refactor(frontends/lean): constant/axiom are top-level commands, parameter/variable/hypothesis/conjecture are section/context-level commands

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2014-10-02 16:20:52 -07:00
parent 91f789c3db
commit 4946f55290
130 changed files with 583 additions and 549 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
* Calculational Proofs
A calculational proof is just a chain of intermediate results that are
meant to be composed by basic principles such as the transitivity of
===. In Lean, a calculation proof starts with the keyword =calc=, and has
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ Here is an example
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import data.nat
open nat
variables a b c d e : nat.
constants a b c d e : nat.
axiom Ax1 : a = b.
axiom Ax2 : b = c + 1.
axiom Ax3 : c = d.

View file

@ -74,21 +74,21 @@ the following command creates aliases for all objects starting with
check ge -- display the type of
The command =variable= assigns a type to an identifier. The following command postulates/assumes
The command =constant= assigns a type to an identifier. The following command postulates/assumes
that =n=, =m= and =o= have type =nat=.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import data.nat
open nat
variable n : nat
variable m : nat
variable o : nat
constant n : nat
constant m : nat
constant o : nat
-- The command 'open nat' also imported the notation defined at the namespace 'nat'
check n + m
check n ≤ m
The command =variables n m o : nat= can be used as a shorthand for the three commands above.
The command =constants n m o : nat= can be used as a shorthand for the three commands above.
In Lean, proofs are also expressions, and all functionality provided for manipulating
expressions is also available for manipulating proofs. For example, =eq.refl n= is a proof
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ for =n = n=. In Lean, =eq.refl= is the reflexivity theorem.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import data.nat
open nat
variable n : nat
constant n : nat
check eq.refl n
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ The following commands postulate two axioms =Ax1= and =Ax2= that state that =n =
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import data.nat
open nat
variables m n o : nat
constants m n o : nat
axiom Ax1 : n = m
axiom Ax2 : m = o
check eq.trans Ax1 Ax2
@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ and =em p= is a proof for =p ¬ p=.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic.axioms.classical
variable p : Prop
constant p : Prop
check em p
The commands =axiom= and =variable= are essentially the same command. We provide both
The commands =axiom= and =constant= are essentially the same command. We provide both
just to make Lean files more readable. We encourage users to use =axiom= only for
propositions, and =variable= for everything else.
propositions, and =constant= for everything else.
Similarly, a theorem is just a definition. The following command defines a new theorem
called =nat_trans3=, and then use it to prove something else. In this
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ example, =eq.symm= is the symmetry theorem.
eq.trans (eq.trans H1 (eq.symm H2)) H3
-- Example using nat_trans3
variables x y z w : nat
constants x y z w : nat
axiom Hxy : x = y
axiom Hzy : z = y
axiom Hzw : z = w
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ implicit arguments.
eq.trans (eq.trans H1 (eq.symm H2)) H3
-- Example using nat_trans3
variables x y z w : nat
constants x y z w : nat
axiom Hxy : x = y
axiom Hzy : z = y
axiom Hzw : z = w
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ This is useful when debugging non-trivial problems.
import data.nat
open nat
variables a b c : nat
constants a b c : nat
axiom H1 : a = b
axiom H2 : b = c
check eq.trans H1 H2
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ Here is a simple example using the connectives above.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
check p → q → p ∧ q
check ¬p → p ↔ false
check p q → q p
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ change this behavior.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
set_option pp.unicode false
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
check p → q → p ∧ q
set_option pp.unicode true
check p → q → p ∧ q
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ of the functions that given a proof for =p=, returns a proof for =q=. This is ve
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
-- Hpq is a function that takes a proof for p and returns a proof for q
axiom Hpq : p → q
-- Hq is a proof/certificate for p
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ For example, a proof for =p → p= is just =fun H : p, H= (the identity function
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variable p : Prop
constant p : Prop
check fun H : p, H
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ In the following example we use =and.intro= for creating a proof for
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
check fun (Hp : p) (Hq : q), and.intro Hp Hq
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ Similarly =and.elim_right H= is a proof for =b=. We say they are the _left/right
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
-- Proof for p ∧ q → p
check fun H : p ∧ q, and.elim_left H
-- Proof for p ∧ q → q
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ Now, we prove =p ∧ q → q ∧ p= with the following simple proof term.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
check fun H : p ∧ q, and.intro (and.elim_right H) (and.elim_left H)
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ We say they are the _left/right or-introduction_.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
-- Proof for p → p q
check fun H : p, or.intro_left q H
-- Proof for q → p q
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ In the following example, we use =or.elim= to prove that =p v q → q p=.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
check fun H : p q,
or.elim H
(fun Hp : p, or.intro_right q Hp)
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ the Lean standard library.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables p q : Prop
constants p q : Prop
check fun H : p q,
or.elim H
(fun Hp : p, or.inr Hp)
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ We now use =not_intro= and =absurd= to produce a proof term for
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables a b : Prop
constants a b : Prop
check fun (Hab : a → b) (Hnb : ¬ b),
not_intro (fun Ha : a, absurd (Hab Ha) Hnb)
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ explicitly.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables a b : Prop
constants a b : Prop
check fun (Hab : a → b) (Hnb : ¬ b),
(fun Ha : a, Hnb (Hab Ha))
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ Now, here is the proof term for =¬a → b → (b → a) → c=
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables a b c : Prop
constants a b c : Prop
check fun (Hna : ¬ a) (Hb : b) (Hba : b → a),
absurd (Hba Hb) Hna
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ Here is the proof term for =a ∧ b ↔ b ∧ a=
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables a b : Prop
constants a b : Prop
check iff.intro
(fun H : a ∧ b, and.intro (and.elim_right H) (and.elim_left H))
(fun H : b ∧ a, and.intro (and.elim_right H) (and.elim_left H))
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ more like proofs found in text books.
#+BEGIN_SRC lean
import logic
variables a b : Prop
constants a b : Prop
check iff.intro
(assume H : a ∧ b, and.intro (and.elim_right H) (and.elim_left H))
(assume H : b ∧ a, and.intro (and.elim_right H) (and.elim_left H))
@ -654,10 +654,10 @@ Then we instantiate the axiom using function application.
import data.nat
open nat
variable f : nat → nat
constant f : nat → nat
axiom fzero : ∀ x, f x = 0
check fzero 1
variable a : nat
constant a : nat
check fzero a
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ abstraction. In the following example, we create a proof term showing that for a
import data.nat
open nat
variable f : nat → nat
constant f : nat → nat
axiom fzero : ∀ x, f x = 0
check λ x y, eq.trans (fzero x) (eq.symm (fzero y))
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ for =∃ a : nat, a = w= using
theorem nat_trans3i {a b c d : nat} (H1 : a = b) (H2 : c = b) (H3 : c = d) : a = d :=
eq.trans (eq.trans H1 (eq.symm H2)) H3
variables x y z w : nat
constants x y z w : nat
axiom Hxy : x = y
axiom Hzy : z = y
axiom Hzw : z = w
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ has different values for the implicit argument =P=.
open nat
check @exists_intro
variable g : nat → nat → nat
constant g : nat → nat → nat
axiom Hg : g 0 0 = 0
theorem gex1 : ∃ x, g x x = x := exists_intro 0 Hg
theorem gex2 : ∃ x, g x 0 = x := exists_intro 0 Hg

