refactor(library/algebra/group_power,library/*): change definition of pow

I changed the definition of pow so that a^(succ n) reduces to a * a^n rather than a^n * a.

This has the nice effect that on nat and int, where multiplication is defined by recursion on the right,
a^1 reduces to a, and a^2 reduces to a * a.

The change was a pain in the neck, and in retrospect maybe not worth it, but oh, well.
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Avigad 2015-08-14 11:00:16 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent f9f4cd2197
commit 4a36f843f7
10 changed files with 69 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ section monoid
| (a::l) := take b, assume Pconst,
assert Pconstl : ∀ a', a' ∈ l → f a' = b,
from take a' Pa'in, Pconst a' (mem_cons_of_mem a Pa'in),
by rewrite [Prodl_cons f, Pconst a !mem_cons, Prodl_eq_pow_of_const b Pconstl, length_cons, add_one, pow_succ' b]
by rewrite [Prodl_cons f, Pconst a !mem_cons, Prodl_eq_pow_of_const b Pconstl, length_cons, add_one, pow_succ b]
end monoid

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@ -26,30 +26,45 @@ include s
definition pow (a : A) : → A
| 0 := 1
| (n+1) := pow n * a
| (n+1) := a * pow n
infix [priority algebra.prio] `^` := pow
theorem pow_zero (a : A) : a^0 = 1 := rfl
theorem pow_succ (a : A) (n : ) : a^(succ n) = a^n * a := rfl
theorem pow_succ (a : A) (n : ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl
theorem pow_succ' (a : A) : ∀n, a^(succ n) = a * a^n
theorem pow_one (a : A) : a^1 = a := !mul_one
theorem pow_two (a : A) : a^2 = a * a :=
a^2 = a * (a * 1) : rfl
... = a * a : mul_one
theorem pow_three (a : A) : a^3 = a * (a * a) :=
a^3 = a * (a * (a * 1)) : rfl
... = a * (a * a) : mul_one
theorem pow_four (a : A) : a^4 = a * (a * (a * a)) :=
a^4 = a * a^3 : rfl
... = a * (a * (a * a)) : pow_three
theorem pow_succ' (a : A) : ∀n, a^(succ n) = a^n * a
| 0 := by rewrite [pow_succ, *pow_zero, one_mul, mul_one]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [pow_succ, pow_succ' at {1}, pow_succ, mul.assoc]
theorem one_pow : ∀ n : , 1^n = (1:A)
| 0 := rfl
| (succ n) := by rewrite [pow_succ, mul_one, one_pow]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [pow_succ, one_mul, one_pow]
theorem pow_one (a : A) : a^1 = a := !one_mul
theorem pow_add (a : A) (m : ) : ∀ n, a^(m + n) = a^m * a^n
| 0 := by rewrite [nat.add_zero, pow_zero, mul_one]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [add_succ, *pow_succ, pow_add, mul.assoc]
theorem pow_add (a : A) (m n : ) : a^(m + n) = a^m * a^n :=
induction n with n ih,
{rewrite [nat.add_zero, pow_zero, mul_one]},
rewrite [add_succ, *pow_succ', ih, mul.assoc]
theorem pow_mul (a : A) (m : ) : ∀ n, a^(m * n) = (a^m)^n
| 0 := by rewrite [nat.mul_zero, pow_zero]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [nat.mul_succ, pow_add, pow_succ, pow_mul]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [nat.mul_succ, pow_add, pow_succ', pow_mul]
theorem pow_comm (a : A) (m n : ) : a^m * a^n = a^n * a^m :=
by rewrite [-*pow_add, nat.add.comm]
@ -65,7 +80,7 @@ include s
theorem mul_pow (a b : A) : ∀ n, (a * b)^n = a^n * b^n
| 0 := by rewrite [*pow_zero, mul_one]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [*pow_succ, mul_pow, *mul.assoc, mul.left_comm a]
| (succ n) := by rewrite [*pow_succ', mul_pow, *mul.assoc, mul.left_comm a]
end comm_monoid
@ -87,7 +102,7 @@ eq_mul_inv_of_mul_eq H2
theorem pow_inv_comm (a : A) : ∀m n, (a⁻¹)^m * a^n = a^n * (a⁻¹)^m
| 0 n := by rewrite [*pow_zero, one_mul, mul_one]
| m 0 := by rewrite [*pow_zero, one_mul, mul_one]
| (succ m) (succ n) := by rewrite [pow_succ at {1}, pow_succ' at {1}, pow_succ, pow_succ',
| (succ m) (succ n) := by rewrite [pow_succ' at {1}, pow_succ at {1}, pow_succ', pow_succ,
*mul.assoc, inv_mul_cancel_left, mul_inv_cancel_left, pow_inv_comm]
end nat
@ -143,7 +158,7 @@ theorem pow_pos {a : A} (H : a > 0) (n : ) : pow a n > 0 :=
induction n,
rewrite pow_zero,
apply zero_lt_one,
rewrite pow_succ,
rewrite pow_succ',
apply mul_pos,
apply v_0, apply H
@ -153,7 +168,7 @@ theorem pow_ge_one_of_ge_one {a : A} (H : a ≥ 1) (n : ) : pow a n ≥ 1 :=
induction n,
rewrite pow_zero,
apply le.refl,
rewrite [pow_succ, -{1}mul_one],
rewrite [pow_succ', -{1}mul_one],
apply mul_le_mul v_0 H zero_le_one,
apply le_of_lt,
apply pow_pos,
@ -163,7 +178,7 @@ theorem pow_ge_one_of_ge_one {a : A} (H : a ≥ 1) (n : ) : pow a n ≥ 1 :=
local notation 2 := (1 : A) + 1
theorem pow_two_add (n : ) : pow 2 n + pow 2 n = pow 2 (succ n) :=
by rewrite [pow_succ, left_distrib, *mul_one]
by rewrite [pow_succ', left_distrib, *mul_one]
end ordered_ring
@ -180,9 +195,9 @@ definition nmul : → A → A := λ n a, pow a n
infix [priority algebra.prio] `⬝` := nmul
theorem zero_nmul (a : A) : (0:) ⬝ a = 0 := pow_zero a
theorem succ_nmul (n : ) (a : A) : succ n ⬝ a = nmul n a + a := pow_succ a n
theorem succ_nmul (n : ) (a : A) : nmul (succ n) a = a + (nmul n a) := pow_succ a n
theorem succ_nmul' (n : ) (a : A) : nmul (succ n) a = a + (nmul n a) := pow_succ' a n
theorem succ_nmul' (n : ) (a : A) : succ n ⬝ a = nmul n a + a := pow_succ' a n
theorem nmul_zero (n : ) : n ⬝ 0 = (0:A) := one_pow n

