feat(library/simplifier): statically check (conditional) equations (aka rewrite rules) to verify whether we can skip type checking when using them in the simplifier
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 209 additions and 44 deletions
@ -256,6 +256,119 @@ bool is_permutation_ceq(expr e) {
// Quick approximate test for e == (Type U).
// If the result is true, then \c e is definitionally equal to TypeU.
// If the result is false, then it may or may not be.
static bool is_TypeU(ro_environment const & env, expr const & e) {
if (is_type(e)) {
return e == TypeU;
} else if (is_constant(e)) {
auto obj = env->find_object(const_name(e));
return obj && obj->is_definition() && is_TypeU(obj->get_value());
} else {
return false;
bool is_safe_to_skip_check_ceq_types(ro_environment const & env, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv, expr ceq) {
lean_assert(is_ceq(env, menv, ceq));
type_checker tc(env);
buffer<expr> args;
buffer<bool> skip;
unsigned next_idx = 0;
bool to_check = false;
while (is_pi(ceq)) {
expr d = abst_domain(ceq);
expr a = mk_constant(name(g_unique, next_idx), d);
if (tc.is_proposition(d, context(), menv) ||
is_TypeU(env, d)) {
// See comment at ceq.h
// 1- The argument has type (Type U). In Lean, (Type U) is the maximal universe.
// 2- The argument is a proposition.
} else {
to_check = true;
ceq = instantiate(abst_body(ceq), a);
if (!to_check)
return true;
expr lhs, rhs;
lean_verify(is_equality(ceq, lhs, rhs));
auto arg_idx_core_fn = [&](expr const & e) -> optional<unsigned> {
if (is_constant(e)) {
name const & n = const_name(e);
if (!n.is_atomic() && n.get_prefix() == g_unique) {
return some(n.get_numeral());
return optional<unsigned>();
auto arg_idx_fn = [&](expr const & e) -> optional<unsigned> {
if (is_app(e))
return arg_idx_core_fn(arg(e, 0));
else if (is_lambda(e))
return arg_idx_core_fn(abst_body(e));
return arg_idx_core_fn(e);
// Return true if the application \c e has an argument or an
// application (f ...) where f is an argument.
auto has_target_fn = [&](expr const & e) -> bool {
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_args(e); i++) {
expr const & a = arg(e, i);
if (arg_idx_fn(a))
return true;
return false;
// 3- There is an application (f x) in the left-hand-side, and
// the type expected by f is definitionally equal to the argument type.
// 4- There is an application (f (x ...)) in the left-hand-side, and
// the type expected by f is definitionally equal to the type of (x ...)
// 5- There is an application (f (fun y, x)) in the left-hand-side,
// and the type expected by f is definitionally equal to the type of (fun y, x)
std::function<void(expr const &, context const & ctx)> visit_fn =
[&](expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
if (is_app(e)) {
expr const & f = arg(e, 0);
if (has_target_fn(e)) {
expr f_type = tc.infer_type(f, ctx, menv);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_args(e); i++) {
f_type = tc.ensure_pi(f_type, ctx, menv);
expr const & a = arg(e, i);
auto arg_idx = arg_idx_fn(a);
if (arg_idx && !skip[*arg_idx]) {
expr const & expected_type = abst_domain(f_type);
expr const & given_type = tc.infer_type(a, ctx, menv);
if (tc.is_definitionally_equal(given_type, expected_type)) {
skip[*arg_idx] = true;
f_type = instantiate(abst_body(f_type), a);
for (expr const & a : ::lean::args(e))
visit_fn(a, ctx);
} else if (is_abstraction(e)) {
visit_fn(abst_domain(e), ctx);
visit_fn(abst_body(e), extend(ctx, abst_name(e), abst_body(e)));
visit_fn(lhs, context());
return std::all_of(skip.begin(), skip.end(), [](bool b) { return b; });
static int to_ceqs(lua_State * L) {
ro_shared_environment env(L, 1);
optional<ro_metavar_env> menv;
@ -47,5 +47,44 @@ bool is_ceq(ro_environment const & env, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv, e
permutation of the conditional equation arguments.
bool is_permutation_ceq(expr e);
Given a ceq C, in principle, whenever we want to create an application (C t1 ... tn),
we must check whether the types of t1 ... tn are convertible to the expected types by C.
This check is needed because of universe cumulativity.
Here is an example that illustrates the issue:
universe U >= 2
variable f (A : (Type 1)) : (Type 1)
axiom Ax1 (a : Type) : f a = a
rewrite_set S
add_rewrite Ax1 eq_id : S
theorem T1 (A : (Type 1)) : f A = A
:= by simp S
In this example, Ax1 is a ceq. It has an argument of type Type.
Note that f expects an element of type (Type 1). So, the term (f a) is type correct.
