feat(emacs/lean-option): provide candidates and validation for lean-set-option

This commit is contained in:
Soonho Kong 2014-08-31 17:46:40 -07:00
parent fc2cbbe216
commit 50465a2d06
6 changed files with 200 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ set using the command set_option in a .lean file is supported."
It has the effect of evaluating a command in the end of the current file"
`(EVAL ,lean-cmd))
(defun lean-cmd-options ()
"Display all configuration options available in Lean."
;; Type
;; ====
(defun lean-cmd-type (cmd)
@ -192,6 +196,9 @@ It has the effect of evaluating a command in the end of the current file"
(defun lean-cmd-eval-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Eval command to string"
(format "EVAL\n%s" (lean-cmd-eval-get-lean-cmd cmd)))
(defun lean-cmd-options-to-string (cmd)
"Convert Options command to string"
(format "OPTIONS"))
(defun lean-cmd-to-string (cmd)
"Convert command to string"
@ -204,7 +211,8 @@ It has the effect of evaluating a command in the end of the current file"
('INFO (lean-cmd-info-to-string cmd))
('CHECK (lean-cmd-check-to-string cmd))
('SET (lean-cmd-set-to-string cmd))
('EVAL (lean-cmd-eval-to-string cmd))))
('EVAL (lean-cmd-eval-to-string cmd))
('OPTIONS (lean-cmd-options-to-string cmd))))
;; -- Test
(cl-assert (string= (lean-cmd-to-string (lean-cmd-load "~/work/lean/basic.lean"))

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
(require 'lean-input)
(require 'lean-type)
(require 'lean-tags)
(require 'lean-option)
(require 'lean-syntax)
(defun lean-compile-string (exe-name args file-name)

src/emacs/lean-option.el Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash-functional)
(defun lean-set-parse-string (str)
"Parse the output of eval command."
(let ((str-list (split-string str "\n")))
;; Drop the first line "-- BEGINSET" and
;; the last line "-- ENDSET"
(setq str-list
(-take (- (length str-list) 2)
(-drop 1 str-list)))
(string-join str-list "\n")))
(defun lean-set-option ()
"Set Lean option."
(let* ((key-list (-map 'car lean-global-option-record-alist))
(completing-read "Option name: "
nil t "" nil (car key-list)))
(option (cdr (assoc option-name lean-global-option-record-alist)))
(option-value (lean-option-read option)))
(lean-server-send-cmd (lean-cmd-set option-name option-value))
(while (not lean-global-server-message-to-process)
(accept-process-output (lean-server-get-process) 0 50 t))
(pcase lean-global-server-message-to-process
(`(SET ,pre ,body)
(lean-server-log "The following pre-message will be thrown away:")
(lean-server-log "%s" pre)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil)
(lean-server-log "We have the following response from lean-server")
(message "%s" (lean-set-parse-string body)))
(`(,type ,pre , body)
(lean-server-log "The following pre-message will be thrown away:")
(lean-server-log "%s" pre)
(lean-server-log "Something other than SET detected: %S" type)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil)))))
(defun lean-option-read-bool (prompt)
(completing-read prompt'(("true" 1) ("false" 2)) nil t "" nil "true"))
(defun lean-option-read-int (prompt)
(let* ((str (read-string prompt))
(val (string-to-int str))
(setq tmp-str (int-to-string val))
(if (and (integerp val)
(stringp tmp-str)
(string= tmp-str str))
(error "%s is not an int value" str))))
(defun lean-option-read-uint (prompt)
(let* ((str (read-string prompt))
(val (string-to-int str))
(setq tmp-str (int-to-string val))
(if (and (integerp val)
(>= val 0)
(stringp tmp-str)
(string= tmp-str str))
(error "%s is not an unsigned int value" str))))
(defun lean-option-read-double (prompt)
(let* ((str (read-string prompt))
(val (string-to-number str))
(setq tmp-str (number-to-string val))
(if (and (numberp val)
(>= val 0)
(stringp tmp-str)
(string= tmp-str str))
(string-to-number str)
(error "%s is not a double value" str))))
(defun lean-option-read-string (prompt)
(read-string prompt))
(defun lean-option-read-sexp (prompt)
(let* ((str (read-string prompt))
(sexp (ignore-errors (read str))))
(if (ignore-errors
(string= (prin1-to-string sexp) str))
(error "%s is not a well-formed S-Expression"))))
(defun lean-option-type (option)
(let ((type-str (lean-option-record-type option)))
(cond ((string= "Bool" type-str) 'Bool)
((string= "Int" type-str) 'Int)
((string= "Unsigned Int" type-str) 'UInt)
((string= "Double" type-str) 'Double)
((string= "String" type-str) 'String)
((string= "S-Expressions" type-str) 'SEXP)
(t (error "lean-option-string-to-type: %s is not supported lean-option type."
(defun lean-option-read (option)
(let* ((option-type-str (lean-option-record-type option))
(option-name (lean-option-record-name option))
(option-desc (lean-option-record-desc option))
(prompt (format "%s [%s] : %s = "
(pcase (lean-option-type option)
(`Bool (lean-option-read-bool prompt))
(`Int (lean-option-read-int prompt))
(`UInt (lean-option-read-uint prompt))
(`Double (lean-option-read-double prompt))
(`String (lean-option-read-string prompt))
(`SEXP (lean-option-read-sexp prompt)))))
(cl-defstruct lean-option-record name type default-value desc)
(defun lean-option-parse-string (line)
"Parse a line to lean-option-record"
(let* ((str-list (split-string line "|"))
(option-name (substring-no-properties (cl-first str-list) 3))
(option-type (cl-second str-list))
(option-default-value (cl-third str-list))
(option-desc (cl-fourth str-list)))
(make-lean-option-record :name option-name
:type option-type
:default-value option-default-value
:desc option-desc)))
(defun lean-options-parse-string (str)
"Parse lines of option string into an entry of alist of lean-option-records
(let ((str-list (split-string str "\n"))
;; Drop the first line "-- BEGINOPTIONS" and
;; the last line "-- ENDOPTIONS"
(setq str-list
(-take (- (length str-list) 2)
(-drop 1 str-list)))
(-map (lambda (line)
(let ((option-record (lean-option-parse-string line)))
`(,(lean-option-record-name option-record) . ,option-record)))
(defun lean-get-options ()
"Get Lean option."
(unless lean-global-option-record-alist
(lean-server-send-cmd (lean-cmd-options))
(while (not lean-global-server-message-to-process)
(accept-process-output (lean-server-get-process) 0 50 t))
(pcase lean-global-server-message-to-process
(`(OPTIONS ,pre ,body)
(lean-server-log "The following pre-message will be thrown away:")
(lean-server-log "%s" pre)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil)
(lean-server-log "We have the following response from lean-server")
(setq lean-global-option-record-alist
(lean-options-parse-string body)))
(`(,type ,pre , body)
(lean-server-log "The following pre-message will be thrown away:")
(lean-server-log "%s" pre)
(lean-server-log "Something other than SET detected: %S" type)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil))))
(provide 'lean-option)