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ infix `::` := cons
variable {T : Type}
parameter {T : Type}
protected theorem induction_on {P : list T → Prop} (l : list T) (Hnil : P nil)
(Hind : ∀ (x : T) (l : list T), P l → P (x::l)) : P l :=

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace vector
notation `[` l:(foldr `,` (h t, cons h t) nil) `]` := l
section sc_vector
variable {T : Type}
parameter {T : Type}
protected theorem rec_on {C : ∀ (n : ), vector T n → Type} {n : } (v : vector T n) (Hnil : C 0 nil)
(Hcons : ∀(x : T) {n : } (w : vector T n), C n w → C (succ n) (cons x w)) : C n v :=

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(defconst lean-keywords
'("import" "reducible" "irreducible" "tactic_hint" "protected" "private" "opaque" "definition" "renaming"
"hiding" "exposing" "parameter" "parameters" "begin" "proof" "qed" "conjecture"
"hiding" "exposing" "parameter" "parameters" "begin" "proof" "qed" "conjecture" "constant" "constants"
"hypothesis" "lemma" "corollary" "variable" "variables" "print" "theorem"
"context" "open" "as" "export" "axiom" "inductive" "with" "structure" "universe" "alias" "help" "environment"
"options" "precedence" "postfix" "prefix" "calc_trans" "calc_subst" "calc_refl"
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
;; universe/inductive/theorem... "names"
(,(rx word-start
(group (or "universe" "inductive" "theorem" "axiom" "lemma" "hypothesis"
"definition" "variable" "parameter"))
"definition" "variable" "constant" "parameter"))
(zero-or-more (or whitespace "(" "{" "["))
(group (zero-or-more (not whitespace))))

View file

@ -64,9 +64,11 @@ void update_univ_parameters(buffer<name> & ls_buffer, name_set const & found, pa
enum class variable_kind { Constant, Parameter, Variable, Axiom };
static environment declare_var(parser & p, environment env,
name const & n, level_param_names const & ls, expr const & type,
bool is_axiom, optional<binder_info> const & _bi, pos_info const & pos) {
variable_kind k, optional<binder_info> const & _bi, pos_info const & pos) {
binder_info bi;
if (_bi) bi = *_bi;
if (in_section_or_context(p.env())) {
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ static environment declare_var(parser & p, environment env,
} else {
name const & ns = get_namespace(env);
name full_n = ns + n;
if (is_axiom) {
if (k == variable_kind::Axiom) {
env = module::add(env, check(env, mk_axiom(full_n, ls, type)));
p.add_decl_index(full_n, pos, get_axiom_tk(), type);
} else {
@ -105,7 +107,20 @@ optional<binder_info> parse_binder_info(parser & p) {
return bi;
environment variable_cmd_core(parser & p, bool is_axiom) {
static void check_variable_kind(parser & p, variable_kind k) {
if (in_section_or_context(p.env())) {
if (k == variable_kind::Axiom || k == variable_kind::Constant)
throw parser_error("invalid declaration, 'constant/axiom' cannot be used in sections/contexts",
} else {
if (k == variable_kind::Parameter || k == variable_kind::Variable)
throw parser_error("invalid declaration, 'parameter/variable/hypothesis/conjecture' "
"can only be used in sections/contexts", p.pos());
environment variable_cmd_core(parser & p, variable_kind k) {
check_variable_kind(p, k);
auto pos = p.pos();
optional<binder_info> bi = parse_binder_info(p);
name n = p.check_id_next("invalid declaration, identifier expected");
@ -139,14 +154,66 @@ environment variable_cmd_core(parser & p, bool is_axiom) {
list<expr> ctx = locals_to_context(type, p);
std::tie(type, new_ls) = p.elaborate_type(type, ctx);
update_section_local_levels(p, new_ls);
return declare_var(p, p.env(), n, append(ls, new_ls), type, is_axiom, bi, pos);
return declare_var(p, p.env(), n, append(ls, new_ls), type, k, bi, pos);
environment variable_cmd(parser & p) {
return variable_cmd_core(p, false);
return variable_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Variable);
environment axiom_cmd(parser & p) {
return variable_cmd_core(p, true);
return variable_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Axiom);
environment constant_cmd(parser & p) {
return variable_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Constant);
environment parameter_cmd(parser & p) {
return variable_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Parameter);
static environment variables_cmd_core(parser & p, variable_kind k) {
check_variable_kind(p, k);
auto pos = p.pos();
environment env = p.env();
while (true) {
optional<binder_info> bi = parse_binder_info(p);
buffer<name> ids;
while (!p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
name id = p.check_id_next("invalid parameters declaration, identifier expected");
optional<parser::local_scope> scope1;
if (!in_section_or_context(p.env()))
expr type = p.parse_expr();
level_param_names ls = to_level_param_names(collect_univ_params(type));
list<expr> ctx = locals_to_context(type, p);
for (auto id : ids) {
// Hack: to make sure we get different universe parameters for each parameter.
// Alternative: elaborate once and copy types replacing universes in new_ls.
level_param_names new_ls;
expr new_type;
std::tie(new_type, new_ls) = p.elaborate_type(type, ctx);
update_section_local_levels(p, new_ls);
new_ls = append(ls, new_ls);
env = declare_var(p, env, id, new_ls, new_type, k, bi, pos);
if (!p.curr_is_token(get_lparen_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_lcurly_tk()) &&
!p.curr_is_token(get_ldcurly_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_lbracket_tk()))
return env;
static environment variables_cmd(parser & p) {
return variables_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Variable);
static environment parameters_cmd(parser & p) {
return variables_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Parameter);
static environment constants_cmd(parser & p) {
return variables_cmd_core(p, variable_kind::Constant);
struct decl_modifiers {
bool m_is_instance;
@ -403,50 +470,19 @@ environment protected_definition_cmd(parser & p) {
return definition_cmd_core(p, is_theorem, is_opaque, false, true);
static environment variables_cmd(parser & p) {
auto pos = p.pos();
environment env = p.env();
while (true) {
optional<binder_info> bi = parse_binder_info(p);
buffer<name> ids;
while (!p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
name id = p.check_id_next("invalid parameters declaration, identifier expected");
optional<parser::local_scope> scope1;
if (!in_section_or_context(p.env()))
expr type = p.parse_expr();
level_param_names ls = to_level_param_names(collect_univ_params(type));
list<expr> ctx = locals_to_context(type, p);
for (auto id : ids) {
// Hack: to make sure we get different universe parameters for each parameter.
// Alternative: elaborate once and copy types replacing universes in new_ls.
level_param_names new_ls;
expr new_type;
std::tie(new_type, new_ls) = p.elaborate_type(type, ctx);
update_section_local_levels(p, new_ls);
new_ls = append(ls, new_ls);
env = declare_var(p, env, id, new_ls, new_type, false, bi, pos);
if (!p.curr_is_token(get_lparen_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_lcurly_tk()) &&
!p.curr_is_token(get_ldcurly_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_lbracket_tk()))
return env;
void register_decl_cmds(cmd_table & r) {
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("universe", "declare a global universe level", universe_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("variable", "declare a new parameter", variable_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("variable", "declare a new variable", variable_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("parameter", "declare a new parameter", parameter_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("constant", "declare a new constant (aka top-level variable)", constant_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("axiom", "declare a new axiom", axiom_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("variables", "declare new variables", variables_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("parameters", "declare new parameters", parameters_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("constants", "declare new constants (aka top-level variables)", constants_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("definition", "add new definition", definition_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("opaque", "add new opaque definition", opaque_definition_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("private", "add new private definition/theorem", private_definition_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("protected", "add new protected definition/theorem", protected_definition_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("theorem", "add new theorem", theorem_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("variables", "declare new parameters", variables_cmd));

