feat(library/data/real): rearrange constant sequence theorems to introduce rat coercion earlier. begin migrating theorems from algebra
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 134 additions and 79 deletions
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ theorem factor_lemma_2 (a b c d : ℚ) : (a + b) + (c + d) = (a + c) + (d + b) :
-- define cauchy sequences and equivalence. show equivalence actually is one
namespace s
notation `seq` := ℕ+ → ℚ
@ -884,6 +885,24 @@ theorem zero_nequiv_one : ¬ zero ≡ one :=
apply absurd (one_lt_two) (not_lt_of_ge H'')
-- constant sequences
definition const (a : ℚ) : seq := λ n, a
theorem const_reg (a : ℚ) : regular (const a) :=
rewrite [↑const, rat.sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
theorem add_consts (a b : ℚ) : sadd (const a) (const b) ≡ const (a + b) :=
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑const],
apply equiv.refl
-- create the type of regular sequences and lift theorems
@ -967,10 +986,16 @@ theorem r_distrib (s t u : reg_seq) : requiv (s * (t + u)) (s * t + s * u) :=
theorem r_zero_nequiv_one : ¬ requiv r_zero r_one :=
definition r_const (a : ℚ) : reg_seq := reg_seq.mk (const a) (const_reg a)
theorem r_add_consts (a b : ℚ) : requiv (r_const a + r_const b) (r_const (a + b)) := add_consts a b
end s
-- take quotients to get ℝ and show it's a comm ring
namespace real
open s
definition real := quot reg_seq.to_setoid
notation `ℝ` := real
@ -1054,4 +1079,14 @@ definition comm_ring [reducible] : algebra.comm_ring ℝ :=
apply mul_comm
definition const (a : ℚ) : ℝ := quot.mk (s.r_const a)
theorem add_consts (a b : ℚ) : const a + const b = const (a + b) :=
quot.sound (s.r_add_consts a b)
theorem sub_consts (a b : ℚ) : const a + -const b = const (a - b) := !add_consts
theorem add_half_const (n : ℕ+) : const (2 * n)⁻¹ + const (2 * n)⁻¹ = const (n⁻¹) :=
by rewrite [add_consts, pnat.add_halves]
end real
@ -27,18 +27,6 @@ local notation 3 := pnat.pos (nat.of_num 3) dec_trivial
namespace s
theorem nonneg_of_ge_neg_invs (a : ℚ) (H : ∀ n : ℕ+, -n⁻¹ ≤ a) : 0 ≤ a := sorry
definition const (a : ℚ) : seq := λ n, a
theorem const_reg (a : ℚ) : regular (const a) :=
rewrite [↑const, sub_self, abs_zero],
apply add_invs_nonneg
definition r_const (a : ℚ) : reg_seq := reg_seq.mk (const a) (const_reg a)
theorem rat_approx_l1 {s : seq} (H : regular s) :
∀ n : ℕ+, ∃ q : ℚ, ∃ N : ℕ+, ∀ m : ℕ+, m ≥ N → abs (s m - q) ≤ n⁻¹ :=
@ -106,7 +94,8 @@ theorem r_rat_approx (s : reg_seq) :
∀ n : ℕ+, ∃ q : ℚ, r_le (r_abs (radd s (rneg (r_const q)))) (r_const n⁻¹) :=
rat_approx (reg_seq.is_reg s)
theorem const_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) : s_le (s_abs (sadd s (sneg (const (s n))))) (const n⁻¹) :=
theorem const_bound {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (n : ℕ+) :
s_le (s_abs (sadd s (sneg (const (s n))))) (const n⁻¹) :=
rewrite ↑[s_le, nonneg, s_abs, sadd, sneg, const],
intro m,
@ -127,40 +116,6 @@ theorem abs_const (a : ℚ) : const (abs a) ≡ s_abs (const a) :=
theorem r_abs_const (a : ℚ) : requiv (r_const (abs a) ) (r_abs (r_const a)) := abs_const a
theorem add_consts (a b : ℚ) : sadd (const a) (const b) ≡ const (a + b) :=