The axiom Ax1 is only for arguments convertible to Type (i.e., Type 0), but
argument A in T1 lives in (Type 1)
Scenarios like the one above do not occur very frequently. Moveover, it is quite expensive
to check if the types are convertible for each application of a ceq.
In most cases, we can statically determine that the checks are not needed when applying
a ceq. Here is a sufficient condition for skipping the test: if for all
arguments x of ceq, one of the following conditions must hold:
1- The argument has type (Type U). In Lean, (Type U) is the maximal universe.
2- The argument is a proposition.
3- There is an application (f x) in the left-hand-side, and
the type expected by f is definitionally equal to the argument type.
4- There is an application (f (x ...)) in the left-hand-side, and
the type expected by f is definitionally equal to the type of (x ...)
5- There is an application (f (fun y, x)) in the left-hand-side,
and the type expected by f is definitionally equal to the type of (fun y, x)
\pre is_ceq(env, menv, ceq)
bool is_safe_to_skip_check_ceq_types(ro_environment const & env, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv, expr ceq);
void open_ceq(lua_State * L);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ void rewrite_rule_set::insert(name const & id, expr const & th, expr const & pro
bool must_check = true; // TODO(Leo): call procedure to test whether we must check types or not.
bool must_check = !is_safe_to_skip_check_ceq_types(m_env, menv, ceq);
m_rule_set = cons(rewrite_rule(id, arg(eq, num_args(eq) - 2), arg(eq, num_args(eq) - 1),
ceq, proof, num, is_perm, must_check),
@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ format rewrite_rule_set::pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts) const {
r += format(rule.get_id());
if (!enabled)
r += format(" [disabled]");
if (rule.must_check_types())
r += format(" [check]");
r += format{space(), colon(), space()};
r += nest(indent, fmt(rule.get_ceq(), opts));
@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ class simplifier_cell::imp {
type_checker m_tc;
bool m_has_heq;
bool m_has_cast;
context m_ctx;
rule_sets m_rule_sets;
cache m_cache;
max_sharing_fn m_max_sharing;
@ -201,16 +200,16 @@ class simplifier_cell::imp {
return mk_lambda(abst_name(abst), abst_domain(abst), new_body);
bool is_proposition(expr const & e) { return m_tc.is_proposition(e, m_ctx, m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
bool is_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2) { return m_tc.is_convertible(t1, t2, m_ctx, m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
bool is_proposition(expr const & e) { return m_tc.is_proposition(e, context(), m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
bool is_convertible(expr const & t1, expr const & t2) { return m_tc.is_convertible(t1, t2, context(), m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
bool is_definitionally_equal(expr const & t1, expr const & t2) {
return m_tc.is_definitionally_equal(t1, t2, m_ctx, m_menv.to_some_menv());
return m_tc.is_definitionally_equal(t1, t2, context(), m_menv.to_some_menv());
expr infer_type(expr const & e) { return m_tc.infer_type(e, m_ctx, m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
expr ensure_pi(expr const & e) { return m_tc.ensure_pi(e, m_ctx, m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
expr infer_type(expr const & e) { return m_tc.infer_type(e, context(), m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
expr ensure_pi(expr const & e) { return m_tc.ensure_pi(e, context(), m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
expr normalize(expr const & e) {
normalizer & proc = m_tc.get_normalizer();
return proc(e, m_ctx, m_menv.to_some_menv(), true);
return proc(e, context(), m_menv.to_some_menv(), true);
expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d) { return ::lean::lift_free_vars(e, s, d, m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d) { return ::lean::lower_free_vars(e, s, d, m_menv.to_some_menv()); }
@ -1092,7 +1091,7 @@ class simplifier_cell::imp {
new_rhs = lower_free_vars(new_rhs, 1, 1);
expr new_rhs_type = ensure_pi(infer_type(new_rhs));
if (m_tc.is_definitionally_equal(abst_domain(new_rhs_type), abst_domain(rhs.m_expr), m_ctx)) {
if (is_definitionally_equal(abst_domain(new_rhs_type), abst_domain(rhs.m_expr))) {
if (m_proofs_enabled) {
expr new_proof = mk_eta_th(abst_domain(rhs.m_expr),
mk_lambda(rhs.m_expr, abst_body(new_rhs_type)),
@ -1491,13 +1490,6 @@ class simplifier_cell::imp {
void set_ctx(context const & ctx) {
if (!is_eqp(m_ctx, ctx)) {
m_ctx = ctx;
void set_options(options const & o) {