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void init_token_table(token_table & t) {
char const * commands[] =
{"theorem", "axiom", "variable", "protected", "private", "opaque", "definition", "coercion",
"variables", "[persistent]", "[visible]", "[instance]",
"variables", "parameter", "parameters", "constant", "constants", "[persistent]", "[visible]", "[instance]",
"[off]", "[on]", "[none]", "[class]", "[coercion]", "[reducible]", "reducible", "irreducible",
"evaluate", "check", "eval", "[priority", "print", "end", "namespace", "section", "import",
"inductive", "record", "renaming", "extends", "structure", "module", "universe",
@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ void init_token_table(token_table & t) {
{g_qed_unicode, "qed"}, {nullptr, nullptr}};
pair<char const *, char const *> cmd_aliases[] =
{{"parameter", "variable"}, {"parameters", "variables"}, {"lemma", "theorem"},
{"hypothesis", "axiom"}, {"conjecture", "axiom"}, {"corollary", "theorem"},
{{"lemma", "theorem"}, {"corollary", "theorem"}, {"hypothesis", "parameter"}, {"conjecture", "parameter"},
{nullptr, nullptr}};
auto it = builtin;

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
import logic
namespace N1
variable num : Type.{1}
variable foo : num → num → num
constant num : Type.{1}
constant foo : num → num → num
end N1
namespace N2
variable val : Type.{1}
variable foo : val → val → val
constant val : Type.{1}
constant foo : val → val → val
end N2
open N2
open N1
variables a b : num
constants a b : num
print raw foo a b
open N2
print raw foo a b

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ definition bool : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
definition and (p q : bool) : bool := ∀ c : bool, (p → q → c) → c
infixl `∧`:25 := and
variable a : bool
constant a : bool
-- Error
theorem and_intro (p q : bool) (H1 : p) (H2 : q) : a

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
variable A : Type.{1}
constant A : Type.{1}
definition bool : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variable eq : A → A → bool
constant eq : A → A → bool
infixl `=`:50 := eq
axiom subst (P : A → bool) (a b : A) (H1 : a = b) (H2 : P a) : P b
axiom eq_trans (a b c : A) (H1 : a = b) (H2 : b = c) : a = c
axiom eq_refl (a : A) : a = a
variable le : A → A → bool
constant le : A → A → bool
infixl `≤`:50 := le
axiom le_trans (a b c : A) (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b ≤ c) : a ≤ c
axiom le_refl (a : A) : a ≤ a
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ calc_trans eq_trans
calc_trans le_trans
calc_trans eq_le_trans
calc_trans le_eq_trans
variables a b c d e f : A
constants a b c d e f : A
axiom H1 : a = b
axiom H2 : b ≤ c
axiom H3 : c ≤ d
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ check calc a = b : H1
... ≤ d : H3
... = e : H4
variable lt : A → A → bool
constant lt : A → A → bool
infixl `<`:50 := lt
axiom lt_trans (a b c : A) (H1 : a < b) (H2 : b < c) : a < c
axiom le_lt_trans (a b c : A) (H1 : a ≤ b) (H2 : b < c) : a < c
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ calc_trans le_lt_trans
check calc b ≤ c : H2
... < d : H5
variable le2 : A → A → bool
constant le2 : A → A → bool
infixl `≤`:50 := le2
variable le2_trans (a b c : A) (H1 : le2 a b) (H2 : le2 b c) : le2 a c
constant le2_trans (a b c : A) (H1 : le2 a b) (H2 : le2 b c) : le2 a c
calc_trans le2_trans
print raw calc b ≤ c : H2
... ≤ d : H3

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ namespace N2
end N2
open N1 N2
variable N : Type.{1}
variables a b : N
constant N : Type.{1}
constants a b : N
check @pr
check @pr N a b
check pr a b

View file

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ mk : (Π (A B : Type), A → B) → Functor
definition Functor.to_fun [coercion] (f : Functor) {A B : Type} : A → B :=
Functor.rec (λ f, f) f A B
variable f : Functor
constant f : Functor
check f 0 = 0