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑const],
apply equiv.refl
theorem r_add_consts (a b : ℚ) : requiv (r_const a + r_const b) (r_const (a + b)) := add_consts a b
theorem const_le_const_of_le {a b : ℚ} (H : a ≤ b) : s_le (const a) (const b) :=
rewrite [↑s_le, ↑nonneg],
intro n,
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑sneg, ↑const],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.neg_nonpos_of_nonneg,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply inv_pos,
apply iff.mp' !rat.sub_nonneg_iff_le,
apply H
theorem le_of_const_le_const {a b : ℚ} (H : s_le (const a) (const b)) : a ≤ b :=
rewrite [↑s_le at H, ↑nonneg at H, ↑sadd at H, ↑sneg at H, ↑const at H],
apply iff.mp !rat.sub_nonneg_iff_le,
apply nonneg_of_ge_neg_invs _ H
theorem r_const_le_const_of_le {a b : ℚ} (H : a ≤ b) : r_le (r_const a) (r_const b) :=
const_le_const_of_le H
theorem r_le_of_const_le_const {a b : ℚ} (H : r_le (r_const a) (r_const b)) : a ≤ b :=
le_of_const_le_const H
theorem equiv_abs_of_ge_zero {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hz : s_le zero s) : s_abs s ≡ s :=
apply eq_of_bdd,
@ -238,6 +193,18 @@ theorem r_equiv_neg_abs_of_le_zero {s : reg_seq} (Hz : r_le s r_zero) : requiv (
end s
namespace real
open [classes] s
definition const (a : ℚ) : ℝ := quot.mk (s.r_const a)
theorem add_consts (a b : ℚ) : const a + const b = const (a + b) :=
quot.sound (s.r_add_consts a b)
theorem sub_consts (a b : ℚ) : const a + -const b = const (a - b) := !add_consts
theorem add_half_const (n : ℕ+) : const (2 * n)⁻¹ + const (2 * n)⁻¹ = const (n⁻¹) :=
by rewrite [add_consts, pnat.add_halves]-/
theorem p_add_fractions (n : ℕ+) : (2 * n)⁻¹ + (2 * 3 * n)⁻¹ + (3 * n)⁻¹ = n⁻¹ := sorry
@ -245,23 +212,7 @@ theorem rewrite_helper9 (a b c : ℝ) : b - c = (b - a) - (c - a) := sorry
theorem rewrite_helper10 (a b c d : ℝ) : c - d = (c - a) + (a - b) + (b - d) := sorry
definition rep (x : ℝ) : reg_seq := some (quot.exists_rep x)
definition const (a : ℚ) : ℝ := quot.mk (s.r_const a)
theorem add_consts (a b : ℚ) : const a + const b = const (a + b) :=
quot.sound (s.r_add_consts a b)
theorem sub_consts (a b : ℚ) : const a - const b = const (a - b) := !add_consts
theorem add_half_const (n : ℕ+) : const (2 * n)⁻¹ + const (2 * n)⁻¹ = const (n⁻¹) :=
by rewrite [add_consts, pnat.add_halves]
theorem const_le_const_of_le (a b : ℚ) : a ≤ b → const a ≤ const b :=
theorem le_of_const_le_const (a b : ℚ) : const a ≤ const b → a ≤ b :=
definition rep (x : ℝ) : s.reg_seq := some (quot.exists_rep x)
definition re_abs (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
quot.lift_on x (λ a, quot.mk (s.r_abs a)) (take a b Hab, quot.sound (s.r_abs_well_defined Hab))
@ -312,6 +263,26 @@ definition converges_to (X : r_seq) (a : ℝ) (N : ℕ+ → ℕ+) :=
definition cauchy (X : r_seq) (M : ℕ+ → ℕ+) :=
∀ k : ℕ+, ∀ m n : ℕ+, m ≥ M k → n ≥ M k → abs (X m - X n) ≤ const k⁻¹
--set_option pp.implicit true
--set_option pp.coercions true
--check add_half_const
--check const
-- Lean is using algebra operations in these theorems, instead of the ones defined directly on real.
-- Need to finish the migration to real to fix this.