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@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ theorem pow_pos_of_pos {x : A} (i : ) (H : x > 0) : x^i > 0 :=
induction i with [j, ih],
{show (1 : A) > 0, from zero_lt_one},
{show x^(succ j) > 0, from mul_pos ih H}
{show x^(succ j) > 0, from mul_pos H ih}
theorem pow_nonneg_of_nonneg {x : A} (i : ) (H : x ≥ 0) : x^i ≥ 0 :=
induction i with [j, ih],
{show (1 : A) ≥ 0, from le_of_lt zero_lt_one},
{show x^(succ j) ≥ 0, from mul_nonneg ih H}
{show x^(succ j) ≥ 0, from mul_nonneg H ih}
theorem pow_le_pow_of_le {x y : A} (i : ) (H₁ : 0 ≤ x) (H₂ : x ≤ y) : x^i ≤ y^i :=
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ begin
induction i with [i, ih],
{rewrite *pow_zero, apply le.refl},
rewrite *pow_succ,
have H : 0 ≤ y^i, from pow_nonneg_of_nonneg i (le.trans H₁ H₂),
apply mul_le_mul ih H₂ H₁ H
have H : 0 ≤ x^i, from pow_nonneg_of_nonneg i H₁,
apply mul_le_mul H₂ ih H (le.trans H₁ H₂)
theorem pow_ge_one {x : A} (i : ) (xge1 : x ≥ 1) : x^i ≥ 1 :=
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ begin
induction i with [i, ih],
{exfalso, exact ! ipos},
have xige1 : x^i ≥ 1, from pow_ge_one _ (le_of_lt xgt1),
rewrite [pow_succ', -mul_one 1, ↑],
rewrite [pow_succ, -mul_one 1, ↑],
apply mul_lt_mul xgt1 xige1 zero_lt_one,
apply le_of_lt xpos