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import logic
open bool eq.ops tactic eq
variables a b c : bool
constants a b c : bool
axiom H1 : a = b
axiom H2 : b = c

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ mk : A → C A
definition val {A : Type} (c : C A) : A :=
C.rec (λa, a) c
variable magic (A : Type) : A
constant magic (A : Type) : A
definition C_magic [instance] [priority max] (A : Type) : C A := (magic A)

View file

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ open int
protected theorem has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq :=
take (a b : ), _
variable n : nat
variable i : int
constant n : nat
constant i : int
check n + i

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import data.num
variable f : num → num → num → num
constant f : num → num → num → num
let a := 10

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import data.num
variable f : num → num → num → num
constant f : num → num → num → num
let a := 10,

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
set_option pp.notation false
definition Prop := Type.{0}
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infixl `=`:50 := eq
variable N : Type.{1}
variable z : N
variable o : N
variable b : N
constant N : Type.{1}
constant z : N
constant o : N
constant b : N
notation 0 := z
notation 1 := o
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ notation 1 := o
check 1
check 0
variable G : Type.{1}
variable gz : G
variable a : G
constant G : Type.{1}
constant gz : G
constant a : G
notation 0 := gz

View file

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import data.num
set_option pp.notation false
set_option pp.implicit true
variable N : Type.{1}
variable z : N
variable o : N
variable a : N
constant N : Type.{1}
constant z : N
constant o : N
constant a : N
notation 0 := z
notation 1 := o

View file

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ set_option pp.notation false
set_option pp.implicit true
namespace foo
variable N : Type.{1}
variable z : N
variable o : N
variable a : N
constant N : Type.{1}
constant z : N
constant o : N
constant a : N
notation 0 := z
notation 1 := o

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
open int
variable abs : int → int
constant abs : int → int
notation `|`:40 A:40 `|` := abs A
variables a b c : int
constants a b c : int
check |a + |b| + c|

View file

@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ end algebra
namespace nat
variable add : nat → nat → nat
variable mul : nat → nat → nat
constant add : nat → nat → nat
constant mul : nat → nat → nat
definition is_mul_struct [instance] : algebra.mul_struct nat
:= mul
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ end algebra
open algebra algebra.semigroup algebra.monoid
variable M : monoid
variables a b c : M
parameter M : monoid
parameters a b c : M
check a*b*c*a*b*c*a*b*a*b*c*a
check a*b

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
import logic
namespace N1
variable num : Type.{1}
variable foo : num → num → num
constant num : Type.{1}
constant foo : num → num → num
end N1
namespace N2
variable val : Type.{1}
variable foo : val → val → val
constant val : Type.{1}
constant foo : val → val → val
end N2
open N1
open N2
variables a b : num
variables x y : val
constants a b : num
constants x y : val
check foo a b
check foo x y
variable f : num → val
constant f : num → val
coercion f
check foo a x

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
import logic
namespace N1
variable num : Type.{1}
variable foo : num → num → num
constant num : Type.{1}
constant foo : num → num → num
end N1
namespace N2
variable val : Type.{1}
variable foo : val → val → val
constant val : Type.{1}
constant foo : val → val → val
end N2
open N1
open N2
variables a b : num
variable f : num → val
constants a b : num
constant f : num → val
coercion f
definition aux2 := foo a b

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import logic
namespace N1
variable A : Type
parameter A : Type
definition foo (a : A) : Prop := true
check foo

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
variable A.{l1 l2} : Type.{l1} → Type.{l2}
constant A.{l1 l2} : Type.{l1} → Type.{l2}
check A
definition tst.{l} (A : Type) (B : Type) (C : Type.{l}) : Type := A → B → C
check tst
variable group.{l} : Type.{l+1}
variable carrier.{l} : group.{l} → Type.{l}
constant group.{l} : Type.{l+1}
constant carrier.{l} : group.{l} → Type.{l}
definition to_carrier (g : group) := carrier g
check to_carrier.{1}
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ section
check A
definition B := A → A
variable N : Type.{1}
constant N : Type.{1}
check B N
variable f : B N
constant f : B N
check f
variable a : N
constant a : N
check f a
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ check double
check double.{1 2}
definition Prop := Type.{0}
variable eq : Π {A : Type}, A → A → Prop
constant eq : Π {A : Type}, A → A → Prop
infix `=`:50 := eq
check eq.{1}

View file

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ section
parameter {A : Type}
theorem T {a b : A} (H : a = b) : b = a
:= symm H
variables x y : A
axiom H : x = y
parameters x y : A
hypothesis H : x = y
check T H
check T
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ section
parameter {A : Type}
theorem T2 ⦃a b : A⦄ (H : a = b) : b = a
:= symm H
variables x y : A
axiom H : x = y
parameters x y : A
hypothesis H : x = y
check T2 H
check T2

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import data.num
namespace foo
variable le : num → num → Prop
constant le : num → num → Prop
axiom le_trans {a b c : num} : le a b → le b c → le a c
calc_trans le_trans
infix `≤`:50 := le

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import logic
variable C {A : Type} : A → Prop
constant C {A : Type} : A → Prop
class C
variable f {A : Type} (a : A) {H : C a} : Prop
constant f {A : Type} (a : A) {H : C a} : Prop
definition g {A : Type} (a b : A) {H1 : C a} {H2 : C b} : Prop :=
f a ∧ f b

View file

@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ theorem not_zero_add_right [instance] (x y : nat) (H : not_zero y) : not_zero (x
theorem not_zero_succ [instance] (x : nat) : not_zero (succ x)
:= not_zero.intro (not_is_zero_succ x)
variable dvd : Π (x y : nat) {H : not_zero y}, nat
constant dvd : Π (x y : nat) {H : not_zero y}, nat
variables a b : nat
constants a b : nat
set_option pp.implicit true
reducible add

View file

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ namespace nat
zero : nat,
succ : nat → nat
variable mul : nat → nat → nat
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant mul : nat → nat → nat
constant add : nat → nat → nat
definition mul_struct [instance] : algebra.mul_struct nat
:= mul
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ end nat
open algebra nat
variables a b c : nat
parameters a b c : nat
check a * b * c
definition tst1 : nat := a * b * c
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ section
open [notation] algebra
open nat
-- check mul_struct nat << This is an error, we are open only the notation from algebra
variables a b c : nat
parameters a b c : nat
check a * b * c
definition tst2 : nat := a * b * c
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ end
open nat
-- check mul_struct nat << This is an error, we are open only the notation from algebra
variables a b c : nat
parameters a b c : nat
check #algebra a*b*c
definition tst3 : nat := #algebra a*b*c
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ section
definition add_struct [instance] : algebra.mul_struct nat
:= add
variables a b c : nat
parameters a b c : nat
check #algebra a*b*c -- << is open add instead of mul
definition tst4 : nat := #algebra a*b*c

