn);
template<typename F>
struct register_builtin_cmd_tmpl {
register_builtin_cmd_tmpl(char const * name, char const * descr, F const & fn) {
register_builtin_cmd(name, descr, fn);
typedef register_builtin_cmd_tmpl<command_fn> register_builtin_cmd_fn;
typedef register_builtin_cmd_tmpl<tactic_command_fn> register_builtin_tactic_fn;
template<typename F>
struct cmd_info_tmpl {
name m_name;
std::string m_descr;
F m_fn;
cmd_info_tmpl(name const & n, char const * d, F const & fn):
m_name(n), m_descr(d), m_fn(fn) {}
name const & get_name() const { return m_name; }
std::string const & get_descr() const { return m_descr; }
F const & get_fn() const { return m_fn; }
typedef cmd_info_tmpl<command_fn> cmd_info;
typedef cmd_info_tmpl<tactic_command_fn> tactic_cmd_info;
typedef rb_map<name, cmd_info, name_quick_cmp> cmd_table;
typedef rb_map<name, tactic_cmd_info, name_quick_cmp> tactic_cmd_table;
cmd_table get_builtin_cmds();
tactic_cmd_table get_builtin_tactic_cmds();
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontends/lean/token_table.h"
namespace lean {
class parser_context;
class parser;
namespace notation {
typedef std::function<expr(parser_context &, unsigned, expr const *)> parse_fn;
typedef std::function<expr(parser &, unsigned, expr const *)> parse_fn;
enum class action_kind { Skip, Expr, Exprs, Binder, Binders, ScopedExpr, Ext };
struct action_cell;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/script_exception.h"
#include "library/io_state_stream.h"
#include "library/parser_nested_exception.h"
#include "library/error_handling/error_handling.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser.h"
namespace lean {
// ==========================================
// Parser configuration options
static name g_parser_show_errors {"lean", "parser", "show_errors"};
RegisterBoolOption(g_parser_show_errors, LEAN_DEFAULT_PARSER_SHOW_ERRORS, "(lean parser) display error messages in the regular output channel");
bool get_parser_show_errors(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_parser_show_errors, LEAN_DEFAULT_PARSER_SHOW_ERRORS); }
// ==========================================
parser::parser(environment const & env, io_state const & ios,
std::istream & strm, char const * strm_name,
script_state * ss, bool use_exceptions):
m_env(env), m_ios(ios), m_ss(ss),
m_verbose(true), m_use_exceptions(use_exceptions),
m_scanner(strm, strm_name), m_pos_table(std::make_shared<pos_info_table>()) {
m_found_errors = false;
m_next_tag_idx = 0;
m_curr = scanner::token_kind::Identifier;
protected_call([&]() { scan(); },
[&]() { sync_command(); });
void parser::updt_options() {
m_verbose = get_verbose(m_ios.get_options());
m_show_errors = get_parser_show_errors(m_ios.get_options());
void parser::display_error_pos(unsigned line, unsigned pos) {
regular(m_env, m_ios) << get_stream_name() << ":" << line << ":";
if (pos != static_cast<unsigned>(-1))
regular(m_env, m_ios) << pos << ":";
regular(m_env, m_ios) << " error:";
void parser::display_error_pos(pos_info p) { display_error_pos(p.first, p.second); }
void parser::display_error(char const * msg, unsigned line, unsigned pos) {
display_error_pos(line, pos);
regular(m_env, m_ios) << " " << msg << endl;
void parser::display_error(char const * msg, pos_info p) {
display_error(msg, p.first, p.second);
void parser::display_error(exception const & ex) {
parser_pos_provider pos_provider(m_pos_table, get_stream_name(), m_last_cmd_pos);
::lean::display_error(regular(m_env, m_ios), &pos_provider, ex);
void parser::throw_parser_exception(char const * msg, pos_info p) {
throw parser_exception(msg, get_stream_name().c_str(), p.first, p.second);
void parser::throw_nested_exception(exception & ex, pos_info p) {
throw parser_nested_exception(std::shared_ptr<exception>(ex.clone()),
std::make_shared<parser_pos_provider>(m_pos_table, get_stream_name(), p));
#define CATCH(ShowError, ThrowError) \
m_found_errors = true; \
if (!m_use_exceptions && m_show_errors) { ShowError ; } \
sync(); \
if (m_use_exceptions) { ThrowError ; }
void parser::protected_call(std::function<void()> && f, std::function<void()> && sync) {
try {
// } catch (tactic_cmd_error & ex) {
// CATCH(display_error(ex),
// throw parser_exception(ex.what(), m_strm_name.c_str(), ex.m_pos.first, ex.m_pos.second));
} catch (parser_exception & ex) {
CATCH(regular(m_env, m_ios) << ex.what() << endl,
} catch (parser_error & ex) {
CATCH(display_error(ex.what(), ex.m_pos),
throw_parser_exception(ex.what(), ex.m_pos));
} catch (interrupted & ex) {
if (m_verbose)
regular(m_env, m_ios) << "!!!Interrupted!!!" << endl;
if (m_use_exceptions)
} catch (script_exception & ex) {
CATCH(display_error(ex), throw_nested_exception(ex, m_last_script_pos));
} catch (exception & ex) {
CATCH(display_error(ex), throw_nested_exception(ex, m_last_cmd_pos));
void parser::sync_command() {
// Keep consuming tokens until we find a Command or End-of-file
while (curr() != scanner::token_kind::CommandKeyword && curr() != scanner::token_kind::Eof)
tag parser::get_tag(expr e) {
tag t = e.get_tag();
if (t == nulltag) {
t = m_next_tag_idx;
return t;
void parser::save_pos(expr e, pos_info p) {