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@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ private lemma succ_mem_of_nat (n : nat) (s : nat) : succ n ∈ of_nat s ↔ n
(suppose succ n ∈ of_nat s,
assert odd (s div 2^(succ n)), from odd_of_mem_of_nat this,
have odd ((s div 2) div (2 ^ n)), by rewrite [pow_succ at this, div_div_eq_div_mul, mul.comm]; assumption,
have odd ((s div 2) div (2 ^ n)), by rewrite [pow_succ' at this, div_div_eq_div_mul, mul.comm]; assumption,
show n ∈ of_nat (s div 2), from mem_of_nat_of_odd this)
(suppose n ∈ of_nat (s div 2),
assert odd ((s div 2) div (2 ^ n)), from odd_of_mem_of_nat this,
assert odd (s div 2^(succ n)), by rewrite [pow_succ, mul.comm, -div_div_eq_div_mul]; assumption,
assert odd (s div 2^(succ n)), by rewrite [pow_succ', mul.comm, -div_div_eq_div_mul]; assumption,
show succ n ∈ of_nat s, from mem_of_nat_of_odd this)
private lemma odd_of_zero_mem (s : nat) : 0 ∈ of_nat s ↔ odd s :=
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ finset.induction_on s dec_trivial
assert a ≠ 0, from suppose a = 0, by subst a; contradiction,
cases a with a, contradiction,
have odd (2*2^a), by rewrite [pow_succ at o, mul.comm]; exact o,
have odd (2*2^a), by rewrite [pow_succ' at o, mul.comm]; exact o,
have even (2*2^a), from !even_two_mul,
exact absurd `even (2*2^a)` `odd (2*2^a)`
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ finset.induction_on s dec_trivial
match a with
| 0 := suppose a = 0, absurd this `a ≠ 0`
| (succ a') := suppose a = succ a',
have even (2^(succ a')), by rewrite [pow_succ, mul.comm]; apply even_two_mul,
have even (2^(succ a')), by rewrite [pow_succ', mul.comm]; apply even_two_mul,
even_add_of_even_of_even this `even (to_nat s)`
end rfl
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ private lemma of_nat_eq_insert : ∀ {n s : nat}, n ∉ of_nat s → of_nat (2^n
finset.ext (λ x,
have gen : ∀ m, m ∈ of_nat (2^(succ n) + s) ↔ m ∈ insert (succ n) (of_nat s)
| zero :=
have even (2^(succ n)), by rewrite [pow_succ, mul.comm]; apply even_two_mul,
have even (2^(succ n)), by rewrite [pow_succ', mul.comm]; apply even_two_mul,
have aux₁ : odd (2^(succ n) + s) ↔ odd s, from iff.intro
(suppose odd (2^(succ n) + s), by_contradiction
(suppose ¬ odd s,
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ private lemma of_nat_eq_insert : ∀ {n s : nat}, n ∉ of_nat s → of_nat (2^n
by subst m; apply mem_insert)
(suppose succ m ∈ of_nat s, finset.mem_insert_of_mem _ ( !succ_mem_of_nat this))),
succ m ∈ of_nat (2^(succ n) + s) ↔ succ m ∈ of_nat (2^n * 2 + s) : by rewrite pow_succ
succ m ∈ of_nat (2^(succ n) + s) ↔ succ m ∈ of_nat (2^n * 2 + s) : by rewrite pow_succ'
... ↔ m ∈ of_nat ((2^n * 2 + s) div 2) : succ_mem_of_nat
... ↔ m ∈ of_nat (2^n + s div 2) : by rewrite [add.comm, add_mul_div_self (dec_trivial : 2 > 0), add.comm]
... ↔ m ∈ insert n (of_nat (s div 2)) : by rewrite ih
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ begin
mul_div_cancel _ (dec_trivial : 2 > 0), d₁, zero_add]
end },
{ have a ∉ predimage s, from suppose a ∈ predimage s, absurd (succ_mem_of_mem_predimage this) nains,
rewrite [predimage_insert_succ, to_nat_insert nains, pow_succ, add.comm,
rewrite [predimage_insert_succ, to_nat_insert nains, pow_succ', add.comm,
add_mul_div_self (dec_trivial : 2 > 0), -ih, to_nat_insert this, add.comm] }