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import data.num
variables int nat real : Type.{1}
variable nat_add : nat → nat → nat
variable int_add : int → int → int
variable real_add : real → real → real
constants int nat real : Type.{1}
constant nat_add : nat → nat → nat
constant int_add : int → int → int
constant real_add : real → real → real
inductive add_struct (A : Type) :=
mk : (A → A → A) → add_struct A
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ definition add_nat_struct [instance] : add_struct nat := nat_add
definition add_int_struct [instance] : add_struct int := int_add
definition add_real_struct [instance] : add_struct real := real_add
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
variables x y : real
variable num_to_nat : num → nat
variable nat_to_int : nat → int
variable int_to_real : int → real
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
constants x y : real
constant num_to_nat : num → nat
constant nat_to_int : nat → int
constant int_to_real : int → real
coercion num_to_nat
coercion nat_to_int
coercion int_to_real
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ check i + 0
check 0 + x
check x + 0
namespace foo
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infixl `=`:50 := eq
definition id (A : Type) (a : A) := a
notation A `=` B `:` C := @eq C A B

View file

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
variable A : Type.{1}
variable B : Type.{1}
variable f : A → B
constant A : Type.{1}
constant B : Type.{1}
constant f : A → B
coercion f
variable g : B → B → B
variables a1 a2 a3 : A
variables b1 b2 b3 : B
constant g : B → B → B
constants a1 a2 a3 : A
constants b1 b2 b3 : B
check g a1 b1
set_option pp.coercions true
check g a1 b1
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Type.{0}
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Type.{0}
check eq a1 a2
check eq a1 b1
set_option pp.implicit true

View file

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ fn2.rec (λ f g, f) f
definition to_bc [coercion] {A B C : Type} (f : fn2 A B C) : B → C :=
fn2.rec (λ f g, g) f
variable f : fn2 Prop nat nat
variable a : Prop
variable n : nat
constant f : fn2 Prop nat nat
constant a : Prop
constant n : nat
check f a
check f n

View file

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ definition my_morphism [coercion] {obC obD : Type} {C : category obC} {D : categ
Π{A B : obC}, mor A B → mor (my_object F A) (my_object F B) :=
my_functor.rec (λ obF morF Hid Hcomp, morF) F
variables obC obD : Type
variables a b : obC
variable C : category obC
constants obC obD : Type
constants a b : obC
constant C : category obC
instance C
variable D : category obD
variable F : my_functor C D
variable m : mor a b
constant D : category obD
constant F : my_functor C D
constant m : mor a b
check F a
check F m

View file

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ mk : (Π {C : Type}, A → C → B) → foo A B
definition to_fun [coercion] {A B : Type} (f : foo A B) : Π {C : Type}, A → C → B :=
foo.rec (λf, f) f
variable f : foo nat nat
variable a : nat
constant f : foo nat nat
constant a : nat
check f a true

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ struct.rec (λA r, A) s
definition g (f : nat → nat) (a : nat) := f a
variable f : functor nat nat
constant f : functor nat nat
check g (functor.to_fun f) 0
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ check g f 0
definition id (A : Type) (a : A) := a
variable S : struct
variable a : S
constant S : struct
constant a : S
check id (struct.to_sort S) a
check id S a

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ struct.rec (λA r, A) s
definition g (f : nat → nat) (a : nat) := f a
variable f : functor nat nat
constant f : functor nat nat
check g (functor.to_fun f) 0
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ check g f 0
definition id (A : Type) (a : A) := a
variable S : struct
variable a : S
constant S : struct
constant a : S
check id (struct.to_sort S) a
check id S a

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import data.unit
open unit
variable int : Type.{1}
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable izero : int
variable nzero : nat
variable isucc : int → int
variable nsucc : nat → nat
constant int : Type.{1}
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant izero : int
constant nzero : nat
constant isucc : int → int
constant nsucc : nat → nat
definition f [coercion] (a : unit) : int := izero
definition g [coercion] (a : unit) : nat := nzero

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import logic
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable int : Type.{1}
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant int : Type.{1}
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
theorem tst (n : nat) : n = n :=

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
import logic
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable int : Type.{1}
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant int : Type.{1}
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
variable nat_add : nat → nat → nat
variable int_add : int → int → int
constant nat_add : nat → nat → nat
constant int_add : int → int → int
infixl `+`:65 := int_add
infixl `+`:65 := nat_add
print "================"
variable tst (n m : nat) : @eq int (of_nat n + of_nat m) (n + m)
constant tst (n m : nat) : @eq int (of_nat n + of_nat m) (n + m)
check tst

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
import data.nat
open nat
variable list.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l}
variable vector.{l} : Type.{l} → nat → Type.{l}
variable matrix.{l} : Type.{l} → nat → nat → Type.{l}
variable length : Pi {A : Type}, list A → nat
constant list.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l}
constant vector.{l} : Type.{l} → nat → Type.{l}
constant matrix.{l} : Type.{l} → nat → nat → Type.{l}
constant length : Pi {A : Type}, list A → nat
variable list_to_vec {A : Type} (l : list A) : vector A (length l)
variable to_row {A : Type} {n : nat} : vector A n → matrix A 1 n
variable to_col {A : Type} {n : nat} : vector A n → matrix A n 1
variable to_list {A : Type} {n : nat} : vector A n → list A
constant list_to_vec {A : Type} (l : list A) : vector A (length l)
constant to_row {A : Type} {n : nat} : vector A n → matrix A 1 n
constant to_col {A : Type} {n : nat} : vector A n → matrix A n 1
constant to_list {A : Type} {n : nat} : vector A n → list A
coercion to_row
coercion to_col
coercion list_to_vec
coercion to_list
variable f {A : Type} {n : nat} (M : matrix A n 1) : nat
variable g {A : Type} {n : nat} (M : matrix A 1 n) : nat
variable v : vector nat 10
variable l : list nat
constant f {A : Type} {n : nat} (M : matrix A n 1) : nat
constant g {A : Type} {n : nat} (M : matrix A 1 n) : nat
constant v : vector nat 10
constant l : list nat
check f v
check g v