View file

@ -46,7 +46,9 @@
(SET ,(rx line-start "-- BEGINSET" line-end)
,(rx line-start (group "-- ENDSET") line-end))
(EVAL ,(rx line-start "-- BEGINEVAL" line-end)
,(rx line-start (group "-- ENDEVAL") line-end))
,(rx line-start (group "-- ENDEVAL") line-end))
(OPTIONS ,(rx line-start "-- BEGINOPTIONS" line-end)
,(rx line-start (group "-- ENDOPTIONS") line-end))
(ERROR ,(rx line-start "-- " (0+ not-newline) line-end)
,(rx line-start (group "-- ERROR" (0+ not-newline)) line-end)))
"Regular expression pattern for lean-server message syntax")
@ -93,6 +95,8 @@
"Handle signals for lean-server-process"
((string-prefix-p "hangup" event)
((string-prefix-p "killed" event)
;; How to create an async process
@ -104,6 +108,7 @@
(setq lean-global-server-current-file-name nil)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil)
(setq lean-global-server-last-time-sent nil)
(setq lean-global-option-record-alist nil)
(when (timerp lean-global-nay-retry-timer)
(cancel-timer lean-global-nay-retry-timer))
(setq lean-global-nay-retry-timer nil))
@ -195,9 +200,10 @@ If it's not the same with file-name (default: buffer-file-name), send VISIT cmd.
('INSERT (lean-server-check-current-file))
('REMOVE (lean-server-check-current-file))
('INFO (lean-flush-changed-lines))
('CHECK ())
('SET ())
('EVAL (lean-server-check-current-file))))
('EVAL (lean-server-check-current-file))
('OPTIONS ())))
(defun lean-server-after-send-cmd (cmd)
"Operations to perform after sending a command."
@ -210,7 +216,8 @@ If it's not the same with file-name (default: buffer-file-name), send VISIT cmd.
('INFO ())
('CHECK ())
('SET ())
('EVAL ())))
('EVAL ())
('OPTIONS ())))
(defun lean-server-send-cmd (cmd)
"Send string to lean-server."

View file

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
(require 'lean-debug)
(require 'flymake)
(defun lean-fill-placeholder ()
"Fill the placeholder with a synthesized expression by Lean."
@ -51,39 +50,6 @@
(when info-string
(message "%s" info-string))))))
;; =======================================================
;; set option
;; =======================================================
(defun lean-set-parse-string (str)
"Parse the output of eval command."
(let ((str-list (split-string str "\n")))
;; Drop the first line "-- BEGINSET" and
;; the last line "-- ENDSET"
(setq str-list
(-take (- (length str-list) 2)
(-drop 1 str-list)))
(string-join str-list "\n")))
(defun lean-set-option (option-name option-value)
"Set Lean option."
(interactive "sOption Name: \nsOption Value: ")
(lean-server-send-cmd (lean-cmd-set option-name option-value))
(while (not lean-global-server-message-to-process)
(accept-process-output (lean-server-get-process) 0 50 t))
(pcase lean-global-server-message-to-process
(`(SET ,pre ,body)
(lean-server-log "The following pre-message will be thrown away:")
(lean-server-log "%s" pre)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil)
(lean-server-log "We have the following response from lean-server")
(message "%s" (lean-set-parse-string body)))
(`(,type ,pre , body)
(lean-server-log "The following pre-message will be thrown away:")
(lean-server-log "%s" pre)
(lean-server-log "Something other than SET detected: %S" type)
(setq lean-global-server-message-to-process nil))))
;; =======================================================
;; eval
;; =======================================================

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@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
"A shared variable contains a received message to process.
A message is in the form of (TYPE PRE BODY)
where TYPE := INFO | SET | EVAL | ERROR,
PRE is a server message comes before the message
BODY is a body of the received message.")
(defvar lean-global-option-record-alist nil
"lean option-record alist")
(defvar lean-global-server-process nil
"lean server process")