m_proofs_enabled = get_simplifier_proofs(o);
m_contextual = get_simplifier_contextual(o);
@ -1528,8 +1520,7 @@ public:
m_next_idx = 0;
result operator()(expr const & e, context const & ctx, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
result operator()(expr const & e, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
if (m_menv.update(menv))
m_num_steps = 0;
@ -1551,12 +1542,11 @@ simplifier_cell::simplifier_cell(ro_environment const & env, options const & o,
m_ptr(new imp(env, o, num_rs, rs, monitor)) {
simplifier_cell::result simplifier_cell::operator()(expr const & e, context const & ctx, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
return m_ptr->operator()(e, ctx, menv);
simplifier_cell::result simplifier_cell::operator()(expr const & e, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
return m_ptr->operator()(e, menv);
void simplifier_cell::clear() { return m_ptr->m_cache.clear(); }
unsigned simplifier_cell::get_depth() const { return m_ptr->m_depth; }
context const & simplifier_cell::get_context() const { return m_ptr->m_ctx; }
ro_environment const & simplifier_cell::get_environment() const { return m_ptr->m_env; }
options const & simplifier_cell::get_options() const { return m_ptr->m_options; }
@ -1576,21 +1566,21 @@ ro_simplifier::ro_simplifier(weak_ref const & r) {
m_ptr = r.lock();
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, context const & ctx, options const & opts,
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, options const & opts,
unsigned num_rs, rewrite_rule_set const * rs,
optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv,
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor) {
return simplifier(env, opts, num_rs, rs, monitor)(e, ctx, menv);
return simplifier(env, opts, num_rs, rs, monitor)(e, menv);
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, context const & ctx, options const & opts,
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, options const & opts,
unsigned num_ns, name const * ns,
optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv,
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor) {
buffer<rewrite_rule_set> rules;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_ns; i++)
rules.push_back(get_rewrite_rule_set(env, ns[i]));
return simplify(e, env, ctx, opts, num_ns, rules.data(), menv, monitor);
return simplify(e, env, opts, num_ns, rules.data(), menv, monitor);
simplifier_stack_space_exception::simplifier_stack_space_exception():stack_space_exception("simplifier") {}
@ -1767,11 +1757,9 @@ static int simplifier_apply(lua_State * L) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
simplifier::result r;
if (nargs == 2)
r = to_simplifier(L, 1)(to_expr(L, 2), context(), none_ro_menv());
else if (nargs == 3)
r = to_simplifier(L, 1)(to_expr(L, 2), to_context(L, 3), none_ro_menv());
r = to_simplifier(L, 1)(to_expr(L, 2), none_ro_menv());
r = to_simplifier(L, 1)(to_expr(L, 2), to_context(L, 3), some_ro_menv(to_metavar_env(L, 4)));
r = to_simplifier(L, 1)(to_expr(L, 2), some_ro_menv(to_metavar_env(L, 3)));
push_expr(L, r.get_expr());
push_optional_expr(L, r.get_proof());
lua_pushboolean(L, r.is_heq_proof());
@ -1780,11 +1768,9 @@ static int simplifier_apply(lua_State * L) {
static int simplifier_clear(lua_State * L) { to_simplifier(L, 1)->clear(); return 0; }
static int simplifier_depth(lua_State * L) { lua_pushinteger(L, to_simplifier(L, 1)->get_depth()); return 1; }
static int simplifier_context(lua_State * L) { return push_context(L, to_simplifier(L, 1)->get_context()); }
static int simplifier_environment(lua_State * L) { return push_environment(L, to_simplifier(L, 1)->get_environment()); }
static int simplifier_options(lua_State * L) { return push_options(L, to_simplifier(L, 1)->get_options()); }
static int ro_simplifier_depth(lua_State * L) { lua_pushinteger(L, to_ro_simplifier(L, 1)->get_depth()); return 1; }
static int ro_simplifier_context(lua_State * L) { return push_context(L, to_ro_simplifier(L, 1)->get_context()); }
static int ro_simplifier_environment(lua_State * L) { return push_environment(L, to_ro_simplifier(L, 1)->get_environment()); }
static int ro_simplifier_options(lua_State * L) { return push_options(L, to_ro_simplifier(L, 1)->get_options()); }
@ -1794,7 +1780,6 @@ static const struct luaL_Reg simplifier_m[] = {
{"clear", safe_function<simplifier_clear>},
{"depth", safe_function<simplifier_depth>},
{"get_environment", safe_function<simplifier_environment>},
{"get_context", safe_function<simplifier_context>},
{"get_options", safe_function<simplifier_options>},
{0, 0}
@ -1803,7 +1788,6 @@ static const struct luaL_Reg ro_simplifier_m[] = {
