feat(library/data/list): Add additonal list combinators.
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2 changed files with 105 additions and 1 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Parikshit Khanna, Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Floris van Doorn
Basic properties of lists.
Basic properties of lists.
import logic tools.helper_tactics data.nat.order
import logic tools.helper_tactics data.nat.order data.nat.sub
open eq.ops helper_tactics nat prod function option
open eq.ops helper_tactics nat prod function option
open algebra
open algebra
@ -669,6 +669,26 @@ lemma length_firstn_eq : ∀ (n) (l : list A), length (firstn n l) = min n (leng
| (succ n) [] := by rewrite [firstn_nil]
| (succ n) [] := by rewrite [firstn_nil]
end firstn
end firstn
section dropn
variables {A : Type}
-- 'dropn n l' drops the first 'n' elements of 'l'
definition dropn : ℕ → list A → list A
| 0 a := a
| (succ n) [] := []
| (succ n) (x::r) := dropn n r
theorem length_dropn
: ∀ (i : ℕ) (l : list A), length (dropn i l) = length l - i
| 0 l := rfl
| (succ i) [] := calc
length (dropn (succ i) []) = 0 - succ i : nat.zero_sub (succ i)
| (succ i) (x::l) := calc
length (dropn (succ i) (x::l))
= length (dropn i l) : rfl
... = length l - i : length_dropn i l
... = succ (length l) - succ i : succ_sub_succ (length l) i
end dropn
section count
section count
variable {A : Type}
variable {A : Type}
variable [decA : decidable_eq A]
variable [decA : decidable_eq A]
@ -10,6 +10,21 @@ open nat prod decidable function helper_tactics algebra
namespace list
namespace list
variables {A B C : Type}
variables {A B C : Type}
section replicate
-- 'replicate i n' returns the list contain i copies of n.
definition replicate : ℕ → A → list A
| 0 a := []
| (succ n) a := a :: replicate n a
theorem length_replicate : ∀ (i : ℕ) (a : A), length (replicate i a) = i
| 0 a := rfl
| (succ i) a := calc
length (replicate (succ i) a) = length (replicate i a) + 1 : rfl
... = i + 1 : length_replicate
end replicate
/- map -/
/- map -/
definition map (f : A → B) : list A → list B
definition map (f : A → B) : list A → list B
| [] := []
| [] := []
@ -81,6 +96,24 @@ definition map₂ (f : A → B → C) : list A → list B → list C
| _ [] := []
| _ [] := []
| (x::xs) (y::ys) := f x y :: map₂ xs ys
| (x::xs) (y::ys) := f x y :: map₂ xs ys
theorem map₂_nil1 (f : A → B → C) : ∀ (l : list B), map₂ f [] l = []
| [] := rfl
| (a::y) := rfl
theorem map₂_nil2 (f : A → B → C) : ∀ (l : list A), map₂ f l [] = []
| [] := rfl
| (a::y) := rfl
theorem length_map₂ : ∀(f : A → B → C) x y, length (map₂ f x y) = min (length x) (length y)
| f [] [] := rfl
| f (xh::xr) [] := rfl
| f [] (yh::yr) := rfl
| f (xh::xr) (yh::yr) := calc
length (map₂ f (xh::xr) (yh::yr))
= length (map₂ f xr yr) + 1 : rfl
... = min (length xr) (length yr) + 1 : length_map₂
... = min (length (xh::xr)) (length (yh::yr)) : min_succ_succ
/- filter -/
/- filter -/
definition filter (p : A → Prop) [h : decidable_pred p] : list A → list A
definition filter (p : A → Prop) [h : decidable_pred p] : list A → list A
| [] := []
| [] := []
@ -308,6 +341,57 @@ theorem zip_unzip : ∀ (l : list (A × B)), zip (pr₁ (unzip l)) (pr₂ (unzip
rewrite -r
rewrite -r
section mapAccumR
variable {S : Type}
-- This runs a function over a list returning the intermediate results and a
-- a final result.
definition mapAccumR : (A → S → S × B) → list A → S → (S × list B)
| f [] c := (c, [])
| f (y::yr) c :=
let r := mapAccumR f yr c in
let z := f y (pr₁ r) in
(pr₁ z, pr₂ z :: pr₂ r)
theorem length_mapAccumR
: ∀ (f : A → S → S × B) (x : list A) (s : S),
length (pr₂ (mapAccumR f x s)) = length x
| f (a::x) s := calc
length (pr₂ (mapAccumR f (a::x) s))
= length x + 1 : { length_mapAccumR f x s }
... = length (a::x) : rfl
| f [] s := calc
length (pr₂ (mapAccumR f [] s))
= 0 : rfl
end mapAccumR
section mapAccumR₂
variable {S : Type}
-- This runs a function over two lists returning the intermediate results and a
-- a final result.
definition mapAccumR₂
: (A → B → S → S × C) → list A → list B → S → S × list C
| f [] _ c := (c,[])
| f _ [] c := (c,[])
| f (x::xr) (y::yr) c :=
let r := mapAccumR₂ f xr yr c in
let q := f x y (pr₁ r) in
(pr₁ q, pr₂ q :: (pr₂ r))
theorem length_mapAccumR₂
: ∀ (f : A → B → S → S × C) (x : list A) (y : list B) (c : S),
length (pr₂ (mapAccumR₂ f x y c)) = min (length x) (length y)
| f (a::x) (b::y) c := calc
length (pr₂ (mapAccumR₂ f (a::x) (b::y) c))
= length (pr₂ (mapAccumR₂ f x y c)) + 1 : rfl
... = min (length x) (length y) + 1 : length_mapAccumR₂ f x y c
... = min (length (a::x)) (length (b::y)) : min_succ_succ
| f (a::x) [] c := rfl
| f [] (b::y) c := rfl
| f [] [] c := rfl
end mapAccumR₂
/- flat -/
/- flat -/
definition flat (l : list (list A)) : list A :=
definition flat (l : list (list A)) : list A :=
foldl append nil l
foldl append nil l
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