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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ lemma length_all_lists : ∀ {n : nat}, length (@all_lists_of_len A _ n) = (card
| (succ n) := calc length _ = card A * length (all_lists_of_len n) : length_cons_all
... = card A * (card A ^ n) : length_all_lists
... = (card A ^ n) * card A : nat.mul.comm
... = (card A) ^ (succ n) : pow_succ
... = (card A) ^ (succ n) : pow_succ'
end list_of_lists

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@ -42,58 +42,58 @@ theorem le_pow_self {x : } (H : x > 1) : ∀ i, i ≤ x^i
... = x^j * (1 + 1) : by rewrite [mul.left_distrib, *mul_one]
... = x^j * 2 : rfl
... ≤ x^j * x : mul_le_mul_left _ `x ≥ 2`
... = x^(succ j) : rfl
... = x^(succ j) : pow_succ'
-- TODO: eventually this will be subsumed under the algebraic theorems
theorem mul_self_eq_pow_2 (a : nat) : a * a = pow a 2 :=
show a * a = pow a (succ (succ zero)), from
by rewrite [*pow_succ, *pow_zero, one_mul]
by rewrite [*pow_succ, *pow_zero, mul_one]
theorem pow_cancel_left : ∀ {a b c : nat}, a > 1 → pow a b = pow a c → b = c
| a 0 0 h₁ h₂ := rfl
| a (succ b) 0 h₁ h₂ :=
assert a = 1, by rewrite [pow_succ' at h₂, pow_zero at h₂]; exact (eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right h₂),
assert a = 1, by rewrite [pow_succ at h₂, pow_zero at h₂]; exact (eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right h₂),
assert 1 < 1, by rewrite [this at h₁]; exact h₁,
absurd `1 < 1` !lt.irrefl
| a 0 (succ c) h₁ h₂ :=
assert a = 1, by rewrite [pow_succ' at h₂, pow_zero at h₂]; exact (eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right (eq.symm h₂)),
assert a = 1, by rewrite [pow_succ at h₂, pow_zero at h₂]; exact (eq_one_of_mul_eq_one_right (eq.symm h₂)),
assert 1 < 1, by rewrite [this at h₁]; exact h₁,
absurd `1 < 1` !lt.irrefl
| a (succ b) (succ c) h₁ h₂ :=
assert a ≠ 0, from assume aeq0, by rewrite [aeq0 at h₁]; exact (absurd h₁ dec_trivial),
assert pow a b = pow a c, by rewrite [*pow_succ' at h₂]; exact (eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left (pos_of_ne_zero this) h₂),
assert pow a b = pow a c, by rewrite [*pow_succ at h₂]; exact (eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left (pos_of_ne_zero this) h₂),
by rewrite [pow_cancel_left h₁ this]
theorem pow_div_cancel : ∀ {a b : nat}, a ≠ 0 → pow a (succ b) div a = pow a b
| a 0 h := by rewrite [pow_succ', pow_zero, mul_one, div_self (pos_of_ne_zero h)]
| a (succ b) h := by rewrite [pow_succ', mul_div_cancel_left _ (pos_of_ne_zero h)]
| a 0 h := by rewrite [pow_succ, pow_zero, mul_one, div_self (pos_of_ne_zero h)]
| a (succ b) h := by rewrite [pow_succ, mul_div_cancel_left _ (pos_of_ne_zero h)]
lemma dvd_pow : ∀ (i : nat) {n : nat}, n > 0 → i i^n
| i 0 h := absurd h !lt.irrefl
| i (succ n) h := by rewrite [pow_succ]; apply dvd_mul_left
| i (succ n) h := by rewrite [pow_succ']; apply dvd_mul_left
lemma dvd_pow_of_dvd_of_pos : ∀ {i j n : nat}, i j → n > 0 → i j^n
| i j 0 h₁ h₂ := absurd h₂ !lt.irrefl
| i j (succ n) h₁ h₂ := by rewrite [pow_succ]; apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right h₁
| i j (succ n) h₁ h₂ := by rewrite [pow_succ']; apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right h₁
lemma pow_mod_eq_zero (i : nat) {n : nat} (h : n > 0) : (i^n) mod i = 0 := !dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero (dvd_pow i h)
lemma pow_dvd_of_pow_succ_dvd {p i n : nat} : p^(succ i) n → p^i n :=
suppose p^(succ i) n,
assert p^i p^(succ i), from by rewrite [pow_succ]; apply dvd_of_eq_mul; apply rfl,
assert p^i p^(succ i), from by rewrite [pow_succ']; apply dvd_of_eq_mul; apply rfl,
dvd.trans `p^i p^(succ i)` `p^(succ i) n`
lemma dvd_of_pow_succ_dvd_mul_pow {p i n : nat} (Ppos : p > 0) :
p^(succ i) (n * p^i) → p n :=
by rewrite [pow_succ']; apply dvd_of_mul_dvd_mul_right; apply pow_pos_of_pos _ Ppos
by rewrite [pow_succ]; apply dvd_of_mul_dvd_mul_right; apply pow_pos_of_pos _ Ppos
lemma coprime_pow_right {a b} : ∀ n, coprime b a → coprime b (a^n)
| 0 h := !comprime_one_right
| (succ n) h :=
rewrite [pow_succ],
rewrite [pow_succ'],
apply coprime_mul_right,
exact coprime_pow_right n h,
exact h