--set_option pp.all true
theorem add_consts2 (a b : ℚ) : const a + const b = const (a + b) :=
!add_consts --quot.sound (s.r_add_consts a b)
--check add_consts
--check add_consts2
theorem sub_consts2 (a b : ℚ) : const a - const b = const (a - b) := !sub_consts
theorem add_half_const2 (n : ℕ+) : const (2 * n)⁻¹ + const (2 * n)⁻¹ = const (n⁻¹) :=
by xrewrite [add_consts2, pnat.add_halves]
theorem cauchy_of_converges_to {X : r_seq} {a : ℝ} {N : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : converges_to X a N) :
cauchy X (λ k, N (2 * k)) :=
@ -327,7 +298,7 @@ theorem cauchy_of_converges_to {X : r_seq} {a : ℝ} {N : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : c
rewrite algebra.abs_neg,
apply Hc,
apply Hn,
rewrite add_half_const,
xrewrite add_half_const2,
apply !algebra.le.refl
@ -337,7 +308,7 @@ theorem Nb_spec_right (M : ℕ+ → ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) : M (2 * k) ≤ Nb M k := !
theorem Nb_spec_left (M : ℕ+ → ℕ+) (k : ℕ+) : 3 * k ≤ Nb M k := !max_left
definition lim_seq {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : seq :=
definition lim_seq {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : ℕ+ → ℚ :=
λ k, approx (X (Nb M k)) (2 * k)
theorem lim_seq_reg_helper {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) {m n : ℕ+}
@ -358,20 +329,22 @@ theorem lim_seq_reg_helper {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) {m
apply pnat.le.trans,
apply Hmn,
apply Nb_spec_right,
rewrite [*add_consts, rat.add.assoc, pnat.add_halves],
rewrite [*add_consts2, rat.add.assoc, pnat.add_halves],
apply const_le_const_of_le,
apply rat.add_le_add_right,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
apply pnat.mul_le_mul_left
theorem lim_seq_reg {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : regular (lim_seq Hc) :=
-- the remaineder is commented out temporarily, until migration is finished.
/-theorem lim_seq_reg {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : s.regular (lim_seq Hc) :=
rewrite ↑regular,
rewrite ↑s.regular,
intro m n,
apply le_of_const_le_const,
rewrite [abs_const, -sub_consts, (rewrite_helper10 (X (Nb M m)) (X (Nb M n)))],
apply algebra.le.trans,
rewrite [abs_const, -sub_consts, -sub_eq_add_neg, (rewrite_helper10 (X (Nb M m)) (X (Nb M n)))],--, -sub_consts2, (rewrite_helper10 (X (Nb M m)) (X (Nb M n)))],
apply real.le.trans,
apply algebra.abs_add_three,
let Hor := decidable.em (M (2 * m) ≥ M (2 * n)),
apply or.elim Hor,
@ -379,23 +352,23 @@ theorem lim_seq_reg {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : regular
apply lim_seq_reg_helper Hc Hor1,
intro Hor2,
let Hor2' := pnat.le_of_lt (pnat.lt_of_not_le Hor2),
rewrite [algebra.abs_sub (X (Nb M n)), algebra.abs_sub (X (Nb M m)), algebra.abs_sub, -- ???
rewrite [real.abs_sub (X (Nb M n)), algebra.abs_sub (X (Nb M m)), algebra.abs_sub, -- ???
rat.add.comm, algebra.add_comm_three],
apply lim_seq_reg_helper Hc Hor2'
theorem lim_seq_spec {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) (k : ℕ+) :
s.s_le (s.s_abs (sadd (lim_seq Hc) (sneg (s.const (lim_seq Hc k))) )) (s.const k⁻¹) :=
s.s_le (s.s_abs (s.sadd (lim_seq Hc) (s.sneg (s.const (lim_seq Hc k))) )) (s.const k⁻¹) :=
apply s.const_bound,
apply lim_seq_reg
definition r_lim_seq {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : reg_seq :=
reg_seq.mk (lim_seq Hc) (lim_seq_reg Hc)
definition r_lim_seq {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : s.reg_seq :=
s.reg_seq.mk (lim_seq Hc) (lim_seq_reg Hc)
theorem r_lim_seq_spec {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) (k : ℕ+) :