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ mk : (obj A → obj B) → fn A B
definition to_fun [coercion] {A B : Type} (f : fn A B) : obj A → obj B :=
fn.rec (λf, f) f
variable n : Type.{1}
variable f : fn n n
variable a : obj n
constant n : Type.{1}
constant f : fn n n
constant a : obj n
check (f a)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import data.nat logic.core.inhabited
open nat inhabited
variable N : Type.{1}
variable a : N
constant N : Type.{1}
constant a : N
section s1
set_option pp.implicit true
@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ section s1
end s1
theorem tst : inhabited nat
variables n m : nat
constants n m : nat
check n = a

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import logic data.unit
open bool unit decidable
variables a b c : bool
variables u v : unit
constants a b c : bool
constants u v : unit
set_option pp.implicit true
check if ((a = b) ∧ (b = c) → ¬ (u = v) (a = c) → (a = c) ↔ a = tt ↔ true) then a else b

View file

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variable eq : forall {A : Type}, A → A → Prop
variable N : Type.{1}
variables a b c : N
constant eq : forall {A : Type}, A → A → Prop
constant N : Type.{1}
constants a b c : N
infix `=`:50 := eq
check a = b
variable f : Prop → N → N
variable g : N → N → N
constant f : Prop → N → N
constant g : N → N → N
precedence `+`:50
infixl + := f
infixl + := g
check a + b + c
variable p : Prop
constant p : Prop
check p + a + b + c

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
end int
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ section
open nat
open int
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
parameters n m : nat
parameters i j : int
-- 'Most recent' are always tried first
print raw i + n
@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ section
variables a b : nat.nat
constants a b : nat.nat
check #nat a + b

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
end int
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ section
open [decls] nat
open [decls] int
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
parameters n m : nat
parameters i j : int
check n + m
check i + j

View file

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
end int
variables n m : nat.nat
variables i j :
constants n m : nat.nat
constants i j :
open [notation] nat

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
namespace coercions
coercion of_nat
end coercions
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ end int
open nat
open int
variables n m : nat
constants n m : nat
check n+m -- coercion nat -> int is not available
open int.coercions
check n+m -- coercion nat -> int is available

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ vcons : forall {n : nat}, A → vector A n → vector A (succ n)
namespace vector end vector open vector
check vcons zero vnil
variable n : nat
constant n : nat
check vcons n vnil
check vector.rec
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ definition vector_to_list {A : Type} {n : nat} (v : vector A n) : list A
coercion vector_to_list
variable f : forall {A : Type}, list A → nat
constant f : forall {A : Type}, list A → nat
check f (cons zero nil)
check f (vcons zero vnil)

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ vcons : forall {n : nat}, A → vector A n → vector A (succ n)
namespace vector end vector open vector
check vcons zero vnil
variable n : nat
constant n : nat
check vcons n vnil
check vector.rec

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ vcons : forall {n : nat}, A → vector A n → vector A (succ n)
namespace vector end vector open vector
check vcons zero vnil
variable n : nat
constant n : nat
check vcons n vnil
check vector.rec

View file

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ neg : nat → int
coercion int.of_nat
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
namespace list end list open list
check cons i (cons i nil)

View file

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ neg : nat → int
coercion int.of_nat
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
variable l : list nat
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
constant l : list nat
namespace list end list open list
check cons i (cons i nil)

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ print "using strict implicit arguments"
definition symmetric {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) := ∀ ⦃a b⦄, R a b → R b a
check symmetric
variable p : nat → nat → Prop
constant p : nat → nat → Prop
check symmetric p
axiom H1 : symmetric p
axiom H2 : p zero (succ zero)

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
end int
open int
open nat
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
check n + m
check i + j

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
end int
open nat
open int
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
-- 'Most recent' are always tried first
print raw i + n

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
end int
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ open [notation] int
open [decls] nat
open [decls] int
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
check n + m
check i + j

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
precedence `+`:65
namespace nat
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
infixl + := add
end nat
namespace int
open nat (nat)
variable int : Type.{1}
variable add : int → int → int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
infixl + := add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
end int
namespace int_coercions
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ end int_coercions
open nat
open int
variables n m : nat
variables i j : int
constants n m : nat
constants i j : int
check n + m
check i + j

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import logic
variable p : num → num → num → Prop
constant p : num → num → num → Prop
axiom H1 : ∃ x y z, p x y z
axiom H2 : ∀ {x y z : num}, p x y z → p x x x
theorem tst : ∃ x, p x x x

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import logic
open tactic
variable p : num → num → num → Prop
constant p : num → num → num → Prop
axiom H1 : ∃ x y z, p x y z
axiom H2 : ∀ {x y z : num}, p x y z → p x x x
theorem tst : ∃ x, p x x x

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import data.nat
variables a b : nat
constants a b : nat
namespace boo
export nat (rec add)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import logic
namespace foo
variable x : num
constant x : num
check x
check x
set_option pp.full_names true

View file

@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ import logic algebra.function
open function bool
variable f : num → bool
variable g : num → num
constant f : num → bool
constant g : num → num
check f ∘ g ∘ g
check typeof id : num → num
check num → num ⟨is_typeof⟩ id
variable h : num → bool → num
constant h : num → bool → num
check flip h
check flip h ff
check typeof flip h ff : num
variable f1 : num → num → bool
variable f2 : bool → num
constant f1 : num → num → bool
constant f2 : bool → num
check (f1 on f2) ff tt

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@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ definition mul {A : Type} {s : group_struct A} (a b : A) : A
infixl `*`:75 := mul
variable G1 : group.{1}
variable G2 : group.{1}
variables a b c : (carrier G2)
variables d e : (carrier G1)
constant G1 : group.{1}
constant G2 : group.{1}
constants a b c : (carrier G2)
constants d e : (carrier G1)
check a * b * b
check d * e