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ mem_sep_of_mem !mem_univ
lemma mem_cyc (a : A) : ∀ {n : nat}, a^n ∈ cyc a
| 0 := cyc_has_one a
| (succ n) :=
begin rewrite pow_succ, apply cyc_mul_closed a, exact mem_cyc, apply self_mem_cyc end
begin rewrite pow_succ', apply cyc_mul_closed a, exact mem_cyc, apply self_mem_cyc end
lemma order_le {a : A} {n : nat} : a^(succ n) = 1 → order a ≤ succ n :=
assume Pe, let s := image (pow a) (upto (succ n)) in
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ local infix ^ := algebra.pow
lemma pow_eq_mul {n : nat} {i : fin (succ n)} : ∀ {k : nat}, i^k = mk_mod n (i*k)
| 0 := by rewrite [pow_zero]
| (succ k) := begin
assert Psucc : i^(succ k) = madd (i^k) i, apply pow_succ,
assert Psucc : i^(succ k) = madd (i^k) i, apply pow_succ',
rewrite [Psucc, pow_eq_mul],
apply eq_of_veq,
rewrite [mul_succ, val_madd, ↑mk_mod, mod_add_mod]
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ eq_of_feq (funext take f, calc
lemma rotl_perm_pow_eq : ∀ {i : nat}, (rotl_perm A n 1) ^ i = rotl_perm A n i
| 0 := begin rewrite [pow_zero, ↑rotl_perm, perm_one, -eq_iff_feq], esimp, rewrite rotl_seq_zero end
| (succ i) := begin rewrite [pow_succ, rotl_perm_pow_eq, rotl_perm_mul, one_add] end
| (succ i) := begin rewrite [pow_succ', rotl_perm_pow_eq, rotl_perm_mul, one_add] end
lemma rotl_perm_pow_eq_one : (rotl_perm A n 1) ^ n = 1 :=
eq.trans rotl_perm_pow_eq (eq_of_feq begin esimp [rotl_perm], rewrite [↑rotl_fun, rotl_id] end)

