feat(hott) add functor axioms for lemma 9.9.4 construction

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Jakob von Raumer 2016-07-26 23:41:29 +02:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent d26d98531c
commit 3e1ee4b714
3 changed files with 68 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ namespace functor
→ to_hom (k' a' h') ∘ to_fun_hom F f = to_hom (k' a h)}
include c c' p k k' q
private definition essentially_surj_precomp_X_eq : X.mk c k @k_coh = X.mk c' k' @k'_coh :=
private definition X_eq : X.mk c k @k_coh = X.mk c' k' @k'_coh :=
cases p,
assert q' : k = k',
@ -498,12 +498,12 @@ namespace functor
open prod.ops sigma.ops
private definition essentially_surj_precomp_X_prop [instance] :
private definition X_prop [instance] :
is_prop (X b) :=
induction He.2 b with Hb, cases Hb with a0 Ha0,
fapply is_prop.mk, intros f g, cases f with cf kf kf_coh, cases g with cg kg kg_coh,
fapply essentially_surj_precomp_X_eq,
fapply X_eq,
{ apply eq_of_iso, apply iso.trans, apply iso.symm, apply kf a0 Ha0,
apply kg a0 Ha0 },
{ intro a h,
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ namespace functor
apply id_right },
private definition essentially_surj_precomp_X_inh (b) : X b :=
private definition X_inh (b) : X b :=
induction He.2 b with Hb, cases Hb with a0 Ha0,
fconstructor, exact F a0,
@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ namespace functor
apply concat, apply !hom_inv_respect_comp⁻¹, apply ap (hom_inv H),
apply !assoc⁻¹ }
local abbreviation G0 := λ (b), essentially_surj_precomp_X.c (essentially_surj_precomp_X_inh b)
local abbreviation k := λ b, essentially_surj_precomp_X.k (essentially_surj_precomp_X_inh b)
local abbreviation k_coh := λ b, @essentially_surj_precomp_X.k_coh b (essentially_surj_precomp_X_inh b)
local abbreviation G0 := λ (b), essentially_surj_precomp_X.c (X_inh b)
local abbreviation k := λ b, essentially_surj_precomp_X.k (X_inh b)
local abbreviation k_coh := λ b, @essentially_surj_precomp_X.k_coh b (X_inh b)
structure essentially_surj_precomp_Y {b b' : carrier B} (f : hom b b') : Type :=
(g : hom (G0 b) (G0 b'))
@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ namespace functor
to_hom (k b' a' h') ∘ to_fun_hom F l = g ∘ to_hom (k b a h))
local abbreviation Y := @essentially_surj_precomp_Y
local abbreviation Y.mk := @essentially_surj_precomp_Y.mk
local abbreviation Y.g := @essentially_surj_precomp_Y.g
variables {g : hom (G0 b) (G0 b')} {g' : hom (G0 b) (G0 b')} (p : g = g')
@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ namespace functor
to_hom (k b' a' h') ∘ to_fun_hom F l = g' ∘ to_hom (k b a h))
include p
private definition essentially_surj_precomp_Y_eq : Y.mk g @Hg = Y.mk g' @Hg' :=
private definition Y_eq : Y.mk g @Hg = Y.mk g' @Hg' :=
cases p, apply ap (Y.mk g'),
apply is_prop.elim,
@ -560,13 +561,13 @@ namespace functor
private definition essentially_surj_precomp_Y_prop [instance] : is_prop (Y f) :=
private definition Y_prop [instance] : is_prop (Y f) :=
induction He.2 b with Hb, cases Hb with a0 h0,
induction He.2 b' with Hb', cases Hb' with a0' h0',
fapply is_prop.mk, intros,
cases x with g0 Hg0, cases y with g1 Hg1,
apply essentially_surj_precomp_Y_eq,
apply Y_eq,
assert l0Hl0 : Σ l0 : hom a0 a0', to_hom h0' ∘ to_fun_hom H l0 = f ∘ to_hom h0,
{ fconstructor, apply hom_inv, apply He.1, exact to_hom h0'⁻¹ⁱ ∘ f ∘ to_hom h0,
apply concat, apply ap (λ x, _ ∘ x), apply right_inv (to_fun_hom H),
@ -576,7 +577,7 @@ namespace functor
apply Hg1 h0 h0' l0Hl0.1 l0Hl0.2
private definition essentially_surj_precomp_Y_inh : Y f :=
private definition Y_inh : Y f :=
induction He.2 b with Hb, cases Hb with a0 h0,
induction He.2 b' with Hb', cases Hb' with a0' h0',
@ -615,11 +616,52 @@ namespace functor
apply concat, apply assoc, apply ap (λ x, x ∘ _),
apply k_coh, apply m'Hm'.2 }
private definition G_hom [constructor] := λ {b b'} (f : hom b b'), Y.g (Y_inh f)
private definition G_hom_coh := λ {b b'} (f : hom b b'),
@essentially_surj_precomp_Y.Hg b b' f (Y_inh f)
open trunc
private definition G_hom_id (b : carrier B) : G_hom (ID b) = ID (G0 b) :=
cases He with He1 He2,
esimp[G_hom, Y_inh],
induction He2 b with Hb, cases Hb with a h, --why do i need to destruct He?
apply concat, apply ap (λ x, _ ∘ x ∘ _),
apply concat, apply ap (to_fun_hom F),
apply concat, apply ap (hom_inv H), apply inverse_comp_id_comp,
apply hom_inv_respect_id,
apply respect_id,
apply comp_id_comp_inverse
private definition G_hom_comp {b0 b1 b2 : carrier B} (g : hom b1 b2) (f : hom b0 b1) :
G_hom (g ∘ f) = G_hom g ∘ G_hom f :=
cases He with He1 He2,
esimp[G_hom, Y_inh],
induction He2 b0 with Hb0, cases Hb0 with a0 h0,
induction He2 b1 with Hb1, cases Hb1 with a1 h1,
induction He2 b2 with Hb2, cases Hb2 with b2 h2,
refine !assoc ⬝ _ ⬝ !assoc⁻¹ ⬝ !assoc⁻¹, apply ap (λ x, x ∘ _),
apply inverse, apply concat, apply ap (λ x, x ∘ _),
apply concat, apply !assoc⁻¹, apply ap (λ x, _ ∘ x),
apply concat, apply !assoc⁻¹, apply ap (λ x, _ ∘ x), apply comp.left_inverse,
apply concat, apply !assoc⁻¹, apply ap (λ x, _ ∘ x),
apply concat, apply ap (λ x, x ∘ _), apply id_right,
apply concat, apply !respect_comp⁻¹, apply ap (to_fun_hom F),
apply concat, apply !hom_inv_respect_comp⁻¹, apply ap (hom_inv H),
apply concat, apply ap (λ x, x ∘ _), apply assoc,
apply concat, apply assoc,
apply concat, apply ap (λ x, x ∘ _), apply comp_inverse_cancel_right,
apply concat, apply !assoc⁻¹, apply ap (λ x, _ ∘ x),
apply assoc,
definition essentially_surjective_precomposition_functor :
essentially_surjective (precomposition_functor E H) :=
essentially_surjective (precomposition_functor C H) :=
intro F, esimp,