m_pos_table->insert(mk_pair(get_tag(e), p));
expr parser::parse_expr(unsigned /* rbp */) {
// TODO(Leo):
return expr();
expr parser::parse_scoped_expr(unsigned num_locals, expr const * locals, unsigned rbp) {
local_decls::mk_scope scope(m_local_decls);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_locals; i++) {
m_local_decls.insert(local_pp_name(locals[i]), local_entry(locals[i], m_local_decls.size()));
return parse_expr(rbp);
tactic parser::parse_tactic(unsigned /* rbp */) {
// TODO(Leo):
return tactic();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "util/scoped_map.h"
#include "util/script_state.h"
#include "util/name_map.h"
#include "util/exception.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/expr_maps.h"
#include "library/io_state.h"
#include "frontends/lean/scanner.h"
#include "frontends/lean/cmd_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_pos_provider.h"
namespace lean {
struct parameter {
pos_info m_pos;
name m_name;
expr m_type;
binder_info m_bi;
parameter(pos_info const & p, name const & n, expr const & t, binder_info const & bi):
m_pos(p), m_name(n), m_type(t), m_bi(bi) {}
parameter():m_pos(0, 0) {}
/** \brief Exception used to track parsing erros, it does not leak outside of this class. */
struct parser_error : public exception {
pos_info m_pos;
parser_error(char const * msg, pos_info const & p):exception(msg), m_pos(p) {}
parser_error(sstream const & msg, pos_info const & p):exception(msg), m_pos(p) {}
virtual exception * clone() const { return new parser_error(m_msg.c_str(), m_pos); }
virtual void rethrow() const { throw *this; }
class parser {
typedef std::pair<expr, unsigned> local_entry;
typedef scoped_map<name, local_entry, name_hash, name_eq> local_decls;
environment m_env;
io_state m_ios;
script_state * m_ss;
bool m_verbose;
bool m_use_exceptions;
bool m_show_errors;
scanner m_scanner;
scanner::token_kind m_curr;
local_decls m_local_decls;
pos_info m_last_cmd_pos;
pos_info m_last_script_pos;
unsigned m_next_tag_idx;
bool m_found_errors;
pos_info_table_ptr m_pos_table;
enum class scope_kind { Scope, Namespace, Structure };
std::vector<name> m_namespace_prefixes;
std::vector<scope_kind> m_scope_kinds;
void display_error_pos(unsigned line, unsigned pos);
void display_error_pos(pos_info p);
void display_error(char const * msg, unsigned line, unsigned pos);
void display_error(char const * msg, pos_info p);
void display_error(exception const & ex);
void throw_parser_exception(char const * msg, pos_info p);
void throw_nested_exception(exception & ex, pos_info p);
void sync_command();
void protected_call(std::function<void()> && f, std::function<void()> && sync);
tag get_tag(expr e);
void updt_options();
parser(environment const & env, io_state const & ios,
std::istream & strm, char const * str_name,
script_state * ss = nullptr, bool use_exceptions = false);
environment const & env() const { return m_env; }
io_state const & ios() const { return m_ios; }
script_state * ss() const { return m_ss; }
parameter parse_binder();
void parse_binders(buffer<parameter> & r);
expr parse_expr(unsigned rbp = 0);
expr parse_scoped_expr(unsigned num_locals, expr const * locals, unsigned rbp = 0);
tactic parse_tactic(unsigned rbp = 0);
/** \brief Return the current position information */
pos_info pos() const { return mk_pair(m_scanner.get_line(), m_scanner.get_pos()); }
void save_pos(expr e, pos_info p);
/** \brief Read the next token. */
void scan() { m_curr = m_scanner.scan(m_env); }
/** \brief Return the current token */
scanner::token_kind curr() const { return m_curr; }
/** \brief Read the next token if the current one is not End-of-file. */
void next() { if (m_curr != scanner::token_kind::Eof) scan(); }
mpq const & get_num_val() const { return m_scanner.get_num_val(); }
name const & get_name_val() const { return m_scanner.get_name_val(); }
std::string const & get_str_val() const { return m_scanner.get_str_val(); }
token_info const & get_token_info() const { return m_scanner.get_token_info(); }
std::string const & get_stream_name() const { return m_scanner.get_stream_name(); }
/** parse all commands in the input stream */
bool operator()();
@ -7,14 +7,15 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontends/lean/parser_config.h"
namespace lean {
parser_config::parser_config() {
m_tokens = mk_default_token_table();
m_cmds = get_builtin_cmds();
m_tactic_cmds = get_builtin_tactic_cmds();
struct parser_ext : public environment_extension {
// Configuration for a Pratt's parser
token_table m_tokens;
parse_table m_nud;
parse_table m_led;
parser_ext() {
m_tokens = mk_default_token_table();
parser_config m_cfg;
struct parser_ext_reg {
@ -29,41 +30,13 @@ static environment update(environment const & env, parser_ext const & ext) {
return env.update(g_ext.m_ext_id, std::make_shared<parser_ext>(ext));
token_table const & get_token_table(environment const & env) {
return get_extension(env).m_tokens;
parser_config const & get_parser_config(environment const & env) {
return get_extension(env).m_cfg;
parse_table const & get_nud_parse_table(environment const & env) {
return get_extension(env).m_nud;