{"__gc", ro_simplifier_gc},
{"depth", safe_function<ro_simplifier_depth>},
{"get_environment", safe_function<ro_simplifier_environment>},
{"get_context", safe_function<ro_simplifier_context>},
{"get_options", safe_function<ro_simplifier_options>},
{0, 0}
@ -1813,13 +1797,10 @@ static int simplify_core(lua_State * L, ro_shared_environment const & env) {
expr const & e = to_expr(L, 1);
buffer<rewrite_rule_set> rules;
get_rewrite_rule_set(L, 2, env, rules);
context ctx;
options opts;
if (nargs >= 3)
opts = to_options(L, 3);
if (nargs >= 5)
ctx = to_context(L, 5);
auto r = simplify(e, env, ctx, opts, rules.size(), rules.data());
auto r = simplify(e, env, opts, rules.size(), rules.data());
push_expr(L, r.get_expr());
push_optional_expr(L, r.get_proof());
lua_pushboolean(L, r.is_heq_proof());
@ -44,11 +44,10 @@ public:
simplifier_cell(ro_environment const & env, options const & o, unsigned num_rs, rewrite_rule_set const * rs,
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor);
result operator()(expr const & e, context const & ctx, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv);
result operator()(expr const & e, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv);
void clear();
unsigned get_depth() const;
context const & get_context() const;
ro_environment const & get_environment() const;
options const & get_options() const;
@ -63,8 +62,8 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor);
simplifier_cell * operator->() const { return m_ptr.get(); }
simplifier_cell & operator*() const { return *(m_ptr.get()); }
result operator()(expr const & e, context const & ctx, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
return (*m_ptr)(e, ctx, menv);
result operator()(expr const & e, optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv) {
return (*m_ptr)(e, menv);
@ -137,11 +136,11 @@ public:
virtual void rethrow() const;
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, context const & ctx, options const & pts,
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, options const & pts,
unsigned num_rs, rewrite_rule_set const * rs,
optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv = none_ro_menv(),
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor = std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor>());
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, context const & ctx, options const & opts,
simplifier::result simplify(expr const & e, ro_environment const & env, options const & opts,
unsigned num_ns, name const * ns,
optional<ro_metavar_env> const & menv = none_ro_menv(),
std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor> const & monitor = std::shared_ptr<simplifier_monitor>());
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static optional<proof_state> simplify_tactic(ro_environment const & env, io_stat
expr conclusion = g.get_conclusion();
auto r = simplify(conclusion, env, context(), opts, rule_sets.size(), rule_sets.data(), some_ro_menv(menv));
auto r = simplify(conclusion, env, opts, rule_sets.size(), rule_sets.data(), some_ro_menv(menv));
expr new_conclusion = r.get_expr();
if (new_conclusion == g.get_conclusion())
return optional<proof_state>(s);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
rewrite_set S
variable bracket : Type → Bool
axiom bracket_eq (a : Bool) : bracket a = a
add_rewrite bracket_eq : S
add_rewrite and_truer and_comm not_true not_neq not_and exists_or_distribute exists_and_distributel : S
add_rewrite exists_rem eq_id forall_rem : S
add_rewrite Nat::add_zeror Nat::add_comm Nat::add_assoc Nat::mul_comm not_true not_false : S
print rewrite_set S
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Assumed: bracket
Assumed: bracket_eq
not_false : ¬ ⊥ ↔ ⊤
not_true : ¬ ⊤ ↔ ⊥
Nat::mul_comm : ∀ a b : ℕ, a * b = b * a
Nat::add_assoc : ∀ a b c : ℕ, a + b + c = a + (b + c)
Nat::add_comm : ∀ a b : ℕ, a + b = b + a
Nat::add_zeror : ∀ a : ℕ, a + 0 = a
forall_rem [check] : ∀ (A : TypeU) (H : nonempty A) (p : Bool), (A → p) ↔ p
eq_id : ∀ (A : TypeU) (a : A), a = a ↔ ⊤
exists_rem : ∀ (A : TypeU) (H : nonempty A) (p : Bool), (∃ x : A, p) ↔ p
exists_and_distributel : ∀ (A : TypeU) (p : Bool) (φ : A → Bool),
(∃ x : A, φ x ∧ p) ↔ (∃ x : A, φ x) ∧ p
exists_or_distribute : ∀ (A : TypeU) (φ ψ : A → Bool),
(∃ x : A, φ x ∨ ψ x) ↔ (∃ x : A, φ x) ∨ (∃ x : A, ψ x)
not_and : ∀ a b : Bool, ¬ (a ∧ b) ↔ ¬ a ∨ ¬ b
not_neq : ∀ (A : TypeU) (a b : A), ¬ a ≠ b ↔ a = b
not_true : ¬ ⊤ ↔ ⊥
and_comm : ∀ a b : Bool, a ∧ b ↔ b ∧ a
and_truer : ∀ a : Bool, a ∧ ⊤ ↔ a
bracket_eq [check] : ∀ a : Bool, bracket a = a
Add table
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