View file

@ -34,23 +34,23 @@ definition mul {A : Type} {s : group_struct A} (a b : A) : A
infixl `*`:75 := mul
variable G1 : group
variable G2 : group
variables a b c : G2
variables d e : G1
parameter G1 : group
parameter G2 : group
parameters a b c : G2
parameters d e : G1
check a * b * b
check d * e
variable G : group.{1}
variables a b : G
constant G : group.{1}
constants a b : G
definition val : G := a*b
check val
variable pos_real : Type.{1}
variable rmul : pos_real → pos_real → pos_real
variable rone : pos_real
variable rinv : pos_real → pos_real
constant pos_real : Type.{1}
constant rmul : pos_real → pos_real → pos_real
constant rone : pos_real
constant rinv : pos_real → pos_real
axiom H1 : is_assoc rmul
axiom H2 : is_id rmul rone
axiom H3 : is_inv rmul rone rinv
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ axiom H3 : is_inv rmul rone rinv
definition real_group_struct [instance] : group_struct pos_real
:= rmul rone rinv H1 H2 H3
variables x y : pos_real
constants x y : pos_real
check x * y
set_option pp.implicit true
print "---------------"

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variables a b c : Prop
constants a b c : Prop
axiom Ha : a
axiom Hb : b
axiom Hc : c

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variables a b c : Prop
constants a b c : Prop
axiom Ha : a
axiom Hb : b
axiom Hc : c

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variables a b c : Prop
constants a b c : Prop
axiom Ha : a
axiom Hb : b
axiom Hc : c

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variables a b c : Prop
constants a b c : Prop
axiom Ha : a
axiom Hb : b
axiom Hc : c

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import logic
open tactic
variables a b c d : Prop
constants a b c d : Prop
axiom Ha : a
axiom Hb : b
axiom Hc : c

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variable and : Prop → Prop → Prop
constant and : Prop → Prop → Prop
infixl `∧`:25 := and
variable and_intro : forall (a b : Prop), a → b → a ∧ b
variables a b c d : Prop
constant and_intro : forall (a b : Prop), a → b → a ∧ b
constants a b c d : Prop
axiom Ha : a
axiom Hb : b
axiom Hc : c

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
variable N : Type.{1}
variables a b c : N
variable f : forall {a b : N}, N → N
constant N : Type.{1}
constants a b c : N
constant f : forall {a b : N}, N → N
check f
check @f
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ definition l2 : N → N → N := @f a
definition l3 : N → N := @f a b
definition l4 : N := @f a b c
variable g : forall ⦃a b : N⦄, N → N
constant g : forall ⦃a b : N⦄, N → N
check g
check g a

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- category
definition Prop := Type.{0}
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infix `=`:50 := eq
inductive category (ob : Type) (mor : ob → ob → Type) : Type :=

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- category
definition Prop := Type.{0}
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infix `=`:50 := eq
inductive category (ob : Type) (mor : ob → ob → Type) : Type :=
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ mk : Π (id : Π (A : ob), mor A A),
(Π (A B : ob) (f : mor A A), id A = f) → category ob mor
definition id (ob : Type) (mor : ob → ob → Type) (Cat : category ob mor) := category.rec (λ id idl, id) Cat
variable ob : Type.{1}
variable mor : ob → ob → Type.{1}
variable Cat : category ob mor
constant ob : Type.{1}
constant mor : ob → ob → Type.{1}
constant Cat : category ob mor
theorem id_left (A : ob) (f : mor A A) : @eq (mor A A) (id ob mor Cat A) f :=
@category.rec ob mor (λ (C : category ob mor), @eq (mor A A) (id ob mor C A) f)

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-- category
definition Prop := Type.{0}
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infix `=`:50 := eq
variable ob : Type.{1}
variable mor : ob → ob → Type.{1}
constant ob : Type.{1}
constant mor : ob → ob → Type.{1}
inductive category : Type :=
mk : Π (id : Π (A : ob), mor A A),
(Π (A B : ob) (f : mor A A), id A = f) → category
definition id (Cat : category) := category.rec (λ id idl, id) Cat
variable Cat : category
constant Cat : category
theorem id_left (A : ob) (f : mor A A) : @eq (mor A A) (id Cat A) f :=
@category.rec (λ (C : category), @eq (mor A A) (id C A) f)

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-- category
definition Prop := Type.{0}
variable eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infix `=`:50 := eq
variable ob : Type.{1}
variable mor : ob → ob → Type.{1}
constant ob : Type.{1}
constant mor : ob → ob → Type.{1}
inductive category : Type :=
mk : Π (id : Π (A : ob), mor A A),
(Π (A B : ob) (f : mor A A), id A = f) → category
definition id (Cat : category) := category.rec (λ id idl, id) Cat
variable Cat : category
constant Cat : category
set_option unifier.computation true
print "-----------------"

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import logic
definition f {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : A → B → Prop) ⦃C : Type⦄ {R : C → C → Prop} {c : C} (H : R c c) : R c c
:= H
variable g : Prop → Prop → Prop
variable H : true ∧ true
constant g : Prop → Prop → Prop
constant H : true ∧ true
check f g H

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import logic
variable N : Type.{1}
variable I : Type.{1}
constant N : Type.{1}
constant I : Type.{1}
namespace foo
inductive p (a : N) : Prop :=

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ section
cons2 : A → list2 → list2
variable num : Type.{1}
constant num : Type.{1}
namespace Tree
inductive tree (A : Type) : Type :=

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
variable N : Type.{1}
constant N : Type.{1}
precedence `+`:65
namespace foo
variable a : N
variable f : N → N → N
constant a : N
constant f : N → N → N
infix + := f
end foo
namespace bla
variable b : N
variable f : N → N → N
constant b : N
constant f : N → N → N
infix + := f
end bla
variable g : N → N → N
constant g : N → N → N
open foo
open bla

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open nat
definition two1 : nat := 2
definition two2 : nat := succ (succ (zero))
variable f : nat → nat → nat
constant f : nat → nat → nat
local tc = type_checker_with_hints(get_env(), true)

View file

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ open nat
definition two1 : nat := 2
definition two2 : nat := succ (succ (zero))
definition f (x : nat) (y : nat) := y
variable g : nat → nat → nat
variables a b : nat
constant g : nat → nat → nat
constants a b : nat
local tc = type_checker_with_hints(get_env(), true)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import logic
variable matrix.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l}
variable same_dim {A : Type} : matrix A → matrix A → Prop
variable add {A : Type} (m1 m2 : matrix A) {H : same_dim m1 m2} : matrix A
constant matrix.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l}
constant same_dim {A : Type} : matrix A → matrix A → Prop
constant add {A : Type} (m1 m2 : matrix A) {H : same_dim m1 m2} : matrix A
theorem same_dim_irrel {A : Type} {m1 m2 : matrix A} {H1 H2 : same_dim m1 m2} : @add A m1 m2 H1 = @add A m1 m2 H2 :=