s.r_le (s.r_abs (((r_lim_seq Hc) + -s.r_const ((reg_seq.sq (r_lim_seq Hc)) k)))) (s.r_const (k)⁻¹) :=
s.r_le (s.r_abs (( s.radd (r_lim_seq Hc) (s.rneg (s.r_const ((s.reg_seq.sq (r_lim_seq Hc)) k)))))) (s.r_const (k)⁻¹) :=
lim_seq_spec Hc k
definition lim {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) : ℝ :=
@ -441,7 +414,7 @@ theorem converges_of_cauchy {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) :
rewrite ↑lim_seq,
apply approx_spec,
apply lim_spec,
rewrite 2 add_consts,
rewrite 2 add_consts2,
apply const_le_const_of_le,
apply rat.le.trans,
apply add_le_add_three,
@ -461,6 +434,6 @@ theorem converges_of_cauchy {X : r_seq} {M : ℕ+ → ℕ+} (Hc : cauchy X M) :
apply Nb_spec_left,
rewrite [-*pnat.mul.assoc, p_add_fractions],
apply rat.le.refl
end real
@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ end s
namespace real
open [classes] s
definition inv (x : ℝ) : ℝ := quot.lift_on x (λ a, quot.mk (s.r_inv a))
(λ a b H, quot.sound (s.r_inv_well_defined H))
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ theorem helper_1 {a : ℚ} (H : a > 0) : -a + -a ≤ -a := sorry
theorem rewrite_helper8 (a b c : ℚ) : a - b = c - b + (a - c) := sorry -- simp
theorem nonneg_of_ge_neg_invs (a : ℚ) (H : ∀ n : ℕ+, -n⁻¹ ≤ a) : 0 ≤ a := sorry
namespace s
@ -906,6 +907,28 @@ theorem s_lt_of_le_of_lt {s t u : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Ht : regular t) (Hu : r
apply max_left
-- const theorems
theorem const_le_const_of_le {a b : ℚ} (H : a ≤ b) : s_le (const a) (const b) :=
rewrite [↑s_le, ↑nonneg],
intro n,
rewrite [↑sadd, ↑sneg, ↑const],
apply rat.le.trans,
apply rat.neg_nonpos_of_nonneg,
apply rat.le_of_lt,
apply inv_pos,
apply iff.mp' !rat.sub_nonneg_iff_le,
apply H
theorem le_of_const_le_const {a b : ℚ} (H : s_le (const a) (const b)) : a ≤ b :=
rewrite [↑s_le at H, ↑nonneg at H, ↑sadd at H, ↑sneg at H, ↑const at H],
apply iff.mp !rat.sub_nonneg_iff_le,
apply nonneg_of_ge_neg_invs _ H
-------- lift to reg_seqs
definition r_lt (s t : reg_seq) := s_lt (reg_seq.sq s) (reg_seq.sq t)
@ -982,9 +1005,16 @@ theorem r_zero_lt_one : r_lt r_zero r_one := s_zero_lt_one
theorem r_le_of_lt_or_eq (s t : reg_seq) (H : r_lt s t ∨ requiv s t) : r_le s t :=
le_of_lt_or_equiv (reg_seq.is_reg s) (reg_seq.is_reg t) H
theorem r_const_le_const_of_le {a b : ℚ} (H : a ≤ b) : r_le (r_const a) (r_const b) :=
const_le_const_of_le H
theorem r_le_of_const_le_const {a b : ℚ} (H : r_le (r_const a) (r_const b)) : a ≤ b :=
le_of_const_le_const H
end s
open real
open [classes] s
namespace real
definition lt (x y : ℝ) := quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, s.r_lt a b) s.r_lt_well_defined
@ -1053,7 +1083,10 @@ theorem le_of_lt_or_eq (x y : ℝ) : x < y ∨ x = y → x ≤ y :=
apply (or.inr (quot.exact H'))
definition ordered_ring : algebra.ordered_ring ℝ :=
section migrate_reals
open [classes] algebra
definition ordered_ring [reducible] : algebra.ordered_ring ℝ :=
⦃ algebra.ordered_ring, comm_ring,
le_refl := le.refl,
le_trans := le.trans,
@ -1068,5 +1101,18 @@ definition ordered_ring : algebra.ordered_ring ℝ :=
le_of_lt := le_of_lt,
add_lt_add_left := add_lt_add_left
local attribute real.ordered_ring [instance]
--set_option migrate.trace true
migrate from algebra with real
end migrate_reals
theorem const_le_const_of_le (a b : ℚ) : a ≤ b → const a ≤ const b :=
theorem le_of_const_le_const (a b : ℚ) : const a ≤ const b → a ≤ b :=
end real
--print prefix real
--check @real.lt
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