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@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ theorem first_sylow_theorem {p : nat} (Pp : prime p) :
obtain J PJ, from cauchy_theorem Pp Ppdvd,
exists.intro (fin_coset_Union (cyc J))
(exists.intro _
(by rewrite [pow_succ', -PcardH, -PJ]; apply card_Union_lcosets))
(by rewrite [pow_succ, -PcardH, -PJ]; apply card_Union_lcosets))
end sylow

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@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ begin
assert n' < n,
by rewrite -this; apply mult_rec_decreasing pgt1 npos,
rewrite [mult_rec pgt1 npos pdvdn, `n div p = n'`, pow_succ'], subst n,
rewrite [mult_rec pgt1 npos pdvdn, `n div p = n'`, pow_succ], subst n,
apply mul_dvd_mul !dvd.refl,
apply ih _ this
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ begin
{rewrite [pow_zero, one_mul, zero_add]},
have p > 0, from lt.trans zero_lt_one pgt1,
have psin_pos : p^(succ i) * n > 0, from mul_pos (!pow_pos_of_pos this) npos,
have p p^(succ i) * n, by rewrite [pow_succ', mul.assoc]; apply dvd_mul_right,
rewrite [mult_rec pgt1 psin_pos this, pow_succ, mul.right_comm, !mul_div_cancel `p > 0`, ih],
have p p^(succ i) * n, by rewrite [pow_succ, mul.assoc]; apply dvd_mul_right,
rewrite [mult_rec pgt1 psin_pos this, pow_succ', mul.right_comm, !mul_div_cancel `p > 0`, ih],
rewrite [add.comm i, add.comm (succ i)]
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ obtain m (H : n div p^(mult p n) = p * m), from exists_eq_mul_right_of_dvd pdvd,
assert n = p^(succ (mult p n)) * m, from
n = p^mult p n * (n div p^mult p n) : by rewrite (mul_div_cancel' !pow_mult_dvd)
... = p^(succ (mult p n)) * m : by rewrite [H, pow_succ, mul.assoc],
... = p^(succ (mult p n)) * m : by rewrite [H, pow_succ', mul.assoc],
have p^(succ (mult p n)) n, by rewrite this at {2}; apply dvd_mul_right,
have succ (mult p n) ≤ mult p n, from le_mult pgt1 npos this,
show false, from !not_succ_le_self this
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ begin
{rewrite [pow_zero, mult_one_right]},
have qpos : q > 0, from pos_of_prime primeq,
have qipos : q^i > 0, from !pow_pos_of_pos qpos,
rewrite [pow_succ, mult_mul primep qipos qpos, ih, mult_eq_zero_of_prime_of_ne primep primeq pneq]
rewrite [pow_succ', mult_mul primep qipos qpos, ih, mult_eq_zero_of_prime_of_ne primep primeq pneq]
theorem mult_prod_pow_of_not_mem {p : } (primep : prime p) {s : finset }

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@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ lemma dvd_of_prime_of_dvd_pow {p m : nat} : ∀ {n}, prime p → p m^n → p
have 1 ≥ 2, by rewrite -this; apply ge_two_of_prime hp,
absurd this dec_trivial
| (succ n) hp hd :=
have p (m^n)*m, by rewrite [pow_succ at hd]; exact hd,
have p (m^n)*m, by rewrite [pow_succ' at hd]; exact hd,
or.elim (dvd_or_dvd_of_prime_of_dvd_mul hp this)
(suppose p m^n, dvd_of_prime_of_dvd_pow hp this)
(suppose p m, this)
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ lemma eq_one_or_dvd_of_dvd_prime_pow {p : nat} : ∀ {m i : nat}, prime p → i
| 0 := take i, assume Pp, begin rewrite [pow_zero], intro Pdvd, apply or.inl (eq_one_of_dvd_one Pdvd) end
| (succ m) := take i, assume Pp, or.elim (coprime_or_dvd_of_prime Pp i)
(λ Pcp, begin
rewrite [pow_succ], intro Pdvd,
rewrite [pow_succ'], intro Pdvd,
apply eq_one_or_dvd_of_dvd_prime_pow Pp,
apply dvd_of_coprime_of_dvd_mul_right,
apply coprime_swap Pcp, exact Pdvd