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import logic
variable matrix.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l}
variable same_dim {A : Type} : matrix A → matrix A → Prop
variable add {A : Type} (m1 m2 : matrix A) {H : same_dim m1 m2} : matrix A
constant matrix.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l}
constant same_dim {A : Type} : matrix A → matrix A → Prop
constant add {A : Type} (m1 m2 : matrix A) {H : same_dim m1 m2} : matrix A
open eq
theorem same_dim_eq_args {A : Type} {m1 m2 m1' m2' : matrix A} (H1 : m1 = m1') (H2 : m2 = m2') (H : same_dim m1 m2) : same_dim m1' m2' :=
subst H1 (subst H2 H)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
variable A : Type.{1}
variable a : A
variable g : A → A
variable f : A → A → A
constant A : Type.{1}
constant a : A
constant g : A → A
constant f : A → A → A
local f = Const("f")
@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ end
notation `tst` A:(call parse_pair) := A
notation `simple` A:(call parse_bracket) `,` B:(call parse_bracket) := f A B
variable b : A
constant b : A
check g (tst (simple [b], [a]), a)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
variable A : Type.{1}
variable a : A
variable g : A → A
variable f : A → A → A
constant A : Type.{1}
constant a : A
constant g : A → A
constant f : A → A → A
precedence `|` : 0

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variable N : Type.{1}
variable and : Prop → Prop → Prop
constant N : Type.{1}
constant and : Prop → Prop → Prop
infixr `∧`:35 := and
variable le : N → N → Prop
variable lt : N → N → Prop
variable f : N → N
variable add : N → N → N
constant le : N → N → Prop
constant lt : N → N → Prop
constant f : N → N
constant add : N → N → N
infixl `+`:65 := add
precedence `≤`:50
precedence `<`:50
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ infixl < := lt
notation A ≤ B:prev ≤ C:prev := A ≤ B ∧ B ≤ C
notation A ≤ B:prev < C:prev := A ≤ B ∧ B < C
notation A < B:prev ≤ C:prev := A < B ∧ B ≤ C
variables a b c d e : N
constants a b c d e : N
check a ≤ b ≤ f c + b ∧ a < b
check a ≤ d
check a < b ≤ c

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0}
variable N : Type.{1}
variables a b c : N
variable and : Prop → Prop → Prop
parameter N : Type.{1}
parameters a b c : N
parameter and : Prop → Prop → Prop
infixr `∧`:35 := and
variable le : N → N → Prop
variable lt : N → N → Prop
parameter le : N → N → Prop
parameter lt : N → N → Prop
precedence `≤`:50
precedence `<`:50
infixl ≤ := le

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
variable N : Type.{1}
variable f : N → N → N → N
variable g : N → N → N
variable h : N → N → N → N
variable s : N → N → N → N → N
constant N : Type.{1}
constant f : N → N → N → N
constant g : N → N → N
constant h : N → N → N → N
constant s : N → N → N → N → N
precedence `*`:75
precedence `|`:75
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ notation a * b := g a b
notation a * b * c:prev := h a b c
notation a * b | c * d:prev := s a b c d
variables a b c d e : N
constants a b c d e : N
check a * b
check a * b | d

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ definition to_nat [coercion] (n : num) : nat
:= num.rec zero (λn, pos_num.rec (succ zero) (λn r, plus r (plus r (succ zero))) (λn r, plus r r) n) n
definition add (x y : nat) : nat
:= plus x y
variable le : nat → nat → Prop
constant le : nat → nat → Prop
infixl `+`:65 := add
infix `≤`:50 := le

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ definition to_nat [coercion] (n : num) : nat
:= num.rec zero (λn, pos_num.rec (succ zero) (λn r, plus r (plus r (succ zero))) (λn r, plus r r) n) n
definition add (x y : nat) : nat
:= plus x y
variable le : nat → nat → Prop
constant le : nat → nat → Prop
infixl `+`:65 := add
infix `≤`:50 := le

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ infixl `*`:75 := mul
axiom mul_zero_right (n : nat) : n * zero = zero
variable P : nat → Prop
constant P : nat → Prop
print "==========================="
theorem tst (n : nat) (H : P (n * zero)) : P zero

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
import logic
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable int : Type.{1}
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant int : Type.{1}
variable nat_add : nat → nat → nat
constant nat_add : nat → nat → nat
infixl `+`:65 := nat_add
variable int_add : int → int → int
constant int_add : int → int → int
infixl `+`:65 := int_add
variable of_nat : nat → int
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
variables a b : nat
variables i j : int
constants a b : nat
constants i j : int
definition c1 := a + b

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import logic
open bool
variable list : Type.{1}
variable nil : list
variable cons : bool → list → list
constant list : Type.{1}
constant nil : list
constant cons : bool → list → list
infixr `::`:65 := cons
notation `[` l:(foldr `,` (h t, cons h t) nil `]`) := l
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ check [tt, ff]
check [tt, ff, ff]
check tt :: ff :: [tt, ff, ff]
check tt :: []
variables a b c : bool
constants a b c : bool
check a :: b :: nil
check [a, b]
check [a, b, c]

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
variable nat : Type.{1}
variable f : nat → nat
constant nat : Type.{1}
constant f : nat → nat
namespace foo
variable int : Type.{1}
variable f : int → int
variable a : nat
variable i : int
constant int : Type.{1}
constant f : int → int
constant a : nat
constant i : int
check _root_.f a
check f i
end foo
open foo
variables a : nat
variables i : int
constants a : nat
constants i : int
check f a
check f i

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
definition {A : Type} (a : A) := a
variable foo.T : Type.{1}
constant foo.T : Type.{1}
check foo.T

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@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ import logic data.nat
open nat prod
open decidable
variable modulo (x : ) (y : ) :
constant modulo (x : ) (y : ) :
infixl `mod`:70 := modulo
variable gcd_aux : ×
constant gcd_aux : ×
definition gcd (x y : ) : := gcd_aux (pair x y)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cons : T → list T → list T
variable {T : Type}
parameter {T : Type}
definition concat (s t : list T) : list T
:= list.rec t (fun x l u, list.cons x u) s

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