parse_table const & get_led_parse_table(environment const & env) {
return get_extension(env).m_led;
environment update_token_table(environment const & env, token_table const & t) {
environment update_parser_config(environment const & env, parser_config const & c) {
parser_ext ext = get_extension(env);
ext.m_tokens = t;
return update(env, ext);
environment update_nud_parse_table(environment const & env, parse_table const & t) {
parser_ext ext = get_extension(env);
ext.m_nud = t;
return update(env, ext);
environment update_led_parse_table(environment const & env, parse_table const & t) {
parser_ext ext = get_extension(env);
ext.m_led = t;
return update(env, ext);
environment update_parse_config(environment const & env, token_table const & tk, parse_table const & nud, parse_table const & led) {
parser_ext ext = get_extension(env);
ext.m_tokens = tk;
ext.m_nud = nud;
ext.m_led = led;
ext.m_cfg = c;
return update(env, ext);
@ -8,14 +8,18 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "frontends/lean/token_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parse_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/cmd_table.h"
namespace lean {
token_table const & get_token_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_nud_parse_table(environment const & env);
parse_table const & get_led_parse_table(environment const & env);
struct parser_config {
token_table m_tokens;
parse_table m_nud;
parse_table m_led;
cmd_table m_cmds;
tactic_cmd_table m_tactic_cmds;
environment update_token_table(environment const & env, token_table const & t);
environment update_nud_parse_table(environment const & env, parse_table const & t);
environment update_led_parse_table(environment const & env, parse_table const & t);
environment update_parse_config(environment const & env, token_table const & tk, parse_table const & nud, parse_table const & led);
parser_config const & get_parser_config(environment const & env);
environment update_parser_config(environment const & env, parser_config const & c);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include "frontends/lean/parser_pos_provider.h"
namespace lean {
parser_pos_provider::parser_pos_provider(pos_info_table_ptr const & pos_table,
std::string const & strm_name, pos_info const & some_pos):
m_pos_table(pos_table), m_strm_name(strm_name), m_pos(some_pos) {}
parser_pos_provider::~parser_pos_provider() {}
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> parser_pos_provider::get_pos_info(expr const & e) const {
if (!m_pos_table)
return get_some_pos();
tag t = e.get_tag();
if (t == nulltag)
return get_some_pos();
auto it = m_pos_table->find(t);
if (it == m_pos_table->end())
return get_some_pos();
return it->second;
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> parser_pos_provider::get_some_pos() const {
return m_pos;
char const * parser_pos_provider::get_file_name() const {
return m_strm_name.c_str();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "kernel/pos_info_provider.h"
namespace lean {
typedef std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> pos_info;
typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned, pos_info> pos_info_table;
typedef std::shared_ptr<pos_info_table> pos_info_table_ptr;
class parser_pos_provider : public pos_info_provider {
pos_info_table_ptr m_pos_table;
std::string m_strm_name;
pos_info m_pos;
parser_pos_provider(pos_info_table_ptr const & pos_table, std::string const & strm_name, pos_info const & some_pos);
virtual ~parser_pos_provider();
virtual std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> get_pos_info(expr const & e) const;
virtual std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> get_some_pos() const;
virtual char const * get_file_name() const;
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ static name g_begin_comment_tk("--");
static name g_begin_comment_block_tk("(--");
auto scanner::scan(environment const & env) -> token_kind {
m_tokens = &get_token_table(env);
m_tokens = &get_parser_config(env).m_tokens;
while (true) {
char c = curr();
m_pos = m_spos;
@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ public:
name const & get_name_val() const { return m_name_val; }
std::string const & get_str_val() const { return m_buffer; }
token_info const & get_token_info() const { lean_assert(m_token_info); return *m_token_info; }
std::string const & get_stream_name() const { return m_stream_name; }
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, scanner::token_kind k);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "util/test.h"
#include "util/escaped.h"
#include "util/exception.h"
@ -14,6 +15,16 @@ using namespace lean;
#define tk scanner::token_kind
token_table const & get_token_table(environment const & env) {
return get_parser_config(env).m_tokens;
environment update_token_table(environment const & env, token_table const & t) {
parser_config cfg = get_parser_config(env);
cfg.m_tokens = t;
return update_parser_config(env, cfg);
static void scan(char const * str, environment const & env = environment()) {
std::istringstream in(str);
scanner s(in, "[string]");
Add table
Reference in a new issue