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@ -39,7 +39,14 @@ namespace category
: c ⟶ c' :=
(to_fun_hom F)⁻¹ᶠ f
definition hom_inv_respect_comp (F : C ⇒ D) [H : fully_faithful F] (a b c : C)
definition hom_inv_respect_id (F : C ⇒ D) [H : fully_faithful F] (c : C) :
hom_inv F (ID (F c)) = id :=
apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn' (to_fun_hom F),
exact !(right_inv (to_fun_hom F)) ⬝ !respect_id⁻¹,
definition hom_inv_respect_comp (F : C ⇒ D) [H : fully_faithful F] {a b c : C}
(g : F b ⟶ F c) (f : F a ⟶ F b) : hom_inv F (g ∘ f) = hom_inv F g ∘ hom_inv F f :=
apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn' (to_fun_hom F),

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@ -381,6 +381,11 @@ namespace iso
theorem eq_of_id_eq_comp_inverse (H : id = i ∘ q⁻¹) : q = i := (eq_of_comp_inverse_eq_id H⁻¹)⁻¹
theorem eq_of_id_eq_inverse_comp (H : id = q⁻¹ ∘ i) : q = i := (eq_of_inverse_comp_eq_id H⁻¹)⁻¹
theorem inverse_comp_id_comp : q⁻¹ ∘ id ∘ q = id :=
ap (λ x, _ ∘ x) !id_left ⬝ !comp.left_inverse
theorem comp_id_comp_inverse : q ∘ id ∘ q⁻¹ = id :=
ap (λ x, _ ∘ x) !id_left ⬝ !comp.right_inverse
variables (q)
theorem comp.cancel_left (H : q ∘ p = q ∘ p') : p = p' :=
by rewrite [-inverse_comp_cancel_left q p, H, inverse_comp_cancel_left q]